
PostgreSQL 源码解读(40)- 查询语句#25(query_planner函数#3)

发表于:2025-01-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月23日,上一小节介绍了函数query_planner的主处理逻辑以及setup_simple_rel_arrays和setup_append_rel_array两个子函数的实现逻辑,本节继续介绍函数query
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月23日PostgreSQL 源码解读(40)- 查询语句#25(query_planner函数#3)




 /*  * Here are the contents of a relation cache entry.  */  typedef struct RelationData {     RelFileNode rd_node;        /* relation physical identifier */     /* use "struct" here to avoid needing to include smgr.h: */     struct SMgrRelationData *rd_smgr;   /* cached file handle, or NULL */     int         rd_refcnt;      /* reference count */     BackendId   rd_backend;     /* owning backend id, if temporary relation */     bool        rd_islocaltemp; /* rel is a temp rel of this session */     bool        rd_isnailed;    /* rel is nailed in cache */     bool        rd_isvalid;     /* relcache entry is valid */     char        rd_indexvalid;  /* state of rd_indexlist: 0 = not valid, 1 =                                  * valid, 2 = temporarily forced */     bool        rd_statvalid;   /* is rd_statlist valid? */      /*      * rd_createSubid is the ID of the highest subtransaction the rel has      * survived into; or zero if the rel was not created in the current top      * transaction.  This can be now be relied on, whereas previously it could      * be "forgotten" in earlier releases. Likewise, rd_newRelfilenodeSubid is      * the ID of the highest subtransaction the relfilenode change has      * survived into, or zero if not changed in the current transaction (or we      * have forgotten changing it). rd_newRelfilenodeSubid can be forgotten      * when a relation has multiple new relfilenodes within a single      * transaction, with one of them occurring in a subsequently aborted      * subtransaction, e.g. BEGIN; TRUNCATE t; SAVEPOINT save; TRUNCATE t;      * ROLLBACK TO save; -- rd_newRelfilenode is now forgotten      */     SubTransactionId rd_createSubid;    /* rel was created in current xact */     SubTransactionId rd_newRelfilenodeSubid;    /* new relfilenode assigned in                                                  * current xact */      Form_pg_class rd_rel;       /* RELATION tuple */     TupleDesc   rd_att;         /* tuple descriptor */     Oid         rd_id;          /* relation's object id */     LockInfoData rd_lockInfo;   /* lock mgr's info for locking relation */     RuleLock   *rd_rules;       /* rewrite rules */     MemoryContext rd_rulescxt;  /* private memory cxt for rd_rules, if any */     TriggerDesc *trigdesc;      /* Trigger info, or NULL if rel has none */     /* use "struct" here to avoid needing to include rowsecurity.h: */     struct RowSecurityDesc *rd_rsdesc;  /* row security policies, or NULL */      /* data managed by RelationGetFKeyList: */     List       *rd_fkeylist;    /* list of ForeignKeyCacheInfo (see below) */     bool        rd_fkeyvalid;   /* true if list has been computed */      MemoryContext rd_partkeycxt;    /* private memory cxt for the below */     struct PartitionKeyData *rd_partkey;    /* partition key, or NULL */     MemoryContext rd_pdcxt;     /* private context for partdesc */     struct PartitionDescData *rd_partdesc;  /* partitions, or NULL */     List       *rd_partcheck;   /* partition CHECK quals */      /* data managed by RelationGetIndexList: */     List       *rd_indexlist;   /* list of OIDs of indexes on relation */     Oid         rd_oidindex;    /* OID of unique index on OID, if any */     Oid         rd_pkindex;     /* OID of primary key, if any */     Oid         rd_replidindex; /* OID of replica identity index, if any */      /* data managed by RelationGetStatExtList: */     List       *rd_statlist;    /* list of OIDs of extended stats */      /* data managed by RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap: */     Bitmapset  *rd_indexattr;   /* columns used in non-projection indexes */     Bitmapset  *rd_projindexattr;   /* columns used in projection indexes */     Bitmapset  *rd_keyattr;     /* cols that can be ref'd by foreign keys */     Bitmapset  *rd_pkattr;      /* cols included in primary key */     Bitmapset  *rd_idattr;      /* included in replica identity index */     Bitmapset  *rd_projidx;     /* Oids of projection indexes */      PublicationActions *rd_pubactions;  /* publication actions */      /*      * rd_options is set whenever rd_rel is loaded into the relcache entry.      * Note that you can NOT look into rd_rel for this data.  NULL means "use      * defaults".      */     bytea      *rd_options;     /* parsed pg_class.reloptions */      /* These are non-NULL only for an index relation: */     Form_pg_index rd_index;     /* pg_index tuple describing this index */     /* use "struct" here to avoid needing to include htup.h: */     struct HeapTupleData *rd_indextuple;    /* all of pg_index tuple */      /*      * index access support info (used only for an index relation)      *      * Note: only default support procs for each opclass are cached, namely      * those with lefttype and righttype equal to the opclass's opcintype. The      * arrays are indexed by support function number, which is a sufficient      * identifier given that restriction.      *      * Note: rd_amcache is available for index AMs to cache private data about      * an index.  This must be just a cache since it may get reset at any time      * (in particular, it will get reset by a relcache inval message for the      * index).  If used, it must point to a single memory chunk palloc'd in      * rd_indexcxt.  A relcache reset will include freeing that chunk and      * setting rd_amcache = NULL.      */     Oid         rd_amhandler;   /* OID of index AM's handler function */     MemoryContext rd_indexcxt;  /* private memory cxt for this stuff */     /* use "struct" here to avoid needing to include amapi.h: */     struct IndexAmRoutine *rd_amroutine;    /* index AM's API struct */     Oid        *rd_opfamily;    /* OIDs of op families for each index col */     Oid        *rd_opcintype;   /* OIDs of opclass declared input data types */     RegProcedure *rd_support;   /* OIDs of support procedures */     FmgrInfo   *rd_supportinfo; /* lookup info for support procedures */     int16      *rd_indoption;   /* per-column AM-specific flags */     List       *rd_indexprs;    /* index expression trees, if any */     List       *rd_indpred;     /* index predicate tree, if any */     Oid        *rd_exclops;     /* OIDs of exclusion operators, if any */     Oid        *rd_exclprocs;   /* OIDs of exclusion ops' procs, if any */     uint16     *rd_exclstrats;  /* exclusion ops' strategy numbers, if any */     void       *rd_amcache;     /* available for use by index AM */     Oid        *rd_indcollation;    /* OIDs of index collations */      /*      * foreign-table support      *      * rd_fdwroutine must point to a single memory chunk palloc'd in      * CacheMemoryContext.  It will be freed and reset to NULL on a relcache      * reset.      */      /* use "struct" here to avoid needing to include fdwapi.h: */     struct FdwRoutine *rd_fdwroutine;   /* cached function pointers, or NULL */      /*      * Hack for CLUSTER, rewriting ALTER TABLE, etc: when writing a new      * version of a table, we need to make any toast pointers inserted into it      * have the existing toast table's OID, not the OID of the transient toast      * table.  If rd_toastoid isn't InvalidOid, it is the OID to place in      * toast pointers inserted into this rel.  (Note it's set on the new      * version of the main heap, not the toast table itself.)  This also      * causes toast_save_datum() to try to preserve toast value OIDs.      */     Oid         rd_toastoid;    /* Real TOAST table's OID, or InvalidOid */      /* use "struct" here to avoid needing to include pgstat.h: */     struct PgStat_TableStatus *pgstat_info; /* statistics collection area */ } RelationData;  typedef struct RelationData *Relation; 


