

发表于:2025-02-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日,一、实验拓扑:由于条件有限,使用两个N5K做基本的vPC实验,Peer Keepalive Link使用的是两个Nexus 5K的Mgm0接口。二、配置步骤:1、先构建vPC domain,并在dom
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日vPC基础实验


由于条件有限,使用两个N5K做基本的vPC实验,Peer Keepalive Link使用的是两个Nexus 5K的Mgm0接口。


1、先构建vPC domain,并在domain下定义role优先级、system优先级、PKL





hostname N5K-1

feature telnet

feature interface-vlan

feature lacp

feature vpc

vlan 1, 10

vrf context management

vpc domain 10

peer-switch >>>>对于其他的SW,看到的是同一个MAC地址?

role priority 100 >>>这个值需要不同,小的成为Primary,大的成为Secondary,如果一样,小的MAC成为Primary

system-priority 2100 >>>这个值在同一个domain需要配置为一致

peer-keepalive destination source

delay restore 150

interface Vlan10

no shutdown

ip address

interface port-channel10

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10

spanning-tree port type network

speed 10000

vpc peer-link

interface port-channel20

switchport mode trunk

vpc 20

interface Ethernet1/1

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10

channel-group 10 mode active

interface Ethernet1/5

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10

channel-group 10 mode active

interface Ethernet1/9

switchport mode trunk

speed auto

channel-group 20 mode active

interface mgmt0

vrf member management

ip address


hostname N5K-2

feature telnet

feature interface-vlan

feature lacp

feature vpc

vlan 1, 10

vrf context management

vpc domain 10


role priority 101

system-priority 2100

peer-keepalive destination source

delay restore 150

interface Vlan10

no shutdown

ip address

interface port-channel10

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10

spanning-tree port type network

speed 10000

vpc peer-link

interface port-channel20

switchport mode trunk

vpc 20

interface Ethernet1/1

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10

channel-group 10 mode active

interface Ethernet1/5

switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10

channel-group 10 mode active

interface Ethernet1/9

switchport mode trunk

speed auto

channel-group 20 mode active

interface mgmt0

vrf member management

ip address


vlan 1,10

interface vlan10

ip address

interface range tenGigabitEthernet 1/1 tenGigabitEthernet 1/3

channel-group 20 mode active

interface Port-channel 20

switch mode trunk

vpc 20

N5K-1# sho int brief


Ethernet VLAN Type Mode Status Reason Speed Por


Interface Ch



Eth2/1 1 eth access up none 10G(D) --

Eth2/2 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/3 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/4 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/5 1 eth access up none 10G(D) --

Eth2/6 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/7 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/8 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/9 1 eth fabric up none 10G(D) -- >>>>如要配置FEX,该接口的模式为switchport mode fex-fabric

Eth2/10 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/11 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/12 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/13 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/14 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/15 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/16 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/17 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/18 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/19 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/20 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/21 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/22 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/23 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/24 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/25 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/26 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/27 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/28 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/29 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/30 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/31 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

Eth2/32 1 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --


Port VRF Status IP Address Speed MTU


mgmt0 -- up 1000 1500


N5K-1# sho vpc


(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10

Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok

vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive

Configuration consistency status : success

Per-vlan consistency status : success

Type-2 consistency status : success

vPC role : primary

Number of vPCs configured : 0

Peer Gateway : Disabled

Dual-active excluded VLANs : -

Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

Auto-recovery status : Enabled (timeout = 240 seconds)

vPC Peer-link status


id Port Status Active vlans

-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------

1 Po10 up 1,10


N5K-1# show vpc


(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10

Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok

vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive

Configuration consistency status : success

Per-vlan consistency status : success

Type-2 consistency status : success

vPC role : primary

Number of vPCs configured : 1

Peer Gateway : Disabled

Dual-active excluded VLANs : -

Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

Auto-recovery status : Enabled (timeout = 240 seconds)

vPC Peer-link status


id Port Status Active vlans

-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------

1 Po10 up 1,10

vPC status


id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans

------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------

20 Po20 up success success 1,10


N5K-1# show vpc consistency-parameters interface port-channel 10

Note: **** Global type-1 parameters will be displayed for peer-link *****


Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch

Name Type Local Value Peer Value

------------- ---- ---------------------- -----------------------

QoS 2 ([], [], [], [], [], ([], [], [], [], [],

[]) [])

Network QoS (MTU) 2 (1538, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (1538, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Network Qos (Pause) 2 (F, F, F, F, F, F) (F, F, F, F, F, F)

Input Queuing (Bandwidth) 2 (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Input Queuing (Absolute 2 (F, F, F, F, F, F) (F, F, F, F, F, F)


Output Queuing (Bandwidth) 2 (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Output Queuing (Absolute 2 (F, F, F, F, F, F) (F, F, F, F, F, F)


STP Mode 1 Rapid-PVST Rapid-PVST

STP Disabled 1 None None

STP MST Region Name 1 "" ""

STP MST Region Revision 1 0 0

STP MST Region Instance to 1

VLAN Mapping

STP Loopguard 1 Disabled Disabled

STP Bridge Assurance 1 Enabled Enabled

STP Port Type, Edge 1 Normal, Disabled, Normal, Disabled,

BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard Disabled Disabled

STP MST Simulate PVST 1 Enabled Enabled

Interface-vlan admin up 2 10 10

Interface-vlan routing 2 1,10 1,10


IGMP Snooping Group-Limit 2 4000 4000

Allowed VLANs - 1,10 1,10

Local suspended VLANs - - -