发表于:2025-02-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日,这篇文章主要介绍"C++实现图书馆管理系统的代码怎么写"的相关知识,小编通过实际案例向大家展示操作过程,操作方法简单快捷,实用性强,希望这篇"C++实现图书馆管理系统的代码怎么写"文章能帮助大家解决问
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日C++实现图书馆管理系统的代码怎么写
#pragma once#include#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;class Student{private: int id; //student's ID number int year; //student's grade string name; string password; string gender; string telephone; string address; //student's name, password, gender, telephone number and address vector book; vector grade; //student's books and their markspublic: Student(); ~Student(); Student(int a, int b, string c, string d, string e, string f, string g); //constructors int get_id(); int get_year(); string get_name(); string get_pass(); string get_gend(); string get_tele(); string get_addr(); vector get_book(); //get the variables of class void change(int a, int b, string c, string d, string e, string f, string g); //change the information void display(); //display the information on the screen int length(); //get the number of all students bool canopen(); //check whether the file 'student.txt' can be opened void write(); //write the information current into file 'student.txt' void read(int n); //read the information of the number n student from file 'student.txt' void write_book(); //write the books information of the student into file 'mybook.txt' void read_book(); //read the infomation of the student from file 'mybook.txt' void change_book(int a, int b); //change the information of vector book and grade void add_book(int a); //add a new book void display_book(); //display the information of books on the screen void add_student(); //add a student into the file 'mybook.txt' void sub_student(); //subtract a student in the file 'mybook.txt' bool is_same_book(int a); //check whether there exist a same book in the file 'mybook.txt'};Student::Student(){ id = 0; year = 0; name = "not given"; password = "not given"; gender = "not given"; telephone = "not given"; address = "not given"; //define the default constructor}Student::~Student() {}Student::Student(int a, int b, string c, string d, string e, string f, string g){ id = a; year = b; name = c; password = d; gender = e; telephone = f; address = g; //define the normal constructor}int Student::get_id(){ return id;}int Student::get_year(){ return year;}string Student::get_name(){ return name;}string Student::get_pass(){ return password;}string Student::get_gend(){ return gender;}string Student::get_tele(){ return telephone;}string Student::get_addr(){ return address;}vector Student::get_book(){ return book;}void Student::change(int a, int b, string c, string d, string e, string f, string g){ id = a; year = b; name = c; password = d; gender = e; telephone = f; address = g;}void Student::display(){ cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "ID number: " << id << endl; cout << "Grade: " << year << endl; cout << "Gender: " << gender << endl; cout << "Telephone: " << telephone << endl; cout << "Address: " << address << endl << endl;}int Student::length(){ int i = 0; string temp; ifstream fin("student.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) i += 1; fin.close(); return i;}bool Student::canopen(){ ifstream fin1("student.txt"); ifstream fin2("mybook.txt"); if (fin1&&fin2) return 1; else return 0; fin1.close(); fin2.close();}void Student::write(){ ofstream fout("student.txt", ios::app); fout << id << "\t" << year << "\t" << name << "\t" << password << "\t" << gender << "\t" << telephone << "\t" << address << endl; fout.close();}void Student::read(int n){ int i = 0; string temp, data[999], a[6]; ifstream fin("student.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) { data[i] = temp; i += 1; } fin.close(); istringstream stream(data[n]); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { data[n].erase(0, data[n].find("\t") + 1); a[i] = data[n].substr(0, data[n].find("\t")); } name = a[1]; password = a[2]; gender = a[3]; telephone = a[4]; address = a[5]; stream >> id >> year;}void Student::write_book(){ int i, n, l = 0; string data[999], temp; ifstream fin("mybook.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) { data[l] = temp; l += 1; } fin.close(); ofstream fout("mybook.txt"); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { istringstream stream(data[i]); stream >> n; if (n == id) { fout << id; for (int i = 0; i < book.size(); i++) fout << "\t" << book[i] << "\t" << grade[i]; fout << endl; } else fout << data[i] << endl; } fout.close();}void Student::read_book(){ int i = 0, x, y, n; string data[999], temp; ifstream fin("mybook.