PostgreSQL 源码解读(91)- 查询语句#76(ExecHashJoin函数#2)
所有计划节点通过将Plan结构作为第一个字段从Plan结构"派生"。这确保了在将节点转换为计划节点时,一切都能正常工作。(在执行器中以通用方式传递时,节点指针经常被转换为Plan *)
/* ---------------- * Plan node * * All plan nodes "derive" from the Plan structure by having the * Plan structure as the first field. This ensures that everything works * when nodes are cast to Plan's. (node pointers are frequently cast to Plan* * when passed around generically in the executor) * 所有计划节点通过将Plan结构作为第一个字段从Plan结构"派生"。 * 这确保了在将节点转换为计划节点时,一切都能正常工作。 * (在执行器中以通用方式传递时,节点指针经常被转换为Plan *) * * We never actually instantiate any Plan nodes; this is just the common * abstract superclass for all Plan-type nodes. * 从未实例化任何Plan节点;这只是所有Plan-type节点的通用抽象超类。 * ---------------- */typedef struct Plan{ NodeTag type;//节点类型 /* * 成本估算信息;estimated execution costs for plan (see costsize.c for more info) */ Cost startup_cost; /* 启动成本;cost expended before fetching any tuples */ Cost total_cost; /* 总成本;total cost (assuming all tuples fetched) */ /* * 优化器估算信息;planner's estimate of result size of this plan step */ double plan_rows; /* 行数;number of rows plan is expected to emit */ int plan_width; /* 平均行大小(Byte为单位);average row width in bytes */ /* * 并行执行相关的信息;information needed for parallel query */ bool parallel_aware; /* 是否参与并行执行逻辑?engage parallel-aware logic? */ bool parallel_safe; /* 是否并行安全;OK to use as part of parallel plan? */ /* * Plan类型节点通用的信息.Common structural data for all Plan types. */ int plan_node_id; /* unique across entire final plan tree */ List *targetlist; /* target list to be computed at this node */ List *qual; /* implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */ struct Plan *lefttree; /* input plan tree(s) */ struct Plan *righttree; List *initPlan; /* Init Plan nodes (un-correlated expr * subselects) */ /* * Information for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning * parameter-change-driven重扫描的管理信息. * * extParam includes the paramIDs of all external PARAM_EXEC params * affecting this plan node or its children. setParam params from the * node's initPlans are not included, but their extParams are. * * allParam includes all the extParam paramIDs, plus the IDs of local * params that affect the node (i.e., the setParams of its initplans). * These are _all_ the PARAM_EXEC params that affect this node. */ Bitmapset *extParam; Bitmapset *allParam;} Plan;
Hash/NestLoop/Merge Join的基类
/* ---------------- * JoinState information * * Superclass for state nodes of join plans. * Hash/NestLoop/Merge Join的基类 * ---------------- */typedef struct JoinState{ PlanState ps;//基类PlanState JoinType jointype;//连接类型 //在找到一个匹配inner tuple的时候,如需要跳转到下一个outer tuple,则该值为T bool single_match; /* True if we should skip to next outer tuple * after finding one inner match */ //连接条件表达式(除了ps.qual) ExprState *joinqual; /* JOIN quals (in addition to ps.qual) */} JoinState;
Hash Join运行期状态结构体
/* these structs are defined in executor/hashjoin.h: */typedef struct HashJoinTupleData *HashJoinTuple;typedef struct HashJoinTableData *HashJoinTable;typedef struct HashJoinState{ JoinState js; /* 基类;its first field is NodeTag */ ExprState *hashclauses;//hash连接条件 List *hj_OuterHashKeys; /* 外表条件链表;list of ExprState nodes */ List *hj_InnerHashKeys; /* 内表连接条件;list of ExprState nodes */ List *hj_HashOperators; /* 操作符OIDs链表;list of operator OIDs */ HashJoinTable hj_HashTable;//Hash表 uint32 hj_CurHashValue;//当前的Hash值 int hj_CurBucketNo;//当前的bucket编号 int hj_CurSkewBucketNo;//行倾斜bucket编号 HashJoinTuple hj_CurTuple;//当前元组 TupleTableSlot *hj_OuterTupleSlot;//outer relation slot TupleTableSlot *hj_HashTupleSlot;//Hash tuple slot TupleTableSlot *hj_NullOuterTupleSlot;//用于外连接的outer虚拟slot TupleTableSlot *hj_NullInnerTupleSlot;//用于外连接的inner虚拟slot TupleTableSlot *hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot;// int hj_JoinState;//JoinState状态 bool hj_MatchedOuter;//是否匹配 bool hj_OuterNotEmpty;//outer relation是否为空} HashJoinState;
