

发表于:2025-02-12 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月12日,这篇文章主要讲解了"PostgreSQL中ExecModifyTable函数的实现逻辑是什么",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"Postgr
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月12日PostgreSQL中ExecModifyTable函数的实现逻辑是什么




//分区表相关的数据结构,再续解读分区表处理时再行更新 /*-----------------------  * PartitionTupleRouting - Encapsulates all information required to execute  * tuple-routing between partitions.  *  * partition_dispatch_info      Array of PartitionDispatch objects with one  *                              entry for every partitioned table in the  *                              partition tree.  * num_dispatch                 number of partitioned tables in the partition  *                              tree (= length of partition_dispatch_info[])  * partition_oids               Array of leaf partitions OIDs with one entry  *                              for every leaf partition in the partition tree,  *                              initialized in full by  *                              ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting.  * partitions                   Array of ResultRelInfo* objects with one entry  *                              for every leaf partition in the partition tree,  *                              initialized lazily by ExecInitPartitionInfo.  * num_partitions               Number of leaf partitions in the partition tree  *                              (= 'partitions_oid'/'partitions' array length)  * parent_child_tupconv_maps    Array of TupleConversionMap objects with one  *                              entry for every leaf partition (required to  *                              convert tuple from the root table's rowtype to  *                              a leaf partition's rowtype after tuple routing  *                              is done)  * child_parent_tupconv_maps    Array of TupleConversionMap objects with one  *                              entry for every leaf partition (required to  *                              convert an updated tuple from the leaf  *                              partition's rowtype to the root table's rowtype  *                              so that tuple routing can be done)  * child_parent_map_not_required  Array of bool. True value means that a map is  *                              determined to be not required for the given  *                              partition. False means either we haven't yet  *                              checked if a map is required, or it was  *                              determined to be required.  * subplan_partition_offsets    Integer array ordered by UPDATE subplans. Each  *                              element of this array has the index into the  *                              corresponding partition in partitions array.  * num_subplan_partition_offsets  Length of 'subplan_partition_offsets' array  * partition_tuple_slot         TupleTableSlot to be used to manipulate any  *                              given leaf partition's rowtype after that  *                              partition is chosen for insertion by  *                              tuple-routing.  * root_tuple_slot              TupleTableSlot to be used to transiently hold  *                              copy of a tuple that's being moved across  *                              partitions in the root partitioned table's  *                              rowtype  *-----------------------  */ typedef struct PartitionTupleRouting {     PartitionDispatch *partition_dispatch_info;     int         num_dispatch;     Oid        *partition_oids;     ResultRelInfo **partitions;     int         num_partitions;     TupleConversionMap **parent_child_tupconv_maps;     TupleConversionMap **child_parent_tupconv_maps;     bool       *child_parent_map_not_required;     int        *subplan_partition_offsets;     int         num_subplan_partition_offsets;     TupleTableSlot *partition_tuple_slot;     TupleTableSlot *root_tuple_slot; } PartitionTupleRouting;


//命令类型,DDL命令都归到CMD_UTILITY里面了 /*  * CmdType -  *    enums for type of operation represented by a Query or PlannedStmt  *  * This is needed in both parsenodes.h and plannodes.h, so put it here...  */ typedef enum CmdType {     CMD_UNKNOWN,     CMD_SELECT,                 /* select stmt */     CMD_UPDATE,                 /* update stmt */     CMD_INSERT,                 /* insert stmt */     CMD_DELETE,     CMD_UTILITY,                /* cmds like create, destroy, copy, vacuum,                                  * etc. */     CMD_NOTHING                 /* dummy command for instead nothing rules                                  * with qual */ } CmdType;


 //运行期需要的Attribute成为junk attribute,实际的Tuple需要使用JunkFilter过滤这些属性 /* ----------------  *    JunkFilter  *  *    This class is used to store information regarding junk attributes.  *    A junk attribute is an attribute in a tuple that is needed only for  *    storing intermediate information in the executor, and does not belong  *    in emitted tuples.  For example, when we do an UPDATE query,  *    the planner adds a "junk" entry to the targetlist so that the tuples  *    returned to ExecutePlan() contain an extra attribute: the ctid of  *    the tuple to be updated.  This is needed to do the update, but we  *    don't want the ctid to be part of the stored new tuple!  So, we  *    apply a "junk filter" to remove the junk attributes and form the  *    real output tuple.  The junkfilter code also provides routines to  *    extract the values of the junk attribute(s) from the input tuple.  *  *    targetList:       the original target list (including junk attributes).  *    cleanTupType:     the tuple descriptor for the "clean" tuple (with  *                      junk attributes removed).  *    cleanMap:         A map with the correspondence between the non-junk  *                      attribute numbers of the "original" tuple and the  *                      attribute numbers of the "clean" tuple.  *    resultSlot:       tuple slot used to hold cleaned tuple.  *    junkAttNo:        not used by junkfilter code.  Can be used by caller  *                      to remember the attno of a specific junk attribute  *                      (nodeModifyTable.c keeps the "ctid" or "wholerow"  *                      attno here).  * ----------------  */ typedef struct JunkFilter {     NodeTag     type;     List       *jf_targetList;     TupleDesc   jf_cleanTupType;     AttrNumber *jf_cleanMap;     TupleTableSlot *jf_resultSlot;     AttrNumber  jf_junkAttNo; } JunkFilter;