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) { data[i] = temp; i += 1; } fin.close(); for (i = 0; i < 999; i++) { istringstream stream(data[i]); stream >> n; if (id == n) while (stream >> x >> y) { book.push_back(x); grade.push_back(y); } }}void Student::change_book(int a, int b){ int i; for (i = 0; i < book.size(); i++) if (book[i] == a) grade[i] = b;}void Student::add_book(int a){ book.push_back(a); grade.push_back(-1);}void Student::display_book(){ int i; for (i = 0; i < book.size(); i++) { cout << book[i] << "\t\t"; if (grade[i] == -1) cout << "None." << endl; else cout << grade[i] << endl; }}void Student::add_student(){ ofstream fout("mybook.txt", ios::app); fout << id << endl; fout.close();}void Student::sub_student(){ int i = 0, n, m, l; string data[999], temp; ifstream fin("mybook.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) { data[i] = temp; i += 1; } fin.close(); l = i; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { istringstream stream(data[i]); stream >> n; if (id == n) m = i; } ofstream fout("mybook.txt"); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (i != m) fout << data[i] << endl; fout.close();}bool Student::is_same_book(int a){ int i; bool success = 0; for (i = 0; i < book.size(); i++) if (book[i] == a) success = 1; return success;}
#pragma once#include#include #include #include using namespace std;class Book{private: int id; string name; string professor; //the information of a book int place; //left seats int year; //available to which gradespublic: Book(); ~Book(); Book(int a, string b, string c, int d, int e); int get_id(); string get_name(); string get_prof(); int get_place(); int get_year(); //get the variables of class void change(int a, string b, string c, int d, int e); //change the information void display(); //display the information on the screen int length(); //get the number of all the Books bool canopen(); //check whether the file 'book.txt' can be opened void write(); //write the information into the file 'book.txt' void read(int n); //read the information of number n book form the file 'book.txt'};Book::Book(){ name = "not given"; id = 0; professor = "not given"; place = 0; year = 0; //difine the default constructor}Book::~Book() {}Book::Book(int a, string b, string c, int d, int e){ id = a; name = b; professor = c; place = d; year = e; //define the normal constructor}int Book::get_id(){ return id;}string Book::get_name(){ return name;}string Book::get_prof(){ return professor;}int Book::get_place(){ return place;}int Book::get_year(){ return year;}void Book::change(int a, string b, string c, int d, int e){ id = a; name = b; professor = c; place = d; year = e;}void Book::display(){ cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "ID number: " << id << endl; cout << "Professor: " << professor << endl; cout << "Left seats: " << place << endl; cout << "Available grade: "; if (year > 0 && year < 5) cout << "year " << year; else if (year == 5) cout << "All of students."; else cout << "error in data."; cout << endl << endl;}int Book::length(){ int i = 0; string temp; ifstream fin("book.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) i += 1; fin.close(); return i;}bool Book::canopen(){ ifstream fin1("book.txt"); if (fin1) return 1; else return 0; fin1.close();}void Book::write(){ ofstream fout("book.txt", ios::app); fout << id << "\t" << place << "\t" << year << "\t" << name << "\t" << professor << "\t" << endl; fout.close();}void Book::read(int n){ int i = 0; string temp, data[999], a[4]; ifstream fin("book.txt"); while (getline(fin, temp)) { data[i] = temp; i += 1; } fin.close(); istringstream stream(data[n]); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { data[n].erase(0, data[n].find("\t") + 1); a[i] = data[n].substr(0, data[n].find("\t")); } name = a[2]; professor = a[3]; stream >> id >> place >> year;}