typedef struct HashJoinTableData{ int nbuckets; /* 内存中的hash桶数;# buckets in the in-memory hash table */ int log2_nbuckets; /* 2的对数(nbuckets必须是2的幂);its log2 (nbuckets must be a power of 2) */ int nbuckets_original; /* 首次hash时的桶数;# buckets when starting the first hash */ int nbuckets_optimal; /* 优化后的桶数(每个批次);optimal # buckets (per batch) */ int log2_nbuckets_optimal; /* 2的对数;log2(nbuckets_optimal) */ /* buckets[i] is head of list of tuples in i'th in-memory bucket */ //bucket [i]是内存中第i个桶中的元组链表的head item union { /* unshared array is per-batch storage, as are all the tuples */ //未共享数组是按批处理存储的,所有元组均如此 struct HashJoinTupleData **unshared; /* shared array is per-query DSA area, as are all the tuples */ //共享数组是每个查询的DSA区域,所有元组均如此 dsa_pointer_atomic *shared; } buckets; bool keepNulls; /*如不匹配则存储NULL元组,该值为T;true to store unmatchable NULL tuples */ bool skewEnabled; /*是否使用倾斜优化?;are we using skew optimization? */ HashSkewBucket **skewBucket; /* 倾斜的hash表桶数;hashtable of skew buckets */ int skewBucketLen; /* skewBucket数组大小;size of skewBucket array (a power of 2!) */ int nSkewBuckets; /* 活动的倾斜桶数;number of active skew buckets */ int *skewBucketNums; /* 活动倾斜桶数组索引;array indexes of active skew buckets */ int nbatch; /* 批次数;number of batches */ int curbatch; /* 当前批次,第一轮为0;current batch #; 0 during 1st pass */ int nbatch_original; /* 在开始inner扫描时的批次;nbatch when we started inner scan */ int nbatch_outstart; /* 在开始outer扫描时的批次;nbatch when we started outer scan */ bool growEnabled; /* 关闭nbatch增加的标记;flag to shut off nbatch increases */ double totalTuples; /* 从inner plan获得的元组数;# tuples obtained from inner plan */ double partialTuples; /* 通过hashjoin获得的inner元组数;# tuples obtained from inner plan by me */ double skewTuples; /* 倾斜元组数;# tuples inserted into skew tuples */ /* * These arrays are allocated for the life of the hash join, but only if * nbatch > 1. A file is opened only when we first write a tuple into it * (otherwise its pointer remains NULL). Note that the zero'th array * elements never get used, since we will process rather than dump out any * tuples of batch zero. * 这些数组在散列连接的生命周期内分配,但仅当nbatch > 1时分配。 * 只有当第一次将元组写入文件时,文件才会打开(否则它的指针将保持NULL)。 * 注意,第0个数组元素永远不会被使用,因为批次0的元组永远不会转储. */ BufFile **innerBatchFile; /* 每个批次的inner虚拟临时文件缓存;buffered virtual temp file per batch */ BufFile **outerBatchFile; /* 每个批次的outer虚拟临时文件缓存;buffered virtual temp file per batch */ /* * Info about the datatype-specific hash functions for the datatypes being * hashed. These are arrays of the same length as the number of hash join * clauses (hash keys). * 有关正在散列的数据类型的特定于数据类型的散列函数的信息。 * 这些数组的长度与散列连接子句(散列键)的数量相同。 */ FmgrInfo *outer_hashfunctions; /* outer hash函数FmgrInfo结构体;lookup data for hash functions */ FmgrInfo *inner_hashfunctions; /* inner hash函数FmgrInfo结构体;lookup data for hash functions */ bool *hashStrict; /* 每个hash操作符是严格?is each hash join operator strict? */ Size spaceUsed; /* 元组使用的当前内存空间大小;memory space currently used by tuples */ Size spaceAllowed; /* 空间使用上限;upper limit for space used */ Size spacePeak; /* 峰值的空间使用;peak space used */ Size spaceUsedSkew; /* 倾斜哈希表的当前空间使用情况;skew hash table's current space usage */ Size spaceAllowedSkew; /* 倾斜哈希表的使用上限;upper limit for skew hashtable */ MemoryContext hashCxt; /* 整个散列连接存储的上下文;context for whole-hash-join storage */ MemoryContext batchCxt; /* 该批次存储的上下文;context for this-batch-only storage */ /* used for dense allocation of tuples (into linked chunks) */ //用于密集分配元组(到链接块中) HashMemoryChunk chunks; /* 整个批次使用一个链表;one list for the whole batch */ /* Shared and private state for Parallel Hash. */ //并行hash使用的共享和私有状态 HashMemoryChunk current_chunk; /* 后台进程的当前chunk;this backend's current chunk */ dsa_area *area; /* 用于分配内存的DSA区域;DSA area to allocate memory from */ ParallelHashJoinState *parallel_state;//并行执行状态 ParallelHashJoinBatchAccessor *batches;//并行访问器 dsa_pointer current_chunk_shared;//当前chunk的开始指针} HashJoinTableData;typedef struct HashJoinTableData *HashJoinTable;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * hash-join hash table structures * * Each active hashjoin has a HashJoinTable control block, which is * palloc'd in the executor's per-query context. All other storage needed * for the hashjoin is kept in private memory contexts, two for each hashjoin. * This makes it easy and fast to release the storage when we don't need it * anymore. (Exception: data associated with the temp files lives in the * per-query context too, since we always call buffile.c in that context.) * 每个活动的hashjoin都有一个可散列的控制块,它在执行程序的每个查询上下文中都是通过palloc分配的。 * hashjoin所需的所有其他存储都保存在私有内存上下文中,每个hashjoin有两个。 * 当不再需要它的时候,这使得释放它变得简单和快速。 * (例外:与临时文件相关的数据也存在于每个查询上下文中,因为在这种情况下总是调用buffile.c。) * * The hashtable contexts are made children of the per-query context, ensuring * that they will be discarded at end of statement even if the join is * aborted early by an error. (Likewise, any temporary files we make will * be cleaned up by the virtual file manager in event of an error.) * hashtable上下文是每个查询上下文的子上下文,确保在语句结束时丢弃它们,即使连接因错误而提前中止。 * (同样,如果出现错误,虚拟文件管理器将清理创建的任何临时文件。) * * Storage that should live through the entire join is allocated from the * "hashCxt", while storage that is only wanted for the current batch is * allocated in the "batchCxt". By resetting the batchCxt at the end of * each batch, we free all the per-batch storage reliably and without tedium. * 通过整个连接的存储空间应从"hashCxt"分配,而只需要当前批处理的存储空间在"batchCxt"中分配。 * 通过在每个批处理结束时重置batchCxt,可以可靠地释放每个批处理的所有存储,而不会感到单调乏味。 * * During first scan of inner relation, we get its tuples from executor. * If nbatch > 1 then tuples that don't belong in first batch get saved * into inner-batch temp files. The same statements apply for the * first scan of the outer relation, except we write tuples to outer-batch * temp files. After finishing the first scan, we do the following for * each remaining batch: * 1. Read tuples from inner batch file, load into hash buckets. * 2. Read tuples from outer batch file, match to hash buckets and output. * 在内部关系的第一次扫描中,从执行者那里得到了它的元组。 * 如果nbatch > 1,那么不属于第一批的元组将保存到批内临时文件中。 * 相同的语句适用于外关系的第一次扫描,但是我们将元组写入外部批处理临时文件。 * 完成第一次扫描后,我们对每批剩余的元组做如下处理: * 1.从内部批处理文件读取元组,加载到散列桶中。 * 2.从外部批处理文件读取元组,匹配哈希桶和输出。 * * It is possible to increase nbatch on the fly if the in-memory hash table * gets too big. The hash-value-to-batch computation is arranged so that this * can only cause a tuple to go into a later batch than previously thought, * never into an earlier batch. When we increase nbatch, we rescan the hash * table and dump out any tuples that are now of a later batch to the correct * inner batch file. Subsequently, while reading either inner or outer batch * files, we might find tuples that no longer belong to the current batch; * if so, we just dump them out to the correct batch file. * 如果内存中的哈希表太大,可以动态增加nbatch。 * 散列值到批处理的计算是这样安排的: * 这只会导致元组进入比以前认为的更晚的批处理,而不会进入更早的批处理。 * 当增加nbatch时,重新扫描哈希表,并将现在属于后面批处理的任何元组转储到正确的内部批处理文件。 * 随后,在读取内部或外部批处理文件时,可能会发现不再属于当前批处理的元组; * 如果是这样,只需将它们转储到正确的批处理文件即可。 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- *//* these are in nodes/execnodes.h: *//* typedef struct HashJoinTupleData *HashJoinTuple; *//* typedef struct HashJoinTableData *HashJoinTable; */typedef struct HashJoinTupleData{ /* link to next tuple in same bucket */ //link同一个桶中的下一个元组 union { struct HashJoinTupleData *unshared; dsa_pointer shared; } next; uint32 hashvalue; /* 元组的hash值;tuple's hash code */ /* Tuple data, in MinimalTuple format, follows on a MAXALIGN boundary */} HashJoinTupleData;#define HJTUPLE_OVERHEAD MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashJoinTupleData))#define HJTUPLE_MINTUPLE(hjtup) \ ((MinimalTuple) ((char *) (hjtup) + HJTUPLE_OVERHEAD))
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HJ_BUILD_HASHTABLE 阶段-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* ---------------- * these are defined to avoid confusion problems with "left" * and "right" and "inner" and "outer". The convention is that * the "left" plan is the "outer" plan and the "right" plan is * the inner plan, but these make the code more readable. * 这些定义是为了避免"左"和"右"以及"内"和"外"的混淆问题。 * 约定是,"左"计划是"外部"计划,"右"计划是内部计划,但是这些计划使代码更具可读性。 * ---------------- */#define innerPlan(node) (((Plan *)(node))->righttree)#define outerPlan(node) (((Plan *)(node))->lefttree)/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashTableCreate * * create an empty hashtable data structure for hashjoin. * 初始化hashjoin需要使用的hashtable. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */HashJoinTableExecHashTableCreate(HashState *state, List *hashOperators, bool keepNulls){ Hash *node; HashJoinTable hashtable; Plan *outerNode; size_t space_allowed; int nbuckets; int nbatch; double rows; int num_skew_mcvs; int log2_nbuckets; int nkeys; int i; ListCell *ho; MemoryContext oldcxt; /* * Get information about the size of the relation to be hashed (it's the * "outer" subtree of this node, but the inner relation of the hashjoin). * Compute the appropriate size of the hash table. * 获取有关要散列的关系大小的信息(它是该节点的"outer"子树,hashjoin的inner relation)。 * 计算哈希表的适当大小。 */ node = (Hash *) state->ps.plan;//获取Hash节点 outerNode = outerPlan(node);//获取outer relation Plan节点 /* * If this is shared hash table with a partial plan, then we can't use * outerNode->plan_rows to estimate its size. We need an estimate of the * total number of rows across all copies of the partial plan. * 如果这是带有部分计划(并行处理)的共享哈希表,那么不能使用outerNode->plan_rows来估计它的大小。 * 需要估算跨部分计划的所有副本的行总数。 */ rows = node->plan.parallel_aware ? node->rows_total : outerNode->plan_rows;//获取总行数 ExecChooseHashTableSize(rows, outerNode->plan_width, OidIsValid(node->skewTable), state->parallel_state != NULL, state->parallel_state != NULL ? state->parallel_state->nparticipants - 1 : 0, &space_allowed, &nbuckets, &nbatch, &num_skew_mcvs);//计算Hash Table的大小尺寸 /* nbuckets must be a power of 2 */ //nbuckets(hash桶数)必须是2的n次方 log2_nbuckets = my_log2(nbuckets); Assert(nbuckets == (1 << log2_nbuckets)); /* * Initialize the hash table control block. * 初始化hash表的控制块 * * The hashtable control block is just palloc'd from the executor's * per-query memory context. Everything else should be kept inside the * subsidiary hashCxt or batchCxt. * hashtable控件块是从执行程序的每个查询内存上下文中调取的。 * 其他内容都应该保存在附属hashCxt或batchCxt中。 */ hashtable = (HashJoinTable) palloc(sizeof(HashJoinTableData));//分配内存 hashtable->nbuckets = nbuckets;//桶数 hashtable->nbuckets_original = nbuckets; hashtable->nbuckets_optimal = nbuckets; hashtable->log2_nbuckets = log2_nbuckets; hashtable->log2_nbuckets_optimal = log2_nbuckets; hashtable->buckets.unshared = NULL; hashtable->keepNulls = keepNulls; hashtable->skewEnabled = false; hashtable->skewBucket = NULL; hashtable->skewBucketLen = 0; hashtable->nSkewBuckets = 0; hashtable->skewBucketNums = NULL; hashtable->nbatch = nbatch; hashtable->curbatch = 0; hashtable->nbatch_original = nbatch; hashtable->nbatch_outstart = nbatch; hashtable->growEnabled = true; hashtable->totalTuples = 0; hashtable->partialTuples = 0; hashtable->skewTuples = 0; hashtable->innerBatchFile = NULL; hashtable->outerBatchFile = NULL; hashtable->spaceUsed = 0; hashtable->spacePeak = 0; hashtable->spaceAllowed = space_allowed; hashtable->spaceUsedSkew = 0; hashtable->spaceAllowedSkew = hashtable->spaceAllowed * SKEW_WORK_MEM_PERCENT / 100; hashtable->chunks = NULL; hashtable->current_chunk = NULL; hashtable->parallel_state = state->parallel_state; hashtable->area = state->ps.state->es_query_dsa; hashtable->batches = NULL;#ifdef HJDEBUG printf("Hashjoin %p: initial nbatch = %d, nbuckets = %d\n", hashtable, nbatch, nbuckets);#endif /* * Create temporary memory contexts in which to keep the hashtable working * storage. See notes in executor/hashjoin.h. * 创建临时内存上下文,以便在其中保持散列表的相关信息。 * 参见executor/hashjoin.h中的注释。 */ hashtable->hashCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "HashTableContext", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); hashtable->batchCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(hashtable->hashCxt, "HashBatchContext", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); /* Allocate data that will live for the life of the hashjoin */ //分配内存,切换至hashCxt oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->hashCxt); /* * Get info about the hash functions to be used for each hash key. Also * remember whether the join operators are strict. * 获取关于每个散列键要使用的散列函数的信息。 * 还要记住连接操作符是否严格。 */ nkeys = list_length(hashOperators);//键值数 hashtable->outer_hashfunctions = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(FmgrInfo));//outer relation所使用的hash函数 hashtable->inner_hashfunctions = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(FmgrInfo));//inner relation所使用的hash函数 hashtable->hashStrict = (bool *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(bool));//是否严格的操作符 i = 0; foreach(ho, hashOperators)//遍历hash操作符 { Oid hashop = lfirst_oid(ho);//hash操作符 Oid left_hashfn;//左函数 Oid right_hashfn;//右函数 //获取与给定操作符兼容的标准哈希函数的OID,并根据需要对其LHS和/或RHS数据类型进行操作。 if (!get_op_hash_functions(hashop, &left_hashfn, &right_hashfn))//获取hash函数 elog(ERROR, "could not find hash function for hash operator %u", hashop); fmgr_info(left_hashfn, &hashtable->outer_hashfunctions[i]); fmgr_info(right_hashfn, &hashtable->inner_hashfunctions[i]); hashtable->hashStrict[i] = op_strict(hashop); i++; } if (nbatch > 1 && hashtable->parallel_state == NULL)//批次>1而且并行状态为NULL { /* * allocate and initialize the file arrays in hashCxt (not needed for * parallel case which uses shared tuplestores instead of raw files) * 在hashCxt中分配和初始化文件数组(对于使用共享tuplestore而不是原始文件的并行情况不需要) */ hashtable->innerBatchFile = (BufFile **) palloc0(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));//用于缓存该批次的inner relation的tuple hashtable->outerBatchFile = (BufFile **) palloc0(nbatch * sizeof(BufFile *));//用于缓存该批次的outerr