

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,这篇文章主要介绍"怎么实现一个高效的启发式算法",在日常操作中,相信很多人在怎么实现一个高效的启发式算法问题上存在疑惑,小编查阅了各式资料,整理出简单好用的操作方法,希望对大家解答"怎么实现一个高效的
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日怎么实现一个高效的启发式算法


1 时间窗的计算


时间窗为什么难呢,因为节点的先后顺序是时间窗密切相关,并且前面的节点会影响到后面的节点。在经典的VRPTW中,规定了车辆早到必须等待,不允许晚到(如果晚到,该解不可行)。对于任意一个客户 ,其时间窗为 ,假如车辆到达该节点的时间点为 ,那么该节点的开始服务时间 为:

因为早到必须等待,因此需要取两者中最大的。客户 的服务时间为 ,那么车辆离开客户 的时间点为

大家看, 是不是决定了车辆到达下一个客户的时间点呢?假如 之后的一个客户是 ,车辆行驶边所需要的时间为 ,则车辆到达客户 的时间点为:


2 邻居解快速更新

我就拿之前的图过来了,关于路径cost的计算我就不再多讲了,这里讲讲时间窗的更新,因为在VRPTW的问题中,目标值一般是路径cost和时间窗违背的总和。假如解 的时间窗违背总量为 ,显然当 时, 为可行解。那么如何计算 呢?

发生变化的路径为 ,要评估邻居解 的时间窗,当然了看过上一期的小伙伴肯定不会整个解再重新计算一遍。可以单独把新的 拎出来,然后计算路径的,再用解的减去路径的即可。

由于时间窗层层关联的这种特性,对于快速计算 还是有一定的难度,这种难度尤其是提现在编码的实现上,因为要维护大量的中间变量,因此大部分同学的选择就是将两条路径重新计算,省时省力。毕竟有时候选择比努力重要得多。


首先我们来看移除一个客户的情景, 移除了客户11和客户17之间的一个客户之后形成的 如下:


答案是不一定需要。只需要更新后面有可能发生改变的节点即可。那么对于节点 而言,在原先的路径中,车辆到达该节点的时间点为 ,如果 ,其中 为节点 的开始时间窗。那么在新的路径中,该节点以及该节点以后的节点都不需要进行更新了。


再来看看插入一个客户 的场景:

客户19之前的肯定不用管了。更新需要从该客户起,更新车辆到达客户19的时间,然后是客户2,一直到末尾。这里也和上面的一样,有一个临界条件的,达到该条件后就可以跳出更新。对于节点 而言,在新的(注意和上面的区别)的路径中,车辆到达该节点的时间点为 ,如果 ,其中 为节点 的开始时间窗。那么在新的路径中,该节点以及该节点以后的节点都不需要进行更新了。


3 编程实现



* This function simulate the insertion of the customer in the given route on the given position.
* Computes the new cost and return it.
* It is an optimized version of the evaluate route. Calculates only for the customers affected
* by the insertion. Starts from the given position and could finish before reaching the end of
* the list if there is no modification in the arrive time at the customers.
* Does not alter the route or the customer
* @param route
* @param customer
* @param position
* @return
private Cost evaluateInsertRoute(Route route, Customer customer, int position) {
Cost varCost = new Cost(route.getCost());
double arriveCustomer = 0;
double arriveNextCustomer = 0;
double waitingTimeCustomer = 0;
double waitingTimeNextCustomer = 0;
double twViolCustomer = 0;
double twViolNextCustomer = 0;

// if route is empty insert: depot - customer - depot
if(route.isEmpty()) {
// arrive time at the customer
arriveCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber());
// waiting time for the customer if any
waitingTimeCustomer = Math.max(0, customer.getStartTw() - arriveCustomer);
// time window violation of the customer if any
twViolCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveCustomer - customer.getEndTw());
// arrive time at the depot
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customer.getStartTw(), arriveCustomer)
+ customer.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
// time window violation of the depot if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime = instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
// variation of the capacity
varCost.load = customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime = customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime = waitingTimeCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol = twViolCustomer + twViolNextCustomer;

