
LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的

发表于:2025-02-01 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日,这篇文章主要讲解了"LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的"吧!在
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的

这篇文章主要讲解了"LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的"吧!

在我们编写程序中,往往需要一些存储过程,LINQ to SQL存储过程中怎么使用呢?也许比原来的更简单些。下面我们以NORTHWND.MDF数据库中自带的几个存储过程来理解一下。

1.LINQ to SQL存储过程之标量返回
在数据库中,有名为Customers Count By Region的存储过程。该存储过程返回顾客所在"WA"区域的数量。

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[NonRowset]      (@param1 NVARCHAR(15))  AS  BEGIN      SET NOCOUNT ON;       DECLARE @count int      SELECT @count = COUNT(*)FROM Customers        WHERECustomers.Region = @Param1       RETURN @count


[Function(Name = "dbo.[Customers Count By Region]")]  public int Customers_Count_By_Region([Parameter  (DbType = "NVarChar(15)")] string param1)  {      IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,      ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), param1);      return ((int)(result.ReturnValue));


int count = db.CustomersCountByRegion("WA"); Console.WriteLine(count);


2.LINQ to SQL存储过程之单一结果集
从数据库中返回行集合,并包含用于筛选结果的输入参数。 当我们执行返回行集合的存储过程时,会用到结果类,它存储从存储过程中返回的结果。


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Customers By City]       -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here       (@param1 NVARCHAR(20))  AS  BEGIN       -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from       -- interfering with SELECT statements.       SET NOCOUNT ON;       SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, CompanyName, City from        Customers as c where c.City=@param1


[Function(Name="dbo.[Customers By City]")]  public ISingleResult Customers_By_City(  [Parameter(DbType="NVarChar(20)")] string param1)  {      IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, (      (MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), param1);      return ((ISingleResult)      (result.ReturnValue));  }


ISingleResult result =   db.Customers_By_City("London");  foreach (Customers_By_CityResult cust in result)  {      Console.WriteLine("CustID={0}; City={1}", cust.CustomerID,          cust.City);  }

语句描述:这个实例使用存储过程返回在伦敦的客户的 CustomerID和City。

3.LINQ to SQL存储过程之多个可能形状的单一结果集

当存储过程可以返回多个结果形状时,返回类型无法强类型化为单个投影形状。尽管 LINQ to SQL 可以生成所有可能的投影类型,但它无法获知将以何种顺序返回它们。 ResultTypeAttribute 属性适用于返回多个结果类型的存储过程,用以指定该过程可以返回的类型的集合。

在下面的 SQL 代码示例中,结果形状取决于输入(param1 = 1或param1 = 2)。我们不知道先返回哪个投影。

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SingleRowset_MultiShape]       -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here       (@param1 int )  AS  BEGIN       -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from       -- interfering with SELECT statements.       SET NOCOUNT ON;       if(@param1 = 1)       SELECT * from Customers as c where c.Region = 'WA'      else if (@param1 = 2)       SELECT CustomerID, ContactName, CompanyName from        Customers as c where c.Region = 'WA'


[Function(Name="dbo.[Whole Or Partial Customers Set]")]  public ISingleResult   Whole_Or_Partial_Customers_Set([Parameter(DbType="Int")]   System.Nullable param1)  {      IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,       ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), param1);      return ((ISingleResult)      (result.ReturnValue));  }


[Function(Name="dbo.[Whole Or Partial Customers Set]")]  [ResultType(typeof(WholeCustomersSetResult))]  [ResultType(typeof(PartialCustomersSetResult))]  public IMultipleResults Whole_Or_Partial_Customers_Set([Parameter  (DbType="Int")] System.Nullable param1)  {      IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,       ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), param1);      return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue));  }

