

发表于:2025-02-01 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日,小编给大家分享一下Spinnaker生产环境如何安装部署监控,相信大部分人都还不怎么了解,因此分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让我们一起去了解一下吧!1. 架构分析H
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日Spinnaker生产环境如何安装部署监控


1. 架构分析

Halyard + Kubernetes + Redis + MySQL57 + S3

redis: Gate、Orca、Clouddrive、Rosco、Igor、Fiat、Kayenta

S3:Front50 、Kayenta


  • Orca 、Clouddriver 默认安装使用redis存储数据,转换为使用SQL数据库存储。

  • Front50 默认安装使用s3持久化存储,转换为使用SQL数据库存储。

  • 使用k8s外部redis集群。


  • 包含6个节点的redis集群(3主+3从)。

  • MySQL 5.7数据库。

  • 部署Minio用于S3存储。

  • 下载Halyard容器镜像。

  • 下载Spinnaker集群所需的容器镜像(阿里云)。

  • 下载BOM自定义安装所需的文件。

2.1 启动Halyard容器


docker pull registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/spinnaker-cd/halyard:1.32.0 mkdir /root/.hal docker run -itd --name halyard \   -v /root/.hal:/home/spinnaker/.hal \   -v /root/.kube:/home/spinnaker/.kube \   registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/spinnaker-cd/halyard:1.32.0   ## 以root身份进入容器,修改配置文件 docker exec -it -u root halyard bash   ## 修改spinnaker.config.input.gcs.enabled = false 。 vi /opt/halyard/config/halyard.yml   spinnaker:   artifacts:     debian: https://dl.bintray.com/spinnaker-releases/debians     docker: gcr.io/spinnaker-marketplace   config:     input:       gcs:         enabled: false       writerEnabled: false       bucket: halconfig   ## 需要重启容器(如果此命令未重启,则需要退出容器然后 docker restart halyard) hal shutdown   ## 启动  docker start halyard

2.2 下载所需要的镜像

所有的镜像已经通过GitHub Actions自动同步到阿里云镜像仓库。大家直接下载。registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/spinnaker-cd/ 为了方便可以直接运行脚本下载当前版本的所有镜像。


# 上传到服务器(运行halyard容器的节点) scp 1.22.1-Image-Script.zip root@master.zy.com:/root  unzip 1.22.1-Image-Script.zip cd 1.22.1 [root@master 1.22.1]# ls -a .  ..  .boms  GetImages.sh  tagfile.txt  ## .boms需要放到.hal目录下 ## GetImages.sh 镜像下载脚本 ## tagfile.txt 镜像标签  sh -x GetImages.sh   chmod 777 -R .hal/  ## 等待镜像下载完成(这个脚本中做了ssh免密哦)


## tagfile [root@master 1.22.1]# cat tagfile.txt echo:2.14.0-20200817170018 clouddriver:6.11.0-20200818115831 deck:3.3.0-20200818132306 fiat:1.13.0-20200817170018 front50:0.25.1-20200831095512 gate:1.18.1-20200825122721 igor:1.12.0-20200817200018 kayenta:0.17.0-20200817170018 orca:2.16.0-20200817170018 rosco:0.21.1-20200827112228


## script #!/bin/bash  S_REGISTRY="gcr.io/spinnaker-marketplace" T_REGISTRY="registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/spinnaker-cd" NODES="node01.zy.com node02.zy.com"  ## 下载镜像 function GetImages(){     echo -e "\033[43;34m =====GetImg===== \033[0m"      IMAGES=$( cat tagfile.txt)      for image in ${IMAGES}     do         for node in ${NODES}         do            echo  -e "\033[32m ${node} ---> pull ---> ${image} \033[0m"            ssh ${node} "docker pull ${T_REGISTRY}/${image}"            echo  -e "\033[32m ${node} ---> tag ---> ${image} \033[0m"            ssh ${node} "docker tag ${T_REGISTRY}/${image} ${S_REGISTRY}/${image}"         done     done     for node in ${NODES}     do        echo -e "\033[43;34m =====${node}===镜像信息===== \033[0m"        ssh ${node} "docker images | grep 'spinnaker-marketplace' "     done  }  GetImages