relation的tuple /* The files will not be opened until needed... */ /* ... but make sure we have temp tablespaces established for them */ //这些文件需要时才会打开…… //…但是要确保为它们建立了临时表空间 PrepareTempTablespaces(); } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);//切换回原内存上下文 if (hashtable->parallel_state)//并行处理 { ParallelHashJoinState *pstate = hashtable->parallel_state; Barrier *build_barrier; /* * Attach to the build barrier. The corresponding detach operation is * in ExecHashTableDetach. Note that we won't attach to the * batch_barrier for batch 0 yet. We'll attach later and start it out * in PHJ_BATCH_PROBING phase, because batch 0 is allocated up front * and then loaded while hashing (the standard hybrid hash join * algorithm), and we'll coordinate that using build_barrier. */ build_barrier = &pstate->build_barrier; BarrierAttach(build_barrier); /* * So far we have no idea whether there are any other participants, * and if so, what phase they are working on. The only thing we care * about at this point is whether someone has already created the * SharedHashJoinBatch objects and the hash table for batch 0. One * backend will be elected to do that now if necessary. */ if (BarrierPhase(build_barrier) == PHJ_BUILD_ELECTING && BarrierArriveAndWait(build_barrier, WAIT_EVENT_HASH_BUILD_ELECTING)) { pstate->nbatch = nbatch; pstate->space_allowed = space_allowed; pstate->growth = PHJ_GROWTH_OK; /* Set up the shared state for coordinating batches. */ ExecParallelHashJoinSetUpBatches(hashtable, nbatch); /* * Allocate batch 0's hash table up front so we can load it * directly while hashing. */ pstate->nbuckets = nbuckets; ExecParallelHashTableAlloc(hashtable, 0); } /* * The next Parallel Hash synchronization point is in * MultiExecParallelHash(), which will progress it all the way to * PHJ_BUILD_DONE. The caller must not return control from this * executor node between now and then. */ } else//非并行处理 { /* * Prepare context for the first-scan space allocations; allocate the * hashbucket array therein, and set each bucket "empty". * 为第一次扫描空间分配准备上下文;在其中分配hashbucket数组,并将每个bucket设置为"空"。 */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->batchCxt);//切换上下文 hashtable->buckets.unshared = (HashJoinTuple *) palloc0(nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple));//分配内存空间 /* * Set up for skew optimization, if possible and there's a need for * more than one batch. (In a one-batch join, there's no point in * it.) * 如需要多个批处理,设置倾斜优化。(在单批处理连接中,这是没有意义的。) */ if (nbatch > 1) ExecHashBuildSkewHash(hashtable, node, num_skew_mcvs); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);//切换上下文 } return hashtable;//返回Hash表} /* * This routine fills a FmgrInfo struct, given the OID * of the function to be called. * 给定要调用的函数的OID,这个例程填充一个FmgrInfo结构体。 * * The caller's CurrentMemoryContext is used as the fn_mcxt of the info * struct; this means that any subsidiary data attached to the info struct * (either by fmgr_info itself, or later on by a function call handler) * will be allocated in that context. The caller must ensure that this * context is at least as long-lived as the info struct itself. This is * not a problem in typical cases where the info struct is on the stack or * in freshly-palloc'd space. However, if one intends to store an info * struct in a long-lived table, it's better to use fmgr_info_cxt. * 调用方的CurrentMemoryContext用作info结构体的fn_mcxt; * 这意味着附加到info结构体的任何附属数据(通过fmgr_info本身,或者稍后通过函数调用处理程序)将在该上下文中分配。 * 调用者必须确保这个上下文的生命周期至少与info结构本身一样。 * 在信息结构位于堆栈上或在新palloc空间中的典型情况下,这不是一个问题。 * 但是,如果希望在long-lived表中存储信息结构,最好使用fmgr_info_cxt。 */ void fmgr_info(Oid functionId, FmgrInfo *finfo) { fmgr_info_cxt_security(functionId, finfo, CurrentMemoryContext, false); }
/* * Compute appropriate size for hashtable given the estimated size of the * relation to be hashed (number of rows and average row width). * 给定要散列的关系的估计大小(行数和平均行宽),计算适当的散列表大小。 * * This is exported so that the planner's costsize.c can use it. * 这些信息已导出以便计划器costsize.c可以使用 *//* Target bucket loading (tuples per bucket) */#define NTUP_PER_BUCKET 1voidExecChooseHashTableSize(double ntuples, int tupwidth, bool useskew, bool try_combined_work_mem, int parallel_workers, size_t *space_allowed, int *numbuckets, int *numbatches, int *num_skew_mcvs){ int tupsize;//元组大小 double inner_rel_bytes;//inner relation大小 long bucket_bytes;//桶大小 long hash_table_bytes;//hash table大小 long skew_table_bytes;//倾斜表大小 long max_pointers;//最大的指针数 long mppow2;// int nbatch = 1;//批次 int nbuckets;//桶数 double dbuckets;// /* Force a plausible relation size if no info */ //如relation大小没有信息,则设定为默认值1000.0 if (ntuples <= 0.0) ntuples = 1000.0; /* * Estimate tupsize based on footprint of tuple in hashtable... note this * does not allow for any palloc overhead. The manipulations of spaceUsed * don't count palloc overhead either. * 根据哈希表中tuple的占用空间估计tupsize… * 注意,这不允许任何palloc开销。