// insertion at the end of the list: customer before - customer - depot
if(position == route.getCustomersLength()){
Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
arriveCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
+ customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber());
// waiting time for the customer if any
waitingTimeCustomer = Math.max(0, customer.getStartTw() - arriveCustomer);
// time window violation of the customer if any
twViolCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveCustomer - customer.getEndTw());
// arrive time at the depot
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customer.getStartTw(), arriveCustomer)
+ customer.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
// time window violation of the depot if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
// variation of the capacity
varCost.load += customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime += customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += waitingTimeCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - varCost.depotTwViol + twViolCustomer + twViolNextCustomer;
}else {
double variation = 0;
Customer customerAfter = route.getCustomer(position);
// insertion on the first position: depot - customer - customer after
if(position == 0){
// time before arrive at the customer
arriveCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());

// insertion in the middle of the list: customer before - customer - customer after
}else {
Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
// time before arrive at the customer
arriveCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
+ customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
} // end if else beginning or middle

// this code runs when inserting at the beginning or in the middle
// waiting time for the customer if any
waitingTimeCustomer = Math.max(0, customer.getStartTw() - arriveCustomer);
// time window violation of the customer if any
twViolCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveCustomer - customer.getEndTw());
// before arrive time at the customer after
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customer.getStartTw(), arriveCustomer)
+ customer.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
// waiting time for the customer after if any
waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
// time window violation of the customer after if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());

// variation of the capacity
varCost.load += customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime += customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolCustomer + twViolNextCustomer;

// variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;

// if there is a variation update the nodes after too
int i = position + 1;
while (variation != 0 && i < route.getCustomersLength()){
customerAfter = route.getCustomer(i);
// arrive at the customer after
arriveNextCustomer = customerAfter.getArriveTime() + variation;
waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

// variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;

}// end while

if(i == route.getCustomersLength() && variation != 0 ){
// update the return to the depot
arriveNextCustomer = varCost.returnToDepotTime + variation;
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - varCost.depotTwViol + twViolNextCustomer;

}// end if return to depot

} // end if else of position cases
} // end if else route is empty

varCost.waitingTime = Math.abs(varCost.waitingTime) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.waitingTime;
varCost.twViol = Math.abs(varCost.twViol) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.twViol;

varCost.setLoadViol(Math.max(0, varCost.load - route.getLoadAdmited()));
varCost.setDurationViol(Math.max(0, varCost.getDuration() - route.getDurationAdmited()));

return varCost;
} // end method evaluate insert route

* This function simulate the deletion of a customer in the given route on the given position.
* Computes the new cost and return it.
* It is an optimized version of the evaluate route. Calculates only for the customers affected
* by the deletion. Starts from the given position and could finish before reaching the end of
* the list if there is no modification in the arrive time at the customers.
* Does not alter the route.
* @param route
* @param position
* @return
private Cost evaluateDeleteRoute(Route route, Customer customer, int position) {
Cost varCost = new Cost(route.getCost());
double arriveNextCustomer = 0;
double waitingTimeNextCustomer = 0;
double twViolNextCustomer = 0;

// if route has only the customer that will be deleted
if(route.getCustomersLength() - 1 == 0) {

// case when customer is the last one: customer before - depot
if(position == route.getCustomersLength() - 1){
Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
//arrive time at the depot
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
+ customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
// time window violation of the depot if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
- instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());

// variation of the capacity
varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime -= customer.getWaitingTime();
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

double variation = 0;
Customer customerAfter = route.getCustomer(position + 1);
// delete on the first position
if(position == 0){
// time before arrive at customer after
arriveNextCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
- instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());

// insertion in the middle of the list
Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
// time before arrive at customer after
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
+ customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
- instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
} // end if else beginning or middle
// this code runs when inserting at the beginning or in the middle

// waiting time for the customer after if any
waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
// time window violation of the customer after if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());