 /*  * IndexOptInfo  *      Per-index information for planning/optimization  *  *      indexkeys[], indexcollations[] each have ncolumns entries.  *      opfamily[], and opcintype[] each have nkeycolumns entries. They do  *      not contain any information about included attributes.  *  *      sortopfamily[], reverse_sort[], and nulls_first[] have  *      nkeycolumns entries, if the index is ordered; but if it is unordered,  *      those pointers are NULL.  *  *      Zeroes in the indexkeys[] array indicate index columns that are  *      expressions; there is one element in indexprs for each such column.  *  *      For an ordered index, reverse_sort[] and nulls_first[] describe the  *      sort ordering of a forward indexscan; we can also consider a backward  *      indexscan, which will generate the reverse ordering.  *  *      The indexprs and indpred expressions have been run through  *      prepqual.c and eval_const_expressions() for ease of matching to  *      WHERE clauses. indpred is in implicit-AND form.  *  *      indextlist is a TargetEntry list representing the index columns.  *      It provides an equivalent base-relation Var for each simple column,  *      and links to the matching indexprs element for each expression column.  *  *      While most of these fields are filled when the IndexOptInfo is created  *      (by plancat.c), indrestrictinfo and predOK are set later, in  *      check_index_predicates().  */ typedef struct IndexOptInfo {     NodeTag     type;      Oid         indexoid;       /* Index的OID,OID of the index relation */     Oid         reltablespace;  /* Index的表空间,tablespace of index (not table) */     RelOptInfo *rel;            /* 指向Relation的指针,back-link to index's table */      /* index-size statistics (from pg_class and elsewhere) */     BlockNumber pages;          /* Index的pages,number of disk pages in index */     double      tuples;         /* Index的元组数,number of index tuples in index */     int         tree_height;    /* 索引高度,index tree height, or -1 if unknown */      /* index descriptor information */     int         ncolumns;       /* 索引的列数,number of columns in index */     int         nkeycolumns;    /* 索引的关键列数,number of key columns in index */     int        *indexkeys;      /* column numbers of index's attributes both                                  * key and included columns, or 0 */     Oid        *indexcollations;    /* OIDs of collations of index columns */     Oid        *opfamily;       /* OIDs of operator families for columns */     Oid        *opcintype;      /* OIDs of opclass declared input data types */     Oid        *sortopfamily;   /* OIDs of btree opfamilies, if orderable */     bool       *reverse_sort;   /* 倒序?is sort order descending? */     bool       *nulls_first;    /* NULLs值优先?do NULLs come first in the sort order? */     bool       *canreturn;      /* 索引列可通过Index-Only Scan返回?which index cols can be returned in an                                  * index-only scan? */     Oid         relam;          /* 访问方法OID,OID of the access method (in pg_am) */      List       *indexprs;       /* 非简单索引列表达式链表,如函数索引,expressions for non-simple index columns */     List       *indpred;        /* predicate if a partial index, else NIL */      List       *indextlist;     /* 投影列?targetlist representing index columns */      List       *indrestrictinfo;    /* 索引约束条件,parent relation's baserestrictinfo                                      * list, less any conditions implied by                                      * the index's predicate (unless it's a                                      * target rel, see comments in                                      * check_index_predicates()) */      bool        predOK;         /* True,如索引前导满足查询要求,true if index predicate matches query */     bool        unique;         /* 唯一索引?true if a unique index */     bool        immediate;      /* 唯一性校验是否立即生效?is uniqueness enforced immediately? */     bool        hypothetical;   /* 虚拟索引?true if index doesn't really exist */      /* Remaining fields are copied from the index AM's API struct: */     //从Index Relation拷贝过来的AM(访问方法)API信息     bool        amcanorderbyop; /* does AM support order by operator result? */     bool        amoptionalkey;  /* can query omit key for the first column? */     bool        amsearcharray;  /* can AM handle ScalarArrayOpExpr quals? */     bool        amsearchnulls;  /* can AM search for NULL/NOT NULL entries? */     bool        amhasgettuple;  /* does AM have amgettuple interface? */     bool        amhasgetbitmap; /* does AM have amgetbitmap interface? */     bool        amcanparallel;  /* does AM support parallel scan? */     /* Rather than include amapi.h here, we declare amcostestimate like this */     void        (*amcostestimate) ();   /* 访问方法的估算函数,AM's cost estimator */ } IndexOptInfo; 


 /*  * ForeignKeyOptInfo  *      Per-foreign-key information for planning/optimization  *  * The per-FK-column arrays can be fixed-size because we allow at most  * INDEX_MAX_KEYS columns in a foreign key constraint.  Each array has  * nkeys valid entries.  */ typedef struct ForeignKeyOptInfo {     NodeTag     type;      /* Basic data about the foreign key (fetched from catalogs): */     Index       con_relid;      /* RT index of the referencing table */     Index       ref_relid;      /* RT index of the referenced table */     int         nkeys;          /* number of columns in the foreign key */     AttrNumber  conkey[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; /* cols in referencing table */     AttrNumber  confkey[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];    /* cols in referenced table */     Oid         conpfeqop[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];  /* PK = FK operator OIDs */      /* Derived info about whether FK's equality conditions match the query: */     int         nmatched_ec;    /* # of FK cols matched by ECs */     int         nmatched_rcols; /* # of FK cols matched by non-EC rinfos */     int         nmatched_ri;    /* total # of non-EC rinfos matched to FK */     /* Pointer to eclass matching each column's condition, if there is one */     struct EquivalenceClass *eclass[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];     /* List of non-EC RestrictInfos matching each column's condition */     List       *rinfos[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; } ForeignKeyOptInfo; 


