

发表于:2025-01-19 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月19日,这篇文章将为大家详细讲解有关SSH如何实现条件查询和分页查询,小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家做个参考,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后可以有所收获。1、QueryHelper和PageResultQuery
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月19日SSH如何实现条件查询和分页查询





package com.rk.core.utils;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class QueryHelper {        //from子句        private String fromClause = "";        //where子句        private String whereClause = "";        //order by子句        private String orderByClause = "";                private List parameters;        //排序顺序        public static String ORDER_BY_DESC = "DESC";//降序        public static String ORDER_BY_ASC = "ASC";//升序                /**         * 构造from子句         * @param clazz 实体类         * @param alias 实体类对应的别名         */        public QueryHelper(Class clazz,String alias){                fromClause = "FROM " + clazz.getSimpleName() + " " + alias;        }                /**         * 构造where子句         * @param condition 查询条件语句;例如:i.title like ?         * @param params 查询条件语句中对应的查询条件值;例如:%标题%         */        public void addCondition(String condition, Object... params){                if(whereClause.length() > 1){ //非第一个查询条件                        whereClause += " AND " + condition;                }                else{//第一个查询条件                        whereClause += " WHERE " + condition;                }                                //设置 查询条件值 到 查询条件值集合 中                if(parameters == null){                        parameters = new ArrayList();                }                if(params != null){                        for(Object param : params){                                parameters.add(param);                        }                }        }                /**         * 构造order by子句         * @param property 排序属性;例如:i.createTime         * @param order 排序顺序;例如:DESC 或者 ASC         */        public void addOrderByProperty(String property, String order){                if(orderByClause.length()>1){ //非第一个排序属性                        orderByClause += ", " + property + " " + order;                }                else{ //第一个排序属性                        orderByClause = " ORDER BY " + property + " " + order;                }        }                //查询hql语句        public String getQueryListHql(){                return fromClause + whereClause + orderByClause;        }                //查询统计数的hql语句        public String getQueryCountHql(){                return "SELECT COUNT(*) " + fromClause + whereClause;        }                //查询hql语句中对应的查询条件值集合        public List getParameters(){                return parameters;        }}




(3)order by子句


package com.rk.core.entity;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class PageResult {        //总记录数        private long totalCount;        //当前页号        private int pageNo;        //总页数        private int totalPageCount;        //页大小        private int pageSize;        //列表记录        private List items;                //避免分页过大或过小        public static final int MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 100;        public static final int MIN_PAGE_SIZE = 3;                        public PageResult(long totalCount, int totalPageCount,int pageSize, int pageNo, List items) {                this.totalCount = totalCount;                this.totalPageCount = totalPageCount;                this.pageSize = pageSize;                this.pageNo = pageNo;                this.items = items;         }        public long getTotalCount() {                return totalCount;        }        public void setTotalCount(long totalCount) {                this.totalCount = totalCount;        }        public int getPageNo() {                return pageNo;        }        public void setPageNo(int pageNo) {                this.pageNo = pageNo;        }        public int getTotalPageCount() {                return totalPageCount;        }        public void setTotalPageCount(int totalPageCount) {                this.totalPageCount = totalPageCount;        }        public int getPageSize() {                return pageSize;        }        public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {                this.pageSize = pageSize;        }        public List getItems() {                return items;        }        public void setItems(List items) {                this.items = items;        }}


(1)总记录数totalCount (根据sql语句从数据库获得)

(2)每一页的大小pageSize (一般由前台指定)

(3)由(1)和(2)得出总的页数totalPageCount (计算得出)







package com.rk.core.dao;import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.List;import com.rk.core.entity.PageResult;import com.rk.core.utils.QueryHelper;public interface BaseDao {        //新增        void save(T entity);        //更新        void update(T entity);        //根据id删除        void delete(Serializable id);        //根据id查找        T findById(Serializable id);        //查找列表        List findAll();        //条件查询实体列表        List findList(String hql, List parameters);        //条件查询实体列表--查询助手queryHelper        List findList(QueryHelper queryHelper);        //分页条件查询实体列表--查询助手queryHelper        PageResult getPageResult(QueryHelper queryHelper, int pageNo, int pageSize);}