使用的空间操作也不包括palloc开销。 */ tupsize = HJTUPLE_OVERHEAD + MAXALIGN(SizeofMinimalTupleHeader) + MAXALIGN(tupwidth);//估算元组大小 inner_rel_bytes = ntuples * tupsize;//inner relation大小 /* * Target in-memory hashtable size is work_mem kilobytes. * 目标内存中的散列表大小为work_mem KB。 */ hash_table_bytes = work_mem * 1024L; /* * Parallel Hash tries to use the combined work_mem of all workers to * avoid the need to batch. If that won't work, it falls back to work_mem * per worker and tries to process batches in parallel. * 并行散列试图使用所有worker的所有work_mem来避免分批处理。 * 如果这不起作用,它将返回到每个worker的work_mem,并尝试并行处理批处理。 */ if (try_combined_work_mem)//尝试融合work_mem hash_table_bytes += hash_table_bytes * parallel_workers; *space_allowed = hash_table_bytes; /* * If skew optimization is possible, estimate the number of skew buckets * that will fit in the memory allowed, and decrement the assumed space * available for the main hash table accordingly. * 如果可以进行倾斜优化,估算允许内存中容纳的倾斜桶的数量,并相应地减少主哈希表的假定可用空间。 * * We make the optimistic assumption that each skew bucket will contain * one inner-relation tuple. If that turns out to be low, we will recover * at runtime by reducing the number of skew buckets. * 我们乐观地假设,每个倾斜桶将包含一个内部关系元组。 * 如果结果很低,将通过减少倾斜桶的数量在运行时进行恢复。 * * hashtable->skewBucket will have up to 8 times as many HashSkewBucket * pointers as the number of MCVs we allow, since ExecHashBuildSkewHash * will round up to the next power of 2 and then multiply by 4 to reduce * collisions. * hashtable->skewBucket的指针数量将是允许的mcv数量的8倍, * 因为ExecHashBuildSkewHash将四舍五入到下一个2次方,然后乘以4以减少冲突。 */ if (useskew) { //倾斜优化 skew_table_bytes = hash_table_bytes * SKEW_WORK_MEM_PERCENT / 100; /*---------- * Divisor is: * size of a hash tuple + * worst-case size of skewBucket[] per MCV + * size of skewBucketNums[] entry + * size of skew bucket struct itself *---------- */ *num_skew_mcvs = skew_table_bytes / (tupsize + (8 * sizeof(HashSkewBucket *)) + sizeof(int) + SKEW_BUCKET_OVERHEAD); if (*num_skew_mcvs > 0) hash_table_bytes -= skew_table_bytes; } else *num_skew_mcvs = 0;//不使用倾斜优化,默认为0 /* * Set nbuckets to achieve an average bucket load of NTUP_PER_BUCKET when * memory is filled, assuming a single batch; but limit the value so that * the pointer arrays we'll try to allocate do not exceed work_mem nor * MaxAllocSize. * 设置nbuckets,假设为单批处理,当内存被填满时,实现NTUP_PER_BUCKET的平均桶负载; * 但是要限制这个值,以便试图分配的指针数组不会超过work_mem或MaxAllocSize。 * * Note that both nbuckets and nbatch must be powers of 2 to make * ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch fast. * 注意,nbucket和nbatch都必须是2的幂,才能使ExecHashGetBucketAndBatch更快。 */ max_pointers = *space_allowed / sizeof(HashJoinTuple);//最大指针数 max_pointers = Min(max_pointers, MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HashJoinTuple));//控制上限 /* If max_pointers isn't a power of 2, must round it down to one */ //如果max_pointer不是2的幂,则必须四舍五入到符合规则的某个值(如110.1 --> 128) mppow2 = 1L << my_log2(max_pointers); if (max_pointers != mppow2) max_pointers = mppow2 / 2; /* Also ensure we avoid integer overflow in nbatch and nbuckets */ /* (this step is redundant given the current value of MaxAllocSize) */ //还要确保在nbatch和nbucket中避免整数溢出 //(鉴于MaxAllocSize的当前值,此步骤是多余的) max_pointers = Min(max_pointers, INT_MAX / 2);//设定上限 dbuckets = ceil(ntuples / NTUP_PER_BUCKET);//取整 dbuckets = Min(dbuckets, max_pointers);//设定上限 nbuckets = (int) dbuckets;//桶数 /* don't let nbuckets be really small, though ... */ //但是,不要让nbucket非常小…… nbuckets = Max(nbuckets, 1024);//设定下限(1024) /* ... and force it to be a power of 2. */ //2的幂 nbuckets = 1 << my_log2(nbuckets); /* * If there's not enough space to store the projected number of tuples and * the required bucket headers, we will need multiple batches. * 如果没有足够的空间来存储预计的元组数量和所需的bucket headers,将需要多个批处理。 */ bucket_bytes = sizeof(HashJoinTuple) * nbuckets; if (inner_rel_bytes + bucket_bytes > hash_table_bytes)//inner relation大小 + 桶数大于可用空间 { /* We'll need multiple batches */ //需要多批次 long lbuckets; double dbatch; int minbatch; long bucket_size; /* * If Parallel Hash with combined work_mem would still need multiple * batches, we'll have to fall back to regular work_mem budget. * 如果合并了work_mem的并行散列仍然需要多个批处理,将不得不回到常规的work_mem预算。 */ if (try_combined_work_mem) { ExecChooseHashTableSize(ntuples, tupwidth, useskew, false, parallel_workers, space_allowed, numbuckets, numbatches, num_skew_mcvs); return; } /* * Estimate the number of buckets we'll want to have when work_mem is * entirely full. Each bucket will contain a bucket pointer plus * NTUP_PER_BUCKET tuples, whose projected size already includes * overhead for the hash code, pointer to the next tuple, etc. * 估计work_mem完全用完时需要的桶数。 * 每个桶将包含一个桶指针和NTUP_PER_BUCKET元组, * 其投影大小已经包括哈希码的开销、指向下一个元组的指针等等。 */ bucket_size = (tupsize * NTUP_PER_BUCKET + sizeof(HashJoinTuple));//桶大小 lbuckets = 1L << my_log2(hash_table_bytes / bucket_size); lbuckets = Min(lbuckets, max_pointers); nbuckets = (int) lbuckets; nbuckets = 1 << my_log2(nbuckets); bucket_bytes = nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple); /* * Buckets are simple pointers to hashjoin tuples, while tupsize * includes the pointer, hash code, and MinimalTupleData. So buckets * should never really exceed 25% of work_mem (even for * NTUP_PER_BUCKET=1); except maybe for work_mem values that are not * 2^N bytes, where we might get more because of doubling. So let's * look for 50% here. * Buckets是指向hashjoin元组的简单指针,而tupsize包含指针、散列代码和MinimalTupleData。 * 所以Buckets的实际大小不应该超过work_mem的25%(即使对于NTUP_PER_BUCKET=1); * 除了work_mem值不是2 ^ N个字节这个原因外,翻倍可能会得到更多的,这里试着使用50% */ Assert(bucket_bytes <= hash_table_bytes / 2); /* Calculate required number of batches. */ //计算批次数 dbatch = ceil(inner_rel_bytes / (hash_table_bytes - bucket_bytes)); dbatch = Min(dbatch, max_pointers); minbatch = (int) dbatch; nbatch = 2; while (nbatch < minbatch) nbatch <<= 1; } Assert(nbuckets > 0); Assert(nbatch > 0); *numbuckets = nbuckets; *numbatches = nbatch;}
testdb=# set enable_nestloop=false;SETtestdb=# set enable_mergejoin=false;SETtestdb=# explain verbose select dw.*,grjf.grbh,grjf.xm,grjf.ny, testdb-# from t_dwxx dw,lateral (select gr.grbh,gr.xm,jf.ny, testdb(# from t_grxx gr inner join t_jfxx jf testdb(# on gr.dwbh = dw.dwbh testdb(# and gr.grbh = jf.grbh) grjftestdb-# order by dw.dwbh; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort (cost=14828.83..15078.46 rows=99850 width=47) Output: dw.dwmc, dw.dwbh, dw.dwdz, gr.grbh, gr.xm, jf.ny, Sort Key: dw.dwbh -> Hash Join (cost=3176.00..6537.55 rows=99850 width=47) Output: dw.dwmc, dw.dwbh, dw.dwdz, gr.grbh, gr.xm, jf.ny, Hash Cond: ((gr.grbh)::text = (jf.grbh)::text) -> Hash Join (cost=289.00..2277.61 rows=99850 width=32) Output: dw.dwmc, dw.dwbh, dw.dwdz, gr.grbh, gr.xm Inner Unique: true Hash Cond: ((gr.dwbh)::text = (dw.dwbh)::text) -> Seq Scan on public.t_grxx gr (cost=0.00..1726.00 rows=100000 width=16) Output: gr.dwbh, gr.grbh, gr.xm, gr.xb, -> Hash (cost=164.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20) Output: dw.dwmc, dw.dwbh, dw.dwdz -> Seq Scan on public.t_dwxx dw (cost=0.00..164.00 rows=10000 width=20) Output: dw.dwmc, dw.dwbh, dw.dwdz -> Hash (cost=1637.00..1637.00 rows=100000 width=20) Output: jf.ny,, jf.grbh -> Seq Scan on public.t_jfxx jf (cost=0.00..1637.00 rows=100000 width=20) Output: jf.ny,, jf.grbh(20 rows)
(gdb) b ExecHashTableCreateBreakpoint 1 at 0x6fc75d: file nodeHash.c, line 449.(gdb) cContinuing.Breakpoint 1, ExecHashTableCreate (state=0x1e3cbc8, hashOperators=0x1e59890, keepNulls=false) at nodeHash.c:449449 node = (Hash *) state->ps.plan;
449 node = (Hash *) state->ps.plan;(gdb) n450 outerNode = outerPlan(node);(gdb) 457 rows = node->plan.parallel_aware ? node->rows_total : outerNode->plan_rows;(gdb) 462 state->parallel_state != NULL ?(gdb) 459 ExecChooseHashTableSize(rows, outerNode->plan_width,(gdb)
(gdb) p *node$1 = {plan = {type = T_Hash, startup_cost = 164, total_cost = 164, plan_rows = 10000, plan_width = 20, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 4, targetlist = 0x1e4bf90, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x1e493e8, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}, skewTable = 16977, skewColumn = 1, skewInherit = false, rows_total = 0}(gdb) p *outerNode$2 = {type = T_SeqScan, startup_cost = 0, total_cost = 164, plan_rows = 10000, plan_width = 20, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, plan_node_id = 5, targetlist = 0x1e492b0, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}(gdb) p rows$3 = 10000(gdb)
