

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,这篇文章主要介绍"mysql5.6性能监控表innodb_metrics的用法",在日常操作中,相信很多人在mysql5.6性能监控表innodb_metrics的用法问题上存在疑惑,小编查阅了各式资
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日mysql5.6性能监控表innodb_metrics的用法




1,innodb_metrics表mysql> desc information_schema.innodb_metrics;+-----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field           | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| NAME            | varchar(193) | NO   |     |         |       || SUBSYSTEM       | varchar(193) | NO   |     |         |       || COUNT           | bigint(21)   | NO   |     | 0       |       || MAX_COUNT       | bigint(21)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       || MIN_COUNT       | bigint(21)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       || AVG_COUNT       | double       | YES  |     | NULL    |       || COUNT_RESET     | bigint(21)   | NO   |     | 0       |       || MAX_COUNT_RESET | bigint(21)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       || MIN_COUNT_RESET | bigint(21)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       || AVG_COUNT_RESET | double       | YES  |     | NULL    |       || TIME_ENABLED    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       || TIME_DISABLED   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       || TIME_ELAPSED    | bigint(21)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       || TIME_RESET      | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       || STATUS          | varchar(193) | NO   |     |         |       || TYPE            | varchar(193) | NO   |     |         |       || COMMENT         | varchar(193) | NO   |     |         |       |+-----------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+17 rows in set (0.04 sec)2,表的数据,非常有价值,可用于监控分析mysql> select * from information_schema.innodb_metrics;+------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+----------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| NAME                                     | SUBSYSTEM           | COUNT       | MAX_COUNT   | MIN_COUNT | AVG_COUNT               | COUNT_RESET | MAX_COUNT_RESET | MIN_COUNT_RESET | AVG_COUNT_RESET | TIME_ENABLED        | TIME_DISABLED | TIME_ELAPSED | TIME_RESET | STATUS   | TYPE           | COMMENT                                                                                                           |+------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+----------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| metadata_table_handles_opened            | metadata            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of table handles opened                                                                                    || metadata_table_handles_closed            | metadata            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of table handles closed                                                                                    || metadata_table_reference_count           | metadata            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Table reference counter                                                                                           || metadata_mem_pool_size                   | metadata            |     8388608 |     8388608 |   8388608 |                    NULL |     8388608 |         8388608 |         8388608 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Size of a memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary and internal data structures in bytes                  || lock_deadlocks                           | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | counter        | Number of deadlocks                                                                                               || lock_timeouts                            | lock                |           7 |           7 |      NULL |  0.00015228647261019014 |           7 |               7 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | counter        | Number of lock timeouts                                                                                           || lock_rec_lock_waits                      | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times enqueued into record lock wait queue                                                              || lock_table_lock_waits                    | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times enqueued into table lock wait queue                                                               || lock_rec_lock_requests                   | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of record locks requested                                                                                  || lock_rec_lock_created                    | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of record locks created                                                                                    || lock_rec_lock_removed                    | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of record locks removed from the lock queue                                                                || lock_rec_locks                           | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Current number of record locks on tables                                                                          || lock_table_lock_created                  | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of table locks created                                                                                     || lock_table_lock_removed                  | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of table locks removed from the lock queue                                                                 || lock_table_locks                         | lock                |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Current number of table locks on tables                                                                           || lock_row_lock_current_waits              | lock                |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of row locks currently being waited for (innodb_row_lock_current_waits)                                    || lock_row_lock_time                       | lock                |      356363 |      356363 |      NULL |        7.75275203411217 |      356363 |          356363 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds (innodb_row_lock_time)                                         || lock_row_lock_time_max                   | lock                |       51062 |       51062 |     51062 |                    NULL |       51062 |           51062 |           51062 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds (innodb_row_lock_time_max)                                || lock_row_lock_waits                      | lock                |           7 |           7 |      NULL |  0.00015228647261019014 |           7 |               7 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of times a row lock had to be waited for (innodb_row_lock_waits)                                           || lock_row_lock_time_avg                   | lock                |       50909 |       50909 |     50909 |                    NULL |       50909 |           50909 |           50909 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds (innodb_row_lock_time_avg)                                || buffer_pool_size                         | server              |   134217728 |   134217728 | 134217728 |                    NULL |   134217728 |       134217728 |       134217728 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Server buffer pool size (all buffer pools) in bytes                                                               || buffer_pool_reads                        | buffer              |       