 /*  * StatisticExtInfo  *      Information about extended statistics for planning/optimization  *  * Each pg_statistic_ext row is represented by one or more nodes of this  * type, or even zero if ANALYZE has not computed them.  */ typedef struct StatisticExtInfo {     NodeTag     type;      Oid         statOid;        /* OID of the statistics row */     RelOptInfo *rel;            /* back-link to statistic's table */     char        kind;           /* statistic kind of this entry */     Bitmapset  *keys;           /* attnums of the columns covered */ } StatisticExtInfo;



/*  * add_base_rels_to_query  *  *    Scan the query's jointree and create baserel RelOptInfos for all  *    the base relations (ie, table, subquery, and function RTEs)  *    appearing in the jointree.  *  * The initial invocation must pass root->parse->jointree as the value of  * jtnode.  Internally, the function recurses through the jointree.  *  * At the end of this process, there should be one baserel RelOptInfo for  * every non-join RTE that is used in the query.  Therefore, this routine  * is the only place that should call build_simple_rel with reloptkind  * RELOPT_BASEREL.  (Note: build_simple_rel recurses internally to build  * "other rel" RelOptInfos for the members of any appendrels we find here.)  */ void add_base_rels_to_query(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode)//遍历jointree递归实现 {   //以下的递归遍历结构先前的内容已反复出现N次     if (jtnode == NULL)         return;     if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))//RTR     {         int         varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;          (void) build_simple_rel(root, varno, NULL);     }     else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))//FromExpr     {         FromExpr   *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;         ListCell   *l;          foreach(l, f->fromlist)//fromlist             add_base_rels_to_query(root, lfirst(l));     }     else if (IsA(jtnode, JoinExpr))//JoinExpr     {         JoinExpr   *j = (JoinExpr *) jtnode;          add_base_rels_to_query(root, j->larg);//左Child         add_base_rels_to_query(root, j->rarg);//右Child     }     else         elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",              (int) nodeTag(jtnode)); }  /*  * build_simple_rel  *    Construct a new RelOptInfo for a base relation or 'other' relation.  */ RelOptInfo * build_simple_rel(PlannerInfo *root, int relid, RelOptInfo *parent) {     RelOptInfo *rel;     RangeTblEntry *rte;      /* Rel should not exist already */     Assert(relid > 0 && relid < root->simple_rel_array_size);     if (root->simple_rel_array[relid] != NULL)         elog(ERROR, "rel %d already exists", relid);      /* Fetch RTE for relation */     rte = root->simple_rte_array[relid];//获取RTE     Assert(rte != NULL);      rel = makeNode(RelOptInfo);//构建RelOptInfo     rel->reloptkind = parent ? RELOPT_OTHER_MEMBER_REL : RELOPT_BASEREL;     rel->relids = bms_make_singleton(relid);//初始化relids     rel->rows = 0;     /* cheap startup cost is interesting iff not all tuples to be retrieved */     rel->consider_startup = (root->tuple_fraction > 0);     rel->consider_param_startup = false;    /* might get changed later */     rel->consider_parallel = false; /* might get changed later */     rel->reltarget = create_empty_pathtarget();     rel->pathlist = NIL;     rel->ppilist = NIL;     rel->partial_pathlist = NIL;     rel->cheapest_startup_path = NULL;     rel->cheapest_total_path = NULL;     rel->cheapest_unique_path = NULL;     rel->cheapest_parameterized_paths = NIL;     rel->direct_lateral_relids = NULL;     rel->lateral_relids = NULL;     rel->relid = relid;     rel->rtekind = rte->rtekind;     /* min_attr, max_attr, attr_needed, attr_widths are set below */     rel->lateral_vars = NIL;     rel->lateral_referencers = NULL;     rel->indexlist = NIL;     rel->statlist = NIL;     rel->pages = 0;     rel->tuples = 0;     rel->allvisfrac = 0;     rel->subroot = NULL;     rel->subplan_params = NIL;     rel->rel_parallel_workers = -1; /* set up in get_relation_info */     rel->serverid = InvalidOid;     rel->userid = rte->checkAsUser;     rel->useridiscurrent = false;     rel->fdwroutine = NULL;     rel->fdw_private = NULL;     rel->unique_for_rels = NIL;     rel->non_unique_for_rels = NIL;     rel->baserestrictinfo = NIL;     rel->baserestrictcost.startup = 0;     rel->baserestrictcost.per_tuple = 0;     rel->baserestrict_min_security = UINT_MAX;     rel->joininfo = NIL;     rel->has_eclass_joins = false;     rel->consider_partitionwise_join = false; /* might get changed later */     rel->part_scheme = NULL;     rel->nparts = 0;     rel->boundinfo = NULL;     rel->partition_qual = NIL;     rel->part_rels = NULL;     rel->partexprs = NULL;     rel->nullable_partexprs = NULL;     rel->partitioned_child_rels = NIL;      /*      * Pass top parent's relids down the inheritance hierarchy. If the parent      * has top_parent_relids set, it's a direct or an indirect child of the      * top parent indicated by top_parent_relids. By extension this child is      * also an indirect child of that parent.      */     if (parent)//存在父RelOptInfo,设置top_parent_relids变量(最上层的Relids)     {         if (parent->top_parent_relids)             rel->top_parent_relids = parent->top_parent_relids;         else             rel->top_parent_relids = bms_copy(parent->relids);     }     else         rel->top_parent_relids = NULL;      /* Check type of rtable entry */     switch (rte->rtekind)     {         case RTE_RELATION:             /* Table --- retrieve statistics from the system catalogs */             get_relation_info(root, rte->relid, rte->inh, rel);//基表,从数据字典中获取统计信息             break;         case RTE_SUBQUERY:         case RTE_FUNCTION:         case RTE_TABLEFUNC:         case RTE_VALUES:         case RTE_CTE:         case RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE:              /*        * 子查询/函数/tablefunc/values lis/CTE/ENR,设置属性范围&数组              * Subquery, function, tablefunc, values list, CTE, or ENR --- set              * up attr range and arrays              *              * Note: 0 is included in range to support whole-row Vars              */             rel->min_attr = 0;             rel->max_attr = list_length(rte->eref->colnames);             rel->attr_needed = (Relids *)                 palloc0((rel->max_attr - rel->min_attr + 1) * sizeof(Relids));             rel->attr_widths = (int32 *)                 palloc0((rel->max_attr - rel->min_attr + 1) * sizeof(int32));             break;         default:             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized RTE kind: %d",                  (int) rte->rtekind);             break;     }      /* Save the finished struct in the query's simple_rel_array */     root->simple_rel_array[relid] = rel;//存储RelOptInfo      /*      * This is a convenient spot at which to note whether rels participating      * in the query have any securityQuals attached.  If so, increase      * root->qual_security_level to ensure it's larger than the maximum      * security level needed for securityQuals.      */     if (rte->securityQuals)         root->qual_security_level = Max(root->qual_security_level,                                         list_length(rte->securityQuals));      /*      * If this rel is an appendrel parent, recurse to build "other rel"      * RelOptInfos for its children.  They are "other rels" because they are      * not in the main join tree, but we will need RelOptInfos to plan access      * to them.      */   //如果这个RelOptInfo是一个appendrel的父节点,递归的构建其children对应的RelOptInfos     if (rte->inh)     {         ListCell   *l;         int         nparts = rel->nparts;         int         cnt_parts = 0;          if (nparts > 0)             rel->part_rels = (RelOptInfo **)                 palloc(sizeof(RelOptInfo *) * nparts);          foreach(l, root->append_rel_list)//递归调用         {             AppendRelInfo *appinfo = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(l);             RelOptInfo *childrel;              /* append_rel_list contains all append rels; ignore others */             if (appinfo->parent_relid != relid)                 continue;              childrel = build_simple_rel(root, appinfo->child_relid,                                         rel);              /* Nothing more to do for an unpartitioned table. */             if (!rel->part_scheme)                 continue;              /*              * The order of partition OIDs in append_rel_list is the same as              * the order in the PartitionDesc, so the order of part_rels will              * also match the PartitionDesc.  See expand_partitioned_rtentry.              */             Assert(cnt_parts < nparts);             rel->part_rels[cnt_parts] = childrel;             cnt_parts++;         }          /* We should have seen all the child partitions. */         Assert(cnt_parts == nparts);     }      return rel; }/*  * get_relation_info -  *    Retrieves catalog information for a given relation.  *  * Given the Oid of the relation, return the following info into fields  * of the RelOptInfo struct:  *  *  min_attr    lowest valid AttrNumber  最小有效属性编号  *  max_attr    highest valid AttrNumber 最大有效属性编号  *  indexlist   list of IndexOptInfos for relation's indexes 索引的IndexOptInfo链表   *  statlist    list of StatisticExtInfo for relation's statistic objects  扩展统计信息链表  *  serverid    if it's a foreign table, the server OID  FDW所在服务器ID  *  fdwroutine  if it's a foreign table, the FDW function pointers FDW函数指针  *  pages       number of pages  pages数  *  tuples      number of tuples 元组数  *  rel_parallel_workers user-defined number of parallel workers 用户自定义的并行worker数  *  * Also, add information about the relation's foreign keys to root->fkey_list.  *   * Relation的外键信息会添加到root->fkey_list中  *  * Also, initialize the attr_needed[] and attr_widths[] arrays.  In most  * cases these are left as zeroes, but sometimes we need to compute attr  * widths here, and we may as well cache the results for costsize.c.  *  * If inhparent is true, all we need to do is set up the attr arrays:  * the RelOptInfo actually represents the appendrel formed by an inheritance  * tree, and so the parent rel's physical size and index information isn't  * important for it.  */ void get_relation_info(PlannerInfo *root, Oid relationObjectId, bool inhparent,                   RelOptInfo *rel) {     Index       varno = rel->relid;//Relation的relid     Relation    relation;//Relation信息     bool        hasindex;//是否含有index     List       *indexinfos = NIL;//IndexOptInfo链表      /*      * We need not lock the relation since it was already locked, either by      * the rewriter or when expand_inherited_rtentry() added it to the query's      * rangetable.      */     relation = heap_open(relationObjectId, NoLock);//Relation信息      /* Temporary and unlogged relations are inaccessible during recovery. */     if (!RelationNeedsWAL(relation) && RecoveryInProgress())//恢复过程不允许访问         ereport(ERROR,                 (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),                  errmsg("cannot access temporary or unlogged relations during recovery")));      rel->min_attr = FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber + 1;//(FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber=-8)   //#define RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation) ((relation)->rd_rel->relnatts)     rel->max_attr = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation);//     rel->reltablespace = RelationGetForm(relation)->reltablespace;//表空间      Assert(rel->max_attr >= rel->min_attr);     rel->attr_needed = (Relids *)         palloc0((rel->max_attr - rel->min_attr + 1) * sizeof(Relids));//初始化     rel->attr_widths = (int32 *)         palloc0((rel->max_attr - rel->min_attr + 1) * sizeof(int32));//初始化      /*      * Estimate relation size --- unless it's an inheritance parent, in which      * case the size will be computed later in set_append_rel_pathlist, and we      * must leave it zero for now to avoid bollixing the total_table_pages      * calculation.      */   //如果不是inheritance parent,则估算Relation的大小     if (!inhparent)         estimate_rel_size(relation, rel->attr_widths - rel->min_attr,                           &rel->pages, &rel->tuples, &rel->allvisfrac);      /* Retrieve the parallel_workers reloption, or -1 if not set. */     /*   #define RelationGetParallelWorkers(relation, defaultpw) \     ((relation)->rd_options ? \      ((StdRdOptions *) (relation)->rd_options)->parallel_workers : (defaultpw))   */     rel->rel_parallel_workers = RelationGetParallelWorkers(relation, -1);      /*      * Make list of indexes.  Ignore indexes on system catalogs if told to.      * Don't bother with indexes for an inheritance parent, either.      */     if (inhparent ||         (IgnoreSystemIndexes && IsSystemRelation(relation)))//继承表/系统表并且忽略索引         hasindex = false;     else         hasindex = relation->rd_rel->relhasindex;//是否含有索引      if (hasindex)//存在索引,则生成IndexOptInfo链表     {         List       *indexoidlist;         ListCell   *l;         LOCKMODE    lmode;          indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);//获取Relation的Index Oid链表          /*          * For each index, we get the same type of lock that the executor will          * need, and do not release it.  This saves a couple of trips to the          * shared lock manager while not creating any real loss of          * concurrency, because no schema changes could be happening on the          * index while we hold lock on the parent rel, and neither lock type          * blocks any other kind of index operation.          */         if (rel->relid == root->parse->resultRelation)             lmode = RowExclusiveLock;//该Relation是结果Relation,锁模式为行排它锁         else             lmode = AccessShareLock;//否则为访问共享锁          foreach(l, indexoidlist)//遍历Index Oid         {             Oid         indexoid = lfirst_oid(l);             Relation    indexRelation;             Form_pg_index index;             IndexAmRoutine *amroutine;             IndexOptInfo *info;             int         ncolumns,                         nkeycolumns;             int         i;              /*              * Extract info from the relation descriptor for the index.              */             indexRelation = index_open(indexoid, lmode);//获取Index相关信息             index = indexRelation->rd_index;              /*              * Ignore invalid indexes, since they can't safely be used for              * queries.  Note that this is OK because the data structure we              * are constructing is only used by the planner --- the executor              * still needs to insert into "invalid" indexes, if they're marked              * IndexIsReady.              */             if (!IndexIsValid(index))             {                 index_close(indexRelation, NoLock);//忽略无效的Index                 continue;             }              /*              * Ignore partitioned indexes, since they are not usable for              * queries.              */             if (indexRelation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX)             {                 index_close(indexRelation, NoLock);//忽略分区索引                 continue;             }              /*              * If the index is valid, but cannot yet be used, ignore it; but              * mark the plan we are generating as transient. See              * src/backend/access/heap/README.HOT for discussion.              */             if (index->indcheckxmin &&                 !TransactionIdPrecedes(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(indexRelation->rd_indextuple->t_data),                                        TransactionXmin))             {                 root->glob->transientPlan = true;//有效索引,但还不能正常使用,忽略之                 index_close(indexRelation, NoLock);                 continue;             }              info = makeNode(IndexOptInfo);//创建IndexOptInfo节点              info->indexoid = index->indexrelid;//OID             info->reltablespace =                 RelationGetForm(indexRelation)->reltablespace;//表空间             info->rel = rel;//Index所在的Relation             info->ncolumns = ncolumns = index->indnatts;//Index的列个数             info->nkeycolumns = nkeycolumns = index->indnkeyatts;//              info->indexkeys = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * ncolumns);//初始化内存空间             info->indexcollations = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nkeycolumns);             info->opfamily = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nkeycolumns);             info->opcintype = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nkeycolumns);             info->canreturn = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * ncolumns);              for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++)//索引键             {                 info->indexkeys[i] = index->indkey.values[i];                 info->canreturn[i] = index_can_return(indexRelation, i + 1);             }              for (i = 0; i < nkeycolumns; i++)//索引键属性             {                 info->opfamily[i] = indexRelation->rd_opfamily[i];                 info->opcintype[i] = indexRelation->rd_opcintype[i];                 info->indexcollations[i] = indexRelation->rd_indcollation[i];             }              info->relam = indexRelation->rd_rel->relam;//?              /* We copy just the fields we need, not all of rd_amroutine */             amroutine = indexRelation->rd_amroutine;//拷贝IndexRelation中的信息             info->amcanorderbyop = amroutine->amcanorderbyop;             info->amoptionalkey = amroutine->amoptionalkey;             info->amsearcharray = amroutine->amsearcharray;             info->amsearchnulls = amroutine->amsearchnulls;             info->amcanparallel = amroutine->amcanparallel;             info->amhasgettuple = (amroutine->amgettuple != NULL);             info->amhasgetbitmap = (amroutine->amgetbitmap != NULL);             info->amcostestimate = amroutine->amcostestimate;             Assert(info->amcostestimate != NULL);              /*              * Fetch the ordering information for the index, if any.              */             if (info->relam == BTREE_AM_OID)//BTree             {                 /*                  * If it's a btree index, we can use its opfamily OIDs                  * directly as the sort ordering opfamily OIDs.                  */                 Assert(amroutine->amcanorder);                  info->sortopfamily = info->opfamily;                 info->reverse_sort = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * nkeycolumns);                 info->nulls_first = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * nkeycolumns);                  for (i = 0; i < nkeycolumns; i++)                 {                     int16       opt = indexRelation->rd_indoption[i];                      info->reverse_sort[i] = (opt & INDOPTION_DESC) != 0;                     info->nulls_first[i] = (opt & INDOPTION_NULLS_FIRST) != 0;                 }             }             else if (amroutine->amcanorder)//可排序的访问方法             {                 /*                  * Otherwise, identify the corresponding btree opfamilies by                  * trying to map this index's "<" operators into btree.  Since                  * "<" uniquely defines the behavior of a sort order, this is                  * a sufficient test.                  *                  * XXX This method is rather slow and also requires the                  * undesirable assumption that the other index AM numbers its                  * strategies the same as btree.  It'd be better to have a way                  * to explicitly declare the corresponding btree opfamily for                  * each opfamily of the other index type.  But given the lack                  * of current or foreseeable amcanorder index types, it's not                  * worth expending more effort on now.                  */                 info->sortopfamily = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * nkeycolumns);                 info->reverse_sort = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * nkeycolumns);                 info->nulls_first = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * nkeycolumns);                  for (i = 0; i < nkeycolumns; i++)                 {                     int16       opt = indexRelation->rd_indoption[i];                     Oid         ltopr;                     Oid         btopfamily;                     Oid         btopcintype;                     int16       btstrategy;                      info->reverse_sort[i] = (opt & INDOPTION_DESC) != 0;//是否倒序?                     info->nulls_first[i] = (opt & INDOPTION_NULLS_FIRST) != 0;//NULL值优先?                      ltopr = get_opfamily_member(info->opfamily[i],                                                 info->opcintype[i],                                                 info->opcintype[i],                                                 BTLessStrategyNumber);                     if (OidIsValid(ltopr) &&                         get_ordering_op_properties(ltopr,                                                    &btopfamily,                                                    &btopcintype,                                                    &btstrategy) &&                         btopcintype == info->opcintype[i] &&                         btstrategy == BTLessStrategyNumber)                     {                         /* Successful mapping */                         info->sortopfamily[i] = btopfamily;//排序操作类?                     }                     else//失败,索引视为未排序                     {                         /* Fail ... quietly treat index as unordered */                         info->sortopfamily = NULL;                         info->reverse_sort = NULL;                         info->nulls_first = NULL;                         break;                     }                 }             }             else//非可排序,设置为NULL             {                 info->sortopfamily = NULL;                 info->reverse_sort = NULL;                 info->nulls_first = NULL;             }              /*              * Fetch the index expressions and predicate, if any.  We must              * modify the copies we obtain from the relcache to have the              * correct varno for the parent relation, so that they match up              * correctly against qual clauses.              */             info->indexprs = RelationGetIndexExpressions(indexRelation);//索引表达式(函数索引)             info->indpred = RelationGetIndexPredicate(indexRelation);//索引谓词信息(条件索引)             if (info->indexprs && varno != 1)                 ChangeVarNodes((Node *) info->indexprs, 1, varno, 0);             if (info->indpred && varno != 1)                 ChangeVarNodes((Node *) info->indpred, 1, varno, 0);              /* Build targetlist using the completed indexprs data */             info->indextlist = build_index_tlist(root, info, relation);//索引的列              info->indrestrictinfo = NIL;    /* set later, in indxpath.c */             info->predOK = false;   /* set later, in indxpath.c */             info->unique = index->indisunique;             info->immediate = index->indimmediate;             info->hypothetical = false;              /*              * Estimate the index size.  If it's not a partial index, we lock              * the number-of-tuples estimate to equal the parent table; if it              * is partial then we have to use the same methods as we would for              * a table, except we can be sure that the index is not larger              * than the table.              */             if (info->indpred == NIL)//非条件索引             {                 info->pages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(indexRelation);//Index的pages                 info->tuples = rel->tuples;//Index的元组             }             else             {                 double      allvisfrac; /* dummy */                  estimate_rel_size(indexRelation, NULL,                                   &info->pages, &info->tuples, &allvisfrac);//估算Index的大小                 if (info->tuples > rel->tuples)//Index的元组数不能大于数据表元组数                     info->tuples = rel->tuples;             }              if (info->relam == BTREE_AM_OID)//BTree             {                 /* For btrees, get tree height while we have the index open */                 info->tree_height = _bt_getrootheight(indexRelation);//BTree高度             }             else             {                 /* For other index types, just set it to "unknown" for now */                 info->tree_height = -1;//非BTree             }              index_close(indexRelation, NoLock);              indexinfos = lcons(info, indexinfos);         }          list_free(indexoidlist);     }      rel->indexlist = indexinfos;      rel->statlist = get_relation_statistics(rel, relation);      /* Grab foreign-table info using the relcache, while we have it */     if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)//FDW     {         rel->serverid = GetForeignServerIdByRelId(RelationGetRelid(relation));         rel->fdwroutine = GetFdwRoutineForRelation(relation, true);     }     else     {         rel->serverid = InvalidOid;         rel->fdwroutine = NULL;     }      /* Collect info about relation's foreign keys, if relevant */     get_relation_foreign_keys(root, rel, relation, inhparent);//收集外键信息      /*      * Collect info about relation's partitioning scheme, if any. Only      * inheritance parents may be partitioned.      */     if (inhparent && relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)         set_relation_partition_info(root, rel, relation);//收集分区表信息      heap_close(relation, NoLock);      /*      * Allow a plugin to editorialize on the info we obtained from the      * catalogs.  Actions might include altering the assumed relation size,      * removing an index, or adding a hypothetical index to the indexlist.      */     if (get_relation_info_hook)         (*get_relation_info_hook) (root, relationObjectId, inhparent, rel);//钩子函数 } 



