

发表于:2024-10-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年10月21日,本文小编为大家详细介绍"基于Python怎么实现超级玛丽游戏",内容详细,步骤清晰,细节处理妥当,希望这篇"基于Python怎么实现超级玛丽游戏"文章能帮助大家解决疑惑,下面跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一
千家信息网最后更新 2024年10月21日基于Python怎么实现超级玛丽游戏






import osimport pygame as pgkeybinding = {    'action':pg.K_s,    'jump':pg.K_a,    'left':pg.K_LEFT,    'right':pg.K_RIGHT,    'down':pg.K_DOWN}class Control(object):    """Control class for entire project. Contains the game loop, and contains    the event_loop which passes events to States as needed. Logic for flipping    states is also found here."""    def __init__(self, caption):        self.screen = pg.display.get_surface()        self.done = False        self.clock = pg.time.Clock()        self.caption = caption        self.fps = 60        self.show_fps = False        self.current_time = 0.0        self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()        self.state_dict = {}        self.state_name = None        self.state = None    def setup_states(self, state_dict, start_state):        self.state_dict = state_dict        self.state_name = start_state        self.state = self.state_dict[self.state_name]    def update(self):        self.current_time = pg.time.get_ticks()        if self.state.quit:            self.done = True        elif self.state.done:            self.flip_state()        self.state.update(self.screen, self.keys, self.current_time)    def flip_state(self):        previous, self.state_name = self.state_name, self.state.next        persist = self.state.cleanup()        self.state = self.state_dict[self.state_name]        self.state.startup(self.current_time, persist)        self.state.previous = previous    def event_loop(self):        for event in pg.event.get():            if event.type == pg.QUIT:                self.done = True            elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:                self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()                self.toggle_show_fps(event.key)            elif event.type == pg.KEYUP:                self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()            self.state.get_event(event)    def toggle_show_fps(self, key):        if key == pg.K_F5:            self.show_fps = not self.show_fps            if not self.show_fps:                pg.display.set_caption(self.caption)    def main(self):        """Main loop for entire program"""        while not self.done:            self.event_loop()            self.update()            pg.display.update()            self.clock.tick(self.fps)            if self.show_fps:                fps = self.clock.get_fps()                with_fps = "{} - {:.2f} FPS".format(self.caption, fps)                pg.display.set_caption(with_fps)class _State(object):    def __init__(self):        self.start_time = 0.0        self.current_time = 0.0        self.done = False        self.quit = False        self.next = None        self.previous = None        self.persist = {}    def get_event(self, event):        pass    def startup(self, current_time, persistant):        self.persist = persistant        self.start_time = current_time    def cleanup(self):        self.done = False        return self.persist    def update(self, surface, keys, current_time):        passdef load_all_gfx(directory, colorkey=(255,0,255), accept=('.png', 'jpg', 'bmp')):    graphics = {}    for pic in os.listdir(directory):        name, ext = os.path.splitext(pic)        if ext.lower() in accept:            img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(directory, pic))            if img.get_alpha():                img = img.convert_alpha()            else:                img = img.convert()                img.set_colorkey(colorkey)            graphics[name]=img    return graphicsdef load_all_music(directory, accept=('.wav', '.mp3', '.ogg', '.mdi')):    songs = {}    for song in os.listdir(directory):        name,ext = os.path.splitext(song)        if ext.lower() in accept:            songs[name] = os.path.join(directory, song)    return songsdef load_all_fonts(directory, accept=('.ttf')):    return load_all_music(directory, accept)def load_all_sfx(directory, accept=('.wav','.mpe','.ogg','.mdi')):    effects = {}    for fx in os.listdir(directory):        name, ext = os.path.splitext(fx)        if ext.lower() in accept:            effects[name] = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, fx))    return effects



