

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,小编给大家分享一下Swift中反射Mirror怎么用,相信大部分人都还不怎么了解,因此分享这篇文章给大家参考一下,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后大有收获,下面让我们一起去了解一下吧!前言Mirror是Swi
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日Swift中反射Mirror怎么用





1. Mirror 简介

Mirror是Swift中的反射机制的实现,它的本质是一个结构体。其部分源码(Swift 5.3.1)如下:

public struct Mirror {    /// A suggestion of how a mirror's subject is to be interpreted.   ///   /// Playgrounds and the debugger will show a representation similar   /// to the one used for instances of the kind indicated by the   /// `DisplayStyle` case name when the mirror is used for display.   public enum DisplayStyle {     case `struct`, `class`, `enum`, tuple, optional, collection     case dictionary, `set`   }          /// The static type of the subject being reflected.     ///     /// This type may differ from the subject's dynamic type when this mirror     /// is the `superclassMirror` of another mirror.     public let subjectType: Any.Type      /// A collection of `Child` elements describing the structure of the     /// reflected subject.     public let children: Children      /// A suggested display style for the reflected subject.     public let displayStyle: DisplayStyle?      /// A mirror of the subject's superclass, if one exists.     public var superclassMirror: Mirror? {       return _makeSuperclassMirror()     } }
  • subjectType:表示类型,被反射主体的类型

  • children:子元素集合

  • displayStyle:显示类型,基本类型为 nil 枚举值: struct, class, enum, tuple, optional, collection, dictionary, set

  • superclassMirror:父类反射, 没有父类为 nil


/// Creates a mirror that reflects on the given instance. /// /// If the dynamic type of `subject` conforms to `CustomReflectable`, the /// resulting mirror is determined by its `customMirror` property. /// Otherwise, the result is generated by the language. /// /// If the dynamic type of `subject` has value semantics, subsequent /// mutations of `subject` will not observable in `Mirror`.  In general, /// though, the observability of mutations is unspecified. /// /// - Parameter subject: The instance for which to create a mirror. public init(reflecting subject: Any) {   if case let customized as CustomReflectable = subject {     self = customized.customMirror   } else {     self = Mirror(internalReflecting: subject)   } }


关于customMirror的补充,摘抄自 swiftGG Mirror 的工作原理。

Mirror允许类型用遵循 CustomReflectable 协议的方式提供一个自定义的表示方式。这给那些想表示得比内建形式更友好的类型提供一种有效的方法。比如 Array 类型遵守 CustomReflectable 协议并且暴露其中的元素为无标签的 Children。Dictionary 使用这种方法暴露其中的键值对为带标签的 Children。

2. Mirror的简单使用

▐ 2.1 基本使用


class Person {     var name: String = "xiaohei"     var age: Int = 18     var height = 1.85 }  var p = Person() var mirror = Mirror(reflecting: p.self)  print("对象类型:\(mirror.subjectType)") print("对象属性个数:\(mirror.children.count)") print("对象的属性及属性值") for child in mirror.children {     print("\(child.label!)---\(child.value)") }



▐ 2.2 将对象转换为字典


class Animal {     var name: String?     var color: String?     private var birthday: Date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0) }   class Cat: Animal {     var master = "小黑"     var like: [String] = ["mouse", "fish"]          override init() {         super.init()         color = "黄色"     } }  func mapDic(mirror: Mirror) -> [String: Any] {     var dic: [String: Any] = [:]     for child in mirror.children {         // 如果没有labe就会被抛弃         if let label = child.label {             let propertyMirror = Mirror(reflecting: child.value)             print(propertyMirror)             dic[label] = child.value         }     }     // 添加父类属性     if let superMirror = mirror.superclassMirror {         let superDic = mapDic(mirror: superMirror)         for p in superDic {             dic[p.key] = p.value         }     }     return dic }   // Mirror使用 let cat = Cat() cat.name = "大橘为重" let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: cat) let mirrorDic = mapDic(mirror: mirror) print(mirrorDic)



▐ 2.3 转 JSON




struct Person {     var name: String = "xiaohei"     var age: Int = 18     var isMale: Bool = true     var address: Address? = Address(street: "xizhimen North")     var height = 1.85     var like: Array = ["eat", "sleep", "play"]     var weight: Float = 75.0     var some: Int? }  struct Address {     var street: String }  // 创建一个Person对象 let p = Person()


//可以转换为 Json 的协议 protocol CustomJSONProtocol {     func toJSON() throws -> Any? }

协议的实现过程中会有些错误,我们也简单的定义个枚举,方便处理。为了更加详细的描述错误信息,我们添加了错误描述和错误 code。

// 转 json 时的错误类型 enum JSONMapError: Error{     case emptyKey     case notConformProtocol }  // 错误描述 extension JSONMapError: LocalizedError{     var errorDescription: String?{         switch self {         case .emptyKey:             return "key 为空"         case .notConformProtocol:            return "没遵守协议"         }     } }  // errorcode extension JSONMapError: CustomNSError{     var errorCode: Int{         switch self {         case .emptyKey:             return 100         case .notConformProtocol:             return 101         }     } }


extension CustomJSONProtocol {     func toJSON() throws -> Any? {                  //创建 Mirror 类型         let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)         // 如果没有属性,比如一般类型String、Int等,直接返回自己         guard !mirror.children.isEmpty else { return self }                  var result: [String:Any] = [:]         // 遍历         for children in mirror.children {             if let value = children.value as? CustomJSONProtocol{                 if let key = children.label {                     print(key)                     result[key] = try value.toJSON()                 } else {                    throw JSONMapError.emptyKey                 }             } else {                   throw JSONMapError.notConformProtocol             }         }                  return result     } }