testdb=# create index idx_dwxx_expr on t_dwxx(trim(dwmc));CREATE INDEXtestdb=# create index idx_dwxx_predicate on t_dwxx(dwdz) where dwdz like '广东省%';CREATE INDEXtestdb=# explain verbose select * from t_dwxx where dwdz like '广东省%';                          QUERY PLAN                           --------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on public.t_dwxx  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=1 width=474)   Output: dwmc, dwbh, dwdz   Filter: ((t_dwxx.dwdz)::text ~~ '广东省%'::text)(3 rows)


(gdb) b add_base_rels_to_queryBreakpoint 1 at 0x765400: file initsplan.c, line 107.(gdb) cContinuing.Breakpoint 1, add_base_rels_to_query (root=0x23107f8, jtnode=0x2251cc8) at initsplan.c:107107   if (jtnode == NULL)(gdb) n109   if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))(gdb) 115   else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))(gdb) 


117     FromExpr   *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;(gdb) 120     foreach(l, f->fromlist)(gdb) 121       add_base_rels_to_query(root, lfirst(l));(gdb) Breakpoint 1, add_base_rels_to_query (root=0x23107f8, jtnode=0x22515f0) at initsplan.c:107107   if (jtnode == NULL)(gdb) 


109   if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))(gdb) 111     int     varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;(gdb) 113     (void) build_simple_rel(root, varno, NULL);(gdb) p varno$1 = 1


...180   switch (rte->rtekind)(gdb) 184       get_relation_info(root, rte->relid, rte->inh, rel);


