
Shiro架构和Hello World的示例分析

发表于:2025-02-02 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日,今天就跟大家聊聊有关Shiro架构和Hello World的示例分析,可能很多人都不太了解,为了让大家更加了解,小编给大家总结了以下内容,希望大家根据这篇文章可以有所收获。Shiro 一个Apache
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日Shiro架构和Hello World的示例分析

今天就跟大家聊聊有关Shiro架构和Hello World的示例分析,可能很多人都不太了解,为了让大家更加了解,小编给大家总结了以下内容,希望大家根据这篇文章可以有所收获。

Shiro 一个Apache 权限处理框架,现在更流行于security,能够指定用户的具体操作哪一个按钮,搭配接口,通过注解实现。







Subject 当前用户

Security 管理subject

Realm 相当于RealmDao

Hello World






public class Quickstart {

private static final transient Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Quickstart.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// The easiest way to create a Shiro SecurityManager with configured // realms, users, roles and permissions is to use the simple INI config. // We'll do that by using a factory that can ingest a .ini file and // return a SecurityManager instance:
// Use the shiro.ini file at the root of the classpath // (file: and url: prefixes load from files and urls respectively): Factory factory = new IniSecurityManagerFactory("classpath:shiro.ini"); SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance();
// for this simple example quickstart, make the SecurityManager // accessible as a JVM singleton. Most applications wouldn't do this // and instead rely on their container configuration or web.xml for // webapps. That is outside the scope of this simple quickstart, so // we'll just do the bare minimum so you can continue to get a feel // for things. SecurityUtils.setSecurityManager(securityManager);
// Now that a simple Shiro environment is set up, let's see what you can do:
// get the currently executing user:
//获取当前的subject SecurityUtils.getSubject() Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
// Do some stuff with a Session (no need for a web or EJB container!!!) //获取session Session session = currentUser.getSession(); //放入属性 session.setAttribute("someKey", "aValue"); //验证是否取到
String value = (String) session.getAttribute("someKey"); if (value.equals("aValue")) { log.info("Retrieved the correct value! -*******[" + value + "]"); }
// let's login the current user so we can check against roles and permissions: //测试是否被认证 if (!currentUser.isAuthenticated()) { //用户名密码封装 UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken("lonestarr", "vespa"); //记住我 token.setRememberMe(true); try { //执行登录 currentUser.login(token); //如果没有指定的用户 } catch (UnknownAccountException uae) { log.info("There is no user with username of " + token.getPrincipal()); //密码错误 } catch (IncorrectCredentialsException ice) { log.info("Password for account " + token.getPrincipal() + " was incorrect!"); //用户被锁定 } catch (LockedAccountException lae) { log.info("The account for username " + token.getPrincipal() + " is locked. " + "Please contact your administrator to unlock it."); } // ... catch more exceptions here (maybe custom ones specific to your application? //总的认证异常处理 catch (AuthenticationException ae) { //unexpected condition? error? } }
//say who they are: //print their identifying principal (in this case, a username): log.info("User [" + currentUser.getPrincipal() + "] logged in successfully.");
//test a role: //测试是否有某一个角色 if (currentUser.hasRole("schwartz")) { log.info("May the Schwartz be with you!"); } else { log.info("Hello, mere mortal."); }
//test a typed permission (not instance-level) //测试用户是否有一个行为 weild //isPermitted The 'schwartz' role can do anything (*) with any lightsaber: if (currentUser.isPermitted("lightsaber:weild")) { log.info("You may use a lightsaber ring. Use it wisely."); } else { log.info("Sorry, lightsaber rings are for schwartz masters only."); }
//a (very powerful) Instance Level permission: //goodguy = winnebago:drive:eagle5 更具体的行为 if (currentUser.isPermitted("winnebago:drive:eagle5")) { log.info("You are permitted to 'drive' the winnebago with license plate (id) 'eagle5'. " + "Here are the keys - have fun!"); } else { log.info("Sorry, you aren't allowed to drive the 'eagle5' winnebago!"); }
//all done - log out! currentUser.logout();
System.exit(0); }}


@RequiresPermissions("risk:thirdInterface:view")  @GetMapping()  public String thirdInterface(ModelMap map, ThirdInterface thirdInterface) {
List thirdInterfaceList = thirdInterfaceService.selectThirdInterfaceList(thirdInterface); map.put("list", thirdInterfaceList);
return prefix + "/thirdInterface"; }


var editFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:user:edit')}]];var removeFlag = [[${@permission.hasPermi('system:user:remove')}]];
formatter: function(value, row, index) { var actions = []; actions.push('编辑 '); actions.push('删除 '); actions.push('重置'); return actions.join(''); }


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