

发表于:2024-09-22 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2024年09月22日,这期内容当中小编将会给大家带来有关Spring中SmartLifecycle的用法是怎样的,文章内容丰富且以专业的角度为大家分析和叙述,阅读完这篇文章希望大家可以有所收获!Spring SmartLi
千家信息网最后更新 2024年09月22日Spring中SmartLifecycle的用法是怎样的


Spring SmartLifecycle用法

Spring SmartLifecycle 在容器所有bean加载和初始化完毕执行


有时候我们需要在Spring加载和初始化所有bean后,接着执行一些任务或者启动需要的异步服务,这样我们可以使用 SmartLifecycle 来做到。

SmartLifecycle 是一个接口


import org.springframework.context.SmartLifecycle;import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;/** * SmartLifecycle测试 * *  *  */@Componentpublic class TestSmartLifecycle implements SmartLifecycle {    private boolean isRunning = false;    /**     * 1. 我们主要在该方法中启动任务或者其他异步服务,比如开启MQ接收消息
* 2. 当上下文被刷新(所有对象已被实例化和初始化之后)时,将调用该方法,默认生命周期处理器将检查每个SmartLifecycle对象的isAutoStartup()方法返回的布尔值。 * 如果为"true",则该方法会被调用,而不是等待显式调用自己的start()方法。 */ @Override public void start() { System.out.println("start"); // 执行完其他业务后,可以修改 isRunning = true isRunning = true; } /** * 如果工程中有多个实现接口SmartLifecycle的类,则这些类的start的执行顺序按getPhase方法返回值从小到大执行。
* 例如:1比2先执行,-1比0先执行。 stop方法的执行顺序则相反,getPhase返回值较大类的stop方法先被调用,小的后被调用。 */ @Override public int getPhase() { // 默认为0 return 0; } /** * 根据该方法的返回值决定是否执行start方法。
* 返回true时start方法会被自动执行,返回false则不会。 */ @Override public boolean isAutoStartup() { // 默认为false return true; } /** * 1. 只有该方法返回false时,start方法才会被执行。
* 2. 只有该方法返回true时,stop(Runnable callback)或stop()方法才会被执行。 */ @Override public boolean isRunning() { // 默认返回false return isRunning; } /** * SmartLifecycle子类的才有的方法,当isRunning方法返回true时,该方法才会被调用。 */ @Override public void stop(Runnable callback) { System.out.println("stop(Runnable)"); // 如果你让isRunning返回true,需要执行stop这个方法,那么就不要忘记调用callback.run()。 // 否则在你程序退出时,Spring的DefaultLifecycleProcessor会认为你这个TestSmartLifecycle没有stop完成,程序会一直卡着结束不了,等待一定时间(默认超时时间30秒)后才会自动结束。 // PS:如果你想修改这个默认超时时间,可以按下面思路做,当然下面代码是springmvc配置文件形式的参考,在SpringBoot中自然不是配置xml来完成,这里只是提供一种思路。 // // // // callback.run(); isRunning = false; } /** * 接口Lifecycle的子类的方法,只有非SmartLifecycle的子类才会执行该方法。
* 1. 该方法只对直接实现接口Lifecycle的类才起作用,对实现SmartLifecycle接口的类无效。
* 2. 方法stop()和方法stop(Runnable callback)的区别只在于,后者是SmartLifecycle子类的专属。 */ @Override public void stop() { System.out.println("stop"); isRunning = false; }}

SmartLifecycle 解读



/** * An extension of the {@link Lifecycle} interface for those objects that require to * be started upon ApplicationContext refresh and/or shutdown in a particular order. * The {@link #isAutoStartup()} return value indicates whether this object should * be started at the time of a context refresh. The callback-accepting * {@link #stop(Runnable)} method is useful for objects that have an asynchronous * shutdown process. Any implementation of this interface must invoke the * callback's run() method upon shutdown completion to avoid unnecessary delays * in the overall ApplicationContext shutdown. * * 

