

发表于:2025-01-17 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月17日,这篇文章主要介绍ASP.NET中RadioButtonList绑定后台数据后触发点击事件怎么用,文中介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们一定要看完!首先前台页面放置一个RadioBut
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月17日ASP.NET中RadioButtonList绑定后台数据后触发点击事件怎么用


首先前台页面放置一个RadioButtonList 控件


.cs文件 后台绑定数据

namespace BTApp{ public partial class Technology : System.Web.UI.Page {  string Id;  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  {   if (!IsPostBack)   {    AspNetPager1.PageSize = 10;    if (Request.QueryString["Id"] != null)    {     Id = Request.QueryString["Id"];    }    else    { Id = ""; }    GetDataBind(Id);    DropDownListDataBind();   }  }  //RadioButtonList绑定后台数据  private void DropDownListDataBind()  {   ExpertInfoBLL bll = new ExpertInfoBLL();   DataTable dt = bll.GetDepInfo();   foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)   {    RadioButtonList1.Items.Add(dr["Name"].ToString());//循环读出数据库的数据       }   this.RadioButtonList1.DataSource = dt;   this.RadioButtonList1.DataTextField = "Name";   this.RadioButtonList1.DataValueField = "Id";   this.RadioButtonList1.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;   this.RadioButtonList1.DataBind();    }  private void GetDataBind(string Id)  {   //这里写解码和数据库返回结果   TechnologyBLL bll = new TechnologyBLL();   string strWhere = " 1=1 ";   if (Id != "" && Id != null)   {    strWhere += string.Format(" and a.Depinfo_Id = '{0}'", Id);   }   AspNetPager1.RecordCount = bll.GetCountList(strWhere);   //绑定数据    DataTable dt = bll.GetList((AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize, AspNetPager1.PageSize, strWhere, "CreateTime");   this.Repeater1.DataSource = dt;   this.Repeater1.DataBind();  }  protected void AspNetPager1_PageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)  {   GetDataBind(Id);  }//根据选择单选按钮的不同id,触发事件  protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)  {    string Id;    Id = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue;    GetDataBind(Id);  }   }}

TechnologyBLL 层的方法

namespace BTAppBLL{ public class TechnologyBLL {  TechnologyDAL dal = new TechnologyDAL();  public DataTable GetList(int startPage, int pageSize, string where, string orderby)  {   DataTable dTable = dal.GetList(startPage, pageSize, where, orderby);   return dTable;  }  public int GetCountList(string where)  {   int record = dal.GetCountList(where);   return record;  }  public DataTable GetListShow(string TechnologyId)  {   DataTable dTable = dal.GetModel(TechnologyId);   return dTable;  }  public DataTable GetPicture(string TechnologyId)  {   DataTable dTable = dal.GetPicture(TechnologyId);   return dTable;  } }}


namespace BTAppDAL{ public class TechnologyDAL {  public DataTable GetList(int startPage, int pageSize, string where, string orderby)  {   string strSql = string.Format("SELECT a.TechnologyId,a.TechnologyName,a.Summarize,a.Effect,a.MainPoint,a.AppropriateArea,a.Attention,a.CreateTime,a.CreatUser,a.UpdateTime,b.Name FROM Technology AS a \n" +    "left join Sys_DepInfo AS b ON a.Depinfo_Id=b.Id \n" +    "where a.IsActive='1' and {0} ", where);   string proc = "proc_CommonPagerWithStatement";   SqlConnection con = SqlDbHelper.Connection;   SqlParameter[] sp = { new SqlParameter("@intStartIndex", startPage),          new SqlParameter("@intPageSize", pageSize),         new SqlParameter("@varStatement", strSql),          new SqlParameter("@varSortExpression", orderby+" DESC") };   DataTable dt = SqlDbHelper.GetDataSet(proc, sp, con);   return dt;  }  public int GetCountList(string where)  {   int countRecord = 0;   string strSql = string.Format("select COUNT(TechnologyId) as countRecord from(SELECT a.TechnologyId,a.TechnologyName,a.Summarize,a.Effect,a.MainPoint,a.AppropriateArea,a.Attention,a.CreateTime,a.CreatUser,a.UpdateTime,b.Name FROM Technology AS a \n" +    "left join Sys_DepInfo AS b ON a.Depinfo_Id=b.Id \n" +    "where a.IsActive='1' and {0} ) as c", where);   SqlConnection con = SqlDbHelper.Connection;   try   {    if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)     con.Open();    DataTable dt = SqlDbHelper.GetDataTable(strSql);    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)     countRecord = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["countRecord"].ToString());   }   catch (Exception)   {    throw;   }   finally   {    if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open)    {     con.Close();    }   }   return countRecord;  }  public DataTable GetModel(string TechnologyId)  {   string strSql = string.Format("SELECT a.TechnologyId,a.TechnologyName,a.Summarize,a.Effect,a.MainPoint,a.AppropriateArea,a.Attention,a.CreateTime,a.CreatUser,a.UpdateTime,b.Name FROM Technology AS a \n" +    "left join Sys_DepInfo AS b ON a.Depinfo_Id=b.Id \n" +    "where a.IsActive='1' and a.TechnologyId = '{0}' ", TechnologyId);   DataTable dataTable = SqlDbHelper.GetDataTable(strSql);   return dataTable;  }  public DataTable GetPicture(string TechnologyId)  {   string strSql = string.Format("SELECT TOP 5 a.Files_Id,a.Files_Name,a.Files_Path FROM dbo.Com_Files AS a \n" +    "LEFT JOIN dbo.Technology AS b ON a.ForeignKey_Id=b.TechnologyId \n" +    "WHERE b.IsActive=1 and a.ForeignKey_Id = '{0}' ", TechnologyId);   DataTable dataTable = SqlDbHelper.GetDataTable(strSql);   return dataTable;  } }}

ExpertInfoBLL 层的方法

 public DataTable GetDepInfo()  {   DataTable dTable = dal.GetDepInfo();   return dTable;  }


 public DataTable GetDepInfo()  {   try   {    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(@"SELECT Id,Name FROM dbo.Sys_DepInfo WHERE Is_Active='1' AND DepinfoType='1'");    DataTable data = SqlDbHelper.GetDataTable(str.ToString());    if (data.Rows.Count > 0)    {     return data;    }    else    {     return null;    }   }   catch (Exception)   {    return null;   }  }


 protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)  {    string Id;    Id = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue;    GetDataBind(Id);  }