//将一般类型都遵从 CustomJSONProtocol 协议 extension Person: CustomJSONProtocol {} extension String: CustomJSONProtocol {} extension Int: CustomJSONProtocol {} extension Bool: CustomJSONProtocol {} extension Double: CustomJSONProtocol {} extension Float: CustomJSONProtocol {}      extension Address: CustomJSONProtocol {}  // 数组需要单独处理,要不然就会报错emptyKey extension Array: CustomJSONProtocol {     func toJSON() throws -> Any? {         return self     } }  //Optionai 需要特别对待,原因是如果直接返回,则会是 .Some: [...] extension Optional: CustomJSONProtocol {     func toJSON() throws -> Any? {         if let x = self {             if let value = x as? CustomJSONProtocol {                 return try value.toJSON()             }             throw JSONMapError.notConformProtocol         }         return nil     } }


do {     print(try p.toJSON()!) } catch {     print(error.localizedDescription)     print((error as? JSONMapError)?.errorCode) }





3. Mirror 源码解析

源码版本Swift 5.3.1



▐ 3.1 代码结构


@_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_count") internal func _getChildCount(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Int


// func _getChildCount(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Int SWIFT_CC(swift) SWIFT_RUNTIME_STDLIB_API intptr_t swift_reflectionMirror_count(OpaqueValue *value,                                       const Metadata *type,                                       const Metadata *T) {   return call(value, T, type, [](ReflectionMirrorImpl *impl) {     return impl->count();   }); }

SWIFT_CC(swift)会告诉编译器这个函数使用的是Swift的调用约定,而不是C/C++的,SWIFT_RUNTIME_STDLIB_API标记这个函数,在Swift侧的一部分接口中,而且它还有标记为extern "C"的作用,从而避免C++的方法名修饰,并确保它在Swift侧会有预期的符号。同时C++的参数会去特意匹配在Swift中声明的函数调用。当Swift调用_getChildCount时,C++会用包含Swift值指针的value,包含类型参数type,包含类型响应的泛型的T的函数参数来调用此函数。



@_silgen_name("swift_isClassType") internal func _isClassType(_: Any.Type) -> Bool  @_silgen_name("swift_getMetadataKind") internal func _metadataKind(_: Any.Type) -> UInt  @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_normalizedType") internal func _getNormalizedType(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Any.Type  @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_count") internal func _getChildCount(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Int  @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount") internal func _getRecursiveChildCount(_: Any.Type) -> Int  @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildMetadata") internal func _getChildMetadata(   _: Any.Type,   index: Int,   outName: UnsafeMutablePointer?>,   outFreeFunc: UnsafeMutablePointer ) -> Any.Type  @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildOffset") internal func _getChildOffset(   _: Any.Type,   index: Int ) -> Int  internal typealias NameFreeFunc = @convention(c) (UnsafePointer?) -> Void  @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_subscript") internal func _getChild(   of: T,   type: Any.Type,   index: Int,   outName: UnsafeMutablePointer?>,   outFreeFunc: UnsafeMutablePointer ) -> Any  // Returns 'c' (class), 'e' (enum), 's' (struct), 't' (tuple), or '\0' (none) @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_displayStyle") internal func _getDisplayStyle(_: T) -> CChar  internal func getChild(of value: T, type: Any.Type, index: Int) -> (label: String?, value: Any) {   var nameC: UnsafePointer? = nil   var freeFunc: NameFreeFunc? = nil      let value = _getChild(of: value, type: type, index: index, outName: &nameC, outFreeFunc: &freeFunc)      let name = nameC.flatMap({ String(validatingUTF8: $0) })   freeFunc?(nameC)   return (name, value) }  #if _runtime(_ObjC) @_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_quickLookObject") internal func _getQuickLookObject(_: T) -> AnyObject?  @_silgen_name("_swift_stdlib_NSObject_isKindOfClass") internal func _isImpl(_ object: AnyObject, kindOf: UnsafePointer) -> Bool

▐ 3.2 初始化


通过Mirror(reflecting:)源码我们可以知道,其底层调用的是internalReflecting方法。在ReflectionMirror.swift文件的extension Mirror中我们可以找到该方法。其源码如下:

3.2.1 internalReflecting

internal init(internalReflecting subject: Any,              subjectType: Any.Type? = nil,              customAncestor: Mirror? = nil)  {    let subjectType = subjectType ?? _getNormalizedType(subject, type: type(of: subject))        let childCount = _getChildCount(subject, type: subjectType)    let children = (0 ..< childCount).lazy.map({      getChild(of: subject, type: subjectType, index: $0)    })    self.children = Children(children)        self._makeSuperclassMirror = {      guard let subjectClass = subjectType as? AnyClass,            let superclass = _getSuperclass(subjectClass) else {        return nil      }            // Handle custom ancestors. If we've hit the custom ancestor's subject type,      // or descendants are suppressed, return it. Otherwise continue reflecting.      if let customAncestor = customAncestor {        if superclass == customAncestor.subjectType {          return customAncestor        }        if customAncestor._defaultDescendantRepresentation == .suppressed {          return customAncestor        }      }      return Mirror(internalReflecting: subject,                    subjectType: superclass,                    customAncestor: customAncestor)    }        let rawDisplayStyle = _getDisplayStyle(subject)    switch UnicodeScalar(Int(rawDisplayStyle)) {    case "c": self.displayStyle = .class    case "e": self.displayStyle = .enum    case "s": self.displayStyle = .struct    case "t": self.displayStyle = .tuple    case "\0": self.displayStyle = nil    default: preconditionFailure("Unknown raw display style '\(rawDisplayStyle)'")    }        self.subjectType = subjectType    self._defaultDescendantRepresentation = .generated  }


  • 首先是获取subjectType,如果传入的有值就使用传入的值,否则就通过_getNormalizedType函数去获取

  • 接下来就是通过_getChildCount获取childCount

  • 接下来是children,注意这里是懒加载的

  • 紧接着是SuperclassMirror,这里使用的是一个闭包的形式

  • 最后会获取并解析显示的样式,并设置Mirror剩下的属性。

3.2.2 _getNormalizedType


// func _getNormalizedType(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Any.Type SWIFT_CC(swift) SWIFT_RUNTIME_STDLIB_API const Metadata *swift_reflectionMirror_normalizedType(OpaqueValue *value,                                                       const Metadata *type,                                                       const Metadata *T) {   return call(value, T, type, [](ReflectionMirrorImpl *impl) { return impl->type; }); }

3.2.3 call函数


template auto call(OpaqueValue *passedValue, const Metadata *T, const Metadata *passedType,           const F &f) -> decltype(f(nullptr)) {   const Metadata *type;   OpaqueValue *value;   std::tie(type, value) = unwrapExistential(T, passedValue);      if (passedType != nullptr) {     type = passedType;   }      auto call = [&](ReflectionMirrorImpl *impl) {     impl->type = type;     impl->value = value;     auto result = f(impl);     return result;   };      auto callClass = [&] {     if (passedType == nullptr) {       // Get the runtime type of the object.       const void *obj = *reinterpret_cast(value);       auto isa = _swift_getClass(obj);        // Look through artificial subclasses.       while (isa->isTypeMetadata() && isa->isArtificialSubclass()) {         isa = isa->Superclass;       }       passedType = isa;     }    #if SWIFT_OBJC_INTEROP     // If this is a pure ObjC class, reflect it using ObjC's runtime facilities.     // ForeignClass (e.g. CF classes) manifests as a NULL class object.     auto *classObject = passedType->getClassObject();     if (classObject == nullptr || !classObject->isTypeMetadata()) {       ObjCClassImpl impl;       return call(&impl);     }   #endif      // Otherwise, use the native Swift facilities.     ClassImpl impl;     return call(&impl);   };      switch (type->getKind()) {     case MetadataKind::Tuple: {       TupleImpl impl;       return call(&impl);     }      case MetadataKind::Struct: {       StructImpl impl;       return call(&impl);     }           case MetadataKind::Enum:     case MetadataKind::Optional: {       EnumImpl impl;       return call(&impl);     }            case MetadataKind::ObjCClassWrapper:     case MetadataKind::ForeignClass:     case MetadataKind::Class: {       return callClass();     }      case MetadataKind::Metatype:     case MetadataKind::ExistentialMetatype: {       MetatypeImpl impl;       return call(&impl);     }      case MetadataKind::Opaque: { #if SWIFT_OBJC_INTEROP       // If this is the AnyObject type, use the dynamic type of the       // object reference.       if (type == &METADATA_SYM(BO).base) {         return callClass();       } #endif       // If this is the Builtin.NativeObject type, and the heap object is a       // class instance, use the dynamic type of the object reference.       if (type == &METADATA_SYM(Bo).base) {         const HeapObject *obj           = *reinterpret_cast(value);         if (obj->metadata->getKind() == MetadataKind::Class) {           return callClass();         }       }       LLVM_FALLTHROUGH;     }      /// TODO: Implement specialized mirror witnesses for all kinds.     default:       break;      // Types can't have these kinds.     case MetadataKind::HeapLocalVariable:     case MetadataKind::HeapGenericLocalVariable:     case MetadataKind::ErrorObject:       swift::crash("Swift mirror lookup failure");     }      // If we have an unknown kind of type, or a type without special handling,     // treat it as opaque.     OpaqueImpl impl;     return call(&impl); }