    //条件查询实体列表        List findList(String hql, List parameters);        //条件查询实体列表--查询助手queryHelper        List findList(QueryHelper queryHelper);        //分页条件查询实体列表--查询助手queryHelper        PageResult getPageResult(QueryHelper queryHelper, int pageNo, int pageSize);


package com.rk.core.dao.impl;import java.io.Serializable;import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;import java.lang.reflect.Type;import java.util.List;import org.hibernate.Query;import org.hibernate.Session;import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport;import com.rk.core.dao.BaseDao;import com.rk.core.entity.PageResult;import com.rk.core.utils.HibernateConfigurationUtils;import com.rk.core.utils.QueryHelper;public class BaseDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements BaseDao {        private Class clazz;                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")        public BaseDaoImpl() {                ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();                Type[] args = pt.getActualTypeArguments();                this.clazz = (Class) args[0];        }                public void save(T entity) {                getHibernateTemplate().save(entity);        }        public void update(T entity) {                getHibernateTemplate().update(entity);        }        public void delete(Serializable id) {                String identifierPropertyName = HibernateConfigurationUtils.getIdentifierPropertyName(clazz);                Session session = getSession();                session.createQuery("delete from " + clazz.getSimpleName() + " where " + identifierPropertyName + "=?")                           .setParameter(0, id).executeUpdate();        }        public T findById(Serializable id) {                return getHibernateTemplate().get(clazz, id);        }        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")        public List findAll() {                Session session = getSession();                Query query = session.createQuery("from " + clazz.getSimpleName());                return query.list();        }        public List findList(String hql, List parameters) {                Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i findList(QueryHelper queryHelper) {                Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryHelper.getQueryListHql());                List parameters = queryHelper.getParameters();                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i parameters = queryHelper.getParameters();                //2、获取总的数据记录数                Query queryCount = getSession().createQuery(countHql);                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i PageResult.MAX_PAGE_SIZE) pageSize = PageResult.MAX_PAGE_SIZE;                //4、求解总页数                int quotient = (int) (totalCount / pageSize);                int remainder = (int) (totalCount % pageSize);                int totalPageCount = remainder==0?quotient:(quotient+1);                //5、对当前页进行约束                if(pageNo < 1) pageNo = 1;                if(pageNo > totalPageCount) pageNo = totalPageCount;                //6、查询当前页的数据                Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i


   public List findList(String hql, List parameters) {                Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i findList(QueryHelper queryHelper) {                Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryHelper.getQueryListHql());                List parameters = queryHelper.getParameters();                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i parameters = queryHelper.getParameters();                //2、获取总的数据记录数                Query queryCount = getSession().createQuery(countHql);                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i PageResult.MAX_PAGE_SIZE) pageSize = PageResult.MAX_PAGE_SIZE;                //4、求解总页数                int quotient = (int) (totalCount / pageSize);                int remainder = (int) (totalCount % pageSize);                int totalPageCount = remainder==0?quotient:(quotient+1);                //5、对当前页进行约束                if(pageNo < 1) pageNo = 1;                if(pageNo > totalPageCount) pageNo = totalPageCount;                //6、查询当前页的数据                Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);                if(parameters != null){                        for(int i=0;i



package com.rk.core.action;import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;import com.rk.core.entity.PageResult;public abstract class BaseAction extends ActionSupport {        protected String[] selectedRow;               protected PageResult pageResult;        protected int pageNo;        protected int pageSize;        protected String searchContent;                public String[] getSelectedRow() {                return selectedRow;        }        public void setSelectedRow(String[] selectedRow) {                this.selectedRow = selectedRow;        }        public PageResult getPageResult() {                return pageResult;        }        public void setPageResult(PageResult pageResult) {                this.pageResult = pageResult;        }        public int getPageNo() {                return pageNo;        }        public void setPageNo(int pageNo) {                this.pageNo = pageNo;        }        public int getPageSize() {                return pageSize;        }        public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {                this.pageSize = pageSize;        }        public String getSearchContent() {                return searchContent;        }        public void setSearchContent(String searchContent) {                this.searchContent = searchContent;        }        }


      protected String searchContent;


      protected PageResult pageResult;        protected int pageNo;        protected int pageSize;