56917 |       56917 |      NULL |       1.238241308793456 |       56917 |           56917 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of reads directly from disk (innodb_buffer_pool_reads)                                                     || buffer_pool_read_requests                | buffer              |   688876467 |   688876467 |      NULL |      14986.652460514293 |   688876467 |       688876467 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of logical read requests (innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests)                                                || buffer_pool_write_requests               | buffer              |   232689742 |   232689742 |      NULL |       5062.214288822173 |   232689742 |       232689742 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of write requests (innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests)                                                      || buffer_pool_wait_free                    | buffer              |         148 |         148 |      NULL |    0.003219771135186877 |         148 |             148 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of times waited for free buffer (innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free)                                             || buffer_pool_read_ahead                   | buffer              |      281470 |      281470 |      NULL |       6.123439063655746 |      281470 |          281470 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pages read as read ahead (innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead)                                                || buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted           | buffer              |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Read-ahead pages evicted without being accessed (innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted)                           || buffer_pool_pages_total                  | buffer              |        8191 |        8191 |      8191 |                    NULL |        8191 |            8191 |            8191 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Total buffer pool size in pages (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total)                                                  || buffer_pool_pages_misc                   | buffer              |         491 |         491 |       491 |                    NULL |         491 |             491 |             491 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Buffer pages for misc use such as row locks or the adaptive hash index (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc)            || buffer_pool_pages_data                   | buffer              |        6676 |        6676 |      6676 |                    NULL |        6676 |            6676 |            6676 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Buffer pages containing data (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data)                                                      || buffer_pool_bytes_data                   | buffer              |   109379584 |   109379584 | 109379584 |                    NULL |   109379584 |       109379584 |       109379584 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Buffer bytes containing data (innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data)                                                      || buffer_pool_pages_dirty                  | buffer              |           0 |           0 |         0 |                    NULL |           0 |               0 |               0 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Buffer pages currently dirty (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty)                                                     || buffer_pool_bytes_dirty                  | buffer              |           0 |           0 |         0 |                    NULL |           0 |               0 |               0 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Buffer bytes currently dirty (innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty)                                                     || buffer_pool_pages_free                   | buffer              |        1024 |        1024 |      1024 |                    NULL |        1024 |            1024 |            1024 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Buffer pages currently free (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free)                                                       || buffer_pages_created                     | buffer              |      258153 |      258153 |      NULL |       5.616172823391202 |      258153 |          258153 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pages created (innodb_pages_created)                                                                    || buffer_pages_written                     | buffer              |      567903 |      567903 |      NULL |      12.354849236392116 |      567903 |          567903 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pages written (innodb_pages_written)                                                                    || buffer_pages_read                        | buffer              |      338386 |      338386 |      NULL |       7.361658617238828 |      338386 |          338386 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pages read (innodb_pages_read)                                                                          || buffer_data_reads                        | buffer              |  5544202240 |  5544202240 |      NULL |       120615.2860810164 |  5544202240 |      5544202240 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Amount of data read in bytes (innodb_data_reads)                                                                  || buffer_data_written                      | buffer              | 28202428416 | 28202428416 |      NULL |       613549.7632162903 | 28202428416 |     28202428416 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Amount of data written in bytes (innodb_data_written)                                                             || buffer_flush_batch_scanned               | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages scanned as part of flush batch                                                                        || buffer_flush_batch_num_scan              | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of times buffer flush list flush is called                                                                 || buffer_flush_batch_scanned_per_call      | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages scanned per flush batch scan                                                                                || buffer_flush_batch_rescan                | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times rescan of flush list forced                                                                       || buffer_flush_batch_total_pages           | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages flushed as part of flush batch                                                                        || buffer_flush_batches                     | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of flush batches                                                                                           || buffer_flush_batch_pages                 | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages queued as a flush batch                                                                                     || buffer_flush_neighbor_total_pages        | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total neighbors flushed as part of neighbor flush                                                                 || buffer_flush_neighbor                    | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of times neighbors flushing is invoked                                                                     || buffer_flush_neighbor_pages              | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages queued as a neighbor batch                                                                                  || buffer_flush_n_to_flush_requested        | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of pages requested for flushing.                                                                           || buffer_flush_avg_page_rate               | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Average number of pages at which flushing is happening                                                            || buffer_flush_lsn_avg_rate                | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Average redo generation rate                                                                                      || buffer_flush_pct_for_dirty               | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Percent of IO capacity used to avoid max dirty page limit                                                         || buffer_flush_pct_for_lsn                 | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Percent of IO capacity used to avoid reusable redo space limit                                                    || buffer_flush_sync_waits                  | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times a wait happens due to sync flushing                                                               || buffer_flush_adaptive_total_pages        | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages flushed as part of adaptive flushing                                                                  || buffer_flush_adaptive                    | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of adaptive batches                                                                                        || buffer_flush_adaptive_pages              | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages queued as an adaptive batch                                                                                 || buffer_flush_sync_total_pages            | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages flushed as part of sync batches                                                                       || buffer_flush_sync                        | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of sync batches                                                                                            || buffer_flush_sync_pages                  | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages queued as a sync batch                                                                                      || buffer_flush_background_total_pages      | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages flushed as part of background batches                                                                 || buffer_flush_background                  | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of background batches                                                                                      || buffer_flush_background_pages            | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages queued as a background batch                                                                                || buffer_LRU_batch_scanned                 | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages scanned as part of LRU batch                                                                          || buffer_LRU_batch_num_scan                | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of times LRU batch is called                                                                               || buffer_LRU_batch_scanned_per_call        | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages scanned per LRU batch call                                                                                  || buffer_LRU_batch_total_pages             | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages flushed as part of LRU batches                                                                        || buffer_LRU_batches                       | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of LRU batches                                                                                             || buffer_LRU_batch_pages                   | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Pages queued as an LRU batch                                                                                      || buffer_LRU_single_flush_scanned          | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages scanned as part of single page LRU flush                                                              || buffer_LRU_single_flush_num_scan         | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of times single page LRU flush is called                                                                   || buffer_LRU_single_flush_scanned_per_call | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Page scanned per single LRU flush                                                                                 || buffer_LRU_single_flush_failure_count    | Buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times attempt to flush a single page from LRU failed                                                    || buffer_LRU_get_free_search               | Buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of searches performed for a clean page                                                                     || buffer_LRU_search_scanned                | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages scanned as part of LRU search                                                                         || buffer_LRU_search_num_scan               | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of times LRU search is performed                                                                           || buffer_LRU_search_scanned_per_call       | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Page scanned per single LRU search                                                                                || buffer_LRU_unzip_search_scanned          | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_owner      | Total pages scanned as part of LRU unzip search                                                                   || buffer_LRU_unzip_search_num_scan         | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Number of times LRU unzip search is performed                                                                     || buffer_LRU_unzip_search_scanned_per_call | buffer              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | set_member     | Page scanned per single LRU unzip search                                                                          || buffer_page_read_index_leaf              | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Index Leaf Pages read                                                                                   || buffer_page_read_index_non_leaf          | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Index Non-leaf Pages read                                                                               || buffer_page_read_index_ibuf_leaf         | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Index Leaf Pages read                                                                     || buffer_page_read_index_ibuf_non_leaf     | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Index Non-Leaf Pages read                                                                 || buffer_page_read_undo_log                | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Undo Log Pages read                                                                                     || buffer_page_read_index_inode             | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Index Inode Pages read                                                                                  || buffer_page_read_ibuf_free_list          | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Free List Pages read                                                                      || buffer_page_read_ibuf_bitmap             | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Bitmap Pages read                                                                         || buffer_page_read_system_page             | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of System Pages read                                                                                       || buffer_page_read_trx_system              | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Transaction System Pages read                                                                           || buffer_page_read_fsp_hdr                 | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of File Space Header Pages read                                                                            || buffer_page_read_xdes                    | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Extent Descriptor Pages read                                                                            || buffer_page_read_blob                    | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Uncompressed BLOB Pages read                                                                            || buffer_page_read_zblob                   | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of First Compressed BLOB Pages read                                                                        || buffer_page_read_zblob2                  | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Subsequent Compressed BLOB Pages read                                                                   || buffer_page_read_other                   | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of other/unknown (old version of InnoDB) Pages read                                                        || buffer_page_written_index_leaf           | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Index Leaf Pages written                                                                                || buffer_page_written_index_non_leaf       | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Index Non-leaf Pages written                                                                            || buffer_page_written_index_ibuf_leaf      | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Index Leaf Pages written                                                                  || buffer_page_written_index_ibuf_non_leaf  | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Index Non-Leaf Pages written                                                              || buffer_page_written_undo_log             | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Undo Log Pages written                                                                                  || buffer_page_written_index_inode          | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Index Inode Pages written                                                                               || buffer_page_written_ibuf_free_list       | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Free List Pages written                                                                   || buffer_page_written_ibuf_bitmap          | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Insert Buffer Bitmap Pages written                                                                      || buffer_page_written_system_page          | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of System Pages written                                                                                    || buffer_page_written_trx_system           | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Transaction System Pages written                                                                        || buffer_page_written_fsp_hdr              | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of File Space Header Pages written                                                                         || buffer_page_written_xdes                 | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Extent Descriptor Pages written                                                                         || buffer_page_written_blob                 | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Uncompressed BLOB Pages written                                                                         || buffer_page_written_zblob                | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of First Compressed BLOB Pages written                                                                     || buffer_page_written_zblob2               | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Subsequent Compressed BLOB Pages written                                                                || buffer_page_written_other                | buffer_page_io      |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of other/unknown (old version InnoDB) Pages written                                                        || os_data_reads                            | os                  |      338399 |      338399 |      NULL |      7.3619414349736765 |      338399 |          338399 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of reads initiated (innodb_data_reads)                                                                     || os_data_writes                           | os                  |      822181 |      822181 |      NULL |       17.88672061958839 |      822181 |          822181 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of writes initiated (innodb_data_writes)                                                                   || os_data_fsyncs                           | os                  |      257327 |      257327 |      NULL |         5.5982030196232 |      257327 |          257327 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of fsync() calls (innodb_data_fsyncs)                                                                      || os_pending_reads                         | os                  |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of reads pending                                                                                           || os_pending_writes                        | os                  |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of writes pending                                                                                          || os_log_bytes_written                     | os                  |  9592861184 |  9592861184 |      NULL |      208694.71313579602 |  9592861184 |      9592861184 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Bytes of log written (innodb_os_log_written)                                                                      || os_log_fsyncs                            | os                  |      224155 |      224155 |      NULL |       4.876539181133881 |      224155 |          224155 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of fsync log writes (innodb_os_log_fsyncs)                                                                 || os_log_pending_fsyncs                    | os                  |           0 |           0 |         0 |                       0 |           0 |               0 |               