2.3 准备bom文件

[root@master 1.22.1]# mv .boms/ ~/.hal/ [root@master 1.22.1]# cd ~/.hal/ [root@master .hal]# cd .boms/ [root@master .boms]# ls bom  clouddriver  deck  echo  fiat  front50  gate  igor  kayenta  orca  rosco [root@master .boms]# tree . ├── bom │   ├── 1.19.4.yml │   └── 1.22.1.yml ├── clouddriver │   ├── 6.11.0-20200818115831 │   │   └── clouddriver.yml │   ├── 6.7.3-20200401190525 │   │   └── clouddriver.yml │   └── clouddriver.yml ├── deck │   ├── 3.0.2-20200324040016 │   │   └── settings.js │   ├── 3.3.0-20200818132306 │   │   └── settings.js │   └── settings.js ├── echo │   ├── 2.11.2-20200401121252 │   │   └── echo.yml │   ├── 2.14.0-20200817170018 │   │   └── echo.yml │   └── echo.yml ├── fiat │   ├── 1.10.1-20200401121252 │   │   └── fiat.yml │   ├── 1.13.0-20200817170018 │   │   └── fiat.yml │   └── fiat.yml ├── front50 │   ├── 0.22.1-20200401121252 │   │   └── front50.yml │   ├── 0.25.1-20200831095512 │   │   └── front50.yml │   └── front50.yml ├── gate │   ├── 1.15.1-20200403040016 │   │   └── gate.yml │   ├── 1.18.1-20200825122721 │   │   └── gate.yml │   └── gate.yml ├── igor │   ├── 1.12.0-20200817200018 │   │   └── igor.yml │   ├── 1.9.2-20200401121252 │   │   └── igor.yml │   └── igor.yml ├── kayenta │   ├── 0.14.0-20200304112817 │   │   └── kayenta.yml │   ├── 0.17.0-20200817170018 │   │   └── kayenta.yml │   └── kayenta.yml ├── orca │   ├── 2.13.2-20200401144746 │   │   └── orca.yml │   ├── 2.16.0-20200817170018 │   │   └── orca.yml │   └── orca.yml └── rosco     ├── 0.18.1-20200401121252     │   ├── images.yml     │   ├── packer     │   │   ├── alicloud.json     │   │   ├── alicloud-multi.json     │   │   ├── aws-chroot.json     │   │   ├── aws-ebs.json     │   │   ├── aws-multi-chroot.json     │   │   ├── aws-multi-ebs.json     │   │   ├── aws-windows-2012-r2.json     │   │   ├── azure-linux.json     │   │   ├── azure-windows-2012-r2.json     │   │   ├── docker.json     │   │   ├── gce.json     │   │   ├── huaweicloud.json     │   │   ├── install_packages.sh     │   │   ├── oci.json     │   │   └── scripts     │   │       ├── aws-windows-2012-configure-ec2service.ps1     │   │       ├── aws-windows.userdata     │   │       ├── windows-configure-chocolatey.ps1     │   │       └── windows-install-packages.ps1     │   └── rosco.yml     ├── 0.21.1-20200827112228     │   ├── images.yml     │   ├── packer     │   │   ├── alicloud.json     │   │   ├── alicloud-multi.json     │   │   ├── aws-chroot.json     │   │   ├── aws-ebs.json     │   │   ├── aws-multi-chroot.json     │   │   ├── aws-multi-ebs.json     │   │   ├── aws-windows-2012-r2.json     │   │   ├── azure-linux.json     │   │   ├── azure-windows-2012-r2.json     │   │   ├── docker.json     │   │   ├── gce.json     │   │   ├── huaweicloud.json     │   │   ├── install_packages.sh     │   │   ├── oci.json     │   │   └── scripts     │   │       ├── aws-windows-2012-configure-ec2service.ps1     │   │       ├── aws-windows.userdata     │   │       ├── windows-configure-chocolatey.ps1     │   │       └── windows-install-packages.ps1     │   ├── README.md     │   └── rosco.yml     ├── images.yml     ├── packer     │   ├── alicloud.json     │   ├── alicloud-multi.json     │   ├── aws-chroot.json     │   ├── aws-ebs.json     │   ├── aws-multi-chroot.json     │   ├── aws-multi-ebs.json     │   ├── aws-windows-2012-r2.json     │   ├── azure-linux.json     │   ├── azure-windows-2012-r2.json     │   ├── docker.json     │   ├── gce.json     │   ├── huaweicloud.json     │   ├── install_packages.sh     │   ├── oci.json     │   └── scripts     │       ├── aws-windows-2012-configure-ec2service.ps1     │       ├── aws-windows.userdata     │       ├── windows-configure-chocolatey.ps1     │       └── windows-install-packages.ps1     ├── README.md     └── rosco.yml  37 directories, 91 files

docker exec -it halyard bash

  • Halyard初始化配置

  • 添加镜像仓库(Harbor)和K8s集群账户

  • 开启特性功能(pipeline-templates、artifacts、managed-pipeline-templates-v2-ui)