//实际类型为unsigned long int    ,无符号长整型整数 /*  * A Datum contains either a value of a pass-by-value type or a pointer to a  * value of a pass-by-reference type.  Therefore, we require:  *  * sizeof(Datum) == sizeof(void *) == 4 or 8  *  * The macros below and the analogous macros for other types should be used to  * convert between a Datum and the appropriate C type.  */  typedef uintptr_t Datum;uintptr_t   unsigned integer type capable of holding a pointer,defined in header  typedef unsigned long int   uintptr_t;


/ * The CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() macro is called at strategically located spots  * where it is normally safe to accept a cancel or die interrupt.  In some  * cases, we invoke CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() inside low-level subroutines that  * might sometimes be called in contexts that do *not* want to allow a cancel  * or die interrupt.  The HOLD_INTERRUPTS() and RESUME_INTERRUPTS() macros  * allow code to ensure that no cancel or die interrupt will be accepted,  * even if CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() gets called in a subroutine.  The interrupt  * will be held off until CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() is done outside any  * HOLD_INTERRUPTS() ... RESUME_INTERRUPTS() section.  */#define CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() \ do { \     if (InterruptPending) \         ProcessInterrupts(); \ } while(0)


//触发语句级的触发器 /*  * Process BEFORE EACH STATEMENT triggers  */ static void fireBSTriggers(ModifyTableState *node) {     ModifyTable *plan = (ModifyTable *) node->ps.plan;     ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo;      /*      * If the node modifies a partitioned table, we must fire its triggers.      * Note that in that case, node->resultRelInfo points to the first leaf      * partition, not the root table.      */     if (node->rootResultRelInfo != NULL)         resultRelInfo = node->rootResultRelInfo;      switch (node->operation)     {         case CMD_INSERT:             ExecBSInsertTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo);             if (plan->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)                 ExecBSUpdateTriggers(node->ps.state,                                      resultRelInfo);             break;         case CMD_UPDATE:             ExecBSUpdateTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo);             break;         case CMD_DELETE:             ExecBSDeleteTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo);             break;         default:             elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");             break;     } }


 /* Reset an EState's per-output-tuple exprcontext, if one's been created */ #define ResetPerTupleExprContext(estate) \     do { \         if ((estate)->es_per_tuple_exprcontext) \             ResetExprContext((estate)->es_per_tuple_exprcontext); \     } while (0)




//判断TupleTableSlot 是否为Null(包括Empty) /*  * TupIsNull -- is a TupleTableSlot empty?  */ #define TupIsNull(slot) \     ((slot) == NULL || (slot)->tts_isempty)


//TODO /*  * EvalPlanQualSetPlan -- set or change subplan of an EPQState.  *  * We need this so that ModifyTable can deal with multiple subplans.  */ void EvalPlanQualSetPlan(EPQState *epqstate, Plan *subplan, List *auxrowmarks) {     /* If we have a live EPQ query, shut it down */     EvalPlanQualEnd(epqstate);     /* And set/change the plan pointer */     epqstate->plan = subplan;     /* The rowmarks depend on the plan, too */     epqstate->arowMarks = auxrowmarks; }


//分区表使用,后续再行解析//TODO /*  * For a given subplan index, get the tuple conversion map.  */ static TupleConversionMap * tupconv_map_for_subplan(ModifyTableState *mtstate, int whichplan) {     /*      * If a partition-index tuple conversion map array is allocated, we need      * to first get the index into the partition array. Exactly *one* of the      * two arrays is allocated. This is because if there is a partition array      * required, we don't require subplan-indexed array since we can translate      * subplan index into partition index. And, we create a subplan-indexed      * array *only* if partition-indexed array is not required.      */     if (mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps == NULL)     {         int         leaf_index;         PartitionTupleRouting *proute = mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing;          /*          * If subplan-indexed array is NULL, things should have been arranged          * to convert the subplan index to partition index.          */         Assert(proute && proute->subplan_partition_offsets != NULL &&                whichplan < proute->num_subplan_partition_offsets);          leaf_index = proute->subplan_partition_offsets[whichplan];          return TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, getTargetResultRelInfo(mtstate),                                  leaf_index);     }     else     {         Assert(whichplan >= 0 && whichplan < mtstate->mt_nplans);         return mtstate->mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps[whichplan];     } }