0 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pending fsync write (innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs)                                                      || os_log_pending_writes                    | os                  |           0 |           0 |         0 |                       0 |           0 |               0 |               0 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pending log file writes (innodb_os_log_pending_writes)                                                  || trx_rw_commits                           | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of read-write transactions committed                                                                       || trx_ro_commits                           | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of read-only transactions committed                                                                        || trx_nl_ro_commits                        | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of non-locking auto-commit read-only transactions committed                                                || trx_commits_insert_update                | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of transactions committed with inserts and updates                                                         || trx_rollbacks                            | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of transactions rolled back                                                                                || trx_rollbacks_savepoint                  | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of transactions rolled back to savepoint                                                                   || trx_rollback_active                      | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of resurrected active transactions rolled back                                                             || trx_active_transactions                  | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of active transactions                                                                                     || trx_rseg_history_len                     | transaction         |         923 |         923 |       923 |                    NULL |         923 |             923 |             923 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Length of the TRX_RSEG_HISTORY list                                                                               || trx_undo_slots_used                      | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of undo slots used                                                                                         || trx_undo_slots_cached                    | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of undo slots cached                                                                                       || trx_rseg_current_size                    | transaction         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Current rollback segment size in pages                                                                            || purge_del_mark_records                   | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of delete-marked rows purged                                                                               || purge_upd_exist_or_extern_records        | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of purges on updates of existing records and  updates on delete marked record with externally stored field || purge_invoked                            | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times purge was invoked                                                                                 || purge_undo_log_pages                     | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of undo log pages handled by the purge                                                                     || purge_dml_delay_usec                     | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Microseconds DML to be delayed due to purge lagging                                                               || purge_stop_count                         | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Number of times purge was stopped                                                                                 || purge_resume_count                       | purge               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Number of times purge was resumed                                                                                 || log_checkpoints                          | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of checkpoints                                                                                             || log_lsn_last_flush                       | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | LSN of Last flush                                                                                                 || log_lsn_last_checkpoint                  | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | LSN at last checkpoint                                                                                            || log_lsn_current                          | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Current LSN value                                                                                                 || log_lsn_checkpoint_age                   | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Current LSN value minus LSN at last checkpoint                                                                    || log_lsn_buf_pool_oldest                  | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | The oldest modified block LSN in the buffer pool                                                                  || log_max_modified_age_async               | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Maximum LSN difference; when exceeded, start asynchronous preflush                                                || log_max_modified_age_sync                | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | value          | Maximum LSN difference; when exceeded, start synchronous preflush                                                 || log_pending_log_writes                   | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Pending log writes                                                                                                || log_pending_checkpoint_writes            | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Pending checkpoints                                                                                               || log_num_log_io                           | recovery            |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of log I/Os                                                                                                || log_waits                                | recovery            |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of log waits due to small log buffer (innodb_log_waits)                                                    || log_write_requests                       | recovery            |    18571124 |    18571124 |      NULL |       404.0187094809207 |    18571124 |        18571124 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of log write requests (innodb_log_write_requests)                                                          || log_writes                               | recovery            |      225060 |      225060 |      NULL |       4.896227646521342 |      225060 |          225060 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of log writes (innodb_log_writes)                                                                          || compress_pages_compressed                | compression         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of pages compressed                                                                                        || compress_pages_decompressed              | compression         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of pages decompressed                                                                                      || compression_pad_increments               | compression         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times padding is incremented to avoid compression failures                                              || compression_pad_decrements               | compression         |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times padding is decremented due to good compressibility                                                || index_page_splits                        | index               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of index page splits                                                                                       || index_page_merge_attempts                | index               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of index page merge attempts                                                                               || index_page_merge_successful              | index               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of successful index page merges                                                                            || index_page_reorg_attempts                | index               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of index page reorganization attempts                                                                      || index_page_reorg_successful              | index               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of successful index page reorganizations                                                                   || index_page_discards                      | index               |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of index pages discarded                                                                                   || adaptive_hash_searches                   | adaptive_hash_index |    48920480 |    48920480 |      NULL |      1064.2753339424792 |    48920480 |        48920480 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of successful searches using Adaptive Hash Index                                                           || adaptive_hash_searches_btree             | adaptive_hash_index |     2550311 |     2550311 |      NULL |       55.48255232128095 |     2550311 |         2550311 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of searches using B-tree on an index search                                                                || adaptive_hash_pages_added                | adaptive_hash_index |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of index pages on which the Adaptive Hash Index is built                                                   || adaptive_hash_pages_removed              | adaptive_hash_index |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of index pages whose corresponding Adaptive Hash Index entries were removed                                || adaptive_hash_rows_added                 | adaptive_hash_index |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Adaptive Hash Index rows added                                                                          || adaptive_hash_rows_removed               | adaptive_hash_index |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Adaptive Hash Index rows removed                                                                        || adaptive_hash_rows_deleted_no_hash_entry | adaptive_hash_index |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of rows deleted that did not have corresponding Adaptive Hash Index entries                                || adaptive_hash_rows_updated               | adaptive_hash_index |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of Adaptive Hash Index rows updated                                                                        || file_num_open_files                      | file_system         |           6 |           6 |         6 |                    NULL |           6 |               6 |               6 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | Number of files currently open (innodb_num_open_files)                                                            || ibuf_merges_insert                       | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of inserted records merged by change buffering                                                             || ibuf_merges_delete_mark                  | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of deleted records merged by change buffering                                                              || ibuf_merges_delete                       | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of purge records merged by change buffering                                                                || ibuf_merges_discard_insert               | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of insert merged operations discarded                                                                      || ibuf_merges_discard_delete_mark          | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of deleted merged operations discarded                                                                     || ibuf_merges_discard_delete               | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of purge merged  operations discarded                                                                      || ibuf_merges                              | change_buffer       |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of change buffer merges                                                                                    || ibuf_size                                | change_buffer       |           1 |           1 |      NULL | 0.000021755210372884305 |           1 |               1 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Change buffer size in pages                                                                                       || innodb_master_thread_sleeps              | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times (seconds) master thread sleeps                                                                    || innodb_activity_count                    | server              |    29366418 |    29366418 |      NULL |       638.8726014880564 |    29366418 |        29366418 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Current server activity count                                                                                     || innodb_master_active_loops               | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times master thread performs its tasks when server is active                                            || innodb_master_idle_loops                 | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of times master thread performs its tasks when server is idle                                              || innodb_background_drop_table_usec        | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent to process drop table list                                                           || innodb_ibuf_merge_usec                   | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent to process change buffer merge                                                       || innodb_log_flush_usec                    | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent to flush log records                                                                 || innodb_mem_validate_usec                 | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent to do memory validation                                                              || innodb_master_purge_usec                 | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent by master thread to purge records                                                    || innodb_dict_lru_usec                     | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent to process DICT LRU list                                                             || innodb_checkpoint_usec                   | server              |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Time (in microseconds) spent by master thread to do checkpoint                                                    || innodb_dblwr_writes                      | server              |        8627 |        8627 |      NULL |      0.1876821998868729 |        8627 |            8627 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of doublewrite operations that have been performed (innodb_dblwr_writes)                                   || innodb_dblwr_pages_written               | server              |      567903 |      567903 |      NULL |      12.354849236392116 |      567903 |          567903 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of pages that have been written for doublewrite operations (innodb_dblwr_pages_written)                    || innodb_page_size                         | server              |       16384 |       16384 |     16384 |                    NULL |       16384 |           16384 |           16384 |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | value          | InnoDB page size in bytes (innodb_page_size)                                                                      || innodb_rwlock_s_spin_waits               | server              |      287836 |      287836 |      NULL |       6.261932732889527 |      287836 |          287836 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rwlock spin waits due to shared latch request                                                           || innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits               | server              |       32494 |       32494 |      NULL |      0.7069138058565027 |       32494 |           32494 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rwlock spin waits due to exclusive latch request                                                        || innodb_rwlock_s_spin_rounds              | server              |     9534135 |     9534135 |      NULL |       207.4171126484793 |     9534135 |         9534135 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rwlock spin loop rounds due to shared latch request                                                     || innodb_rwlock_x_spin_rounds              | server              |     1799257 |     1799257 |      NULL |      39.143214549884696 |     1799257 |         1799257 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rwlock spin loop rounds due to exclusive latch request                                                  || innodb_rwlock_s_os_waits                 | server              |      294666 |      294666 |      NULL |       6.410520819736327 |      294666 |          294666 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of OS waits due to shared latch request                                                                    || innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits                 | server              |       57256 |       57256 |      NULL |      1.2456163251098638 |       57256 |           57256 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of OS waits due to exclusive latch request                                                                 || dml_reads                                | dml                 |   346466423 |   346466423 |      NULL |      7537.4499195057215 |   346466423 |       346466423 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rows read                                                                                               || dml_inserts                              | dml                 |    26065444 |    26065444 |      NULL |        567.059217682635 |    26065444 |        26065444 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rows inserted                                                                                           || dml_deletes                              | dml                 |           0 |           0 |      NULL |                       0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rows deleted                                                                                            || dml_updates                              | dml                 |    75506799 |    75506799 |      NULL |      1642.6662968280903 |    75506799 |        75506799 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        45966 | NULL       | enabled  | status_counter | Number of rows updated                                                                                            || ddl_background_drop_indexes              | ddl                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of indexes waiting to be dropped after failed index creation                                               || ddl_background_drop_tables               | ddl                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of tables in background drop table list                                                                    || ddl_online_create_index                  | ddl                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of indexes being created online                                                                            || ddl_pending_alter_table                  | ddl                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX in progress                                                       || icp_attempts                             | icp                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Number of attempts for index push-down condition checks                                                           || icp_no_match                             | icp                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Index push-down condition does not match                                                                          || icp_out_of_range                         | icp                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Index push-down condition out of range                                                                            || icp_match                                | icp                 |           0 |        NULL |      NULL |                    NULL |           0 |            NULL |            NULL |            NULL | NULL                | NULL          |         NULL | NULL       | disabled | counter        | Index push-down condition matches                                                                                 |+------------------------------------------+---------------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+----------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+214 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> 3,表的数据分为几个大类:buffer buffer_page_ioserverlockrecoverytransactionosadaptive_hash_indexchange_bufferpurgeindexdmlddlcompressionmetadataicp不同的大类,又包括具体的监控指标,非常有价值mysql> select subsystem,count(*) from information_schema.innodb_metrics group by subsystem order by 2 desc;+---------------------+----------+| subsystem           | count(*) |+---------------------+----------+| buffer              |       60 || buffer_page_io      |       32 || server              |       21 || lock                |       16 || recovery            |       14 || transaction         |       12 || os                  |        9 || adaptive_hash_index |        8 || change_buffer       |        8 || purge               |        7 || index               |        6 || dml                 |        4 || ddl                 |        4 || compression         |        4 || metadata            |        4 || icp                 |        4 || file_system         |        1 |+---------------------+----------+17 rows in set (0.01 sec)4,压测前mysql> select * from information_schema.innodb_metrics where subsystem='dml';+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| NAME        | SUBSYSTEM | COUNT     | MAX_COUNT | MIN_COUNT | AVG_COUNT         | COUNT_RESET | MAX_COUNT_RESET | MIN_COUNT_RESET | AVG_COUNT_RESET | TIME_ENABLED        | TIME_DISABLED | TIME_ELAPSED | TIME_RESET | STATUS  | TYPE           | COMMENT                 |+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| dml_reads   | dml       | 346466423 | 346466423 |      NULL | 7484.045945478896 |   346466423 |       346466423 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46294 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows read     || dml_inserts | dml       |  26065444 |  26065444 |      NULL |  563.041517259256 |    26065444 |        26065444 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46294 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows inserted || dml_deletes | dml       |         0 |         0 |      NULL |                 0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46294 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows deleted  || dml_updates | dml       |  75506799 |  75506799 |      NULL | 1631.027757376766 |    75506799 |        75506799 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46294 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows updated  |+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from information_schema.innodb_metrics where subsystem='dml';+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| NAME        | SUBSYSTEM | COUNT     | MAX_COUNT | MIN_COUNT | AVG_COUNT          | COUNT_RESET | MAX_COUNT_RESET | MIN_COUNT_RESET | AVG_COUNT_RESET | TIME_ENABLED        | TIME_DISABLED | TIME_ELAPSED | TIME_RESET | STATUS  | TYPE           | COMMENT                 |+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| dml_reads   | dml       | 346466423 | 346466423 |      NULL |  7482.429660504492 |   346466423 |       346466423 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46304 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows read     || dml_inserts | dml       |  26065444 |  26065444 |      NULL |  562.9199205252246 |    26065444 |        26065444 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46304 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows inserted || dml_deletes | dml       |         0 |         0 |      NULL |                  0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46304 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows deleted  || dml_updates | dml       |  75506799 |  75506799 |      NULL | 1630.6755139944714 |    75506799 |        75506799 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46304 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows updated  |+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-----------压测 [root@standbygtid ~]# mysqlslap -uroot --auto-generate-sql --concurrency=80 --iterations=100  -psystemWarning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.可清晰看到DML不同操作类型的变化mysql> select * from information_schema.innodb_metrics where subsystem='dml';+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| NAME        | SUBSYSTEM | COUNT     | MAX_COUNT | MIN_COUNT | AVG_COUNT          | COUNT_RESET | MAX_COUNT_RESET | MIN_COUNT_RESET | AVG_COUNT_RESET | TIME_ENABLED        | TIME_DISABLED | TIME_ELAPSED | TIME_RESET | STATUS  | TYPE           | COMMENT                 |+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| dml_reads   | dml       | 347750604 | 347750604 |      NULL | 7503.3574418504295 |   347750604 |       347750604 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46346 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows read     || dml_inserts | dml       |  26070656 |  26070656 |      NULL |  562.5222457169982 |    26070656 |        26070656 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46346 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows inserted || dml_deletes | dml       |         0 |         0 |      NULL |                  0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46346 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows deleted  || dml_updates | dml       |  75506799 |  75506799 |      NULL | 1629.1977516937816 |    75506799 |        75506799 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-05 19:23:01 | NULL          |        46346 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows updated  |+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)7,重启mysql8, 可见重启后不会持久化保存这些数据mysql> select * from information_schema.innodb_metrics where subsystem='dml';+-------------+-----------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| NAME        | SUBSYSTEM | COUNT | MAX_COUNT | MIN_COUNT | AVG_COUNT | COUNT_RESET | MAX_COUNT_RESET | MIN_COUNT_RESET | AVG_COUNT_RESET | TIME_ENABLED        | TIME_DISABLED | TIME_ELAPSED | TIME_RESET | STATUS  | TYPE           | COMMENT                 |+-------------+-----------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+| dml_reads   | dml       |     0 |         0 |      NULL |         0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-06 08:34:23 | NULL          |           29 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows read     || dml_inserts | dml       |     0 |         0 |      NULL |         0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-06 08:34:23 | NULL          |           29 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows inserted || dml_deletes | dml       |     0 |         0 |      NULL |         0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-06 08:34:23 | NULL          |           29 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows deleted  || dml_updates | dml       |     0 |         0 |      NULL |         0 |           0 |               0 |            NULL |            NULL | 2019-11-06 08:34:23 | NULL          |           29 | NULL       | enabled | status_counter | Number of rows updated  |+-------------+-----------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+-------------------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)9,由下可知,innodb_metrics是内存表mysql> show create table information_schema.innodb_metrics\G;*************************** 1. row ***************************       Table: INNODB_METRICSCreate Table: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `INNODB_METRICS` (  `NAME` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  `SUBSYSTEM` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  `COUNT` bigint(21) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `MAX_COUNT` bigint(21) DEFAULT NULL,  `MIN_COUNT` bigint(21) DEFAULT NULL,  `AVG_COUNT` double DEFAULT NULL,  `COUNT_RESET` bigint(21) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `MAX_COUNT_RESET` bigint(21) DEFAULT NULL,  `MIN_COUNT_RESET` bigint(21) DEFAULT NULL,  `AVG_COUNT_RESET` double DEFAULT NULL,  `TIME_ENABLED` datetime DEFAULT NULL,  `TIME_DISABLED` datetime DEFAULT NULL,  `TIME_ELAPSED` bigint(21) DEFAULT NULL,  `TIME_RESET` datetime DEFAULT NULL,  `STATUS` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  `TYPE` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  `COMMENT` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '') ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf81 row in set (0.00 sec)ERROR: No query specified10,所以需要对此表的数据进行持久化保存,便于重启数据库前后的性能纵向对比