This interface extends {@link Phased}, and the {@link #getPhase()} method's * return value indicates the phase within which this Lifecycle component should * be started and stopped. The startup process begins with the lowest * phase value and ends with the highest phase value (Integer.MIN_VALUE * is the lowest possible, and Integer.MAX_VALUE is the highest possible). The * shutdown process will apply the reverse order. Any components with the * same value will be arbitrarily ordered within the same phase. * *

Example: if component B depends on component A having already started, then * component A should have a lower phase value than component B. During the * shutdown process, component B would be stopped before component A. * *

Any explicit "depends-on" relationship will take precedence over * the phase order such that the dependent bean always starts after its * dependency and always stops before its dependency. * *

Any Lifecycle components within the context that do not also implement * SmartLifecycle will be treated as if they have a phase value of 0. That * way a SmartLifecycle implementation may start before those Lifecycle * components if it has a negative phase value, or it may start after * those components if it has a positive phase value. * *

Note that, due to the auto-startup support in SmartLifecycle, * a SmartLifecycle bean instance will get initialized on startup of the * application context in any case. As a consequence, the bean definition * lazy-init flag has very limited actual effect on SmartLifecycle beans. * * @author Mark Fisher * @since 3.0 * @see LifecycleProcessor * @see ConfigurableApplicationContext */public interface SmartLifecycle extends Lifecycle, Phased { /** * Returns {@code true} if this {@code Lifecycle} component should get * started automatically by the container at the time that the containing * {@link ApplicationContext} gets refreshed. *

A value of {@code false} indicates that the component is intended to * be started through an explicit {@link #start()} call instead, analogous * to a plain {@link Lifecycle} implementation. * @see #start() * @see #getPhase() * @see LifecycleProcessor#onRefresh() * @see ConfigurableApplicationContext#refresh() */ boolean isAutoStartup(); /** * Indicates that a Lifecycle component must stop if it is currently running. *

The provided callback is used by the {@link LifecycleProcessor} to support * an ordered, and potentially concurrent, shutdown of all components having a * common shutdown order value. The callback must be executed after * the {@code SmartLifecycle} component does indeed stop. *

The {@link LifecycleProcessor} will call only this variant of the * {@code stop} method; i.e. {@link Lifecycle#stop()} will not be called for * {@code SmartLifecycle} implementations unless explicitly delegated to within * the implementation of this method. * @see #stop() * @see #getPhase() */ void stop(Runnable callback); }


1、是接口 Lifecycle 的拓展,且会在应用上下文类ApplicationContext 执行 refresh and/or shutdown 时会调用

2、方法 isAutoStartup() 返回的值会决定,当前实体对象是否会被调用,当应用上下文类ApplicationContext 执行 refresh

3、stop(Runnable) 方法用于调用Lifecycle的stop方法

4、getPhase() 返回值用于设置LifeCycle的执行优先度:值越小优先度越高

5、isRunning() 决定了start()方法的是否调用


public class SmartLifecycleImpl implements SmartLifecycle {    private Boolean isRunning = false;    @Override    public boolean isAutoStartup() {        return true;    }     @Override    public void stop(Runnable callback) {        callback.run();    }     @Override    public void start() {        System.out.println("SmartLifecycleImpl is starting ....");        isRunning = true;    }     @Override    public void stop() {        System.out.println("SmartLifecycleImpl is stopped.");    }    /**     * 执行start()方法前会用它来判断是否执行,返回为true时,start()方法不执行     */    @Override    public boolean isRunning() {        return isRunning;    }     @Override    public int getPhase() {        return 0;    }}


public class ProviderBootstrap {     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ProviderConfiguration.class);        context.start();        System.in.read();    }     @Configuration    static class ProviderConfiguration {         @Bean        public SmartLifecycleImpl getSmartLifecycleImpl(){            return new SmartLifecycleImpl();        }    }}

可以发现,类SmartLifecycleImpl提交给spring容器后,启动后,会输出 start() 方法的方法体。


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