//返回结果Tuple//更详细的解读有待执行查询语句时的分析解读 /*  * ExecProcessReturning --- evaluate a RETURNING list  *  * resultRelInfo: current result rel  * tupleSlot: slot holding tuple actually inserted/updated/deleted  * planSlot: slot holding tuple returned by top subplan node  *  * Note: If tupleSlot is NULL, the FDW should have already provided econtext's  * scan tuple.  *  * Returns a slot holding the result tuple  */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecProcessReturning(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,                      TupleTableSlot *tupleSlot,                      TupleTableSlot *planSlot) {     ProjectionInfo *projectReturning = resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning;     ExprContext *econtext = projectReturning->pi_exprContext;      /*      * Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation      * storage allocated in the previous cycle.      */     ResetExprContext(econtext);      /* Make tuple and any needed join variables available to ExecProject */     if (tupleSlot)         econtext->ecxt_scantuple = tupleSlot;     else     {         HeapTuple   tuple;          /*          * RETURNING expressions might reference the tableoid column, so          * initialize t_tableOid before evaluating them.          */         Assert(!TupIsNull(econtext->ecxt_scantuple));         tuple = ExecMaterializeSlot(econtext->ecxt_scantuple);         tuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);     }     econtext->ecxt_outertuple = planSlot;      /* Compute the RETURNING expressions */     return ExecProject(projectReturning); } /* ----------------  *      ProjectionInfo node information  *  *      This is all the information needed to perform projections ---  *      that is, form new tuples by evaluation of targetlist expressions.  *      Nodes which need to do projections create one of these.  *  *      The target tuple slot is kept in ProjectionInfo->pi_state.resultslot.  *      ExecProject() evaluates the tlist, forms a tuple, and stores it  *      in the given slot.  Note that the result will be a "virtual" tuple  *      unless ExecMaterializeSlot() is then called to force it to be  *      converted to a physical tuple.  The slot must have a tupledesc  *      that matches the output of the tlist!  * ----------------  */ typedef struct ProjectionInfo {     NodeTag     type;     /* instructions to evaluate projection */     ExprState   pi_state;     /* expression context in which to evaluate expression */     ExprContext *pi_exprContext; } ProjectionInfo;  /* ----------------  *    ExprContext  *  *      This class holds the "current context" information  *      needed to evaluate expressions for doing tuple qualifications  *      and tuple projections.  For example, if an expression refers  *      to an attribute in the current inner tuple then we need to know  *      what the current inner tuple is and so we look at the expression  *      context.  *  *  There are two memory contexts associated with an ExprContext:  *  * ecxt_per_query_memory is a query-lifespan context, typically the same  *    context the ExprContext node itself is allocated in.  This context  *    can be used for purposes such as storing function call cache info.  *  * ecxt_per_tuple_memory is a short-term context for expression results.  *    As the name suggests, it will typically be reset once per tuple,  *    before we begin to evaluate expressions for that tuple.  Each  *    ExprContext normally has its very own per-tuple memory context.  *  *  CurrentMemoryContext should be set to ecxt_per_tuple_memory before  *  calling ExecEvalExpr() --- see ExecEvalExprSwitchContext().  * ----------------  */ typedef struct ExprContext {     NodeTag     type;      /* Tuples that Var nodes in expression may refer to */ #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_SCANTUPLE 1     TupleTableSlot *ecxt_scantuple; #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_INNERTUPLE 2     TupleTableSlot *ecxt_innertuple; #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_OUTERTUPLE 3     TupleTableSlot *ecxt_outertuple;      /* Memory contexts for expression evaluation --- see notes above */     MemoryContext ecxt_per_query_memory;     MemoryContext ecxt_per_tuple_memory;      /* Values to substitute for Param nodes in expression */     ParamExecData *ecxt_param_exec_vals;    /* for PARAM_EXEC params */     ParamListInfo ecxt_param_list_info; /* for other param types */      /*      * Values to substitute for Aggref nodes in the expressions of an Agg      * node, or for WindowFunc nodes within a WindowAgg node.      */ #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_AGGVALUES 8     Datum      *ecxt_aggvalues; /* precomputed values for aggs/windowfuncs */ #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_AGGNULLS 9     bool       *ecxt_aggnulls;  /* null flags for aggs/windowfuncs */      /* Value to substitute for CaseTestExpr nodes in expression */ #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_CASEDATUM 10     Datum       caseValue_datum; #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_CASENULL 11     bool        caseValue_isNull;      /* Value to substitute for CoerceToDomainValue nodes in expression */ #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_DOMAINDATUM 12     Datum       domainValue_datum; #define FIELDNO_EXPRCONTEXT_DOMAINNULL 13     bool        domainValue_isNull;      /* Link to containing EState (NULL if a standalone ExprContext) */     struct EState *ecxt_estate;      /* Functions to call back when ExprContext is shut down or rescanned */     ExprContext_CB *ecxt_callbacks; } ExprContext; /*  * ExecProject  *  * Projects a tuple based on projection info and stores it in the slot passed  * to ExecBuildProjectInfo().  *  * Note: the result is always a virtual tuple; therefore it may reference  * the contents of the exprContext's scan tuples and/or temporary results  * constructed in the exprContext.  If the caller wishes the result to be  * valid longer than that data will be valid, he must call ExecMaterializeSlot  * on the result slot.  */ #ifndef FRONTEND static inline TupleTableSlot * ExecProject(ProjectionInfo *projInfo) {     ExprContext *econtext = projInfo->pi_exprContext;     ExprState  *state = &projInfo->pi_state;     TupleTableSlot *slot = state->resultslot;     bool        isnull;      /*      * Clear any former contents of the result slot.  This makes it safe for      * us to use the slot's Datum/isnull arrays as workspace.      */     ExecClearTuple(slot);      /* Run the expression, discarding scalar result from the last column. */     (void) ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(state, econtext, &isnull);      /*      * Successfully formed a result row.  Mark the result slot as containing a      * valid virtual tuple (inlined version of ExecStoreVirtualTuple()).      */     slot->tts_isempty = false;     slot->tts_nvalid = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;      return slot; } #endif


 #define EvalPlanQualSetSlot(epqstate, slot)  ((epqstate)->origslot = (slot))


//获取Junk中的某个属性值/*  * ExecGetJunkAttribute  *  * Given a junk filter's input tuple (slot) and a junk attribute's number  * previously found by ExecFindJunkAttribute, extract & return the value and  * isNull flag of the attribute.  */ Datum ExecGetJunkAttribute(TupleTableSlot *slot, AttrNumber attno,                      bool *isNull) {     Assert(attno > 0);      return slot_getattr(slot, attno, isNull); }


// 将无符号长整型转换为指针然后进行传递 /*  * DatumGetPointer  *      Returns pointer value of a datum.  */  #define DatumGetPointer(X) ((Pointer) (X))


//判断属性(号)是否合法 /* ----------------  *      support macros  * ----------------  */ /*  * AttributeNumberIsValid  *      True iff the attribute number is valid.  */ #define AttributeNumberIsValid(attributeNumber) \     ((bool) ((attributeNumber) != InvalidAttrNumber))


 #define DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(X)  ((HeapTupleHeader) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))