乍一看这个call函数代码相对有点多,其实主要就是一个大型的switch声明,和一些对特殊情况的处理,这里重要的就是,它会用一个ReflectionMirrorImpl的子类实例去结束调用f,然后会调用这个实例上的方法去让真正的工作完成,这也就是为什么在swift_reflectionMirror_normalizedType函数中最后会return impl->type;感兴趣的可以通过源码去调试一下,这里我也调试了,没什么指的说的,这就就不写调试过程了,下面我们就来看看ReflectionMirrorImpl。

3.2.4 ReflectionMirrorImpl


  • TupleImpl 元组的反射

  • StructImpl 结构体的反射

  • EnumImpl 枚举的反射

  • ClassImpl 类的反射

  • MetatypeImpl 元数据的反射

  • OpaqueImpl 不透明类型的反射

ReflectionMirrorImpl 源码:

// Abstract base class for reflection implementations. struct ReflectionMirrorImpl {   const Metadata *type;   OpaqueValue *value;      virtual char displayStyle() = 0;   virtual intptr_t count() = 0;   virtual intptr_t childOffset(intptr_t index) = 0;   virtual const FieldType childMetadata(intptr_t index,                                         const char **outName,                                         void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) = 0;   virtual AnyReturn subscript(intptr_t index, const char **outName,                               void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) = 0;   virtual const char *enumCaseName() { return nullptr; }  #if SWIFT_OBJC_INTEROP   virtual id quickLookObject() { return nil; } #endif      // For class types, traverse through superclasses when providing field   // information. The base implementations call through to their local-only   // counterparts.   virtual intptr_t recursiveCount() {     return count();   }   virtual intptr_t recursiveChildOffset(intptr_t index) {     return childOffset(index);   }   virtual const FieldType recursiveChildMetadata(intptr_t index,                                                  const char **outName,                                                  void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) {     return childMetadata(index, outName, outFreeFunc);   }    virtual ~ReflectionMirrorImpl() {} };


3.2.5 结构体的反射

// Implementation for structs. struct StructImpl : ReflectionMirrorImpl {   bool isReflectable() {     const auto *Struct = static_cast(type);     const auto &Description = Struct->getDescription();     return Description->isReflectable();   }    char displayStyle() {     return 's';   }      intptr_t count() {     if (!isReflectable()) {       return 0;     }      auto *Struct = static_cast(type);     return Struct->getDescription()->NumFields;   }    intptr_t childOffset(intptr_t i) {     auto *Struct = static_cast(type);      if (i < 0 || (size_t)i > Struct->getDescription()->NumFields)       swift::crash("Swift mirror subscript bounds check failure");      // Load the offset from its respective vector.     return Struct->getFieldOffsets()[i];   }    const FieldType childMetadata(intptr_t i, const char **outName,                                 void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) {     StringRef name;     FieldType fieldInfo;     std::tie(name, fieldInfo) = getFieldAt(type, i);     assert(!fieldInfo.isIndirect() && "indirect struct fields not implemented");          *outName = name.data();     *outFreeFunc = nullptr;          return fieldInfo;   }    AnyReturn subscript(intptr_t i, const char **outName,                       void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) {     auto fieldInfo = childMetadata(i, outName, outFreeFunc);      auto *bytes = reinterpret_cast(value);     auto fieldOffset = childOffset(i);     auto *fieldData = reinterpret_cast(bytes + fieldOffset);      return copyFieldContents(fieldData, fieldInfo);   } };
  • 首先一个判断是否支持反射的方法,最中是访问的Description->isReflectable()

  • 这里使用‘s’来显式的表明这是一个结构体

  • 然后是获取属性个数

  • 紧接着是获取每个属性的偏移值

  • 然后获取了FieldType内部还可以获取到属性的名称。

  • 最后subscript方法可以获取到属性名称和属性偏移的指针,也就是属性值。

▐ 3.3 Description


3.3.1 TargetStructMetadata


const TargetStructDescriptor *getDescription() const {     return llvm::cast>(this->Description); }


3.3.2 TargetValueMetadata


/// An out-of-line description of the type. TargetSignedPointer * __ptrauth_swift_type_descriptor> Description;    getDescription() const {     return Description; }


  • Description属性,它的类型是TargetValueTypeDescriptor,应该是TargetStructDescriptor的父类。

  • getDescription()方法,在TargetStructMetadata是重写的这个方法

3.3.3 TargetStructDescriptor


  • TargetValueTypeDescriptor果然是它的父类

  • 在其源码中我们还可以发现两个属性,分别是NumFields和FieldOffsetVectorOffset源码如下:

/// The number of stored properties in the struct.   /// If there is a field offset vector, this is its length.   uint32_t NumFields;   /// The offset of the field offset vector for this struct's stored   /// properties in its metadata, if any. 0 means there is no field offset   /// vector.   uint32_t FieldOffsetVectorOffset;
  • 其中NumFields主要表示结构体中属性的个数,如果只有一个字段偏移量则表示偏移量的长度

  • FieldOffsetVectorOffset表示这个结构体元数据中存储的属性的字段偏移向量的偏移量,如果是0则表示没有

3.3.4 TargetValueTypeDescriptor


template  class TargetValueTypeDescriptor     : public TargetTypeContextDescriptor { public:   static bool classof(const TargetContextDescriptor *cd) {     return cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Struct ||            cd->getKind() == ContextDescriptorKind::Enum;   } };