我们分别定义了两个分部类,用于指定返回的类型。WholeCustomersSetResult类 如下:(点击展开)


public partial class WholeCustomersSetResult  {      private string _CustomerID;      private string _CompanyName;      private string _ContactName;      private string _ContactTitle;      private string _Address;      private string _City;      private string _Region;      private string _PostalCode;      private string _Country;      private string _Phone;      private string _Fax;      public WholeCustomersSetResult()      {      }      [Column(Storage = "_CustomerID", DbType = "NChar(5)")]      public string CustomerID      {          get { return this._CustomerID; }          set         {              if ((this._CustomerID != value))                  this._CustomerID = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_CompanyName", DbType = "NVarChar(40)")]      public string CompanyName      {          get { return this._CompanyName; }          set         {              if ((this._CompanyName != value))                  this._CompanyName = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ContactName", DbType = "NVarChar(30)")]      public string ContactName      {          get { return this._ContactName; }          set         {              if ((this._ContactName != value))                  this._ContactName = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ContactTitle", DbType = "NVarChar(30)")]      public string ContactTitle      {          get { return this._ContactTitle; }          set         {              if ((this._ContactTitle != value))                  this._ContactTitle = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Address", DbType = "NVarChar(60)")]      public string Address      {          get { return this._Address; }          set         {              if ((this._Address != value))                  this._Address = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_City", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string City      {          get { return this._City; }          set         {              if ((this._City != value))                  this._City = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Region", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string Region      {          get { return this._Region; }          set         {              if ((this._Region != value))                  this._Region = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_PostalCode", DbType = "NVarChar(10)")]      public string PostalCode      {          get { return this._PostalCode; }          set         {              if ((this._PostalCode != value))                  this._PostalCode = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Country", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string Country      {          get { return this._Country; }          set         {              if ((this._Country != value))                  this._Country = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Phone", DbType = "NVarChar(24)")]      public string Phone      {          get { return this._Phone; }          set         {              if ((this._Phone != value))                  this._Phone = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Fax", DbType = "NVarChar(24)")]      public string Fax      {          get { return this._Fax; }          set         {              if ((this._Fax != value))                  this._Fax = value;          }      }  }

PartialCustomersSetResult类 如下:(点击展开)


public partial class PartialCustomersSetResult  {      private string _CustomerID;      private string _ContactName;      private string _CompanyName;      public PartialCustomersSetResult()      {      }      [Column(Storage = "_CustomerID", DbType = "NChar(5)")]      public string CustomerID      {          get { return this._CustomerID; }          set         {              if ((this._CustomerID != value))                  this._CustomerID = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ContactName", DbType = "NVarChar(30)")]      public string ContactName      {          get { return this._ContactName; }          set         {              if ((this._ContactName != value))                  this._ContactName = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_CompanyName", DbType = "NVarChar(40)")]      public string CompanyName      {          get { return this._CompanyName; }          set         {              if ((this._CompanyName != value))                  this._CompanyName = value;          }      }  }


//返回全部Customer结果集  IMultipleResults result = db.Whole_Or_Partial_Customers_Set(1);  IEnumerable shape1 =   result.GetResult();  foreach (WholeCustomersSetResult compName in shape1)  {      Console.WriteLine(compName.CompanyName);  }  //返回部分Customer结果集  result = db.Whole_Or_Partial_Customers_Set(2);  IEnumerable shape2 =   result.GetResult();  foreach (PartialCustomersSetResult con in shape2)  {      Console.WriteLine(con.ContactName);  }

语句描述:这个实例使用存储过程返回"WA"地区中的一组客户。返回的结果集形状取决于传入的参数。如果参数等于 1,则返回所有客户属性。如果参数等于 2,则返回ContactName属性。

4.LINQ to SQL存储过程之多个结果集


下面是一个按顺序返回多个结果集的存储过程Get Customer And Orders。 返回顾客ID为"SEVES"的顾客和他们所有的订单。

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get Customer And Orders]  (@CustomerID nchar(5))      -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here  AS  BEGIN      -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from      -- interfering with SELECT statements.      SET NOCOUNT ON;      SELECT * FROM Customers AS c WHERE c.CustomerID = @CustomerID        SELECT * FROM Orders AS o WHERE o.CustomerID = @CustomerID  END拖到设计器代码如下:   [Function(Name="dbo.[Get Customer And Orders]")]  public ISingleResult Get_Customer_And_Orders([Parameter(Name="CustomerID",  DbType="NChar(5)")] string customerID)  {       IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,       ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), customerID);       return ((ISingleResult)       (result.ReturnValue));  }同样,我们要修改自动生成的代码:   [Function(Name="dbo.[Get Customer And Orders]")]  [ResultType(typeof(CustomerResultSet))]  [ResultType(typeof(OrdersResultSet))]  public IMultipleResults Get_Customer_And_Orders  ([Parameter(Name="CustomerID",DbType="NChar(5)")]  string customerID)  {      IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,      ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), customerID);      return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue));  }



