

发表于:2025-01-22 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月22日,--创建表空间create tablespace test_tpsdatafile 'D:\app\Administrator\oradata\orcl\test_tps.dbf'size 1500M
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月22日oracle创建用户、表空间,并赋权


create tablespace test_tps

datafile 'D:\app\Administrator\oradata\orcl\test_tps.dbf'

size 1500M

autoextend on next 5M;


create user test_tps identified by test_tps

default tablespace test_tps;


grant connect,resource to test_tps;

grant create any sequence to test_tps;

grant create any table to test_tps;

grant delete any table to test_tps;

grant insert any table to test_tps;

grant select any table to test_tps;

grant unlimited tablespace to test_tps;

grant execute any procedure to test_tps;

grant update any table to test_tps;

grant create any view to test_tps;


grant sysdba to test_tps;


revoke dba from 用户