#include#include #include #include"Book.h"#include"Student.h"using namespace std;void initialize();bool is_administrator();bool is_student(int *n);void menu1();void menu2();void menu3();void wrong_input();void mag_book();void mag_student();void show_book_list();void show_student_list();void give_mark();void change_password();void choose_book(int n);void my_book(int n);void check_info(int n);void can_open(Book a);void can_open(Student a);bool is_same_student_name(string n);bool is_same_student_tele(string n);bool is_same_student_addr(string n);bool is_same_book_name(string n);int main(){ int user; char choice; bool success = 0; initialize(); do { menu1(); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case'1': { if (is_administrator()) { do { menu2(); cin >> choice; getchar(); switch (choice) { case'1':mag_book(); success = 0; break; case'2':mag_student(); success = 0; break; case'3':show_book_list(); success = 0; break; case'4':show_student_list(); success = 0; break; case'5':give_mark(); success = 0; break; case'6':change_password(); success = 0; break; case'9':success = 1; break; case'0':success = 1; break; default:wrong_input(); break; } } while (!success); } else { cout << "The password is incorrect." << endl; system("pause"); } } break; case'2': { if (is_student(&user)) { do { menu3(); cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case'1':choose_book(user); success = 0; break; case'2':my_book(user); success = 0; break; case'3':check_info(user); success = 0; break; case'9':success = 1; break; case'0':success = 1; break; default:wrong_input(); break; } } while (!success); } else { cout << "Your name or password is incorrect." << endl; system("pause"); } } break; case'0':success = 1; break; default:wrong_input(); break; } } while (choice != '0'); return 0;}void initialize(){ ifstream infile1("book.txt"); if (!infile1) { ofstream outfile1("book.txt"); outfile1.close(); } infile1.close(); ifstream infile2("student.txt"); if (!infile2) { ofstream outfile2("student.txt"); outfile2.close(); } infile2.close(); ifstream infile3("password.txt"); if (!infile3) { ofstream outfile3("password.txt"); outfile3 << "123"; outfile3.close(); } infile3.close(); ifstream infile4("mybook.txt"); if (!infile4) { ofstream outfile4("mybook.txt"); outfile4.close(); } infile4.close();}bool is_administrator(){ string p1, p2; getchar(); cout << "Please input the password:"; getline(cin, p1); ifstream infile("password.txt"); if (!infile) { cout << endl << "Out of service" << endl; cout << "Please press enter to exit." << endl; system("pause"); exit(0); } getline(infile, p2); infile.close(); if (p1 == p2) return 1; else return 0;}bool is_student(int *n){ Student a[100]; Student s; string p1, p2; int i; bool success = 0; getchar(); cout << "Please input your name:"; getline(cin, p1); cout << "Please input your password:"; getline(cin, p2); can_open(s); for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (a[i].get_name() == p1 && a[i].get_pass() == p2) { *n = i; success = 1; } } return success;}void menu1(){ system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " University Student Management System " << endl << endl; cout << " 1.Administrator System." << endl << endl; cout << " 2.Student System." << endl << endl; cout << " 0.Exit." << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Please input your choice:";}void menu2(){ system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " Administrator System " << endl << endl; cout << " 1.Book Management." << endl << endl; cout << " 2.Student Management." << endl << endl; cout << " 3.Show the Book List." << endl << endl; cout << " 4.Show the Student List." << endl << endl; cout << " 5.Give Marks to Students." << endl << endl; cout << " 6.Change Administrator Password." << endl << endl; cout << " 9.Return to the main menu." << endl << endl; cout << " 0.Exit." << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Please input your choice:";}void menu3(){ system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " Student System" << endl << endl; cout << " 1.Choose My Books" << endl << endl; cout << " 2.Check My Books and Grades" << endl << endl; cout << " 3.Check and Change My Infomation" << endl << endl; cout << " 9.Return to the main menu." << endl << endl; cout << " 0.Exit." << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Please input your choice:";}void wrong_input(){ system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl; cout << " Wrong input! Please input again." << endl; system("pause");}void mag_book(){ int i, id, plac, year; char choice; bool success = 0, success2 = 0; string name, prof; Book a[50]; Book c; do { fflush(stdin); system("cls"); cout << endl << " Book Management" << endl << endl; cout << "Which operation do you want about the list of book?" << endl; cout << "1.Browse a book\n\n2.Add a book\n\n3.Modify a book\n\n4.Delete