...##Relation的相关信息121   relation = heap_open(relationObjectId, NoLock);(gdb) 124   if (!RelationNeedsWAL(relation) && RecoveryInProgress())(gdb) p *relation$4 = {rd_node = {spcNode = 1663, dbNode = 16384, relNode = 16394}, rd_smgr = 0x230d358, rd_refcnt = 1, rd_backend = -1,   rd_islocaltemp = false, rd_isnailed = false, rd_isvalid = true, rd_indexvalid = 1 '\001', rd_statvalid = true,   rd_createSubid = 0, rd_newRelfilenodeSubid = 0, rd_rel = 0x7f6b9a010380, rd_att = 0x7f6b99fff5e8, rd_id = 16394,   rd_lockInfo = {lockRelId = {relId = 16394, dbId = 16384}}, rd_rules = 0x0, rd_rulescxt = 0x0, trigdesc = 0x0,   rd_rsdesc = 0x0, rd_fkeylist = 0x0, rd_fkeyvalid = false, rd_partkeycxt = 0x0, rd_partkey = 0x0, rd_pdcxt = 0x0,   rd_partdesc = 0x0, rd_partcheck = 0x0, rd_indexlist = 0x7f6b9a011b80, rd_oidindex = 0, rd_pkindex = 16476,   rd_replidindex = 16476, rd_statlist = 0x0, rd_indexattr = 0x0, rd_projindexattr = 0x0, rd_keyattr = 0x0, rd_pkattr = 0x0,   rd_idattr = 0x0, rd_projidx = 0x0, rd_pubactions = 0x0, rd_options = 0x0, rd_index = 0x0, rd_indextuple = 0x0,   rd_amhandler = 0, rd_indexcxt = 0x0, rd_amroutine = 0x0, rd_opfamily = 0x0, rd_opcintype = 0x0, rd_support = 0x0,   rd_supportinfo = 0x0, rd_indoption = 0x0, rd_indexprs = 0x0, rd_indpred = 0x0, rd_exclops = 0x0, rd_exclprocs = 0x0,   rd_exclstrats = 0x0, rd_amcache = 0x0, rd_indcollation = 0x0, rd_fdwroutine = 0x0, rd_toastoid = 0,   pgstat_info = 0x22d11b8}##rd_pkindex = 16476,关键字对应的OID##pg_class输出的结构体(gdb) p *relation->rd_rel$5 = {relname = {data = "t_dwxx", '\000' }, relnamespace = 2200, reltype = 16396, reloftype = 0,   relowner = 10, relam = 0, relfilenode = 16394, reltablespace = 0, relpages = 1, reltuples = 3, relallvisible = 0,   reltoastrelid = 0, relhasindex = true, relisshared = false, relpersistence = 112 'p', relkind = 114 'r', relnatts = 3,   relchecks = 0, relhasoids = false, relhasrules = false, relhastriggers = false, relhassubclass = false,   relrowsecurity = false, relforcerowsecurity = false, relispopulated = true, relreplident = 100 'd',   relispartition = false, relrewrite = 0, relfrozenxid = 587, relminmxid = 1}##属性(3个)(gdb) p *relation->rd_att$6 = {natts = 3, tdtypeid = 16396, tdtypmod = -1, tdhasoid = false, tdrefcount = 1, constr = 0x7f6b99fffb18,   attrs = 0x7f6b99fff608}(gdb) p relation->rd_att->attrs[0]$8 = {attrelid = 16394, attname = {data = "dwmc", '\000' }, atttypid = 1043, attstattarget = -1,   attlen = -1, attnum = 1, attndims = 0, attcacheoff = 0, atttypmod = 104, attbyval = false, attstorage = 120 'x',   attalign = 105 'i', attnotnull = false, atthasdef = false, atthasmissing = false, attidentity = 0 '\000',   attisdropped = false, attislocal = true, attinhcount = 0, attcollation = 100}(gdb) p relation->rd_att->attrs[1]$9 = {attrelid = 16394, attname = {data = "dwbh", '\000' }, atttypid = 1043, attstattarget = -1,   attlen = -1, attnum = 2, attndims = 0, attcacheoff = -1, atttypmod = 14, attbyval = false, attstorage = 120 'x',   attalign = 105 'i', attnotnull = true, atthasdef = false, atthasmissing = false, attidentity = 0 '\000',   attisdropped = false, attislocal = true, attinhcount = 0, attcollation = 100}(gdb) p relation->rd_att->attrs[3]$10 = {attrelid = 0, attname = {data = '\000' , "\230\023-\002", '\000' },   atttypid = 0, attstattarget = 0, attlen = 0, attnum = 0, attndims = 0, attcacheoff = 0, atttypmod = 0, attbyval = false,   attstorage = 0 '\000', attalign = 0 '\000', attnotnull = false, atthasdef = false, atthasmissing = false,   attidentity = 0 '\000', attisdropped = false, attislocal = false, attinhcount = 0, attcollation = 0}##Index相应的OID(gdb) p relation->rd_indexlist->head->data.oid_value$12 = 16476(gdb) p relation->rd_indexlist->head->next->data.oid_value$13 = 16497(gdb) p relation->rd_indexlist->head->next->next->data.oid_value$14 = 16499...


146     estimate_rel_size(relation, rel->attr_widths - rel->min_attr,(gdb) stepestimate_rel_size (rel=0x7f6b9a00f390, attr_widths=0x231c674, pages=0x23124d8, tuples=0x23124e0, allvisfrac=0x23124e8)    at plancat.c:948948   switch (rel->rd_rel->relkind)(gdb) p reltuples$19 = 3...


(gdb) get_relation_info (root=0x23107f8, relationObjectId=16394, inhparent=false, rel=0x2312428) at plancat.c:150150   rel->rel_parallel_workers = RelationGetParallelWorkers(relation, -1);


