事务 Transactions
MySQL | MongoDB |
行 | 文档 |
表 | 集合 |
库 | 库 |
组复制 | 复制集 |
中文 | 原文 |
读一致性 | readConcern |
写一致性 | writeConcern |
New in version 4.0
In MongoDB, an operation on a single document is atomic. Because you can use embedded documents and arrays to capture relationships between data in a single document structure instead of normalizing across multiple documents and collections, this single-document atomicity obviates the need for multi-document transactions for many practical use cases.
However, for situations that require atomicity for updates to multiple documents or consistency between reads to multiple documents, MongoDB provides the ability to perform multi-document transactions against replica sets. Multi-document transactions can be used across multiple operations, collections, databases, and documents. Multi-document transactions provide an "all-or-nothing" proposition. When a transaction commits, all data changes made in the transaction are saved. If any operation in the transaction fails, the transaction aborts and all data changes made in the transaction are discarded without ever becoming visible. Until a transaction commits, no write operations in the transaction are visible outside the transaction.
In most cases, multi-document transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of multi-document transaction should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, the denormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays) will continue to be optimal for your data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data appropriately will minimize the need for multi-document transactions.
事务和复制集 Transactions and Replica Sets
Multi-document transactions are available for replica sets only. Transactions for sharded clusters are scheduled for MongoDB 4.2 [1].
免责声明,不翻译了 | The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. This information is merely intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision nor is this a commitment, promise or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. |
新特性版本向后兼容度 Feature Compatibility Version (FCV)
想使用多文档事务的特性的话, featureCompatibilityVersion
The featureCompatibilityVersion
(fCV) of all members of the replica set must be 4.0
or greater. To check the fCV for a member, connect to the member and run the following command:
db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )
For more information on fCV, see setFeatureCompatibilityVersion
存储引擎 Storage Engines
Multi-document transactions are only available for deployments that use WiredTiger storage engine.
Multi-document transactions are not available for deployments that use in-memory storage engine or the deprecated MMAPv1 storage engine.
事务与文档操作 Transactions and Operations
For transactions:
You can specify read/write (CRUD) operations on existing collections. The collections can be in different databases.
库中的表不支持多文档事务You cannot read/write to collections in the
, orlocal
表不支持多文档事务You cannot write to
You cannot return the supported operation's query plan (i.e.
操作For cursors created outside of transactions, you cannot call
inside a transaction.在事务中创建的游标无法在事务外进行
操作- For cursors created in a transaction, you cannot call
outside the transaction.
Operations that affect the database catalog, such as creating or dropping a collection or an index, are not allowed in multi-document transactions. For example, a multi-document transaction cannot include an insert operation that would result in the creation of a new collection. See Restricted Operations.
When creating or dropping a collection immediately before starting a transaction, if the collection is accessed within the transaction, issue the create or drop operation with write concern "majority"
to ensure that the transaction can acquire the required locks.
For multi-document transactions:
Method | Command | Note |
db.collection.aggregate() | aggregate | Excluding the following stages:$collStats $currentOp $indexStats $listLocalSessions $listSessions $out |
db.collection.distinct() | distinct | |
db.collection.find() | find | |
geoSearch | ||
db.collection.deleteMany() db.collection.deleteOne() db.collection.remove() | delete | |
db.collection.findOneAndDelete() db.collection.findOneAndReplace() db.collection.findOneAndUpdate() | findAndModify | For upsert , only when run against an existing collection. |
db.collection.insertMany() db.collection.insertOne() db.collection.insert() | insert | Only when run against an existing collection. |
db.collection.save() | If an insert, only when run against an existing collection. | |
db.collection.updateOne() db.collection.updateMany() db.collection.replaceOne() db.collection.update() | update | For upsert , only when run against an existing collection. |
db.collection.bulkWrite() Various Bulk Operation Methods | For insert operations, only when run against an existing collection. |
计数操作 Count Operation
如果需要在事务中进行计数操作,需要使用 $count
操作符或者把 $group
To perform a count operation within a transaction, use the $count
aggregation stage or the $group
(with a$sum
expression) aggregation stage.
兼容4.0版本的MongoDB驱动内含一个集合层级由 $group
包装出来的 countDocuments(filter,options)
MongoDB drivers compatible with the 4.0 features provide a collection-level API countDocuments(filter,options)
as a helper method that uses the $group
with a $sum
expression to perform a count.
获取参数与信息相关的操作 Informational Operations
诸如 isMaster
, buildInfo
, connectionStatus
Informational commands, such as isMaster
, buildInfo
, connectionStatus
(and their helper methods) are allowed in transactions; however, they cannot be the first operation in the transaction.
受到限制的操作 Restricted Operations
The following operations are not allowed in multi-document transactions:
Operations that affect the database catalog, such as creating or dropping a collection or an index. For example, a multi-document transaction cannot include an insert operation that would result in the creation of a new collection.
commands and their helper methods are also excluded.非增删改查和非查询参数与信息的操作,诸如
及其帮助命令等等。- Non-CRUD and non-informational operations, such as
, etc. and their helpers.