a book\n\n"; cin >> choice; cout << "Please input the ID number of book:"; cin >> id; getchar(); can_open(c); if (choice == '1') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); for (i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) a[i].read(i); for (i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) if (id == a[i].get_id()) { system("cls"); a[i].display(); success = 1; } if (!success) cout << "The book cannot be found."; } else if (choice == '2') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); for (i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (id == a[i].get_id()) success = 1; } if (success) cout << "The book is exist"; else { do { cout << "Please input the name of book:"; getline(cin, name); } while (is_same_book_name(name)); cout << "Please input the professor's name:"; getline(cin, prof); cout << "Please input the maximum quota of people(connot change later):"; cin >> plac; cout << "Which grades are available?" << endl << "1. year 1\n2. year 2\n3. year 3\n4. year 4\n5. all of students\n"; cin >> year; c.change(id, name, prof, plac, year); c.write(); system("cls"); cout << "The book has been saved." << endl << endl; c.display(); } } else if (choice == '3') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); int l, n; l = c.length(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { a[i].read(i); if (id == a[i].get_id()) { n = i; success = 1; } } if (success) { do { cout << "Please input the new name of book " << id << ":"; getline(cin, name); } while (is_same_book_name(name)); cout << "Please input the new professor's name of book " << id << ":"; getline(cin, prof); cout << "Which grades are available?" << endl << "1. year 1\n2. year 2\n3. year 3\n4. year 4\n5. all of students\n"; cin >> year; a[n].change(id, name, prof, a[n].get_place(), year); ofstream fout("book.txt"); fout.close(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i].write(); system("cls"); cout << "The book has been changed." << endl << endl; a[n].display(); } else cout << "The book " << id << " cannot be found."; } else if (choice == '4') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); int n, l = c.length(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { a[i].read(i); if (id == a[i].get_id()) { n = i; success = 1; } } if (success) { ofstream fout("book.txt"); fout.close(); for (i = 0; i < l - 1; i++) if (i != n) a[i].write(); system("cls"); cout << "The book has been deleted." << endl << endl; a[n].display(); } else cout << "The book " << id << " cannot be found."; } else { cout << "wrong input, please input again." << endl; system("pause"); } } while (!success2); cout << endl; system("pause");}void mag_student(){ int i, id, year; char choice; bool success = 0, success2 = 0; string name, pass, gend, tele, addr; Student a[50]; Student s; do { system("cls"); cout << endl << " Student Management" << endl << endl; cout << "Which operation do you want about the list of student?" << endl; cout << "1.Browse a student\n2.Add a student\n3.Modify a student\n4.Delete a student\n"; cin >> choice; cout << "Please input the ID number of student:"; cin >> id; getchar(); can_open(s); if (choice == '1') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) a[i].read(i); for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) if (id == a[i].get_id()) { system("cls"); a[i].display(); success = 1; } if (!success) cout << "The student cannot be found."; } else if (choice == '2') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (id == a[i].get_id()) success = 1; } if (success) cout << "The student is exist"; else { do { cout << "Please input the name of student:"; getline(cin, name); } while (is_same_student_name(name)); cout << "Please input the password:"; getline(cin, pass); do { cout << "What grade is the student in? (1-4)"; cin >> year; } while (year < 1 || year>4); fflush(stdin); do { cout << "Please input the student's gender:" << endl << "Please enter 'male' or 'female' :"; getline(cin, gend); } while (!