// variation of the capacity
varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += - customer.getWaitingTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

// variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
// variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;

// if there is a variation update the nodes after too
// the node after the customer is already updated
int i = position + 2;
while (variation != 0 && i < route.getCustomersLength()){
customerAfter = route.getCustomer(i);
// arrive at the customer after
arriveNextCustomer = customerAfter.getArriveTime() + variation;
waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += -customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += -customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

// variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
// variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;

}// end while

// update depot violation too if any
if(i == route.getCustomersLength() && variation != 0 ){
// update the return to the depot
arriveNextCustomer = route.getReturnToDepotTime() + variation;
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

}// end if return to depot

} // end if else of position cases
} // end if else route is empty

// route.removeCustomer(position);
// be careful about precision; if there are subtraction
varCost.waitingTime = Math.abs(varCost.waitingTime) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.waitingTime;
varCost.twViol = Math.abs(varCost.twViol) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.twViol;

varCost.setLoadViol(Math.max(0, varCost.load - route.getLoadAdmited()));
varCost.setDurationViol(Math.max(0, varCost.getDuration() - route.getDurationAdmited()));

return varCost;
} // end method evaluate delete route


* This function simulate the deletion of a customer in the given route on the given position.
* Computes the new cost and return it.
* It is an optimized version of the evaluate route. Calculates only for the customers affected
* by the deletion. Starts from the given position and could finish before reaching the end of
* the list if there is no modification in the arrive time at the customers.
* Does not alter the route.
* @param route
* @param position
* @return
private Cost evaluateDeleteRoute(Route route, Customer customer, int position) {
Cost varCost = new Cost(route.getCost());
double arriveNextCustomer = 0;
double waitingTimeNextCustomer = 0;
double twViolNextCustomer = 0;

// if route has only the customer that will be deleted
if(route.getCustomersLength() - 1 == 0) {

// case when customer is the last one: customer before - depot
if(position == route.getCustomersLength() - 1){
Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
//arrive time at the depot
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
+ customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
// time window violation of the depot if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
- instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());

// variation of the capacity
varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime -= customer.getWaitingTime();
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

double variation = 0;
Customer customerAfter = route.getCustomer(position + 1);
// delete on the first position
if(position == 0){
// time before arrive at customer after
arriveNextCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
- instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());

// insertion in the middle of the list
Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
// time before arrive at customer after
arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
+ customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
//variation of the travel time
varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
- instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
+ instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
} // end if else beginning or middle
// this code runs when inserting at the beginning or in the middle

// waiting time for the customer after if any
waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
// time window violation of the customer after if any
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());

// variation of the capacity
varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
// route service time
varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += - customer.getWaitingTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

// variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
// variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;

// if there is a variation update the nodes after too
// the node after the customer is already updated
int i = position + 2;
while (variation != 0 && i < route.getCustomersLength()){
customerAfter = route.getCustomer(i);
// arrive at the customer after
arriveNextCustomer = customerAfter.getArriveTime() + variation;
waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
//variation of the waiting time
varCost.waitingTime += -customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += -customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

// variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
// variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;

}// end while

// update depot violation too if any
if(i == route.getCustomersLength() && variation != 0 ){
// update the return to the depot
arriveNextCustomer = route.getReturnToDepotTime() + variation;
twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
// variation of the time windows violation
varCost.twViol += - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;

}// end if return to depot

} // end if else of position cases
} // end if else route is empty

// route.removeCustomer(position);
// be careful about precision; if there are subtraction
varCost.waitingTime = Math.abs(varCost.waitingTime) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.waitingTime;
varCost.twViol = Math.abs(varCost.twViol) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.twViol;

varCost.setLoadViol(Math.max(0, varCost.load - route.getLoadAdmited()));
varCost.setDurationViol(Math.max(0, varCost.getDuration() - route.getDurationAdmited()));

return varCost;
} // end method evaluate delete route