162   if (hasindex)(gdb) 168     indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(relation);...#第一个Index(gdb) p indexoid$2 = 16476#IndexRelation的相关信息(gdb) p *indexRelation$3 = {rd_node = {spcNode = 1663, dbNode = 16384, relNode = 16476}, rd_smgr = 0x230d3c8, rd_refcnt = 1, rd_backend = -1,   rd_islocaltemp = false, rd_isnailed = false, rd_isvalid = true, rd_indexvalid = 0 '\000', rd_statvalid = false,   rd_createSubid = 0, rd_newRelfilenodeSubid = 0, rd_rel = 0x7f6b99fff7f8, rd_att = 0x7f6b9a00f5a0, rd_id = 16476,   rd_lockInfo = {lockRelId = {relId = 16476, dbId = 16384}}, rd_rules = 0x0, rd_rulescxt = 0x0, trigdesc = 0x0,   rd_rsdesc = 0x0, rd_fkeylist = 0x0, rd_fkeyvalid = false, rd_partkeycxt = 0x0, rd_partkey = 0x0, rd_pdcxt = 0x0,   rd_partdesc = 0x0, rd_partcheck = 0x0, rd_indexlist = 0x0, rd_oidindex = 0, rd_pkindex = 0, rd_replidindex = 0,   rd_statlist = 0x0, rd_indexattr = 0x0, rd_projindexattr = 0x0, rd_keyattr = 0x0, rd_pkattr = 0x0, rd_idattr = 0x0,   rd_projidx = 0x0, rd_pubactions = 0x0, rd_options = 0x0, rd_index = 0x7f6b9a011898, rd_indextuple = 0x7f6b9a011860,   rd_amhandler = 330, rd_indexcxt = 0x2313400, rd_amroutine = 0x2313530, rd_opfamily = 0x2313640, rd_opcintype = 0x2313658,   rd_support = 0x2313670, rd_supportinfo = 0x2313690, rd_indoption = 0x23137b8, rd_indexprs = 0x0, rd_indpred = 0x0,   rd_exclops = 0x0, rd_exclprocs = 0x0, rd_exclstrats = 0x0, rd_amcache = 0x22fada8, rd_indcollation = 0x23137a0,   rd_fdwroutine = 0x0, rd_toastoid = 0, pgstat_info = 0x22d1230}(gdb) p *indexRelation->rd_rel$4 = {relname = {data = "t_dwxx_pkey", '\000' }, relnamespace = 2200, reltype = 0, reloftype = 0,   relowner = 10, relam = 403, relfilenode = 16476, reltablespace = 0, relpages = 2, reltuples = 3, relallvisible = 0,   reltoastrelid = 0, relhasindex = false, relisshared = false, relpersistence = 112 'p', relkind = 105 'i', relnatts = 1,   relchecks = 0, relhasoids = false, relhasrules = false, relhastriggers = false, relhassubclass = false,   relrowsecurity = false, relforcerowsecurity = false, relispopulated = true, relreplident = 110 'n',   relispartition = false, relrewrite = 0, relfrozenxid = 0, relminmxid = 0}...#开始构造IndexOptInfo237       info = makeNode(IndexOptInfo);(gdb) 239       info->indexoid = index->indexrelid;(gdb) 241         RelationGetForm(indexRelation)->reltablespace;(gdb) 240       info->reltablespace =(gdb) 242       info->rel = rel;...(gdb) p index->indnatts$5 = 1(gdb) n246       info->indexkeys = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * ncolumns);(gdb) p index->indnkeyatts$6 = 1...252       for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++)(gdb) 254         info->indexkeys[i] = index->indkey.values[i];(gdb) p index->indkey.values[i]$7 = 2(gdb) p index->indkey$8 = {vl_len_ = 104, ndim = 1, dataoffset = 0, elemtype = 21, dim1 = 1, lbound1 = 0, values = 0x7f6b9a0118c8}...##需结合数据字典查看(gdb) p indexRelation->rd_opfamily[i]$10 = 1994(gdb) p indexRelation->rd_opcintype[i]$11 = 25(gdb) p indexRelation->rd_indcollation[i]$12 = 100...##访问方法,后续做物理优化会使用(gdb) p indexRelation->rd_rel->relam$13 = 403(gdb) p indexRelation->rd_amroutine$14 = (struct IndexAmRoutine *) 0x2313530(gdb) p *indexRelation->rd_amroutine$15 = {type = T_IndexAmRoutine, amstrategies = 5, amsupport = 3, amcanorder = true, amcanorderbyop = false,   amcanbackward = true, amcanunique = true, amcanmulticol = true, amoptionalkey = true, amsearcharray = true,   amsearchnulls = true, amstorage = false, amclusterable = true, ampredlocks = true, amcanparallel = true,   amcaninclude = true, amkeytype = 0, ambuild = 0x4ea341 , ambuildempty = 0x4e282a ,   aminsert = 0x4e28d0 , ambulkdelete = 0x4e37f0 , amvacuumcleanup = 0x4e397f ,   amcanreturn = 0x4e427d , amcostestimate = 0x94f0ad , amoptions = 0x4e9f7f ,   amproperty = 0x4e9fa9 , amvalidate = 0x4ecad6 , ambeginscan = 0x4e2bd8 ,   amrescan = 0x4e2d54 , amgettuple = 0x4e294f , amgetbitmap = 0x4e2a7f ,   amendscan = 0x4e2f23 , ammarkpos = 0x4e303c , amrestrpos = 0x4e310b ,   amestimateparallelscan = 0x4e3281 , aminitparallelscan = 0x4e328c ,   amparallelrescan = 0x4e32da }##部分属性值  (gdb) p amroutine->amcanorderbyop$16 = false(gdb) p amroutine->amoptionalkey$17 = true(gdb) p amroutine->amsearcharray$18 = true(gdb) p amroutine->amsearchnulls$19 = true(gdb) p amroutine->amcanparallel$20 = true##下面是函数指针(gdb) p *amroutine->amgettuple$21 = {_Bool (IndexScanDesc, ScanDirection)} 0x4e294f (gdb) p *amroutine->amgetbitmap$24 = {int64 (IndexScanDesc, TIDBitmap *)} 0x4e2a7f (gdb) p *amroutine->amcostestimate$26 = {void (struct PlannerInfo *, struct IndexPath *, double, Cost *, Cost *, Selectivity *, double *,     double *)} 0x94f0ad 282       if (info->relam == BTREE_AM_OID)##BTree索引...##PK,唯一性为true(gdb) p index->indisunique$31 = true...(gdb) p info->tree_height$32 = 0##第2个索引(函数索引)183     foreach(l, indexoidlist)(gdb) 185       Oid     indexoid = lfirst_oid(l);...


371       info->indexprs = RelationGetIndexExpressions(indexRelation);(gdb) stepRelationGetIndexExpressions (relation=0x7f6b9a011970) at relcache.c:4625##IndexRelation中已有相关信息4625    if (relation->rd_indexprs)(gdb) n4626      return copyObject(relation->rd_indexprs);##函数表达式中的args有相关的参数,类似的分析方法先前已有提及(gdb) p *(FuncExpr *)relation->rd_indexprs->head->data.ptr_value$36 = {xpr = {type = T_FuncExpr}, funcid = 885, funcresulttype = 25, funcretset = false, funcvariadic = false,   funcformat = COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL, funccollid = 100, inputcollid = 100, args = 0x22fb638, location = -1}


...##第3个索引,这是一个部分(条件)索引183     foreach(l, indexoidlist)(gdb) 185       Oid     indexoid = lfirst_oid(l);...372       info->indpred = RelationGetIndexPredicate(indexRelation);##这是一个OpExpr,详细的结构先前已有提及(gdb) p *(Node *)indexRelation->rd_indpred->head->data.ptr_value$38 = {type = T_OpExpr}$39 = {xpr = {type = T_OpExpr}, opno = 1209, opfuncid = 850, opresulttype = 16, opretset = false, opcollid = 0,   inputcollid = 100, args = 0x23140d8, location = -1}...


461   if (get_relation_info_hook)(gdb) 463 }(gdb) build_simple_rel (root=0x23107f8, relid=1, parent=0x0) at relnode.c:185185       break;(gdb) n213   root->simple_rel_array[relid] = rel;(gdb) 221   if (rte->securityQuals)(gdb) 231   if (rte->inh)(gdb) 271   return rel;(gdb) 272 }(gdb) 


add_base_rels_to_query (root=0x23107f8, jtnode=0x22515f0) at initsplan.c:133133 }##递归调用完毕,回到FromExpr->fromlist(gdb) nadd_base_rels_to_query (root=0x23107f8, jtnode=0x2251cc8) at initsplan.c:120120     foreach(l, f->fromlist)(gdb) n133 }(gdb) query_planner (root=0x23107f8, tlist=0x2312798, qp_callback=0x76e97d , qp_extra=0x7ffc7d69a9a0)    at planmain.c:150150   build_base_rel_tlists(root, tlist);(gdb) #DONE!

