

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,这篇文章主要讲解了"怎么解决Oracle中的ORA-01105、ORA-01606错误",文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习"怎么解决Oracl
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日怎么解决Oracle中的ORA-01105、ORA-01606错误


生产环境,Oracle Linux 6.4 RAC,今天出现了grid集群因为OCR磁盘组不能访问而不能通过命令来显示集群状态信息,在手动mount OCR磁盘组后,准备重启节点2时出现了ORA-01105,ORA-01606错误,具体信息如下:

SQL> startupORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 5.3447E+10 bytesFixed Size                  2265864 bytesVariable Size            1.3019E+10 bytesDatabase Buffers         4.0265E+10 bytesRedo Buffers              160698368 bytesORA-01105: mount is incompatible with mounts by other instancesORA-01606: parameter not identical to that of another mounted instance


[oracle@db2 dbs]$ oerr ora 110501105, 00000, "mount is incompatible with mounts by other instances"// *Cause:  An attempt to mount the database discovered that another instance//         mounted a database by the same name, but the mount is not//         compatible. Additional errors are reported explaining why.// *Action: See accompanying errors.[oracle@db2 dbs]$ oerr ora 160601606, 00000, "parameter not identical to that of another mounted instance"// *Cause:  A parameter was different on two instances.// *Action: Modify the initialization parameter and restart.