  • 配置JenkinsCI集成

  • 配置GitHub/GitLab集成


# 设置Spinnaker版本,--version 指定版本 hal config version edit --version local:1.22.1  # 设置时区 hal config edit --timezone Asia/Shanghai  # 设置存储为s3(后面不用,但是必须配置bug) hal config storage edit --type s3  --no-validate      # 访问方式:设置deck与gate的域名 hal config security ui edit --override-base-url http://spinnaker.idevops.site hal config security api edit --override-base-url http://spin-gate.idevops.site

3.2 添加镜像仓库(harbor)和k8s集群账户

hal config provider docker-registry enable --no-validate hal config provider docker-registry account add my-harbor-registry \     --address \     --username admin \     --password Harbor12345  hal config provider kubernetes enable hal config provider kubernetes account add default \     --docker-registries my-harbor-registry \     --context $(kubectl config current-context) \     --service-account true \     --omit-namespaces=kube-system,kube-public \     --provider-version v2 \     --no-validate      # 部署方式,分布式部署,名称空间。 hal config deploy edit \     --account-name default \     --type distributed \     --location spinnaker

3.3 开启特性功能

## 开启一些主要的功能(后期可以再追加) hal config features edit --pipeline-templates true hal config features edit --artifacts true hal config features edit --managed-pipeline-templates-v2-ui true

3.4 配置JenkinsCI集成

# 配置Jenkins hal config ci jenkins enable ### JenkinsServer 需要用到账号和密码 hal config ci jenkins master add my-jenkins-master-01 \     --address http://jenkins.idevops.site \     --username admin \     --password admin ### 启用csrf hal config ci jenkins master edit my-jenkins-master-01 --csrf true

3.5 配置GitHub/GitLab集成

# GitHub ## 参考:https://spinnaker.io/setup/artifacts/github/ ## 创建token https://github.com/settings/tokens  hal config artifact github enable  hal config artifact github account add my-github-account \     --token 02eb8aa1c2cd67af305d1f606  \     --username zey  # GitLab ## https://spinnaker.io/setup/artifacts/gitlab/ ## 创建一个个人的token(admin) hal config artifact gitlab enable hal config artifact gitlab account add my-gitlab-account \     --token qqHX8T4VTpozbnX

4. 使用外部Redis集群

## service-settings mkdir .hal/default/service-settings/ vi .hal/default/service-settings/redis.yml  overrideBaseUrl: redis:// skipLifeCycleManagement: true   ## profiles ## /root/.hal/default/profiles [root@master profiles]# ls [root@master profiles]# vi gate-local.yml redis:     configuration:          secure:               true

5. 使用SQL数据库
5.1 Clouddriver服务

CREATE DATABASE `clouddriver` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;  GRANT   SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, EXECUTE, SHOW VIEW ON `clouddriver`.* TO 'clouddriver_service'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'clouddriver@spinnaker.com';   GRANT   SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, LOCK TABLES, EXECUTE, SHOW VIEW ON `clouddriver`.* TO 'clouddriver_migrate'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'clouddriver@spinnaker.com';


## /root/.hal/default/profiles bash-5.0$ cat clouddriver-local.yml sql:   enabled: true   # read-only boolean toggles `SELECT` or `DELETE` health checks for all pools.   # Especially relevant for clouddriver-ro and clouddriver-ro-deck which can   # target a SQL read replica in their default pools.   read-only: false   taskRepository:     enabled: true   cache:     enabled: true     # These parameters were determined to be optimal via benchmark comparisons     # in the Netflix production environment with Aurora. Setting these too low     # or high may negatively impact performance. These values may be sub-optimal     # in some environments.     readBatchSize: 500     writeBatchSize: 300   scheduler:     enabled: true    # Enable clouddriver-caching's clean up agent to periodically purge old   # clusters and accounts. Set to true when using the Kubernetes provider.   unknown-agent-cleanup-agent:     enabled: false    connectionPools:     default:       # additional connection pool parameters are available here,       # for more detail and to view defaults, see:       # https://github.com/spinnaker/kork/blob/master/kork-sql/src/main/kotlin/com/netflix/spinnaker/kork/sql/config/ConnectionPoolProperties.kt       default: true       jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://       user: clouddriver_service       password: clouddriver@spinnaker.com     # The following tasks connection pool is optional. At Netflix, clouddriver     # instances pointed to Aurora read replicas have a tasks pool pointed at the     # master. Instances where the default pool is pointed to the master omit a     # separate tasks pool.     tasks:       user: clouddriver_service       jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://       password: clouddriver@spinnaker.com   migration:     user: clouddriver_migrate     jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://     password: clouddriver@spinnaker.com  redis:   enabled: false   cache:     enabled: false   scheduler:     enabled: false   taskRepository:     enabled: false

