

发表于:2025-01-22 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月22日,这期内容当中小编将会给大家带来有关如何用Play源代码分析Server启动过程,文章内容丰富且以专业的角度为大家分析和叙述,阅读完这篇文章希望大家可以有所收获。Play是个Rails风格的Java W
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月22日如何用Play源代码分析Server启动过程


Play是个Rails风格的Java Web框架。



  1. play.Play类:代表Play本身业务模型。

  2. play.server.Server类:负责服务器启动。

  3. play.classloading包:负责.java文件读取、编译和加载。



public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {          …          Play.init(root, System.getProperty("play.id", ""));          if (System.getProperty("precompile") == null) {              new Server();          } else {              Logger.info("Done.");          }      }


  1. Play.init

  2. 然后创建Server对象。


public static void init(File root, String id) {   …   readConfiguration();            Play.classes = new ApplicationClasses();           …           // Build basic java source path          VirtualFile appRoot = VirtualFile.open(applicationPath);          roots.add(appRoot);          javaPath = new ArrayList(2);          javaPath.add(appRoot.child("app"));          javaPath.add(appRoot.child("conf"));           // Build basic templates path          templatesPath = new ArrayList(2);          templatesPath.add(appRoot.child("app/views"));           // Main route file          routes = appRoot.child("conf/routes");           …           // Load modules          loadModules();           …           // Enable a first classloader          classloader = new ApplicationClassloader();           // Plugins          loadPlugins();           // Done !          if (mode == Mode.PROD ||preCompile() ) {                  start();              }           …      }


  1. 加载配置

  2. new ApplicationClasses();加载app、views和conf路径到VirtualFile中,VirtualFile是Play内部的统一文件访问接口,方便后续读取文件

  3. 加载route

  4. 加载Module,Play的应用扩展组件。

  5. 加载Plugin,Play框架自身的扩展组件。

  6. 工作在产品模式则启动Play.

关键步骤为new ApplicationClasses(),执行computeCodeHashe(),后者触发目录扫描,搜索.java文件。相关过程简化代码如下:

public ApplicationClassloader() {          super(ApplicationClassloader.class.getClassLoader());          // Clean the existing classes          for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : Play.classes.all()) {              applicationClass.uncompile();          }          pathHash = computePathHash();         …      }
int computePathHash() {          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();          for (VirtualFile virtualFile : Play.javaPath) {              scan(buf, virtualFile);          }          return buf.toString().hashCode();      }
void scan(StringBuffer buf, VirtualFile current) {          if (!current.isDirectory()) {              if (current.getName().endsWith(".java")) {                  Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\s+class\\s([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\s+").matcher(current.contentAsString());                  buf.append(current.getName());                  buf.append("(");                  while (matcher.find()) {                      buf.append(matcher.group(1));                      buf.append(",");                  }                  buf.append(")");              }          } else if (!current.getName().startsWith(".")) {              for (VirtualFile virtualFile : current.list()) {                  scan(buf, virtualFile);              }          }      }



public static synchronized void start() {          try {                          ...              // Reload configuration              readConfiguration();                           ...                            // Try to load all classes              Play.classloader.getAllClasses();               // Routes              Router.detectChanges(ctxPath);               // Cache              Cache.init();               // Plugins              for (PlayPlugin plugin : plugins) {                  try {                      plugin.onApplicationStart();                  } catch(Exception e) {                      if(Play.mode.isProd()) {                          Logger.error(e, "Can't start in PROD mode with errors");                      }                      if(e instanceof RuntimeException) {                          throw (RuntimeException)e;                      }                      throw new UnexpectedException(e);                  }              }               ...               // Plugins              for (PlayPlugin plugin : plugins) {                  plugin.afterApplicationStart();              }           } catch (PlayException e) {              started = false;              throw e;          } catch (Exception e) {              started = false;              throw new UnexpectedException(e);          }      }


public List getAllClasses() {          if (allClasses == null) {              allClasses = new ArrayList();               if (Play.usePrecompiled) {                  ...              } else {                  List all = new ArrayList();                   // Let's plugins play                  for (PlayPlugin plugin : Play.plugins) {                      plugin.compileAll(all);                  }                   for (VirtualFile virtualFile : Play.javaPath) {                      all.addAll(getAllClasses(virtualFile));                  }                  List classNames = new ArrayList();                  for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); i++) {                      if (all.get(i) != null && !all.get(i).compiled) {                          classNames.add(all.get(i).name);                      }                  }                   Play.classes.compiler.compile(classNames.toArray(new String[classNames.size()]));                   for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : Play.classes.all()) {                      Class clazz = loadApplicationClass(applicationClass.name);                      if (clazz != null) {                          allClasses.add(clazz);                      }                  }                                  ...              }          }          return allClasses;      }


  1. plugin.compileAll,给所有plugin一次机会进行自定义编译。

  2. Play.classes.compiler.compile(classNames.toArray(new String[classNames.size()]));编译所有.java文件。编译后的.class存储在ApplicationClass中。内部使用了eclipse的JDT编译器。

  3. loadApplicationClass,取出ApplicationClass中的.class加入List中返回。


接着new Server()启动HTTP服务,监听请求


public Server() {               ...          if (httpPort == -1 && httpsPort == -1) {              httpPort = 9000;          }          ...          InetAddress address = null;          try {              if (p.getProperty("http.address") != null) {                  address = InetAddress.getByName(p.getProperty("http.address"));              } else if (System.getProperties().containsKey("http.address")) {                  address = InetAddress.getByName(System.getProperty("http.address"));              }           } catch (Exception e) {              Logger.error(e, "Could not understand http.address");              System.exit(-1);          }                    ServerBootstrap bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(                  Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), Executors.newCachedThreadPool())          );          try {              if (httpPort != -1) {                  bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new HttpServerPipelineFactory());                  bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(address, httpPort));                  bootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true);                   if (Play.mode == Mode.DEV) {                      if (address == null) {                          Logger.info("Listening for HTTP on port %s (Waiting a first request to start) ...", httpPort);                      } else {                          Logger.info("Listening for HTTP at %2$s:%1$s (Waiting a first request to start) ...", httpPort, address);                      }                  } else {                      if (address == null) {                          Logger.info("Listening for HTTP on port %s ...", httpPort);                      } else {                          Logger.info("Listening for HTTP at %2$s:%1$s  ...", httpPort, address);                      }                  }               }           } catch (ChannelException e) {              Logger.error("Could not bind on port " + httpPort, e);              System.exit(-1);          }          ...      }


  1. 设置端口,地址

  2. new ServerBootstrap,创建jboss netty服务器。Play1.1.1使用了netty作为底层通讯服务器。

  3. new HttpServerPipelineFactory(),设置netty所需的请求处理管道工厂。它负责当请求到达时提供处理者。

  4. bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(address, httpPort),绑定地址,端口。