SQL> create pfile='rlcs.ora' from spfile;File created.[oracle@db2 dbs]$ cat rlcs.ora*._serial_direct_read='AUTO'*._swrf_mmon_flush=TRUE*._use_adaptive_log_file_sync='FALSE'*.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/RL/adump'*.audit_trail='NONE'*.cluster_database=true*.compatible=''*.control_files='+DATA/rl/controlfile/current.260.926786537','+ARCH/rl/controlfile/current.256.926786537'*.db_block_size=8192*.db_create_file_dest='+DATA'*.db_domain=''*.db_file_name_convert='+data/rl/','+data/rldg/'*.db_name='RL'*.db_recovery_file_dest='+ARCH'*.db_recovery_file_dest_size=10737418240*.diagnostic_dest='/u01/app/oracle'*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=RLZYXDB)'*.fal_server='yb_st'RL1.instance_number=1RL2.instance_number=2*.listener_networks=''*.log_archive_config='dg_config=(rl,rldg)'*.log_archive_dest_1='location=+ARCH  valid_for=(all_logfiles,all_roles) db_unique_name=rl'*.log_archive_dest_2='service=yb_st valid_for=(online_logfiles,primary_role) db_unique_name=rldg'*.log_archive_dest_state_1='ENABLE'*.log_archive_dest_state_2='ENABLE'*.log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.arch'*.log_file_name_convert='+data/rl/','+data/rldg/','+arch/rl/','+arch/rldg/'*.open_cursors=300*.parallel_adaptive_multi_user=TRUE*.parallel_degree_policy='AUTO'*.parallel_force_local=FALSE*.pga_aggregate_target=21474836480*.processes=2000*.remote_listener='scan-ip:1521'*.remote_login_passwordfile='exclusive'*.service_names='rl'*.sessions=2205*.sga_max_size=53687091200*.sga_target=53687091200*.standby_file_management='manual'RLZY2.thread=2RLZY1.thread=1*.undo_retention=7200RLZY2.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS2'RLZY1.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1'*.utl_file_dir='/rmanbak/utl'
SQL> set linesize 333SQL> col name for a35SQL> col description for a66SQL> col value for a30SQL> SELECT   i.ksppinm name,    2     i.ksppdesc description,    3     CV.ksppstvl VALUE  4  FROM   sys.x$ksppi i, sys.x$ksppcv CV    5     WHERE   i.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')    6     AND CV.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')    7     AND i.indx = CV.indx    8     AND i.ksppinm LIKE '/_gc%' ESCAPE '/'    9  ORDER BY   REPLACE (i.ksppinm, '_', '');  NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_affinity_locking                if TRUE, enable object affinity                                    TRUE_gc_affinity_locks                  if TRUE, get affinity locks                                        TRUE_gc_affinity_ratio                  dynamic object affinity ratio                                      50_gc_async_memcpy                    if TRUE, use async memcpy                                          FALSE_gc_bypass_readers                  if TRUE, modifications bypass readers                              TRUE_gc_check_bscn                      if TRUE, check for stale blocks                                    TRUE_gc_coalesce_recovery_reads         if TRUE, coalesce recovery reads                                   TRUE_gc_cpu_time                        if TRUE, record the gc cpu time                                    FALSE_gc_cr_server_read_wait             if TRUE, cr server waits for a read to complete                    TRUE_gc_defer_ping_index_only           if TRUE, restrict deferred ping to index blocks only               TRUE_gc_defer_time                      how long to defer pings for hot buffers in milliseconds            0NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_delta_push_compression          if delta >= K bytes, compress before push                          3072_gc_delta_push_max_level            max delta level for delta push                                     100_gc_delta_push_objects              objects which use delta push                                       0_gc_disable_s_lock_brr_ping_check   if TRUE, disable S lock BRR ping check for lost write protect      TRUE_gc_down_convert_after_keep         if TRUE, down-convert lock after recovery                          TRUE_gc_element_percent                 global cache element percent                                       110_gc_escalate_bid                    if TRUE, escalates create a bid                                    TRUE_gc_fg_merge                        if TRUE, merge pi buffers in the foreground                        TRUE_gc_flush_during_affinity           if TRUE, flush during affinity                                     TRUE_gc_fusion_compression              compress fusion blocks if there is free space                      1024_gc_global_checkpoint_scn           if TRUE, enable global checkpoint scn                              TRUENAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_global_cpu                      global cpu checks                                                  TRUE_gc_global_lru                      turn global lru off, make it automatic, or turn it on              AUTO_gc_global_lru_touch_count          global lru touch count                                             5_gc_global_lru_touch_time           global lru touch time in seconds                                   60_gc_integrity_checks                set the integrity check level                                      1_gc_keep_recovery_buffers           if TRUE, make single instance crash recovery buffers current       TRUE_gc_latches                         number of latches per LMS process                                  8_gc_log_flush                       if TRUE, flush redo log before a current block transfer            TRUE_gc_long_query_threshold            threshold for long running query                                   0_gc_max_downcvt                     maximum downconverts to process at one time                        256_gc_maximum_bids                    maximum number of bids which can be prepared                       0NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_no_fairness_for_clones          if TRUE, no fairness if we serve a clone                           TRUE_gc_object_queue_max_length         maximum length for an object queue                                 0_gc_override_force_cr               if TRUE, try to override force-cr requests                         TRUE_gc_persistent_read_mostly          if TRUE, enable persistent read-mostly locking                     TRUE_gc_policy_minimum                  dynamic object policy minimum activity per minute                  1500_gc_policy_time                     how often to make object policy decisions in minutes               10_gc_read_mostly_flush_check         if TRUE, optimize flushes for read mostly objects                  FALSE_gc_read_mostly_locking             if TRUE, enable read-mostly locking                                FALSE_gcr_enable_high_cpu_kill           if TRUE, GCR may kill foregrounds under high load                  FALSE_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rm             if TRUE, GCR may enable a RM plan under high load                  FALSE_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rt             if TRUE, GCR may boost bg priority under high load                 FALSENAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gcr_high_cpu_threshold             minimum amount of CPU process must consume to be kill target       10_gcr_use_css                        if FALSE, GCR wont register with CSS nor use any CSS feature       TRUE_gc_sanity_check_cr_buffers         if TRUE, sanity check CR buffers                                   FALSE_gcs_disable_remote_handles         disable remote client/shadow handles                               FALSE_gcs_disable_skip_close_remastering if TRUE, disable skip close optimization in remastering            FALSE_gc_serve_high_pi_as_current        if TRUE, use a higher clone scn when serving a pi                  TRUE_gcs_fast_reconfig                  if TRUE, enable fast reconfiguration for gcs locks                 TRUE_gcs_latches                        number of gcs resource hash latches to be allocated per LMS proces 64                                    s_gcs_pkey_history                   number of pkey remastering history                                 4000NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gcs_process_in_recovery            if TRUE, process gcs requests during instance recovery             TRUE_gcs_resources                      number of gcs resources to be allocated_gcs_res_per_bucket                 number of gcs resource per hash bucket                             4_gcs_shadow_locks                   number of pcm shadow locks to be allocated_gc_statistics                      if TRUE, kcl statistics are maintained                             TRUE_gcs_testing                        GCS testing parameter                                              0_gc_transfer_ratio                  dynamic object read-mostly transfer ratio                          2_gc_undo_affinity                   if TRUE, enable dynamic undo affinity                              TRUE_gc_undo_block_disk_reads           if TRUE, enable undo block disk reads                              TRUE_gc_use_cr                          if TRUE, allow CR pins on PI and WRITING buffers                   TRUE_gc_vector_read                     if TRUE, vector read current buffers                               TRUE64 rows selected.