3.3.5 TargetTypeContextDescriptor


template  class TargetTypeContextDescriptor     : public TargetContextDescriptor { public:   /// The name of the type.   TargetRelativeDirectPointer Name;    /// A pointer to the metadata access function for this type.   ///   /// The function type here is a stand-in. You should use getAccessFunction()   /// to wrap the function pointer in an accessor that uses the proper calling   /// convention for a given number of arguments.   TargetRelativeDirectPointer AccessFunctionPtr;      /// A pointer to the field descriptor for the type, if any.   TargetRelativeDirectPointer Fields; }




  • 其中name就是类型的名称

  • AccessFunctionPtr是该类型元数据访问函数的指针

  • Fields是一个指向该类型的字段描述符的指针

3.3.6 TargetContextDescriptor


/// Base class for all context descriptors. template struct TargetContextDescriptor {   /// Flags describing the context, including its kind and format version.   ContextDescriptorFlags Flags;      /// The parent context, or null if this is a top-level context.   TargetRelativeContextPointer Parent; }




  • 其中Flags是描述上下文的标志,包括它的种类和格式版本。

  • Parent是记录父类上下文的,如果是顶级则为null

3.3.7 小结



▐ 3.4 Description中的属性

3.4.1 Flags


/// Common flags stored in the first 32-bit word of any context descriptor. struct ContextDescriptorFlags { private:   uint32_t Value;    explicit constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags(uint32_t Value)     : Value(Value) {} public:   constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags() : Value(0) {}   constexpr ContextDescriptorFlags(ContextDescriptorKind kind,                                    bool isGeneric,                                    bool isUnique,                                    uint8_t version,                                    uint16_t kindSpecificFlags)     : ContextDescriptorFlags(ContextDescriptorFlags()                                .withKind(kind)                                .withGeneric(isGeneric)                                .withUnique(isUnique)                                .withVersion(version)                                .withKindSpecificFlags(kindSpecificFlags))   {}      ...... }


3.4.2 Parent


using TargetRelativeContextPointer =   RelativeIndirectablePointer,                               /*nullable*/ true, int32_t,                               TargetSignedContextPointer>;


/// A relative reference to an object stored in memory. The reference may be /// direct or indirect, and uses the low bit of the (assumed at least /// 2-byte-aligned) pointer to differentiate. template class RelativeIndirectablePointer {      /// The relative offset of the pointer's memory from the `this` pointer.     /// If the low bit is clear, this is a direct reference; otherwise, it is     /// an indirect reference.     Offset RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect;            const ValueTy *get() const & {         static_assert(alignof(ValueTy) >= 2 && alignof(Offset) >= 2,                       "alignment of value and offset must be at least 2 to "                       "make room for indirectable flag");                // Check for null.         if (Nullable && RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect == 0)           return nullptr;                  Offset offsetPlusIndirect = RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect;         uintptr_t address = detail::applyRelativeOffset(this,                                                         offsetPlusIndirect & ~1);              // If the low bit is set, then this is an indirect address. Otherwise,         // it's direct.         if (offsetPlusIndirect & 1) {           return *reinterpret_cast(address);         } else {           return reinterpret_cast(address);         }        } }


/// Apply a relative offset to a base pointer. The offset is applied to the base /// pointer using sign-extended, wrapping arithmetic. template static inline uintptr_t applyRelativeOffset(BasePtrTy *basePtr, Offset offset) {   static_assert(std::is_integral::value &&                 std::is_signed::value,                 "offset type should be signed integer");    auto base = reinterpret_cast(basePtr);   // We want to do wrapping arithmetic, but with a sign-extended   // offset. To do this in C, we need to do signed promotion to get   // the sign extension, but we need to perform arithmetic on unsigned values,   // since signed overflow is undefined behavior.   auto extendOffset = (uintptr_t)(intptr_t)offset;   return base + extendOffset; }

最后返回的时候我们可以看到base + extendOffset;基地址加上偏移的值,最后得到真实的地址。

3.4.2 name


template  using TargetRelativeDirectPointer   = typename Runtime::template RelativeDirectPointer;


/// A direct relative reference to an object that is not a function pointer. template  class RelativeDirectPointer::value>::type>     : private RelativeDirectPointerImpl {   using super = RelativeDirectPointerImpl; public:   using super::get;   using super::super;      RelativeDirectPointer &operator=(T *absolute) & {     super::operator=(absolute);     return *this;   }    operator typename super::PointerTy() const & {     return this->get();   }    const typename super::ValueTy *operator->() const & {     return this->get();   }    using super::isNull; };