import osimport pygame as pgfrom . import toolsfrom .import constants as cORIGINAL_CAPTION = c.ORIGINAL_CAPTIONos.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'pg.init()pg.event.set_allowed([pg.KEYDOWN, pg.KEYUP, pg.QUIT])pg.display.set_caption(c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION)SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode(c.SCREEN_SIZE)SCREEN_RECT = SCREEN.get_rect()FONTS = tools.load_all_fonts(os.path.join("resources","fonts"))MUSIC = tools.load_all_music(os.path.join("resources","music"))GFX   = tools.load_all_gfx(os.path.join("resources","graphics"))SFX   = tools.load_all_sfx(os.path.join("resources","sound"))


from .. import setup, toolsfrom .. import constants as cfrom .. import game_soundfrom ..components import infoclass LoadScreen(tools._State):    def __init__(self):        tools._State.__init__(self)    def startup(self, current_time, persist):        self.start_time = current_time        self.persist = persist        self.game_info = self.persist        self.next = self.set_next_state()        info_state = self.set_overhead_info_state()        self.overhead_info = info.OverheadInfo(self.game_info, info_state)        self.sound_manager = game_sound.Sound(self.overhead_info)    def set_next_state(self):        """Sets the next state"""        return c.LEVEL1    def set_overhead_info_state(self):        """sets the state to send to the overhead info object"""        return c.LOAD_SCREEN    def update(self, surface, keys, current_time):        """Updates the loading screen"""        if (current_time - self.start_time) < 2400:            surface.fill(c.BLACK)            self.overhead_info.update(self.game_info)            self.overhead_info.draw(surface)        elif (current_time - self.start_time) < 2600:            surface.fill(c.BLACK)        elif (current_time - self.start_time) < 2635:            surface.fill((106, 150, 252))        else:            self.done = Trueclass GameOver(LoadScreen):    """A loading screen with Game Over"""    def __init__(self):        super(GameOver, self).__init__()    def set_next_state(self):        """Sets next state"""        return c.MAIN_MENU    def set_overhead_info_state(self):        """sets the state to send to the overhead info object"""        return c.GAME_OVER    def update(self, surface, keys, current_time):        self.current_time = current_time        self.sound_manager.update(self.persist, None)        if (self.current_time - self.start_time) < 7000:            surface.fill(c.BLACK)            self.overhead_info.update(self.game_info)            self.overhead_info.draw(surface)        elif (self.current_time - self.start_time) < 7200:            surface.fill(c.BLACK)        elif (self.current_time - self.start_time) < 7235:            surface.fill((106, 150, 252))        else:            self.done = Trueclass TimeOut(LoadScreen):    """Loading Screen with Time Out"""    def __init__(self):        super(TimeOut, self).__init__()    def set_next_state(self):        """Sets next state"""        if self.persist[c.LIVES] == 0:            return c.GAME_OVER        else:            return c.LOAD_SCREEN    def set_overhead_info_state(self):        """Sets the state to send to the overhead info object"""        return c.TIME_OUT    def update(self, surface, keys, current_time):        self.current_time = current_time        if (self.current_time - self.start_time) < 2400:            surface.fill(c.BLACK)            self.overhead_info.update(self.game_info)            self.overhead_info.draw(surface)        else:            self.done = True