事务与数据库安全相关 Transactions and Security
If running with access control, you must have privileges for the operations in the transaction. [2]
- If running with auditing, operations in an aborted transaction are still audited.
若使用了附加验证方式,用户名大小不能超过10K | If using $external authentication users (i.e. Kerberos, LDAP, x.509 users), the usernames cannot be greater than 10k bytes. |
事务与会话相关 Transactions and Sessions
Transations are associated with a session. That is, you start a transaction for a session. At any given time, you can have at most one open transaction for a session.
当使用驱动进行连接时(非mongo shell连接),必须将会话与每个事务对应起来。(注:多事务就要开启多个连接会话类)。若在事务正在进行时会话退出,则事务会进行回滚
When using the drivers, you must pass the session to each operation in the transaction.
If a session ends and it has an open transaction, the transaction aborts.
事务与驱动的兼容 Transactions and MongoDB Drivers
Clients require MongoDB drivers updated for MongoDB 4.0.
Java | Python | C# | Node | Ruby | Perl | PHPC | Scala |
3.8.0 | 3.7.0C 1.11.0 | 2.7 | 3.1.0 | 2.6.0 | 2.0.0 | 1.5.0 | 2.4.0 |
To associate read and write operations with a transaction, you must pass the session to each operation in the transaction. For examples, see Transactions and Retryable Writes.
事务与mongo shell工具 Transactions and the mongo
下面这些mongo shell方法可以用于操作事务:
The following mongo
shell methods are available for transactions:
事务和重写 Transactions and Retryable Writes
Regardless of the database system, whether MongoDB or relational databases, applications should take measures to handle errors during transaction commits and incorporate retry logic for transactions.
事务重做 Retry Transaction
无论 retryWrites
The individual write operations inside the transaction are not retryable, regardless of whether retryWrites
is set to true
如果操作执行时发生了错误,会返回一个包含名为 errorLabels
的数组字段。如果该错误是暂时性的, errorLabels
会包含一个 "TransientTransactionError"
If an operation encounters an error, the returned error may have an errorLabels
array field. If the error is a transient error, the errorLabels
array field contains "TransientTransactionError"
as an element and the transaction as a whole can be retried.
For example, the following helper runs a function and retries the function if a "TransientTransactionError"
is encountered:
void runTransactionWithRetry(Runnable transactional) { while (true) { try { transactional.run(); break; } catch (MongoException e) { System.out.println("Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction."); if (e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL)) { System.out.println("TransientTransactionError, aborting transaction and retrying ..."); continue; } else { throw e; } } }}
提交操作可以被重做 Retry Commit Operation
提交操作本身是可以被重做的。如果事务在提交过程中遇到错误,驱动会自动忽略 retryWrites
The commit operations are retryable write operations. If the commit operation operation encounters an error, MongoDB drivers retry the operation a single time regardless of whether retryWrites
is set to true
如果事务提交的过程中发生错误,MongoDB会返回一个包含 errorLabels
的数组字段。如果错误是暂时性的, errorLabels
If the commit operation encounters an error, MongoDB returns an error with an errorLabels
array field. If the error is a transient commit error, the errorLabels
array field contains"UnknownTransactionCommitResult"
as an element and the commit operation can be retried.
In addition to the single retry behavior provided by the MongoDB drivers, applications should take measures to handle "UnknownTransactionCommitResult"
errors during transaction commits.
void commitWithRetry(ClientSession clientSession) { while (true) { try { clientSession.commitTransaction(); System.out.println("Transaction committed"); break; } catch (MongoException e) { // can retry commit if (e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL)) { System.out.println("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ..."); continue; } else { System.out.println("Exception during commit ..."); throw e; } } }}
事务与提交操作的重做 Retry Transaction and Commit Operation
void runTransactionWithRetry(Runnable transactional) { while (true) { try { transactional.run(); break; } catch (MongoException e) { System.out.println("Transaction aborted. Caught exception during transaction."); if (e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL)) { System.out.println("TransientTransactionError, aborting transaction and retrying ..."); continue; } else { throw e; } } }}void commitWithRetry(ClientSession clientSession) { while (true) { try { clientSession.commitTransaction(); System.out.println("Transaction committed"); break; } catch (MongoException e) { // can retry commit if (e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL)) { System.out.println("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ..."); continue; } else { System.out.println("Exception during commit ..."); throw e; } } }}void updateEmployeeInfo() { MongoCollection employeesCollection = client.getDatabase("hr").getCollection("employees"); MongoCollection eventsCollection = client.getDatabase("hr").getCollection("events"); try (ClientSession clientSession = client.startSession()) { clientSession.startTransaction(); employeesCollection.updateOne(clientSession, Filters.eq("employee", 3), Updates.set("status", "Inactive")); eventsCollection.insertOne(clientSession, new Document("employee", 3).append("status", new Document("new", "Inactive").append("old", "Active"))); commitWithRetry(clientSession); }}void updateEmployeeInfoWithRetry() { runTransactionWithRetry(this::updateEmployeeInfo);}
原子性 Atomicity
Multi-document transactions are atomic:
When a transaction commits, all data changes made in the transaction are saved and visible outside the transaction. Until a transaction commits, the data changes made in the transaction are not visible outside the transaction.