/// A relative reference to a function, intended to reference private metadata /// functions for the current executable or dynamic library image from /// position-independent constant data. template class RelativeDirectPointerImpl { private:   /// The relative offset of the function's entry point from *this.   Offset RelativeOffset;    public:   using ValueTy = T;   using PointerTy = T*;      PointerTy get() const & {     // Check for null.     if (Nullable && RelativeOffset == 0)       return nullptr;          // The value is addressed relative to `this`.     uintptr_t absolute = detail::applyRelativeOffset(this, RelativeOffset);     return reinterpret_cast(absolute);   } }



name中还有个const char,这里是直接用const char类型存储的类型的名称。

3.4.4 AccessFunctionPtr


跟name一样的使用偏移指针TargetRelativeDirectPointer,只不过是const char替换成了MetadataResponse(...),点击MetadataResponse跳转后我们可以看到如下代码:

MetadataResponse() : Metadata(nullptr) {}  /// A metadata response that might not be dynamically complete. explicit MetadataResponse(llvm::Value *metadata, llvm::Value *state,                         MetadataState staticLowerBoundState)   : Metadata(metadata), DynamicState(state),     StaticState(staticLowerBoundState) {     assert(metadata && "must be valid"); }


3.4.5 Fields



// Field descriptors contain a collection of field records for a single // class, struct or enum declaration. class FieldDescriptor {   const FieldRecord *getFieldRecordBuffer() const {     return reinterpret_cast(this + 1);   }  public:   const RelativeDirectPointer MangledTypeName;   const RelativeDirectPointer Superclass;    FieldDescriptor() = delete;    const FieldDescriptorKind Kind;   const uint16_t FieldRecordSize;   const uint32_t NumFields;    }


1. MangledTypeName

2. Superclass

3. kind

4. FieldRecordSize

5. NumFields


class FieldRecord {   const FieldRecordFlags Flags;  public:   const RelativeDirectPointer MangledTypeName;   const RelativeDirectPointer FieldName; .....   }


3.4.6 NumFields


3.4.7 FieldOffsetVectorOffset


▐ 3.5 Mirror取值


3.5.1 type



// func _getNormalizedType(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Any.Type SWIFT_CC(swift) SWIFT_RUNTIME_STDLIB_API const Metadata *swift_reflectionMirror_normalizedType(OpaqueValue *value,                                                       const Metadata *type,                                                       const Metadata *T) {   return call(value, T, type, [](ReflectionMirrorImpl *impl) { return impl->type; }); }


3.5.2 count


// func _getChildCount(_: T, type: Any.Type) -> Int SWIFT_CC(swift) SWIFT_RUNTIME_STDLIB_API intptr_t swift_reflectionMirror_count(OpaqueValue *value,                                       const Metadata *type,                                       const Metadata *T) {   return call(value, T, type, [](ReflectionMirrorImpl *impl) {     return impl->count();   }); }


intptr_t count() {     if (!isReflectable()) {       return 0;     }      auto *Struct = static_cast(type);     return Struct->getDescription()->NumFields; }


3.5.3 属性名和属性值

我们知道在Mirror中通过其初始化方法返回一个提供该值子元素的AnyCollection类型的children集合,Child是一个元组(label: String?, value: Any),label是一个可选类型的属性名,value是属性值。


internal func getChild(of value: T, type: Any.Type, index: Int) -> (label: String?, value: Any) {   var nameC: UnsafePointer? = nil   var freeFunc: NameFreeFunc? = nil      let value = _getChild(of: value, type: type, index: index, outName: &nameC, outFreeFunc: &freeFunc)      let name = nameC.flatMap({ String(validatingUTF8: $0) })   freeFunc?(nameC)   return (name, value) }


@_silgen_name("swift_reflectionMirror_subscript") internal func _getChild(   of: T,   type: Any.Type,   index: Int,   outName: UnsafeMutablePointer?>,   outFreeFunc: UnsafeMutablePointer ) -> Any


// We intentionally use a non-POD return type with this entry point to give // it an indirect return ABI for compatibility with Swift. #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage" // func _getChild( //   of: T, //   type: Any.Type, //   index: Int, //   outName: UnsafeMutablePointer?>, //   outFreeFunc: UnsafeMutablePointer // ) -> Any SWIFT_CC(swift) SWIFT_RUNTIME_STDLIB_API AnyReturn swift_reflectionMirror_subscript(OpaqueValue *value, const Metadata *type,                                            intptr_t index,                                            const char **outName,                                            void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *),                                            const Metadata *T) {   return call(value, T, type, [&](ReflectionMirrorImpl *impl) {     return impl->subscript(index, outName, outFreeFunc);   }); } #pragma clang diagnostic pop


AnyReturn subscript(intptr_t i, const char **outName,                       void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) {     auto fieldInfo = childMetadata(i, outName, outFreeFunc);      auto *bytes = reinterpret_cast(value);     auto fieldOffset = childOffset(i);     auto *fieldData = reinterpret_cast(bytes + fieldOffset);      return copyFieldContents(fieldData, fieldInfo);   }



const FieldType childMetadata(intptr_t i, const char **outName,                                 void (**outFreeFunc)(const char *)) {     StringRef name;     FieldType fieldInfo;     std::tie(name, fieldInfo) = getFieldAt(type, i);     assert(!fieldInfo.isIndirect() && "indirect struct fields not implemented");          *outName = name.data();     *outFreeFunc = nullptr;          return fieldInfo;   }