(gdb) stepExecChooseHashTableSize (ntuples=10000, tupwidth=20, useskew=true, try_combined_work_mem=false, parallel_workers=0, space_allowed=0x7ffdcf148540, numbuckets=0x7ffdcf14853c, numbatches=0x7ffdcf148538, num_skew_mcvs=0x7ffdcf148534) at nodeHash.c:677677 int nbatch = 1;
ExecChooseHashTableSize->计算元组大小(56B)/inner relation大小(约560K)/hash表空间(16M)
(gdb) n682 if (ntuples <= 0.0)(gdb) 690 tupsize = HJTUPLE_OVERHEAD +(gdb) 693 inner_rel_bytes = ntuples * tupsize;(gdb) 698 hash_table_bytes = work_mem * 1024L;(gdb) 705 if (try_combined_work_mem)(gdb) p tupsize$4 = 56(gdb) p inner_rel_bytes$5 = 560000(gdb) p hash_table_bytes$6 = 16777216
ExecChooseHashTableSize->使用数据倾斜优化(所需空间从Hash Table中获取)
(gdb) n708 *space_allowed = hash_table_bytes;(gdb) 724 if (useskew)(gdb) 726 skew_table_bytes = hash_table_bytes * SKEW_WORK_MEM_PERCENT / 100;(gdb) p useskew$8 = true(gdb) p hash_table_bytes$9 = 16441672(gdb) p skew_table_bytes$10 = 335544(gdb) p num_skew_mcvs$11 = (int *) 0x7ffdcf148534(gdb) p *num_skew_mcvs$12 = 2396(gdb)
(gdb) n756 max_pointers = Min(max_pointers, MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HashJoinTuple));(gdb) 758 mppow2 = 1L << my_log2(max_pointers);(gdb) n759 if (max_pointers != mppow2)(gdb) p max_pointers$13 = 2097152(gdb) p mppow2$15 = 2097152
(gdb) n764 max_pointers = Min(max_pointers, INT_MAX / 2);(gdb) 766 dbuckets = ceil(ntuples / NTUP_PER_BUCKET);(gdb) 767 dbuckets = Min(dbuckets, max_pointers);(gdb) 768 nbuckets = (int) dbuckets;(gdb) 770 nbuckets = Max(nbuckets, 1024);(gdb) 772 nbuckets = 1 << my_log2(nbuckets);(gdb) 778 bucket_bytes = sizeof(HashJoinTuple) * nbuckets;(gdb) n779 if (inner_rel_bytes + bucket_bytes > hash_table_bytes)(gdb) 834 Assert(nbuckets > 0);(gdb) p dbuckets$16 = 10000(gdb) p nbuckets$17 = 16384(gdb) p bucket_bytes$18 = 131072
835 Assert(nbatch > 0);(gdb) 837 *numbuckets = nbuckets;(gdb) 838 *numbatches = nbatch;(gdb) 839 }(gdb) (gdb) ExecHashTableCreate (state=0x1e3cbc8, hashOperators=0x1e59890, keepNulls=false) at nodeHash.c:468468 log2_nbuckets = my_log2(nbuckets);
468 log2_nbuckets = my_log2(nbuckets);(gdb) p nbuckets$19 = 16384(gdb) n469 Assert(nbuckets == (1 << log2_nbuckets));(gdb) 478 hashtable = (HashJoinTable) palloc(sizeof(HashJoinTableData));(gdb) 479 hashtable->nbuckets = nbuckets;...
...(gdb) 522 hashtable->hashCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,(gdb) 526 hashtable->batchCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(hashtable->hashCxt,(gdb) 532 oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->hashCxt);(gdb)
(gdb) 532 oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->hashCxt);(gdb) n538 nkeys = list_length(hashOperators);(gdb) 540 (FmgrInfo *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(FmgrInfo));(gdb) p nkeys$20 = 1(gdb) n539 hashtable->outer_hashfunctions =(gdb) 542 (FmgrInfo *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(FmgrInfo));(gdb) 541 hashtable->inner_hashfunctions =(gdb) 543 hashtable->hashStrict = (bool *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(bool));(gdb) 544 i = 0;
(gdb) n545 foreach(ho, hashOperators)(gdb) 547 Oid hashop = lfirst_oid(ho);(gdb) 551 if (!get_op_hash_functions(hashop, &left_hashfn, &right_hashfn))(gdb) 554 fmgr_info(left_hashfn, &hashtable->outer_hashfunctions[i]);(gdb) 555 fmgr_info(right_hashfn, &hashtable->inner_hashfunctions[i]);(gdb) 556 hashtable->hashStrict[i] = op_strict(hashop);(gdb) 557 i++;(gdb) 545 foreach(ho, hashOperators)(gdb) p *hashtable->hashStrict$21 = true(gdb) n560 if (nbatch > 1 && hashtable->parallel_state == NULL)
gdb) n575 MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);(gdb) 577 if (hashtable->parallel_state)(gdb) 631 MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->batchCxt);(gdb) 634 palloc0(nbuckets * sizeof(HashJoinTuple));(gdb) 633 hashtable->buckets.unshared = (HashJoinTuple *)(gdb) p nbuckets$23 = 16384
(gdb) n641 if (nbatch > 1)(gdb) 644 MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);(gdb) 647 return hashtable;(gdb) 648 }(gdb) ExecHashJoinImpl (pstate=0x1e3c048, parallel=false) at nodeHashjoin.c:282282 node->hj_HashTable = hashtable;(gdb)
Hash Joins: Past, Present and Future/PGCon 2017
A Look at How Postgres Executes a Tiny Join - Part 1
A Look at How Postgres Executes a Tiny Join - Part 2
Assignment 2 Symmetric Hash Join