 #define HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(tup) \     VARSIZE(tup)


//块号&块内偏移设置为Invalid /*  * ItemPointerSetInvalid  *      Sets a disk item pointer to be invalid.  */ #define ItemPointerSetInvalid(pointer) \ ( \     AssertMacro(PointerIsValid(pointer)), \     BlockIdSet(&((pointer)->ip_blkid), InvalidBlockNumber), \     (pointer)->ip_posid = InvalidOffsetNumber \ )


//去掉所有的Junk属性/*  * ExecFilterJunk  *  * Construct and return a slot with all the junk attributes removed.  */ TupleTableSlot * ExecFilterJunk(JunkFilter *junkfilter, TupleTableSlot *slot) {     TupleTableSlot *resultSlot;     AttrNumber *cleanMap;     TupleDesc   cleanTupType;     int         cleanLength;     int         i;     Datum      *values;     bool       *isnull;     Datum      *old_values;     bool       *old_isnull;      /*      * Extract all the values of the old tuple.      */     slot_getallattrs(slot);     old_values = slot->tts_values;     old_isnull = slot->tts_isnull;      /*      * get info from the junk filter      */     cleanTupType = junkfilter->jf_cleanTupType;     cleanLength = cleanTupType->natts;     cleanMap = junkfilter->jf_cleanMap;     resultSlot = junkfilter->jf_resultSlot;      /*      * Prepare to build a virtual result tuple.      */     ExecClearTuple(resultSlot);     values = resultSlot->tts_values;     isnull = resultSlot->tts_isnull;      /*      * Transpose data into proper fields of the new tuple.      */     for (i = 0; i < cleanLength; i++)     {         int         j = cleanMap[i];          if (j == 0)         {             values[i] = (Datum) 0;             isnull[i] = true;         }         else         {             values[i] = old_values[j - 1];             isnull[i] = old_isnull[j - 1];         }     }      /*      * And return the virtual tuple.      */     return ExecStoreVirtualTuple(resultSlot); }


//分区表使用,后续再行解析 /*  * ExecPrepareTupleRouting --- prepare for routing one tuple  *  * Determine the partition in which the tuple in slot is to be inserted,  * and modify mtstate and estate to prepare for it.  *  * Caller must revert the estate changes after executing the insertion!  * In mtstate, transition capture changes may also need to be reverted.  *  * Returns a slot holding the tuple of the partition rowtype.  */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecPrepareTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,                         EState *estate,                         PartitionTupleRouting *proute,                         ResultRelInfo *targetRelInfo,                         TupleTableSlot *slot) {     ModifyTable *node;     int         partidx;     ResultRelInfo *partrel;     HeapTuple   tuple;      /*      * Determine the target partition.  If ExecFindPartition does not find a      * partition after all, it doesn't return here; otherwise, the returned      * value is to be used as an index into the arrays for the ResultRelInfo      * and TupleConversionMap for the partition.      */     partidx = ExecFindPartition(targetRelInfo,                                 proute->partition_dispatch_info,                                 slot,                                 estate);     Assert(partidx >= 0 && partidx < proute->num_partitions);      /*      * Get the ResultRelInfo corresponding to the selected partition; if not      * yet there, initialize it.      */     partrel = proute->partitions[partidx];     if (partrel == NULL)         partrel = ExecInitPartitionInfo(mtstate, targetRelInfo,                                         proute, estate,                                         partidx);      /*      * Check whether the partition is routable if we didn't yet      *      * Note: an UPDATE of a partition key invokes an INSERT that moves the      * tuple to a new partition.  This check would be applied to a subplan      * partition of such an UPDATE that is chosen as the partition to route      * the tuple to.  The reason we do this check here rather than in      * ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting is to avoid aborting such an UPDATE      * unnecessarily due to non-routable subplan partitions that may not be      * chosen for update tuple movement after all.      */     if (!partrel->ri_PartitionReadyForRouting)     {         /* Verify the partition is a valid target for INSERT. */         CheckValidResultRel(partrel, CMD_INSERT);          /* Set up information needed for routing tuples to the partition. */         ExecInitRoutingInfo(mtstate, estate, proute, partrel, partidx);     }      /*      * Make it look like we are inserting into the partition.      */     estate->es_result_relation_info = partrel;      /* Get the heap tuple out of the given slot. */     tuple = ExecMaterializeSlot(slot);      /*      * If we're capturing transition tuples, we might need to convert from the      * partition rowtype to parent rowtype.      */     if (mtstate->mt_transition_capture != NULL)     {         if (partrel->ri_TrigDesc &&             partrel->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row)         {             /*              * If there are any BEFORE triggers on the partition, we'll have              * to be ready to convert their result back to tuplestore format.              */             mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = NULL;             mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =                 TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, targetRelInfo, partidx);         }         else         {             /*              * Otherwise, just remember the original unconverted tuple, to              * avoid a needless round trip conversion.              */             mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_original_insert_tuple = tuple;             mtstate->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map = NULL;         }     }     if (mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)     {         mtstate->mt_oc_transition_capture->tcs_map =             TupConvMapForLeaf(proute, targetRelInfo, partidx);     }      /*      * Convert the tuple, if necessary.      */     ConvertPartitionTupleSlot(proute->parent_child_tupconv_maps[partidx],                               tuple,                               proute->partition_tuple_slot,                               &slot,                               true);      /* Initialize information needed to handle ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE. */     Assert(mtstate != NULL);     node = (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan;     if (node->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)     {         Assert(mtstate->mt_existing != NULL);         ExecSetSlotDescriptor(mtstate->mt_existing,                               RelationGetDescr(partrel->ri_RelationDesc));         Assert(mtstate->mt_conflproj != NULL);         ExecSetSlotDescriptor(mtstate->mt_conflproj,                               partrel->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjTupdesc);     }      return slot; }