static std::pair getFieldAt(const Metadata *base, unsigned index) {   using namespace reflection;      // If we failed to find the field descriptor metadata for the type, fall   // back to returning an empty tuple as a standin.   auto failedToFindMetadata = [&]() -> std::pair {     auto typeName = swift_getTypeName(base, /*qualified*/ true);     missing_reflection_metadata_warning(       "warning: the Swift runtime found no field metadata for "       "type '%*s' that claims to be reflectable. Its fields will show up as "       "'unknown' in Mirrors\n",       (int)typeName.length, typeName.data);     return {"unknown", FieldType(&METADATA_SYM(EMPTY_TUPLE_MANGLING))};   };    auto *baseDesc = base->getTypeContextDescriptor();   if (!baseDesc)     return failedToFindMetadata();    auto *fields = baseDesc->Fields.get();   if (!fields)     return failedToFindMetadata();      auto &field = fields->getFields()[index];   // Bounds are always valid as the offset is constant.   auto name = field.getFieldName();    // Enum cases don't always have types.   if (!field.hasMangledTypeName())     return {name, FieldType::untypedEnumCase(field.isIndirectCase())};    auto typeName = field.getMangledTypeName();    SubstGenericParametersFromMetadata substitutions(base);   auto typeInfo = swift_getTypeByMangledName(MetadataState::Complete,    typeName,    substitutions.getGenericArgs(),    [&substitutions](unsigned depth, unsigned index) {      return substitutions.getMetadata(depth, index);    },    [&substitutions](const Metadata *type, unsigned index) {      return substitutions.getWitnessTable(type, index);    });    // If demangling the type failed, pretend it's an empty type instead with   // a log message.   if (!typeInfo.getMetadata()) {     typeInfo = TypeInfo({&METADATA_SYM(EMPTY_TUPLE_MANGLING),                          MetadataState::Complete}, {});     missing_reflection_metadata_warning(       "warning: the Swift runtime was unable to demangle the type "       "of field '%*s'. the mangled type name is '%*s'. this field will "       "show up as an empty tuple in Mirrors\n",       (int)name.size(), name.data(),       (int)typeName.size(), typeName.data());   }    auto fieldType = FieldType(typeInfo.getMetadata());   fieldType.setIndirect(field.isIndirectCase());   fieldType.setReferenceOwnership(typeInfo.getReferenceOwnership());   return {name, fieldType}; }


  • 首先通过getTypeContextDescriptor获取baseDesc,也就是我们说的Description

  • 然后通过Fields.get()获取到fields

  • 接着通过getFields()[index]或取对应的field

  • 最后通过getFieldName()函数获取到属性名称

  • getTypeContextDescriptor函数在struct TargetMetadata中,

  • 通过这个函数获取到一个TargetStructDescriptor,它的父类的父类TargetTypeContextDescriptor中的Fields属性

  • Fields属性的类型TargetRelativeDirectPointer中有get方法

  • 实际中使用的FieldDescriptor类中getFieldRecordBuffer方法返回的FieldRecord中的getFieldName函数

getFields 源码:

const_iterator begin() const {   auto Begin = getFieldRecordBuffer();   auto End = Begin + NumFields;   return const_iterator { Begin, End }; }  const_iterator end() const {   auto Begin = getFieldRecordBuffer();   auto End = Begin + NumFields;   return const_iterator { End, End }; }  llvm::ArrayRef getFields() const {   return {getFieldRecordBuffer(), NumFields}; }


  • begin就是getFieldRecordBuffer

  • getFieldRecordBuffer就是Begin + NumFields

  • 所以这就是一块连续内存的访问

childOffset 源码:


intptr_t childOffset(intptr_t i) {     auto *Struct = static_cast(type);      if (i < 0 || (size_t)i > Struct->getDescription()->NumFields)       swift::crash("Swift mirror subscript bounds check failure");      // Load the offset from its respective vector.     return Struct->getFieldOffsets()[i];   }


/// Get a pointer to the field offset vector, if present, or null.   const uint32_t *getFieldOffsets() const {     auto offset = getDescription()->FieldOffsetVectorOffset;     if (offset == 0)       return nullptr;     auto asWords = reinterpret_cast(this);     return reinterpret_cast(asWords + offset);   }



▐ 3.6 小结


  1. 鸿蒙官方战略合作共建--HarmonyOS技术社区

  2. Mirror通过初始化方法返回一会Mirror实例

  3. 这个实例对象根据传入对象的类型去对应的Metadata中找到Description

  4. 在Description可以获取name也就是属性的名称

  5. 通过内存偏移获取到属性值

  6. 还可以通过numFields获取属性的个数





4. 仿写 Mirror


▐ 4.1 TargetStructMetadata


struct StructMetadata{     var kind: Int     var Descriptor: UnsafeMutablePointer }