(gend == "male" || gend == "female")); do { cout << "Please input the telephone number:"; getline(cin, tele); } while (is_same_student_tele(tele)); do { cout << "Please input the address:"; getline(cin, addr); } while (is_same_student_addr(addr)); s.change(id, year, name, pass, gend, tele, addr); s.add_student(); s.write(); system("cls"); cout << "The information of student has been saved." << endl << endl; s.display(); } } else if (choice == '3') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); int l, n; l = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { a[i].read(i); if (id == a[i].get_id()) { n = i; success = 1; } } if (success) { do { cout << "Please input the new name of student " << id << ":"; getline(cin, name); } while (is_same_student_name(name)); pass = a[n].get_pass(); do { cout << "What grade is the student in? (1-4)"; cin >> year; } while (year < 1 || year>4); fflush(stdin); do { cout << "Please input the student's gender:" << endl << "Please enter 'male' or 'female' :"; getline(cin, gend); } while (!(gend == "male" || gend == "female")); do { cout << "Please input the new telephone number:"; getline(cin, tele); } while (is_same_student_tele(tele)); do { cout << "Please input the new address:"; getline(cin, addr); } while (is_same_student_addr(addr)); a[n].change(id, year, name, pass, gend, tele, addr); ofstream fout("student.txt"); fout.close(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i].write(); system("cls"); cout << "The student has been changed." << endl << endl; a[n].display(); } else cout << "The student " << id << " cannot be found."; } else if (choice == '4') { success2 = 1; fflush(stdin); int n, l = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { a[i].read(i); if (id == a[i].get_id()) { n = i; success = 1; } } if (success) { a[n].sub_student(); ofstream fout("student.txt"); fout.close(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (i != n) a[i].write(); system("cls"); cout << "The student has been deleted." << endl << endl; a[n].display(); } else cout << "The student " << id << " cannot be found."; } else { cout << "Wrong input, please input again." << endl; system("pause"); } } while (!success2); cout << endl; system("pause");}void show_book_list(){ Book a[100]; Book c; int i; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Books List" << endl << endl; can_open(c); for (i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); a[i].display(); } cout << endl; system("pause");}void show_student_list(){ Student a[100]; Student s; int i; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Students List" << endl << endl; can_open(s); for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); a[i].display(); } cout << endl; system("pause");}void give_mark(){ int i, j, k = 0, id, temp; bool success = 0; vector student, mark; Student a[999]; Student s; Book b[999]; Book c; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Give Marks" << endl << endl; cout << "Please input the ID number of book:"; cin >> id; for (i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) { b[i].read(i); if (b[i].get_id() == id) success = 1; } if (!success) cout << "The book " << id << " is not exist." << endl; else { cout << "These student(s) are your student(s):"; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); a[i].read_book(); for (j = 0; j < a[i].get_book().size(); j++) if (id == a[i].get_book()[j]) { k += 1; cout << endl << k << ". " << a[i].get_name(); student.push_back(i); break; } } cout << endl << "Please give marks;" << endl; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { cout << a[student[i]].get_name() << ": "; cin >> temp; a[student[i]].change_book(id, temp); } for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) a[i].write_book(); cout << endl << "Giving marks successfully!"; } cout << endl; system("pause");}void change_password(){ string p1, p2, p3; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Change Administrator Password." << endl << endl; cout << "Please input the password:"; getline(cin, p1); ifstream infile("password.txt"); if (!infile) { cout << endl << "Out of service" << endl; cout << "Please press enter to exit." << endl; system("pause"); exit(0); } getline(infile, p2); infile.close(); if (p1 == p2) { cout << "Please input the new password:"; getline(cin, p3); ofstream outfile("password.txt"); outfile << p3; outfile.close(); cout << "The administrator password has been changed."; } else cout << "Wrong password."; cout << endl; system("pause");}void choose_book(int n){ int i, l, m, id; bool success = 0; bool can_choose[999]; Student a[999]; Student s; Book b[999]; Book c; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Choose My Books" << endl << endl; can_open(s); can_open(c); l = c.length(); for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); a[i].read_book(); } cout << " Welcome," << a[n].get_name() << endl << endl; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { b[i].read(i); if (((b[i].get_year() == a[n].get_year()) || b[i].get_year() == 5) && (b[i].get_place() > 0)) { can_choose[i] = 1; cout << "Status: Available" << endl; b[i].display(); } else { can_choose[i] = 0; cout << "Status: Unavailable" << endl; b[i].display(); } } do { cout << "Please input the ID number of the book you want to choose:"; cin >> id; success = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (b[i].get_id() == id) { m = i; success = 1; } } while (!success); system("cls"); cout << endl << endl << endl; if (can_choose[m]) { if (a[n].is_same_book(id)) cout << " You have selected the book " << id << endl; else { b[m].change(b[m].get_id(), b[m].get_name(), b[m].get_prof(), b[m].get_place() - 1, b[m].get_year()); ofstream outfile("book.txt"); outfile.close(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) b[i].write(); a[n].add_book(id); a[n].write_book(); cout << "Here is the list of your books now:" << endl << endl << "ID\t\tGrade" << endl; a[n].display_book(); } } else cout << " The book '" << b[m].get_name() << "' cannot be selected." << endl; system("pause");}void my_book(int n){ int i, l; Student a[999]; Student s; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Check My Books ang Grades" << endl << endl; can_open(s); l = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i].read(i); cout << " Welcome," << a[n].get_name() << endl << endl; a[n].read_book(); cout << "Book ID\tGrade" << endl << endl; a[n].display_book(); system("pause");}void check_info(int n){ int i, l; char choice; bool success = 0; string tele, addr, pass; Student a[999]; Student s; system("cls"); cout << endl << " Check and Change My Information" << endl << endl; can_open(s); l = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i].read(i); cout << " Welcome," << a[n].get_name() << endl << endl; a[n].display(); cout << endl << "Enter 1: Change my information." << endl; cout << "Enter 2: Change my password." << endl; cout << "Enter else: Return to the student menu:"; cin >> choice; getchar(); if (choice == '1') { do { cout << "Please input the new telephone number:"; getline(cin, tele); } while (is_same_student_tele(tele)); do { cout << "Please input the new address:"; getline(cin, addr); } while (is_same_student_addr(addr)); a[n].change(a[n].get_id(), a[n].get_year(), a[n].get_name(), a[n].get_pass(), a[n].get_gend(), tele, addr); ofstream outfile("student.txt"); outfile.close(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i].write(); cout << "The information has been changed:" << endl; a[n].display(); system("pause"); } else if (choice == '2') { cout << "Please input the new password."; getline(cin, pass); a[n].change(a[n].get_id(), a[n].get_year(), a[n].get_name(), pass, a[n].get_gend(), a[n].get_tele(), a[n].get_addr()); ofstream outfile("student.txt"); outfile.close(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) a[i].write(); cout << "The password has been changed." << endl; system("pause"); }}void can_open(Book a){ if (!a.canopen()) { cout << endl << "The file cannot open."; cout << endl << "You have to restart the program to repair the error."; cout << endl << "Press enter to exit." << endl; system("pause"); exit(0); }}void can_open(Student a){ if (!a.canopen()) { cout << endl << "The file cannot open."; cout << endl << "You have to restart the program to repair the error."; cout << endl << "Press enter to exit." << endl; system("pause"); exit(0); }}bool is_same_student_name(string n){ int i; bool success = 0; Student a[999]; Student s; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (a[i].get_name() == n) { cout << "There exist the same name." << endl; success = 1; } } return success;}bool is_same_student_tele(string n){ int i; bool success = 0; Student a[999]; Student s; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (a[i].get_tele() == n) { cout << "There exist the same telephone number." << endl; success = 1; } } return success;}bool is_same_student_addr(string n){ int i; bool success = 0; Student a[999]; Student s; for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (a[i].get_addr() == n) { cout << "There exist the same address." << endl; success = 1; } } return success;}bool is_same_book_name(string n){ int i; bool success = 0; Book a[999]; Book c; for (i = 0; i < c.length(); i++) { a[i].read(i); if (a[i].get_name() == n) { cout << "There exist the same name." << endl; success = 1; } } return success;}