SQL> set linesize 333SQL> col name for a35SQL> col description for a66SQL> col value for a30SQL> SELECT   i.ksppinm name,    2     i.ksppdesc description,    3     CV.ksppstvl VALUE  4  FROM   sys.x$ksppi i, sys.x$ksppcv CV    5     WHERE   i.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')    6     AND CV.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')    7     AND i.indx = CV.indx    8     AND i.ksppinm LIKE '/_gc%' ESCAPE '/'    9  ORDER BY   REPLACE (i.ksppinm, '_', '');  NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_affinity_locking                if TRUE, enable object affinity                                    TRUE_gc_affinity_locks                  if TRUE, get affinity locks                                        TRUE_gc_affinity_ratio                  dynamic object affinity ratio                                      50_gc_async_memcpy                    if TRUE, use async memcpy                                          FALSE_gc_bypass_readers                  if TRUE, modifications bypass readers                              TRUE_gc_check_bscn                      if TRUE, check for stale blocks                                    TRUE_gc_coalesce_recovery_reads         if TRUE, coalesce recovery reads                                   TRUE_gc_cpu_time                        if TRUE, record the gc cpu time                                    FALSE_gc_cr_server_read_wait             if TRUE, cr server waits for a read to complete                    TRUE_gc_defer_ping_index_only           if TRUE, restrict deferred ping to index blocks only               TRUE_gc_defer_time                      how long to defer pings for hot buffers in milliseconds            0NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_delta_push_compression          if delta >= K bytes, compress before push                          3072_gc_delta_push_max_level            max delta level for delta push                                     100_gc_delta_push_objects              objects which use delta push                                       0_gc_disable_s_lock_brr_ping_check   if TRUE, disable S lock BRR ping check for lost write protect      TRUE_gc_down_convert_after_keep         if TRUE, down-convert lock after recovery                          TRUE_gc_element_percent                 global cache element percent                                       110_gc_escalate_bid                    if TRUE, escalates create a bid                                    TRUE_gc_fg_merge                        if TRUE, merge pi buffers in the foreground                        TRUE_gc_flush_during_affinity           if TRUE, flush during affinity                                     TRUE_gc_fusion_compression              compress fusion blocks if there is free space                      1024_gc_global_checkpoint_scn           if TRUE, enable global checkpoint scn                              TRUENAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_global_cpu                      global cpu checks                                                  TRUE_gc_global_lru                      turn global lru off, make it automatic, or turn it on              AUTO_gc_global_lru_touch_count          global lru touch count                                             5_gc_global_lru_touch_time           global lru touch time in seconds                                   60_gc_integrity_checks                set the integrity check level                                      1_gc_keep_recovery_buffers           if TRUE, make single instance crash recovery buffers current       TRUE_gc_latches                         number of latches per LMS process                                  8_gc_log_flush                       if TRUE, flush redo log before a current block transfer            TRUE_gc_long_query_threshold            threshold for long running query                                   0_gc_max_downcvt                     maximum downconverts to process at one time                        256_gc_maximum_bids                    maximum number of bids which can be prepared                       0NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gc_no_fairness_for_clones          if TRUE, no fairness if we serve a clone                           TRUE_gc_object_queue_max_length         maximum length for an object queue                                 0_gc_override_force_cr               if TRUE, try to override force-cr requests                         TRUE_gc_persistent_read_mostly          if TRUE, enable persistent read-mostly locking                     TRUE_gc_policy_minimum                  dynamic object policy minimum activity per minute                  1500_gc_policy_time                     how often to make object policy decisions in minutes               10_gc_read_mostly_flush_check         if TRUE, optimize flushes for read mostly objects                  FALSE_gc_read_mostly_locking             if TRUE, enable read-mostly locking                                TRUE_gcr_enable_high_cpu_kill           if TRUE, GCR may kill foregrounds under high load                  FALSE_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rm             if TRUE, GCR may enable a RM plan under high load                  FALSE_gcr_enable_high_cpu_rt             if TRUE, GCR may boost bg priority under high load                 FALSENAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gcr_high_cpu_threshold             minimum amount of CPU process must consume to be kill target       10_gcr_use_css                        if FALSE, GCR wont register with CSS nor use any CSS feature       TRUE_gc_sanity_check_cr_buffers         if TRUE, sanity check CR buffers                                   FALSE_gcs_disable_remote_handles         disable remote client/shadow handles                               FALSE_gcs_disable_skip_close_remastering if TRUE, disable skip close optimization in remastering            FALSE_gc_serve_high_pi_as_current        if TRUE, use a higher clone scn when serving a pi                  TRUE_gcs_fast_reconfig                  if TRUE, enable fast reconfiguration for gcs locks                 TRUE_gcs_latches                        number of gcs resource hash latches to be allocated per LMS proces 64                                    s_gcs_pkey_history                   number of pkey remastering history                                 4000NAME                                DESCRIPTION                                                        VALUE----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------_gcs_process_in_recovery            if TRUE, process gcs requests during instance recovery             TRUE_gcs_resources                      number of gcs resources to be allocated_gcs_res_per_bucket                 number of gcs resource per hash bucket                             4_gcs_shadow_locks                   number of pcm shadow locks to be allocated_gc_statistics                      if TRUE, kcl statistics are maintained                             TRUE_gcs_testing                        GCS testing parameter                                              0_gc_transfer_ratio                  dynamic object read-mostly transfer ratio                          2_gc_undo_affinity                   if TRUE, enable dynamic undo affinity                              TRUE_gc_undo_block_disk_reads           if TRUE, enable undo block disk reads                              TRUE_gc_use_cr                          if TRUE, allow CR pins on PI and WRITING buffers                   TRUE_gc_vector_read                     if TRUE, vector read current buffers                               TRUE64 rows selected.