public partial class CustomerResultSet  {       private string _CustomerID;      private string _CompanyName;      private string _ContactName;      private string _ContactTitle;      private string _Address;      private string _City;      private string _Region;      private string _PostalCode;      private string _Country;      private string _Phone;      private string _Fax;      public CustomerResultSet()      {      }      [Column(Storage = "_CustomerID", DbType = "NChar(5)")]      public string CustomerID      {          get { return this._CustomerID; }          set         {              if ((this._CustomerID != value))                  this._CustomerID = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_CompanyName", DbType = "NVarChar(40)")]      public string CompanyName      {          get { return this._CompanyName; }          set         {              if ((this._CompanyName != value))                  this._CompanyName = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ContactName", DbType = "NVarChar(30)")]      public string ContactName      {          get { return this._ContactName; }          set         {              if ((this._ContactName != value))                  this._ContactName = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ContactTitle", DbType = "NVarChar(30)")]      public string ContactTitle      {          get { return this._ContactTitle; }          set         {              if ((this._ContactTitle != value))                  this._ContactTitle = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Address", DbType = "NVarChar(60)")]      public string Address      {          get { return this._Address; }          set         {              if ((this._Address != value))                  this._Address = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_City", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string City      {          get { return this._City; }          set         {              if ((this._City != value))                  this._City = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Region", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string Region      {          get { return this._Region; }          set         {              if ((this._Region != value))                  this._Region = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_PostalCode", DbType = "NVarChar(10)")]      public string PostalCode      {          get { return this._PostalCode; }          set         {              if ((this._PostalCode != value))                  this._PostalCode = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Country", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string Country      {          get { return this._Country; }          set         {              if ((this._Country != value))                  this._Country = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Phone", DbType = "NVarChar(24)")]      public string Phone      {          get { return this._Phone; }          set         {              if ((this._Phone != value))                  this._Phone = value;          }      }       [Column(Storage = "_Fax", DbType = "NVarChar(24)")]      public string Fax      {          get { return this._Fax; }          set         {              if ((this._Fax != value))                  this._Fax = value;          }      }  }

OrdersResultSet类 代码在这里展开

public partial class OrdersResultSet  {      private System.Nullable _OrderID;      private string _CustomerID;      private System.Nullable _EmployeeID;      private System.Nullable _OrderDate;      private System.Nullable _RequiredDate;      private System.Nullable _ShippedDate;      private System.Nullable _ShipVia;      private System.Nullable _Freight;      private string _ShipName;      private string _ShipAddress;      private string _ShipCity;      private string _ShipRegion;      private string _ShipPostalCode;      private string _ShipCountry;      public OrdersResultSet()      {      }      [Column(Storage = "_OrderID", DbType = "Int")]      public System.Nullable OrderID      {          get { return this._OrderID; }          set         {              if ((this._OrderID != value))                  this._OrderID = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_CustomerID", DbType = "NChar(5)")]      public string CustomerID      {          get { return this._CustomerID; }          set         {              if ((this._CustomerID != value))                  this._CustomerID = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_EmployeeID", DbType = "Int")]      public System.Nullable EmployeeID      {          get { return this._EmployeeID; }          set         {              if ((this._EmployeeID != value))                  this._EmployeeID = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_OrderDate", DbType = "DateTime")]      public System.Nullable OrderDate      {          get { return this._OrderDate; }          set         {              if ((this._OrderDate != value))                  this._OrderDate = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_RequiredDate", DbType = "DateTime")]      public System.Nullable RequiredDate      {          get { return this._RequiredDate; }          set         {              if ((this._RequiredDate != value))                  this._RequiredDate = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShippedDate", DbType = "DateTime")]      public System.Nullable ShippedDate      {          get { return this._ShippedDate; }          set         {              if ((this._ShippedDate != value))                  this._ShippedDate = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShipVia", DbType = "Int")]      public System.Nullable ShipVia      {          get { return this._ShipVia; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipVia != value))                  this._ShipVia = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_Freight", DbType = "Money")]      public System.Nullable Freight      {          get { return this._Freight; }          set         {              if ((this._Freight != value))                  this._Freight = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShipName", DbType = "NVarChar(40)")]      public string ShipName      {          get { return this._ShipName; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipName != value))                  this._ShipName = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShipAddress", DbType = "NVarChar(60)")]      public string ShipAddress      {          get { return this._ShipAddress; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipAddress != value))                  this._ShipAddress = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShipCity", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string ShipCity      {          get { return this._ShipCity; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipCity != value))                  this._ShipCity = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShipRegion", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string ShipRegion      {          get { return this._ShipRegion; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipRegion != value))                  this._ShipRegion = value;          }      }      [Column(Storage = "_ShipPostalCode", DbType = "NVarChar(10)")]      public string ShipPostalCode      {          get { return this._ShipPostalCode; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipPostalCode != value))                  this._ShipPostalCode = value;          }      }       [Column(Storage = "_ShipCountry", DbType = "NVarChar(15)")]      public string ShipCountry      {          get { return this._ShipCountry; }          set         {              if ((this._ShipCountry != value))                  this._ShipCountry = value;          }      }  }