//触发执行语句后的触发器(语句级) /*  * Process AFTER EACH STATEMENT triggers  */ static void fireASTriggers(ModifyTableState *node) {     ModifyTable *plan = (ModifyTable *) node->ps.plan;     ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo = getTargetResultRelInfo(node);      switch (node->operation)     {         case CMD_INSERT:             if (plan->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)                 ExecASUpdateTriggers(node->ps.state,                                      resultRelInfo,                                      node->mt_oc_transition_capture);             ExecASInsertTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo,                                  node->mt_transition_capture);             break;         case CMD_UPDATE:             ExecASUpdateTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo,                                  node->mt_transition_capture);             break;         case CMD_DELETE:             ExecASDeleteTriggers(node->ps.state, resultRelInfo,                                  node->mt_transition_capture);             break;         default:             elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");             break;     } }


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *     ExecModifyTable * *      Perform table modifications as required, and return RETURNING results *      if needed. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- *//*输入:    pstate-SQL语句执行计划的State(各种状态信息)输出:    TupleTableSlot指针,存储执行后Tuple的Slot指针*/static TupleTableSlot *ExecModifyTable(PlanState *pstate){    ModifyTableState *node = castNode(ModifyTableState, pstate);//强制类型转换为ModifyTableState类型    PartitionTupleRouting *proute = node->mt_partition_tuple_routing;//分区表执行    EState     *estate = node->ps.state;//执行器Executor状态    CmdType     operation = node->operation;//命令类型    ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo;//结果RelationInfo    ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;//同上    PlanState  *subplanstate;//子执行计划状态    JunkFilter *junkfilter;//无用属性过滤器    TupleTableSlot *slot;//Tuple存储的Slot指针    TupleTableSlot *planSlot;//Plan存储的Slot指针    ItemPointer tupleid;//Tuple行指针    ItemPointerData tuple_ctid;//Tuple行指针数据(Block号、偏移等)    HeapTupleData oldtupdata;//原Tuple数据    HeapTuple   oldtuple;//原Tuple数据指针    CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();//检查中断信号    /*     * This should NOT get called during EvalPlanQual; we should have passed a     * subplan tree to EvalPlanQual, instead.  Use a runtime test not just     * Assert because this condition is easy to miss in testing.  (Note:     * although ModifyTable should not get executed within an EvalPlanQual     * operation, we do have to allow it to be initialized and shut down in     * case it is within a CTE subplan.  Hence this test must be here, not in     * ExecInitModifyTable.)     */    if (estate->es_epqTuple != NULL)        elog(ERROR, "ModifyTable should not be called during EvalPlanQual");    /*     * If we've already completed processing, don't try to do more.  We need     * this test because ExecPostprocessPlan might call us an extra time, and     * our subplan's nodes aren't necessarily robust against being called     * extra times.     */    //已经完成,返回NULL    if (node->mt_done)        return NULL;    /*     * On first call, fire BEFORE STATEMENT triggers before proceeding.     */    //语句级触发器触发    if (node->fireBSTriggers)    {        fireBSTriggers(node);        node->fireBSTriggers = false;    }    /* Preload local variables */    //预先构造本地变量    resultRelInfo = node->resultRelInfo + node->mt_whichplan;//设置正在操作的Relation,mt_whichplan是偏移    subplanstate = node->mt_plans[node->mt_whichplan];//执行计划的State    junkfilter = resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter;//额外(无价值)的信息过滤器    /*     * es_result_relation_info must point to the currently active result     * relation while we are within this ModifyTable node.  Even though     * ModifyTable nodes can't be nested statically, they can be nested     * dynamically (since our subplan could include a reference to a modifying     * CTE).  So we have to save and restore the caller's value.     */    //切换当前活跃的Relation    saved_resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;    estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;    /*     * Fetch rows from subplan(s), and execute the required table modification     * for each row.     */    for (;;)    {        /*         * Reset the per-output-tuple exprcontext.  This is needed because         * triggers expect to use that context as workspace.  It's a bit ugly         * to do this below the top level of the plan, however.  We might need         * to rethink this later.         */        ResetPerTupleExprContext(estate);//设置上下文        planSlot = ExecProcNode(subplanstate);//获取子Plan的Slot(插入数据操作返回值应为NULL)        if (TupIsNull(planSlot))//没有执行计划(执行计划已全部完成)        {            /* advance to next subplan if any */            node->mt_whichplan++;//移至下一个执行Plan            if (node->mt_whichplan < node->mt_nplans)            {                resultRelInfo++;//切换至相应的Relation,如果是插入操作,只有一个                subplanstate = node->mt_plans[node->mt_whichplan];//切换至相应的子Plan状态                junkfilter = resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter;//切换至相应的junkfilter                estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;//切换                EvalPlanQualSetPlan(&node->mt_epqstate, subplanstate->plan,                                    node->mt_arowmarks[node->mt_whichplan]);//设置子Plan                /* Prepare to convert transition tuples from this child. */                if (node->mt_transition_capture != NULL)                {                    node->mt_transition_capture->tcs_map =                        tupconv_map_for_subplan(node, node->mt_whichplan);//插入数据暂不使用                }                if (node->mt_oc_transition_capture != NULL)                {                    node->mt_oc_transition_capture->tcs_map =                        tupconv_map_for_subplan(node, node->mt_whichplan);//插入数据暂不使用                }                continue;            }            else                break;//所有的Plan均已执行,跳出循环        }        //存在子Plan        /*         * If resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify is true, all we need to do         * here is compute the RETURNING expressions.         */        if (resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify)        {            Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning);            /*             * A scan slot containing the data that was actually inserted,             * updated or deleted has already been made available to             * ExecProcessReturning by IterateDirectModify, so no need to             * provide it here.             */            slot = ExecProcessReturning(resultRelInfo, NULL, planSlot);//FDW,直接返回            estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;            return slot;        }        EvalPlanQualSetSlot(&node->mt_epqstate, planSlot);//设置相应的Slot(子Plan Slot)        slot = planSlot;        tupleid = NULL;//Tuple ID        oldtuple = NULL;//原Tuple        if (junkfilter != NULL)//去掉废弃的属性        {            /*             * extract the 'ctid' or 'wholerow' junk attribute.             */            if (operation == CMD_UPDATE || operation == CMD_DELETE)//更新或者删除操作            {                char        relkind;                Datum       datum;                bool        isNull;                relkind = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind;                if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION || relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW)                {                    datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(slot,                                                 junkfilter->jf_junkAttNo,                                                 &isNull);                    /* shouldn't ever get a null result... */                    if (isNull)                        elog(ERROR, "ctid is NULL");                    tupleid = (ItemPointer) DatumGetPointer(datum);                    tuple_ctid = *tupleid;  /* be sure we don't free ctid!! */                    tupleid = &tuple_ctid;                }                /*                 * Use the wholerow attribute, when available, to reconstruct                 * the old relation tuple.                 *                 * Foreign table updates have a wholerow attribute when the                 * relation has a row-level trigger.  Note that the wholerow                 * attribute does not carry system columns.  Foreign table                 * triggers miss seeing those, except that we know enough here                 * to set t_tableOid.  Quite separately from this, the FDW may                 * fetch its own junk attrs to identify the row.                 *                 * Other relevant relkinds, currently limited to views, always                 * have a wholerow attribute.                 */                else if (AttributeNumberIsValid(junkfilter->jf_junkAttNo))                {                    datum = ExecGetJunkAttribute(slot,                                                 junkfilter->jf_junkAttNo,                                                 &isNull);                    /* shouldn't ever get a null result... */                    if (isNull)                        elog(ERROR, "wholerow is NULL");                    oldtupdata.t_data = DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(datum);                    oldtupdata.t_len =                        HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(oldtupdata.t_data);                    ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(oldtupdata.t_self));                    /* Historically, view triggers see invalid t_tableOid. */                    oldtupdata.t_tableOid =                        (relkind == RELKIND_VIEW) ? InvalidOid :                        RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);                    oldtuple = &oldtupdata;                }                else                    Assert(relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE);            }            /*             * apply the junkfilter if needed.             */            if (operation != CMD_DELETE)                slot = ExecFilterJunk(junkfilter, slot);//去掉废弃的属性        }        switch (operation)//根据操作类型,执行相应的操作        {            case CMD_INSERT://插入                /* Prepare for tuple routing if needed. */                if (proute)                    slot = ExecPrepareTupleRouting(node, estate, proute,                                                   resultRelInfo, slot);//准备相应的Tuple Slot                slot = ExecInsert(node, slot, planSlot,                                  estate, node->canSetTag);//执行插入                /* Revert ExecPrepareTupleRouting's state change. */                if (proute)                    estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;                break;            case CMD_UPDATE:                slot = ExecUpdate(node, tupleid, oldtuple, slot, planSlot,                                  &node->mt_epqstate, estate, node->canSetTag);                break;            case CMD_DELETE:                slot = ExecDelete(node, tupleid, oldtuple, planSlot,                                  &node->mt_epqstate, estate,                                  NULL, true, node->canSetTag,                                  false /* changingPart */ );                break;            default:                elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");                break;        }        /*         * If we got a RETURNING result, return it to caller.  We'll continue         * the work on next call.         */        if (slot)        {            estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;            return slot;        }    }    /* Restore es_result_relation_info before exiting */    estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;    /*     * We're done, but fire AFTER STATEMENT triggers before exiting.     */    fireASTriggers(node);    node->mt_done = true;    //Insert语句,返回NULL    return NULL;}



