

发表于:2025-02-06 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月06日,在开展测试工作的过程中,通常要接触到服务器,对于linux服务器,总结一些常用的命令。准备工作为了能直观展示命令结果,使用脚本创建一个文件,在显示文件内容的同时,也直观的显示行号。#!/bin/bas
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月06日测试过程中常用的linux命令之【查看文件指定行的内容】


  • 准备工作


#!/bin/bashFileName=TestFile.logtouch ./$FileNamei=1while [ $i -le $1 ]do        echo "the line number is $i" >> $FileName        let "i=$i+1"done

[root@Durian scripts]# head -n 5 TestFile.log the line number is 1the line number is 2the line number is 3the line number is 4the line number is 5


[root@Durian scripts]# head -n -6 TestFile.log the line number is 1the line number is 2the line number is 3the line number is 4the line number is 5the line number is 6the line number is 7the line number is 8the line number is 9the line number is 10the line number is 11the line number is 12the line number is 13the line number is 14


[root@Durian scripts]# head TestFile.log the line number is 1the line number is 2the line number is 3the line number is 4the line number is 5the line number is 6the line number is 7the line number is 8the line number is 9the line number is 10


-v ,在首行打印文件名称
[root@Durian scripts]# head -n 5 -v TestFile.log ==> TestFile.log <==the line number is 1the line number is 2the line number is 3the line number is 4the line number is 5


[root@Durian scripts]# tail -n 4 TestFile.log the line number is 17the line number is 18the line number is 19the line number is 20


[root@Durian scripts]# tail -n +5 TestFile.log the line number is 5the line number is 6the line number is 7the line number is 8the line number is 9the line number is 10the line number is 11the line number is 12the line number is 13the line number is 14the line number is 15the line number is 16the line number is 17the line number is 18the line number is 19the line number is 20


[root@Durian scripts]# tail TestFile.log the line number is 11the line number is 12the line number is 13the line number is 14the line number is 15the line number is 16the line number is 17the line number is 18the line number is 19the line number is 20



tail -f /var/log/messages


-v ,在首行打印文件名称
[root@Durian scripts]# tail -v -n 3 TestFile.log ==> TestFile.log <==the line number is 18the line number is 19the line number is 20


[root@Durian scripts]# head -n 15 TestFile.log |tail -n 5the line number is 11the line number is 12the line number is 13the line number is 14the line number is 15


[root@Durian scripts]# sed -n '10p' TestFile.log the line number is 10

[root@Durian scripts]# sed -n '11,14p' TestFile.log the line number is 11the line number is 12the line number is 13the line number is 14


[root@Durian scripts]# vi +12 TestFile.log


[root@Durian scripts]# more -4 TestFile.log the line number is 1the line number is 2the line number is 3the line number is 4--More--(19%)


[root@Durian scripts]# more +4 TestFile.log the line number is 4the line number is 5the line number is 6the line number is 7the line number is 8the line number is 9the line number is 10the line number is 11the line number is 12the line number is 13the line number is 14the line number is 15the line number is 16the line number is 17the line number is 18the line number is 19the line number is 20


[root@Durian scripts]# less +4 TestFile.lo