InfoAction.java 主要关注listUI()方法,其它方法只是为了参考和理解

        //列表页面        public String listUI(){                //加载分类集合                ActionContext.getContext().getContextMap().put("infoTypeMap", Info.INFO_TYPE_MAP);                //分页数据查询                QueryHelper queryHelper = new QueryHelper(Info.class, "i");                try {                        if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchContent)){                                searchContent = URLDecoder.decode(searchContent, "UTF-8");                                queryHelper.addCondition("i.title like ?", "%"+searchContent+"%");                        }                } catch (Exception e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                }                queryHelper.addOrderByProperty("i.createTime", QueryHelper.ORDER_BY_DESC);                String hql = queryHelper.getQueryListHql();                pageResult = infoService.getPageResult(queryHelper, pageNo, pageSize);                                return "listUI";        }        //跳转到新增页面        public String addUI(){                //加载分类集合                ActionContext.getContext().getContextMap().put("infoTypeMap", Info.INFO_TYPE_MAP);                info = new Info();                info.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); // 是为了在页面中显示出当前时间                return "addUI";        }                //保存新增        public String add(){                if(info != null){                        infoService.save(info);                }                return "list";        }                //跳转到编辑页面        public String editUI(){                //加载分类集合                ActionContext.getContext().getContextMap().put("infoTypeMap", Info.INFO_TYPE_MAP);                if(info != null && info.getInfoId() != null){                        info = infoService.findById(info.getInfoId());                }                return "editUI";        }                //保存编辑        public String edit(){                if(info != null){                        infoService.update(info);                }                return "list";        }                //删除        public String delete(){                if(info != null && info.getInfoId() != null){                        infoService.delete(info.getInfoId());                }                return "list";        }                //批量删除        public String deleteSelected(){                if(selectedRow != null){                        for(String id : selectedRow){                                infoService.delete(id);                        }                }                return "list";        }




                                /WEB-INF/jsp/tax/info/{1}.jsp                                        info_listUI                        ${searchContent}                        ${pageNo}                        true                        

此处对searchContent内容进行Url encode的转换,因为在listUI()方法代码中,

searchContent = URLDecoder.decode(searchContent, "UTF-8");


        @Test        public void test() throws Exception{                String str = "中国";                String strEncode = URLEncoder.encode(str,"utf-8");                String strDecode = URLDecoder.decode(strEncode, "utf-8");                String strDecode2 = URLDecoder.decode(str, "utf-8");                                System.out.println(str);                System.out.println(strEncode);                System.out.println(strDecode);                System.out.println(strDecode2);        }




public class URLDecoder {    // The platform default encoding    static String dfltEncName = URLEncoder.dfltEncName;    /**     * Decodes a application/x-www-form-urlencoded string using a specific     * encoding scheme.     *     * The supplied encoding is used to determine what characters      * are represented by any consecutive sequences of the form "%xy".     *      *      * Note: The World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation states that     * UTF-8 should be used. Not doing so may introduce incompatibilites.     *      *     * @param s the String to decode     * @param enc   The name of a supported character encoding     * @return the newly decoded String     */    public static String decode(String s, String enc)        throws UnsupportedEncodingException{        boolean needToChange = false;        int numChars = s.length();        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(numChars > 500 ? numChars / 2 : numChars);        int i = 0;        if (enc.length() == 0) {            throw new UnsupportedEncodingException ("URLDecoder: empty string enc parameter");        }        char c;        byte[] bytes = null;        while (i < numChars) {            c = s.charAt(i);            switch (c) {            case '+':                sb.append(' ');                i++;                needToChange = true;                break;            case '%':                /*                 * Starting with this instance of %, process all                 * consecutive substrings of the form %xy. Each                 * substring %xy will yield a byte. Convert all                 * consecutive  bytes obtained this way to whatever                 * character(s) they represent in the provided                 * encoding.                 */                try {                    // (numChars-i)/3 is an upper bound for the number                    // of remaining bytes                    if (bytes == null)                        bytes = new byte[(numChars-i)/3];                    int pos = 0;                    while ( ((i+2) < numChars) &&                            (c=='%')) {                        int v = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(i+1,i+3),16);                        if (v < 0)                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - negative value");                        bytes[pos++] = (byte) v;                        i+= 3;                        if (i < numChars)                            c = s.charAt(i);                    }                    // A trailing, incomplete byte encoding such as                    // "%x" will cause an exception to be thrown                    if ((i < numChars) && (c=='%'))                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(                         "URLDecoder: Incomplete trailing escape (%) pattern");                    sb.append(new String(bytes, 0, pos, enc));                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(                    "URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - "                    + e.getMessage());                }                needToChange = true;                break;            default:                sb.append(c);                i++;                break;            }        }        return (needToChange? sb.toString() : s);    }}




<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%@ taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s" %>
总共条记录, 当前第 页, 共 页    )">上一页   上一页   )">下一页 下一页 到 " value="" />   



<%@page import="org.apache.struts2.components.Include"%><%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>    <%@include file="/common/header.jsp"%>    信息发布管理    
<%@include file="/common/pageNavigator.jsp" %>


        function doSearch(){                //重置页号                $('#pageNo').val(1);                document.forms[0].action = list_url;                document.forms[0].submit();        }



var list_url = "${basePath}/tax/info_listUI.action";


<%@include file="/common/pageNavigator.jsp" %>


<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>    <%@include file="/common/header.jsp"%>    信息发布管理                            