5.2 Front50服务

CREATE DATABASE `front50` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;  GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, EXECUTE, SHOW VIEW ON `front50`.*  TO 'front50_service'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "front50@spinnaker.com";  GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, LOCK TABLES, EXECUTE, SHOW VIEW ON `front50`.* TO 'front50_migrate'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "front50@spinnaker.com";


## /root/.hal/default/profiles bash-5.0$ cat front50-local.yml spinnaker:   s3:     enabled: false sql:   enabled: true   connectionPools:     default:       # additional connection pool parameters are available here,       # for more detail and to view defaults, see:       # https://github.com/spinnaker/kork/blob/master/kork-sql/src/main/kotlin/com/netflix/spinnaker/kork/sql/config/ConnectionPoolProperties.kt       default: true       jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://       user: front50_service       password: front50@spinnaker.com   migration:     user: front50_migrate     jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://     password: front50@spinnaker.com

5.3 Orca服务

set tx_isolation = 'REPEATABLE-READ';  CREATE SCHEMA `orca` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;  GRANT  SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, EXECUTE, SHOW VIEW ON `orca`.*  TO 'orca_service'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "orca@spinnaker.com" ;  GRANT  SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, LOCK TABLES, EXECUTE, SHOW VIEW  ON `orca`.*  TO 'orca_migrate'@'%'  IDENTIFIED BY "orca@spinnaker.com" ;


## /root/.hal/default/profiles bash-5.0$ cat orca-local.yml sql:   enabled: true   connectionPool:     jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://     user: orca_service     password: orca@spinnaker.com     connectionTimeout: 5000     maxLifetime: 30000     # MariaDB-specific:     maxPoolSize: 50   migration:     jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://     user: orca_migrate     password: orca@spinnaker.com  # Ensure we're only using SQL for accessing execution state executionRepository:   sql:     enabled: true   redis:     enabled: false  # Reporting on active execution metrics will be handled by SQL monitor:   activeExecutions:     redis: false  # Use SQL for Orca's work queue # Settings from Netflix and may require adjustment for your environment # Only validated with AWS Aurora MySQL 5.7 # Please PR if you have success with other databases keiko:   queue:     sql:       enabled: true     redis:       enabled: false  queue:   zombieCheck:     enabled: true   pendingExecutionService:     sql:       enabled: true     redis:       enabled: false


hal deploy apply --no-validate


  1. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

  2. kind: Ingress

  3. metadata:

  4. name: spinnaker-service

  5. annotations:

  6. kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx

  7. spec:

  8. rules:

  9. - host: spinnaker.idevops.site

  10. http:

  11. paths:

  12. - path: /

  13. backend:

  14. serviceName: spin-deck

  15. servicePort: 9000

  16. - host: spin-gate.idevops.site

  17. http:

  18. paths:

  19. - path: /

  20. backend:

  21. serviceName: spin-gate

  22. servicePort: 8084

  23. - host: spin-front50.idevops.site

  24. http:

  25. paths:

  26. - path: /

  27. backend:

  28. serviceName: spin-front50

  29. servicePort: 8080

  30. - host: spin-fiat.idevops.site

  31. http:

  32. paths:

  33. - path: /

  34. backend:

  35. serviceName: spin-fiat

  36. servicePort: 7003

kubectl create -f ingress.yml

7. 其他设置
7.1 认证与授权

# 开启LDAP认证 hal config security authn ldap edit \     --user-search-base 'ou=devops,dc=zy,dc=com' \     --url 'ldap://' \     --user-search-filter 'cn={0}' \     --manager-dn 'cn=admin,dc=zy,dc=com' \     --manager-password '12345678'   hal config security authn ldap enable  ## --user-search-base  用户搜索的部分 ## --url    LDAP服务器 ## --user-search-filter  搜索用户DN时使用的过滤器 ## --manager-dn   LDAP管理器用户 ## --manager-password  LDAP管理器用户的密码  # GitHub ## 首先需要登录GitHub然后创建一个OAuth APP。 ## 参考官方:https://spinnaker.io/setup/security/authentication/oauth/github/  hal config security authn oauth3 edit --provider github \   --client-id 66826xxxxxxxxe0ecdbd7 \   --client-secret d834851134e80a9xxxxxxe371613f05bc26  hal config security authn oauth3 enable