alter table t_insert alter column c1 type varchar(40);alter table t_insert alter column c2 type varchar(40);alter table t_insert alter column c3 type varchar(40);testdb=# select pg_backend_pid(); pg_backend_pid ----------------           1570(1 row)testdb=# insert into t_insert values(13,'ExecModifyTable','ExecModifyTable','ExecModifyTable');(挂起)


[root@localhost ~]# gdb -p 1570GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-100.el7Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc....(gdb) b ExecModifyTableBreakpoint 1 at 0x6c2498: file nodeModifyTable.c, line 1915.(gdb) cContinuing.Breakpoint 1, ExecModifyTable (pstate=0x2cde640) at nodeModifyTable.c:19151915        ModifyTableState *node = castNode(ModifyTableState, pstate);#查看参数(gdb) p *pstate#PlanState$1 = {type = T_ModifyTableState, plan = 0x2ce66c8, state = 0x2cde2f0, ExecProcNode = 0x6c2485 , ExecProcNodeReal = 0x6c2485 , instrument = 0x0,   worker_instrument = 0x0, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, subPlan = 0x0, chgParam = 0x0, ps_ResultTupleSlot = 0x2cdf3f0, ps_ExprContext = 0x0, ps_ProjInfo = 0x0,   scandesc = 0x0}#执行计划Plan(gdb) p *(pstate->plan)$2 = {type = T_ModifyTable, startup_cost = 0, total_cost = 0.01, plan_rows = 1, plan_width = 298, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = false, plan_node_id = 0, targetlist = 0x0, qual = 0x0,   lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}#执行计划对应的执行环境(State)(gdb) p *(pstate->state)$3 = {type = T_EState, es_direction = ForwardScanDirection, es_snapshot = 0x2ccac80, es_crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, es_range_table = 0x2ce6970, es_plannedstmt = 0x2ce6a40,   es_sourceText = 0x2c1bef0 "insert into t_insert values(13,'ExecModifyTable','ExecModifyTable','ExecModifyTable');", es_junkFilter = 0x0, es_output_cid = 0, es_result_relations = 0x2cde530,   es_num_result_relations = 1, es_result_relation_info = 0x0, es_root_result_relations = 0x0, es_num_root_result_relations = 0, es_tuple_routing_result_relations = 0x0, es_trig_target_relations = 0x0,   es_trig_tuple_slot = 0x2cdf4a0, es_trig_oldtup_slot = 0x0, es_trig_newtup_slot = 0x0, es_param_list_info = 0x0, es_param_exec_vals = 0x2cde500, es_queryEnv = 0x0, es_query_cxt = 0x2cde1e0,   es_tupleTable = 0x2cdeef0, es_rowMarks = 0x0, es_processed = 0, es_lastoid = 0, es_top_eflags = 0, es_instrument = 0, es_finished = false, es_exprcontexts = 0x2cde8a0, es_subplanstates = 0x0,   es_auxmodifytables = 0x0, es_per_tuple_exprcontext = 0x0, es_epqTuple = 0x0, es_epqTupleSet = 0x0, es_epqScanDone = 0x0, es_use_parallel_mode = false, es_query_dsa = 0x0, es_jit_flags = 0,   es_jit = 0x0}#结果Tuple Slot(gdb) p *(pstate->ps_ResultTupleSlot)$6 = {type = T_TupleTableSlot, tts_isempty = true, tts_shouldFree = false, tts_shouldFreeMin = false, tts_slow = false, tts_tuple = 0x0, tts_tupleDescriptor = 0x2cdf3c0, tts_mcxt = 0x2cde1e0,   tts_buffer = 0, tts_nvalid = 0, tts_values = 0x2cdf450, tts_isnull = 0x2cdf450, tts_mintuple = 0x0, tts_minhdr = {t_len = 0, t_self = {ip_blkid = {bi_hi = 0, bi_lo = 0}, ip_posid = 0},     t_tableOid = 0, t_data = 0x0}, tts_off = 0, tts_fixedTupleDescriptor = true}#继续执行#proute应为NULL(gdb) p proute$7 = (PartitionTupleRouting *) 0x0#插入操作(gdb) p operation$9 = CMD_INSERT#查看本地变量(gdb) p resultRelInfo$11 = (ResultRelInfo *) 0x2cde530(gdb) p *resultRelInfo$12 = {type = T_ResultRelInfo, ri_RangeTableIndex = 1, ri_RelationDesc = 0x7f3c13f56150, ri_NumIndices = 1, ri_IndexRelationDescs = 0x2cde8d0, ri_IndexRelationInfo = 0x2cde8e8, ri_TrigDesc = 0x0,   ri_TrigFunctions = 0x0, ri_TrigWhenExprs = 0x0, ri_TrigInstrument = 0x0, ri_FdwRoutine = 0x0, ri_FdwState = 0x0, ri_usesFdwDirectModify = false, ri_WithCheckOptions = 0x0,   ri_WithCheckOptionExprs = 0x0, ri_ConstraintExprs = 0x0, ri_junkFilter = 0x0, ri_returningList = 0x0, ri_projectReturning = 0x0, ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes = 0x0, ri_onConflict = 0x0,   ri_PartitionCheck = 0x0, ri_PartitionCheckExpr = 0x0, ri_PartitionRoot = 0x0, ri_PartitionReadyForRouting = false}(gdb) p subplanstate$13 = (PlanState *) 0x2cdea10(gdb) p *subplanstate$14 = {type = T_ResultState, plan = 0x2cd21f8, state = 0x2cde2f0, ExecProcNode = 0x69a78b , ExecProcNodeReal = 0x6c5094 , instrument = 0x0, worker_instrument = 0x0,   qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, subPlan = 0x0, chgParam = 0x0, ps_ResultTupleSlot = 0x2cdedc0, ps_ExprContext = 0x2cdeb20, ps_ProjInfo = 0x2cdef20, scandesc = 0x0}(gdb) p *(subplanstate->plan)$15 = {type = T_Result, startup_cost = 0, total_cost = 0.01, plan_rows = 1, plan_width = 298, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = false, plan_node_id = 1, targetlist = 0x2cd22f8, qual = 0x0,   lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}(gdb) p junkfilter$18 = (JunkFilter *) 0x830(gdb) p *junkfilterCannot access memory at address 0x830gdb) next1974        saved_resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;(gdb) 1976        estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;(gdb) 1990            ResetPerTupleExprContext(estate);(gdb) 1992            planSlot = ExecProcNode(subplanstate);(gdb) p *planSlot$19 = {type = T_Invalid, tts_isempty = false, tts_shouldFree = false, tts_shouldFreeMin = false, tts_slow = false, tts_tuple = 0x3000000000064, tts_tupleDescriptor = 0x2c1dcb8, tts_mcxt = 0x2c,   tts_buffer = 0, tts_nvalid = 0, tts_values = 0x0, tts_isnull = 0x0, tts_mintuple = 0x0, tts_minhdr = {t_len = 512, t_self = {ip_blkid = {bi_hi = 0, bi_lo = 0}, ip_posid = 57824}, t_tableOid = 0,     t_data = 0x3c}, tts_off = 47081160, tts_fixedTupleDescriptor = false}(gdb) next1994            if (TupIsNull(planSlot))(gdb) p *planSlot$20 = {type = T_TupleTableSlot, tts_isempty = false, tts_shouldFree = false, tts_shouldFreeMin = false, tts_slow = false, tts_tuple = 0x0, tts_tupleDescriptor = 0x2cdebb0, tts_mcxt = 0x2cde1e0,   tts_buffer = 0, tts_nvalid = 4, tts_values = 0x2cdee20, tts_isnull = 0x2cdee40, tts_mintuple = 0x0, tts_minhdr = {t_len = 0, t_self = {ip_blkid = {bi_hi = 0, bi_lo = 0}, ip_posid = 0},     t_tableOid = 0, t_data = 0x0}, tts_off = 0, tts_fixedTupleDescriptor = true}(gdb) next2027            if (resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify)(gdb) 2043            EvalPlanQualSetSlot(&node->mt_epqstate, planSlot);(gdb) 2044            slot = planSlot;(gdb) 2046            tupleid = NULL;(gdb) 2047            oldtuple = NULL;(gdb) 2048            if (junkfilter != NULL)(gdb) 2119            switch (operation)(gdb) p junkfilter$21 = (JunkFilter *) 0x0(gdb) next2123                    if (proute)(gdb) 2127                                      estate, node->canSetTag);(gdb) 2126                    slot = ExecInsert(node, slot, planSlot,(gdb) 2129                    if (proute)(gdb) p *slotCannot access memory at address 0x0(gdb) next2151            if (slot)(gdb) 2156        }#进入第2轮循环(gdb) 1990            ResetPerTupleExprContext(estate);(gdb) 1992            planSlot = ExecProcNode(subplanstate);(gdb) p *planSlot$22 = {type = T_TupleTableSlot, tts_isempty = false, tts_shouldFree = true, tts_shouldFreeMin = false, tts_slow = false, tts_tuple = 0x2cdf550, tts_tupleDescriptor = 0x2cdebb0, tts_mcxt = 0x2cde1e0,   tts_buffer = 0, tts_nvalid = 1, tts_values = 0x2cdee20, tts_isnull = 0x2cdee40, tts_mintuple = 0x0, tts_minhdr = {t_len = 0, t_self = {ip_blkid = {bi_hi = 0, bi_lo = 0}, ip_posid = 0},     t_tableOid = 0, t_data = 0x0}, tts_off = 4, tts_fixedTupleDescriptor = true}(gdb) next1994            if (TupIsNull(planSlot))(gdb) 1997                node->mt_whichplan++;(gdb) next1998                if (node->mt_whichplan < node->mt_nplans)(gdb) p *node$23 = {ps = {type = T_ModifyTableState, plan = 0x2ce66c8, state = 0x2cde2f0, ExecProcNode = 0x6c2485 , ExecProcNodeReal = 0x6c2485 , instrument = 0x0,     worker_instrument = 0x0, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, subPlan = 0x0, chgParam = 0x0, ps_ResultTupleSlot = 0x2cdf3f0, ps_ExprContext = 0x0, ps_ProjInfo = 0x0,     scandesc = 0x0}, operation = CMD_INSERT, canSetTag = true, mt_done = false, mt_plans = 0x2cde850, mt_nplans = 1, mt_whichplan = 1, resultRelInfo = 0x2cde530, rootResultRelInfo = 0x0,   mt_arowmarks = 0x2cde868, mt_epqstate = {estate = 0x0, planstate = 0x0, origslot = 0x2cdedc0, plan = 0x2cd21f8, arowMarks = 0x0, epqParam = 0}, fireBSTriggers = false, mt_existing = 0x0,   mt_excludedtlist = 0x0, mt_conflproj = 0x0, mt_partition_tuple_routing = 0x0, mt_transition_capture = 0x0, mt_oc_transition_capture = 0x0, mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps = 0x0}//执行完毕,跳出循环(gdb) next2020                    break;(gdb) p *slotCannot access memory at address 0x0(gdb) next2159        estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;(gdb) p saved_resultRelInfo$24 = (ResultRelInfo *) 0x0(gdb) next2164        fireASTriggers(node);(gdb) next2166        node->mt_done = true;(gdb) #执行成功,返回NULL(Insert语句)2168        return NULL;


函数 数据 指针 语句 属性 类型 分区表 切换 逻辑 状态 信息 命令 数据结构 结构 结果 触发器 偏移 存储 学习 循环 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 欧卡2如何进入不限速的服务器 剑灵韩服数据库 衡水科技产业互联网是什么 长沙开福区app软件开发 福建省内最大的服务器云主机 软件开发公司做生意好不好 寄递业务四大数据库指的什么 软件开发经济效益预测 x79服务器电脑主板 扫黑除恶校园网络安全黑板报 网络安全班会纪律 无人售货柜 软件开发 科技互联网物联网大数据 渭南软件开发价格表 用友数据库msdb在哪儿 aix 服务器状态 统一管理 软件开发是否属于高新 郑州网络安全科技馆春节 绿茶网络安全海报 天津web服务器租用虚拟主机 联通网络技术研究院唐雄燕 异常邮件无法连接到邮件服务器 科技部关于网络安全培训工作 公安网络安全教育文档 电脑软件开发如何做 北京对日外包软件开发公司 网络安全宣传的小视频可下载 西城区深信服数据库安全审计 诚兑互联网科技有限公司 十九大网络安全三个风险