- When a transaction aborts, all data changes made in the transaction are discarded without ever becoming visible. For example, if any operation in the transaction fails, the transaction aborts and all data changes made in the transaction are discarded without ever becoming visible.
读倾向性 Read Preference
Multi-document transactions that contain read operations must use read preference primary
All operations in a given transaction must route to the same member.
事务参数选项 Transaction Options (Read Concern/Write Concern)
session.startTransaction( { readConcern: { level: }, writeConcern: { w: , j: , wtimeout: }} );
读一致性 Read Concern
多文档事务支持三种读一致性等级: "snapshot"
, "local"
, and "majority"
Multi-document transactions support read concern "snapshot"
, "local"
, and "majority"
read concern, MongoDB may sometimes substitute a stronger read concern.针对多数派读一致性等级,如果事务使用此级别进行提交,事务操作都会读到副本集中多数派已经提交的数据。
read concern, if the transaction commits with write concern "majority", transaction operations are guaranteed to have read majority-committed data. Otherwise, the"majority"
read concern provides no guarantees that read operations read majority-committed data.针对快照级别的读一致性,如果。。。。。【官方文档这儿是不是写错了】,如果事务使用快照级别的读一致性进行提交,那么可以保证事务中的操作读到的都是事务开始时的多数派事务快照。
- For
read concern, if the transaction commits with write concern "majority", the transaction operations are guaranteed to have read from a snapshot of majority committed data. Otherwise, the"snapshot"
read concern provides no guarantee that read operations used a snapshot of majority-committed data.
You set the read concern at the transaction level, not at the individual operation level. The operations in the transaction will use the transaction-level read concern. Any read concern set at the collection and database level is ignored inside the transaction. If the transaction-level read concern is explicitly specified, the client level read concern is also ignored inside the transaction.
You can set the transaction read concern at the transaction start.
If unspecified at the transaction start, transactions use the session-level read concern or, if that is unset, the client-level read concern.
写一致性 Write Concern
You set the write concern at the transaction level, not at the individual operation level. At the time of the commit, transactions use the transaction level write concern to commit the write operations. Individual operations inside the transaction ignore write concerns. Do not explicitly set the write concern for the individual write operations inside transactions.
You can set the write concern for the transaction commit at the transaction start.
If unspecified at the transaction start, transactions use the session-level write concern for the commit or, if that is unset, the client-level write concern.
w: 0
Write concern
w: 0
is not supported for transactions.如果使用
w: 1
进行提交,那么该事务提交时只会确认本机oK,也就是PrimaryOK。如果主节点挂掉,且该事务没有被传输到当时的次级节点。那么,恭喜你,该事务大概率会被回滚掉。会造成数据库端和应用端数据的不一致和数据缺失。If you commit using
w: 1
write concern, your transaction can be rolled back if there is a failover.如果事务使用多数派写一致性进行提交,且指定了快照级别的读一致性。那么事务操作会确保从事务开始时多数派已经提交的快照数据中进行读取。(注:这段语义不明,官方文档到底在表达什么,是不是写错了)
If the transaction commits with write concern "majority" and has specified read concern
read concern, transaction operations are guaranteed to have read from a snapshot of majority-committed data. Otherwise, the"snapshot"
read concern provides no guarantees that read operations used a snapshot of majority-committed data.如果事务使用多数派写一致性进行提交,且指定了多数派级别的读一致性,那么事务中的操作会被确保从多数派已提交的数据中进行读取。(注:这个是不是官方文档编辑时复制粘贴错了,把上面读一致性的内容放过来了)
- If the transaction commits with write concern "majority" and has specified read concern
read concern, transaction operations are guaranteed to have read majority-committed data. Otherwise, the"majority"
read concern provides no guarantees that read operations read majority-committed data.
事务和锁 Transactions and Locks
By default, transactions waits 5
milliseconds to acquire locks required by the operations in the transaction. If the transaction cannot acquire its required locks within the 5
milliseconds, the transaction aborts.
When creating or dropping a collection immediately before starting a transaction, if the collection is accessed within the transaction, issue the create or drop operation with write concern "majority"
to ensure that the transaction can acquire the required locks.
可以使用 maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis
You can use the maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis
parameter to adjust how long transactions wait to acquire locks.
也可以将 maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis
You can also use operation-specific timeout by setting maxTransactionLockRequestTimeoutMillis
to -1
Transactions release all locks upon abort or commit.
原文链接:MongoDB document:Transactions