▐ 4.2 TargetStructDescriptor


  1. 鸿蒙官方战略合作共建--HarmonyOS技术社区

  2. flag是个32位的整形,我们用Int32代替

  3. parent是记录父类的,类型是TargetRelativeContextPointer

  4. name记录类型的,它的类型是TargetRelativeDirectPointer

  5. AccessFunctionPtr与name类似,内部是个指针

  6. Fields也与name类似,内部是个FieldDescriptor

  7. NumFields使用Int32

  8. FieldOffsetVectorOffset也是用Int32


struct StructDescriptor {     let flags: Int32     let parent: Int32     var name: RelativePointer     var AccessFunctionPtr: RelativePointer     var Fields: RelativePointer     var NumFields: Int32     var FieldOffsetVectorOffset: Int32 }

▐ 4.3 TargetRelativeDirectPointer

  • TargetRelativeDirectPointer是RelativeDirectPointer的别名,其内部有一个继承的RelativeOffset属性,是int32_t类型,我们可以用Int32代替。

  • 还有一个get方法。内部通过指针偏移获取值


struct RelativePointer {     var offset: Int32      mutating func get() -> UnsafeMutablePointer{         let offset = self.offset          return withUnsafePointer(to: &self) { p in             return UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: UnsafeRawPointer(p).advanced(by: numericCast(offset)).assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self))         }     } }

4.4 FieldDescriptor


  1. 鸿蒙官方战略合作共建--HarmonyOS技术社区

  2. MangledTypeName是RelativeDirectPointer

  3. Superclass与MangledTypeName一样

  4. kind是FieldDescriptorKind类型,实际是uint16_t,这里我们使用UInt16代替

  5. fieldRecordSize是uint16_t也使用使用UInt16代替

  6. numFields使用Int32代替

  7. fields,其实从属性上看不到有这个,但是这里面有个getFieldRecordBuffer方法,通过this+1的方式一个一个的访问属性,所以这是一块连续的内存空间,我们使用fields代替


struct FieldDescriptor {     var MangledTypeName: RelativePointer     var Superclass: RelativePointer     var kind: UInt16     var fieldRecordSize: Int16     var numFields: Int32     var fields: FieldRecord //连续的存储空间 }

▐ 4.5 FieldRecord


  1. 鸿蒙官方战略合作共建--HarmonyOS技术社区

  2. Flags是FieldRecordFlags类型实际是uint32_t,这里我们使用Int32代替

  3. MangledTypeName使用RelativePointer

  4. FieldName使用RelativePointer



struct FieldRecord {     var Flags: Int32     var MangledTypeName: RelativePointer     var FieldName: RelativePointer }

▐ 4.6 测试



struct Person {     var name: String = "xiaohei"     var age: Int = 18     var height = 1.85 }  var p = Person()

4.6.1 绑定结构体内存


let ptr = unsafeBitCast(Person.self as Any.Type, to: UnsafeMutablePointer.self)

4.6.2 打印类型和属性个数


let namePtr = ptr.pointee.Descriptor.pointee.name.get()  print(String(cString: namePtr)) print(ptr.pointee.Descriptor.pointee.NumFields)



4.6.3 打印属性名称


let fieldDescriptorPtr = ptr.pointee.Descriptor.pointee.Fields.get()  let recordPtr = withUnsafePointer(to: &fieldDescriptorPtr.pointee.fields) {     return UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: UnsafeRawPointer($0).assumingMemoryBound(to: FieldRecord.self).advanced(by: 2)) }  print(String(cString: recordPtr.pointee.FieldName.get()))


此时我们就可以看到第三属性height的打印,如果advanced(by: 0)则打印第一个属性,以此类推。

4.6.1 打印属性值



  • 首先获取FieldOffsetVectorOffset的值

  • 然后在加上this也就是当前Metadata的指针

  • 这里我们将仿写的StructMetadata的指针ptr重绑定为Int

  • 源码中加上FieldOffsetVectorOffset,这里我们就移动FieldOffsetVectorOffset

  • 然后将上述移动后的绑定为一个Int32的指针

  • 最后使用UnsafeBufferPointer和属性个数创建一个buffer数组指针

  • 接下来我们就可以从数组中取出每个属性的偏移值

  • 然后取出结构体实例p的内存地址

  • 然后按照buffer数组中的偏移值进行偏移,重绑定为属性的类型

  • 最后就可以打印出属性值了


var bufferPtr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: UnsafeRawPointer(UnsafeRawPointer(ptr).assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self).advanced(by: numericCast(ptr.pointee.Descriptor.pointee.FieldOffsetVectorOffset))).assumingMemoryBound(to: Int32.self), count: Int(ptr.pointee.Descriptor.pointee.NumFields))  var fieldOffset = bufferPtr[2]  var valuePtr = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &p) { $0 }  var bufferPtr1 = UnsafeRawPointer(UnsafeRawPointer(valuePtr).advanced(by: numericCast(bufferPtr[0]))).assumingMemoryBound(to: String.self) print(bufferPtr1.pointee)  var bufferPtr2 = UnsafeRawPointer(UnsafeRawPointer(valuePtr).advanced(by: numericCast(bufferPtr[1]))).assumingMemoryBound(to: Int.self) print(bufferPtr2.pointee)  var bufferPtr3 = UnsafeRawPointer(UnsafeRawPointer(valuePtr).advanced(by: numericCast(bufferPtr[2]))).assumingMemoryBound(to: Double.self) print(bufferPtr3.pointee)

