

发表于:2025-02-02 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日,本篇文章为大家展示了HDFS中reportWrittenBlock函数的作用是什么,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。/*** The client
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日HDFS中reportWrittenBlock函数的作用是什么



* The client can report in a set written blocks that it wrote.

* These blocks are reported via the client instead of the datanode

* to prevent weird heartbeat race conditions.


public void reportWrittenBlock(LocatedBlock lb) throws IOException {

Block b = lb.getBlock();//获取完成的这个Block信息

DatanodeInfo targets[] = lb.getLocations();//获取节点信息

for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {

namesystem.blockReceived(b, targets[i].getName());//对于每个DataNode来说,都要调用一次此函数



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那么,接下来就是理解 namesystem.blockReceived(b, targets[i].getName());了。


* The given node is reporting that it received a certain block.


public synchronized void blockReceived(Block block, UTF8 name) {

DatanodeInfo node = (DatanodeInfo) datanodeMap.get(name);//获取对应的datanode

if (node == null) {//为空可不行

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected exception. Got blockReceived message from node " + name + ", but there is no info for " + name);



// Modify the blocks->datanode map


addStoredBlock(block, node);//下面两行是来执行block和node的一个映射。


// Supplement node's blockreport




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addStoredBlock(block, node);的执行过程如下:

synchronized void addStoredBlock(Block block, DatanodeInfo node) {

TreeSet containingNodes = (TreeSet) blocksMap.get(block);//获取当前block已经存在的datanode信息

if (containingNodes == null) {//这里保证肯定存在datanode集合,不保证一定有节点在内

containingNodes = new TreeSet();

blocksMap.put(block, containingNodes);


if (! containingNodes.contains(node)) {//根据需要决定是否加入此datanode信息


} else {

LOG.info("Redundant addStoredBlock request received for block " + block + " on node " + node);



synchronized (neededReplications) {//锁定neededReplications

if (dir.isValidBlock(block)) {//不懂这一句

if (containingNodes.size() >= this.desiredReplication) {//如果已经超过最大备份个数



} else if (containingNodes.size() < this.desiredReplication) {

if (! neededReplications.contains(block)) {





// Find how many of the containing nodes are "extra", if any.

// If there are any extras, call chooseExcessReplicates() to

// mark them in the excessReplicateMap.



Vector nonExcess = new Vector();//构造一个空的Vector

for (Iterator it = containingNodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {

DatanodeInfo cur = (DatanodeInfo) it.next();//对于当前节点来说

TreeSet excessBlocks = (TreeSet) excessReplicateMap.get(cur.getName());//取到当前节点的多余块信息

if (excessBlocks == null || ! excessBlocks.contains(block)) {//如果之前没有标志在这个节点的多余块信息里




if (nonExcess.size() > this.maxReplication) {//如果超过了最大备份数

chooseExcessReplicates(nonExcess, block, this.maxReplication);//选择若干来消除块





void chooseExcessReplicates(Vector nonExcess, Block b, int maxReps) {

while (nonExcess.size() - maxReps > 0) {//如果还有需要

int chosenNode = r.nextInt(nonExcess.size());//随机选择一个节点

DatanodeInfo cur = (DatanodeInfo) nonExcess.elementAt(chosenNode);


TreeSet excessBlocks = (TreeSet) excessReplicateMap.get(cur.getName());

if (excessBlocks == null) {

excessBlocks = new TreeSet();

excessReplicateMap.put(cur.getName(), excessBlocks);




// The 'excessblocks' tracks blocks until we get confirmation

// that the datanode has deleted them; the only way we remove them

// is when we get a "removeBlock" message.


// The 'invalidate' list is used to inform the datanode the block

// should be deleted. Items are removed from the invalidate list

// upon giving instructions to the namenode.


Vector invalidateSet = (Vector) recentInvalidateSets.get(cur.getName());

if (invalidateSet == null) {

invalidateSet = new Vector();

recentInvalidateSets.put(cur.getName(), invalidateSet);