SQL> alter system set "_gc_read_mostly_locking"=true scope=spfile sid='*';System altered.


SQL> shutdown immediateORA-01507: database not mountedORACLE instance shut down.SQL> startupORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 5.3447E+10 bytesFixed Size                  2265864 bytesVariable Size            1.3019E+10 bytesDatabase Buffers         4.0265E+10 bytesRedo Buffers              160698368 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.



实例 参数 错误 文件 学习 信息 内容 文本 磁盘 集群 一致 成功 两个 原因 只是 命令 就是 思路 情况 手动 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 好玩的游戏软件开发 济南禹创互联网科技有限公司 在工行总行做软件开发体验 数据库增删查改的返回值 奉贤区一站式数据库活动简介 网络安全大赛为什么要用鼠标 数据库更新后如何回退 山西ios软件开发诚信企业推荐 c 适合做桌面软件开发吗 科大讯飞软件开发薪水 中国网络安全lunwen 新乡浩海网络技术有限公司 互联网科技和私募基金 360网神连接服务器错误 丰台区正规软件开发风格 叮点网络技术有限公司 网络安全工程师中级工资待遇 云服务器设备租赁和谁租 南京银行软件开发岗年终奖 网络技术教案大全 河北数据库安全箱定制价格 4u塔式服务器 江西云推网络技术有限公司 北京运营网络技术开发 不属于网络安全的主要特征是 java的服务器有哪些 互联网科技和私募基金 数据库可以存放blob吗 计算机网络技术基础第一版 图片放在数据库好还是