IMultipleResults result = db.Get_Customer_And_Orders("SEVES");  //返回Customer结果集  IEnumerable customer =   result.GetResult();  //返回Orders结果集  IEnumerable orders =    result.GetResult();  //在这里,我们读取CustomerResultSet中的数据  foreach (CustomerResultSet cust in customer)  {      Console.WriteLine(cust.CustomerID);  }


5.LINQ to SQL存储过程之带输出参数

LINQ to SQL 将输出参数映射到引用参数,并且对于值类型,它将参数声明为可以为 null。

下面的示例带有单个输入参数(客户 ID)并返回一个输出参数(该客户的总销售额)。




[Function(Name="dbo.CustOrderTotal")]  public int CustOrderTotal(  [Parameter(Name="CustomerID", DbType="NChar(5)")]string customerID,  [Parameter(Name="TotalSales", DbType="Money")]    ref System.Nullable totalSales)  {      IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,      ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())),      customerID, totalSales);      totalSales = ((System.Nullable)      (result.GetParameterValue(1)));      return ((int)(result.ReturnValue));  }


decimal? totalSales = 0;  string customerID = "ALFKI";  db.CustOrderTotal(customerID, ref totalSales);  Console.WriteLine("Total Sales for Customer '{0}' = {1:C}",   customerID, totalSales);

语句描述:这个实例使用返回 Out 参数的存储过程。

感谢各位的阅读,以上就是"LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的"的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对LINQ to SQL存储过程是怎样的这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!

过程 存储 结果 参数 代码 客户 多个 类型 生成 形状 语句 实例 面的 设计 数据 自动生成 输入 输出 属性 数据库 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 汽车软件开发公司深圳 客户端如何加入域服务器 sqoop是一个数据库吗 赢在未来网络安全中国行视频 php 连接数据库代码 sql查询数据库版本最新中文版 关于校园网络安全标语 软件开发团队流程 软件开发的朋友该怎么去关心 word设计的软件开发技术 茂名专业软件开发价格走势 浙江金融行业网络技术峰会 创魔如何自己开一个服务器 华为网络技术挑战赛 实时变化的数据怎么存入数据库 mysql数据库出错 网络安全防护准则 自动化软件开发入门 网络技术应用期中考试 学习和做好网络安全 沭阳多功能网络技术价格表格 软件开发是什么前端后端是什么 软件开发项目人员详细情况说明 vs设计登录界面链接数据库 威联通nfs挂载服务器失败 软件开发公司的服务机构 visio中导入数据库表 关于网络安全作文的资料 深度神经网络技术在政务方面应用 linux服务器管理实验