
java9中gc log参数的迁移

发表于:2025-01-17 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月17日,这篇文章主要讲解了"java9中gc log参数的迁移",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"java9中gc log参数的迁移"吧!序本文主要
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月17日java9中gc log参数的迁移

这篇文章主要讲解了"java9中gc log参数的迁移",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"java9中gc log参数的迁移"吧!

本文主要研究一下java9 gc log参数的迁移。



相关JEP(JDK Enhancement Proposal)

  • JEP 158: Unified JVM Logging

  • JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service

  • JEP 271: Unified GC Logging


-Xlog[:option]  option     := [][:[][:[][:]]]            'help'            'disable'  what      := [,...]  selector    := [*][=]  tag-set    := [+...]            'all'  tag      := name of tag  level     := trace            debug            info            warning            error  output     := 'stderr'            'stdout'            [file=]  decorators   := [,...]            'none'  decorator   := time            uptime            timemillis            uptimemillis            timenanos            uptimenanos            pid            tid            level            tags  output-options := [,...]  output-option := filecount=            filesize=            parameter=value









- stdout(`Sends output to stdout`)- stderr(`Sends output to stderr`)- file=filename(`Sends output to text file(s)`)






  • time -- Current time and date in ISO-8601 format

  • uptime -- Time since the start of the JVM in seconds and milliseconds (e.g., 6.567s)

  • timemillis -- The same value as generated by System.currentTimeMillis()

  • uptimemillis -- Milliseconds since the JVM started

  • timenanos -- The same value as generated by System.nanoTime()

  • uptimenanos -- Nanoseconds since the JVM started

  • pid -- The process identifier

  • tid -- The thread identifier

  • level -- The level associated with the log message

  • tags -- The tag-set associated with the log message

不指定的话,默认是uptime, level, and tags这三个。比如

[3.080s][info][gc,cpu ] GC(5) User=0.03s Sys=0.00s Real=0.01s





[1110ms][1867] GC(2) Pause Remark 17M->17M(256M) 2.024ms[1110ms][1867] GC(2) Finalize Live Data 0.000ms[1110ms][1867] GC(2) Pause Cleanup 17M->17M(256M) 0.177ms[1112ms][1867] GC(2) Concurrent Cycle 7.470ms[2951ms][1867] GC(3) Pause Initial Mark (Metadata GC Threshold) 149M->30M(256M) 27.175ms[2951ms][1867] GC(4) Concurrent Cycle[2972ms][1867] GC(4) Pause Remark 32M->32M(256M) 5.132ms[2974ms][1867] GC(4) Finalize Live Data 0.000ms[2974ms][1867] GC(4) Pause Cleanup 32M->32M(256M) 0.214ms[2976ms][1867] GC(4) Concurrent Cycle 25.422ms



Legacy Garbage Collection (GC) FlagXlog ConfigurationComment
G1PrintHeapRegions-Xlog:gc+region=traceNot Applicable
GCLogFileSizeNo configuration availableLog rotation is handled by the framework.
NumberOfGCLogFilesNot ApplicableLog rotation is handled by the framework.
PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy-Xlog:ergo*=levelUse a level of debug for most of the information, or a level of trace for all of what was logged for PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy.
PrintGC-Xlog:gcNot Applicable
PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime-Xlog:safepointNote that PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime are logged on the same tag and aren't separated in the new logging.
PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime-Xlog:safepointNote that PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime are logged on the same tag and not separated in the new logging.
PrintGCCauseNot ApplicableGC cause is now always logged.
PrintGCDateStampsNot ApplicableDate stamps are logged by the framework.
PrintGCDetails-Xlog:gc*Not Applicable
PrintGCIDNot ApplicableGC ID is now always logged.
PrintGCTaskTimeStamps-Xlog:task*=debugNot Applicable
PrintGCTimeStampsNot ApplicableTime stamps are logged by the framework.
PrintHeapAtGC-Xlog:gc+heap=traceNot Applicable
PrintReferenceGC-Xlog:ref*=debugNote that in the old logging, PrintReferenceGC had an effect only if PrintGCDetails was also enabled.
PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics-Xlog:stringdedup*=debugNot Applicable
PrintTenuringDistribution-Xlog:age*=levelUse a level of debug for the most relevant information, or a level of trace for all of what was logged for PrintTenuringDistribution.
UseGCLogFileRotationNot ApplicableWhat was logged for PrintTenuringDistribution.


Legacy Runtime FlagXlog ConfigurationComment
TraceExceptions-Xlog:exceptions=infoNot Applicable
TraceClassLoading-Xlog:class+load=levelUse level=info for regular information, or level=debug for additional information. In Unified Logging syntax, -verbose:class equals -Xlog:class+load=info,class+unload=info.
TraceClassLoadingPreorder-Xlog:class+preorder=debugNot Applicable
TraceClassUnloading-Xlog:class+unload=levelUse level=info for regular information, or level=trace for additional information. In Unified Logging syntax, -verbose:class equals -Xlog:class+load=info,class+unload=info.
VerboseVerification-Xlog:verification=infoNot Applicable
TraceClassPaths-Xlog:class+path=infoNot Applicable
TraceClassResolution-Xlog:class+resolve=debugNot Applicable
TraceClassInitialization-Xlog:class+init=infoNot Applicable
TraceLoaderConstraints-Xlog:class+loader+constraints=infoNot Applicable
TraceClassLoaderData-Xlog:class+loader+data=levelUse level=debug for regular information or level=trace for additional information.
TraceSafepointCleanupTime-Xlog:safepoint+cleanup=infoNot Applicable
TraceSafepoint-Xlog:safepoint=debugNot Applicable
TraceMonitorInflation-Xlog:monitorinflation=debugNot Applicable
TraceBiasedLocking-Xlog:biasedlocking=levelUse level=info for regular information, or level=trace for additional information.
TraceRedefineClasses-Xlog:redefine+class*=levellevel=info, =debug, and =trace provide increasing amounts of information.


java9把gc log的选型及输出也给统一到了Xlog中,可以按照官方给出的迁移表进行迁移。

感谢各位的阅读,以上就是"java9中gc log参数的迁移"的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对java9中gc log参数的迁移这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!