

发表于:2024-11-14 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年11月14日,这篇文章主要介绍"PostgreSQL11有哪些新特性",在日常操作中,相信很多人在PostgreSQL11有哪些新特性问题上存在疑惑,小编查阅了各式资料,整理出简单好用的操作方法,希望对大家解答"P
千家信息网最后更新 2024年11月14日PostgreSQL11有哪些新特性



Parallel Hash
Hash Join执行时,在构造Hash表和进行Hash连接时,PG 11可使用并行的方式执行。

testdb=# create table t1 (c1 int,c2 varchar(40),c3 varchar(40));CREATE TABLEtestdb=# testdb=# insert into t1 select generate_series(1,5000000),'TEST'||generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000)||'TEST';INSERT 0 5000000testdb=# drop table if exists t2;DROP TABLEtestdb=# create table t2 (c1 int,c2 varchar(40),c3 varchar(40));CREATE TABLEtestdb=# testdb=# insert into t2 select generate_series(1,1000000),'T2'||generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000)||'T2';INSERT 0 1000000testdb=# explain verbosetestdb-# select t1.c1,t2.c1 testdb-# from t1 inner join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c1;                                         QUERY PLAN                                          --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gather  (cost=18372.00..107975.86 rows=101100 width=8)   Output: t1.c1, t2.c1   Workers Planned: 2 -- 2 Workers   ->  Parallel Hash Join  (cost=17372.00..96865.86 rows=42125 width=8) -- Parallel Hash Join         Output: t1.c1, t2.c1         Hash Cond: (t1.c1 = t2.c1)         ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.t1  (cost=0.00..45787.33 rows=2083333 width=4)               Output: t1.c1         ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=10535.67..10535.67 rows=416667 width=4) -- Parallel Hash               Output: t2.c1               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.t2  (cost=0.00..10535.67 rows=416667 width=4)                     Output: t2.c1



Hash Partition
PG 在11.x引入了Hash分区,关于Hash分区,官方文档有如下说明:

The table is partitioned by specifying a modulus and a remainder for each partition. Each partition will hold the rows for which the hash value of the partition key divided by the specified modulus will produce the specified remainder.

每个Hash分区需指定"模"(modulus)和"余"(remainder),数据在哪个分区(partition index)的计算公式:
partition index = abs(hashfunc(key)) % modulus

drop table if exists t_hash2;create table t_hash2 (c1 int,c2  varchar(40),c3 varchar(40)) partition by hash(c1);create table t_hash2_1 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 0);create table t_hash2_2 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 1);create table t_hash2_3 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 2);create table t_hash2_4 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 3);create table t_hash2_5 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 4);create table t_hash2_6 partition of t_hash2 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 5);testdb=# insert into t_hash2 testdb-# select generate_series(1,1000000),'HASH'||generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000)||'HASH';INSERT 0 1000000

2018-9-19 注:由于插入数据时语句出错,昨天得出的结果有误(但数据在各个分区的分布上不太均匀,t_hash2_1分区行数明显的比其他分区的要多很多),请忽略

testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2;; count -------     0(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2_1; count  -------- 166480(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2_2; count  -------- 166904(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2_3; count  -------- 166302(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2_4; count  -------- 166783(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2_5; count  -------- 166593(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash2_6; count  -------- 166938(1 row)


testdb=# drop table if exists t_hash4;DROP TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4 (c1 int,c2  varchar(40),c3 varchar(40)) partition by hash(c2);CREATE TABLE-- 需创建相应的"Partition"用于存储相应的数据testdb=# insert into t_hash4 testdb-# select generate_series(1,100000),'HASH'||generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000)||'HASH';ERROR:  no partition of relation "t_hash4" found for rowDETAIL:  Partition key of the failing row contains (c2) = (HASH1).-- 6个分区,3个sub-table,插入数据会出错testdb=# testdb=# create table t_hash4_1 partition of t_hash4 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 0);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4_2 partition of t_hash4 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 1);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4_3 partition of t_hash4 for values with (modulus 6,remainder 2);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# insert into t_hash4 testdb-# select generate_series(1,10000),'HASH'||generate_series(1,10000),generate_series(1,10000)||'HASH';ERROR:  no partition of relation "t_hash4" found for rowDETAIL:  Partition key of the failing row contains (c2) = (HASH1).-- 3个分区,3个sub-table,正常testdb=# drop table if exists t_hash4;DROP TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4 (c1 int,c2  varchar(40),c3 varchar(40)) partition by hash(c2);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4_1 partition of t_hash4 for values with (modulus 3,remainder 0);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4_2 partition of t_hash4 for values with (modulus 3,remainder 1);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# create table t_hash4_3 partition of t_hash4 for values with (modulus 3,remainder 2);CREATE TABLEtestdb=# insert into t_hash4 testdb-# select generate_series(1,10000),'HASH'||generate_series(1,10000),generate_series(1,10000)||'HASH';INSERT 0 10000


testdb=# testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash4; count -------     0(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash4_1; count -------  3378(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash4_2; count -------  3288(1 row)testdb=# select count(*) from only t_hash4_3; count -------  3334(1 row)

Default Partition
List和Range分区可指定Default Partition(Hash分区不支持).

Update partition key
PG 11可Update分区键,这会导致数据的"迁移".

Create unique constraint
PG 11在分区表上创建主键和唯一索引(注:Oracle在很早的版本已支持此特性).

testdb=# alter table t_hash2 add primary key(c1);ALTER TABLEtestdb=# create index idx_t_hash2_c2 on t_hash2(c2);CREATE INDEX

PG 11支持在分区上创建外键.

除了上述几个新特性外,分区上面,PG 11在Automatic index creation/INSERT ON CONFLICT/Partition-Wise Join / Partition-Wise Aggregate/FOR EACH ROW trigger/Dynamic Partition Elimination/Control Partition Pruning上均有所增强.