# 使用Yaml文件 ##如下配置设置user1为yunweizu、user2为demo。 users:   - username: devops     roles:     - yunweizu   - username: user2     roles:     - demo      hal config security authz enable  hal config security authz file edit --file-path=$HOME/.hal/userrole.yaml  hal config security authz edit --type file   ## 授权(根据LDAP组进行授权) hal config security authz ldap edit \     --url 'ldap://,dc=com' \     --manager-dn 'cn=admin,dc=zy,dc=com' \     --manager-password '12345678' \     --user-dn-pattern 'cn={0}' \     --group-search-base 'ou=devops' \     --group-search-filter 'uniqueMember={0}' \     --group-role-attributes 'cn' \     --user-search-filter 'cn={0}’            hal config security authz edit --type ldap  hal config security authz enable


## 配置yunweizu和group02角色的用户可以使用default这个集群账户 hal config provider kubernetes account edit default \ --add-read-permission yunweizu,group02  \ --add-write-permission yunweizu    ## 配置yunweizu角色的用户可以使用my-harbor-registry账户 hal config provider docker-registry account edit my-harbor-registry \     --read-permissions yunweizu \     --write-permissions yunweizu


~/.hal/default/profiles/orca-local.yml tasks:    useManagedServiceAccounts: true  ~/.hal/default/profiles/settings-local.js window.spinnakerSettings.feature.managedServiceAccounts = true;


vi ~/.hal/default/profiles/fiat-local.yml  bash-5.0$ cat fiat-local.yml fiat:   admin:     roles:       - devops-admin   ## 指定的组

7.2 邮件通知

[root@master profiles]# cat echo-local.yml mail:   enabled: true   from: 250642@qq.com spring:   mail:     host: smtp.qq.com     username: 25642@qq.com     password: ubxijwaah     protocol: smtp     default-encoding: utf-8     properties:       mail:         display:           sendname: SpinnakerAdmin         smtp:           port: 465           auth: true           starttls:             enable: true             required: true           ssl:             enable: true         transport:           protocol: smtp         debug: true


window.spinnakerSettings.notifications.email.enabled = true;


hal deploy apply --no-validate

7.3 金丝雀分析

hal config canary enable   ##aws s3  minio 创建一个bucket spinnaker-canary,赋予读写权限。 hal config canary aws enable hal config canary aws account add my-canary  \ --bucket spinnaker-canary \ --endpoint http://minio.idevops.site \ --access-key-id AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \ --secret-access-key wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY   hal config canary edit --default-storage-account my-canary hal config canary aws edit --s3-enabled true


  1. ## prometheus

  2. hal config canary prometheus enable

  3. ## 这里做了basic认证,无认证忽略username和password选项。

  4. hal config canary prometheus account add my-prometheus \

  5. --base-url http://prometheus.idevops.site \

  6. --username admin \

  7. --password admin

  8. hal config canary edit --default-metrics-account my-prometheus

  9. hal config canary edit --default-metrics-store prometheus

hal deploy apply --no-validate


7.4 监控Spinnaker

hal config metric-stores prometheus enable hal deploy apply --no-validate  [root@master monitor]# kubectl get pod -n spinnaker NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE spin-clouddriver-7cd94f5b9-cn22r   2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-deck-684854fbd7-cb7wh         1/1     Running   1          4h5m spin-echo-746b45ff98-kcz5m         2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-front50-66b4f9966-l6r4h       2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-gate-6788588dfc-q8cpt         2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-igor-6f6fbbbb75-4b4jd         2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-kayenta-64fddf7db9-j4pqg      2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-orca-d5c488b48-5q8sp          2/2     Running   2          4h5m spin-rosco-5f4bcb754c-9kgl9        2/2     Running   2          4h5m  # 通过describe可以看到POD中存在一个sidecar容器monitoring-daemon kubectl describe pod spin-gate-6788588dfc-q8cpt -n spinnaker

正常运行后通过 podID:8008/prometheus_metrics获取度量数据,需要添加以下服务发现配置。

# prometheus需要添加配置 - job_name: 'spinnaker-services'   kubernetes_sd_configs:   - role: pod   metrics_path: "/prometheus_metrics"   relabel_configs:   - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app]     action: keep     regex: 'spin'   - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name]     action: keep     regex: 'monitoring-daemon'           ## prometheus-operator 按照以下配置,其他方式忽略以下配置。 apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: ServiceMonitor metadata:   name: spinnaker-all-metrics   labels:     app: spin     # this label is here to match the prometheus operator serviceMonitorSelector attribute     # prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelector     # https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/prometheus-operator     release: prometheus-operator spec:   selector:     matchLabels:       app: spin     namespaceSelector:       any: true   endpoints:   # "port" is string only. "targetPort" is integer or string.   - targetPort: 8008     interval: 10s     path: "/prometheus_metrics"