import pygame as pgfrom .. import setup, toolsfrom .. import constants as cfrom .. components import info, marioclass Menu(tools._State):    def __init__(self):        """Initializes the state"""        tools._State.__init__(self)        persist = {c.COIN_TOTAL: 0,                   c.SCORE: 0,                   c.LIVES: 3,                   c.TOP_SCORE: 0,                   c.CURRENT_TIME: 0.0,                   c.LEVEL_STATE: None,                   c.CAMERA_START_X: 0,                   c.MARIO_DEAD: False}        self.startup(0.0, persist)    def startup(self, current_time, persist):        """Called every time the game's state becomes this one.  Initializes        certain values"""        self.next = c.LOAD_SCREEN        self.persist = persist        self.game_info = persist        self.overhead_info = info.OverheadInfo(self.game_info, c.MAIN_MENU)        self.sprite_sheet = setup.GFX['title_screen']        self.setup_background()        self.setup_mario()        self.setup_cursor()    def setup_cursor(self):        """Creates the mushroom cursor to select 1 or 2 player game"""        self.cursor = pg.sprite.Sprite()        dest = (220, 358)        self.cursor.image, self.cursor.rect = self.get_image(            24, 160, 8, 8, dest, setup.GFX['item_objects'])        self.cursor.state = c.PLAYER1    def setup_mario(self):        """Places Mario at the beginning of the level"""        self.mario = mario.Mario()        self.mario.rect.x = 110        self.mario.rect.bottom = c.GROUND_HEIGHT    def setup_background(self):        """Setup the background image to blit"""        self.background = setup.GFX['level_1']        self.background_rect = self.background.get_rect()        self.background = pg.transform.scale(self.background,                                   (int(self.background_rect.width*c.BACKGROUND_MULTIPLER),                                    int(self.background_rect.height*c.BACKGROUND_MULTIPLER)))        self.viewport = setup.SCREEN.get_rect(bottom=setup.SCREEN_RECT.bottom)        self.image_dict = {}        self.image_dict['GAME_NAME_BOX'] = self.get_image(            1, 60, 176, 88, (170, 100), setup.GFX['title_screen'])    def get_image(self, x, y, width, height, dest, sprite_sheet):        """Returns images and rects to blit onto the screen"""        image = pg.Surface([width, height])        rect = image.get_rect()        image.blit(sprite_sheet, (0, 0), (x, y, width, height))        if sprite_sheet == setup.GFX['title_screen']:            image.set_colorkey((255, 0, 220))            image = pg.transform.scale(image,                                   (int(rect.width*c.SIZE_MULTIPLIER),                                    int(rect.height*c.SIZE_MULTIPLIER)))        else:            image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK)            image = pg.transform.scale(image,                                   (int(rect.width*3),                                    int(rect.height*3)))        rect = image.get_rect()        rect.x = dest[0]        rect.y = dest[1]        return (image, rect)    def update(self, surface, keys, current_time):        """Updates the state every refresh"""        self.current_time = current_time        self.game_info[c.CURRENT_TIME] = self.current_time        self.update_cursor(keys)        self.overhead_info.update(self.game_info)        surface.blit(self.background, self.viewport, self.viewport)        surface.blit(self.image_dict['GAME_NAME_BOX'][0],                     self.image_dict['GAME_NAME_BOX'][1])        surface.blit(self.mario.image, self.mario.rect)        surface.blit(self.cursor.image, self.cursor.rect)        self.overhead_info.draw(surface)    def update_cursor(self, keys):        """Update the position of the cursor"""        input_list = [pg.K_RETURN, pg.K_a, pg.K_s]        if self.cursor.state == c.PLAYER1:            self.cursor.rect.y = 358            if keys[pg.K_DOWN]:                self.cursor.state = c.PLAYER2            for input in input_list:                if keys[input]:                    self.reset_game_info()                    self.done = True        elif self.cursor.state == c.PLAYER2:            self.cursor.rect.y = 403            if keys[pg.K_UP]:                self.cursor.state = c.PLAYER1    def reset_game_info(self):        """Resets the game info in case of a Game Over and restart"""        self.game_info[c.COIN_TOTAL] = 0        self.game_info[c.SCORE] = 0        self.game_info[c.LIVES] = 3        self.game_info[c.CURRENT_TIME] = 0.0        self.game_info[c.LEVEL_STATE] = None        self.persist = self.game_info


from . import setup,toolsfrom .states import main_menu,load_screen,level1from . import constants as cdef main():    """Add states to control here."""    run_it = tools.Control(setup.ORIGINAL_CAPTION)    state_dict = {c.MAIN_MENU: main_menu.Menu(),                  c.LOAD_SCREEN: load_screen.LoadScreen(),                  c.TIME_OUT: load_screen.TimeOut(),                  c.GAME_OVER: load_screen.GameOver(),                  c.LEVEL1: level1.Level1()}    run_it.setup_states(state_dict, c.MAIN_MENU)    run_it.main()


import sysimport pygame as pgfrom 小游戏.超级玛丽.data.main import mainimport cProfileif __name__=='__main__':    main()    pg.quit()    sys.exit()
