

发表于:2025-02-01 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日,本篇文章为大家展示了BeeGFS开发环境搭建中如何安装和配置MPICH和MDTEST,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。安装好之后,如果我们想对其元
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日BeeGFS开发环境搭建中如何安装和配置MPICH和MDTEST





  • 安装和配置(三个节点使用相同操作):

# http://www.mpich.org/$ yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran$ wget http://www.mpich.org/static/downloads/3.3/mpich-3.3.tar.gz$ tar xvf mpich-3.3.tar.gz$ cd mpich-3.3/$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mpich$ make -j $(nproc) && make install$ cp -r examples/ /usr/local/mpich$ vi ~/.bashrcPATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mpich/binMANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/local/mpich/manexport PATH MANPATH$ . ~/.bashrc
  • 测试安装是否正常(三个节点间SSH需要配置免密登录):

$ mpirun -np 10 /usr/local/mpich/examples/cpiProcess 2 of 10 is on sacd01Process 3 of 10 is on sacd01Process 8 of 10 is on sacd01Process 1 of 10 is on sacd01Process 0 of 10 is on sacd01Process 5 of 10 is on sacd01Process 9 of 10 is on sacd01Process 4 of 10 is on sacd01Process 7 of 10 is on sacd01Process 6 of 10 is on sacd01pi is approximately 3.1415926544231256, Error is 0.0000000008333325wall clock time = 0.002448$ vi serverssacd01:2sacd02:2sacd03:2$ mpirun -np 10 -f servers /usr/local/mpich/examples/cpiProcess 6 of 10 is on sacd01Process 7 of 10 is on sacd01Process 0 of 10 is on sacd01Process 5 of 10 is on sacd03Process 1 of 10 is on sacd01Process 2 of 10 is on sacd02Process 8 of 10 is on sacd02Process 9 of 10 is on sacd02Process 3 of 10 is on sacd02Process 4 of 10 is on sacd03pi is approximately 3.1415926544231256, Error is 0.0000000008333325wall clock time = 0.001612


  • 安装和配置MDTEST

$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/mdtest/files/mdtest%20latest/mdtest-1.9.3/mdtest-1.9.3.tgz$ mkdir mdtest-1.9.3 && tar xvf mdtest-1.9.3.tgz -C mdtest-1.9.3 && cd mdtest-1.9.3$ MPI_CC=mpicc make$ cp mdtest /usr/bin/
  • 测试安装是否正常:

$ cd /mnt/beegfs/$ mdtest -I 10 -z 5 -b 2 -L-- started at 05/08/2019 17:17:42 --mdtest-1.9.3 was launched with 1 total task(s) on 1 node(s)Command line used: mdtest -I 10 -z 5 -b 2 -LPath: /mntFS: 122.3 GiB   Used FS: 11.0%   Inodes: 61.2 Mi   Used Inodes: 1.8%1 tasks, 630 files/directoriesSUMMARY: (of 1 iterations)   Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev   ---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------   Directory creation:       1305.970       1305.970       1305.970          0.000   Directory stat    :       2253.825       2253.825       2253.825          0.000   Directory removal :       1170.048       1170.048       1170.048          0.000   File creation     :       1045.978       1045.978       1045.978          0.000   File stat         :       2025.179       2025.179       2025.179          0.000   File read         :       1334.224       1334.224       1334.224          0.000   File removal      :       1623.509       1623.509       1623.509          0.000   Tree creation     :        429.608        429.608        429.608          0.000   Tree removal      :        799.761        799.761        799.761          0.000-- finished at 05/08/2019 17:17:45 --$ vi serverssacd01:2sacd02:2sacd03:2$ mpirun -np 10 -f servers mdtest -d /mnt/beegfs -I 10 -z 5 -b 2 -L-- started at 05/08/2019 17:25:13 --mdtest-1.9.3 was launched with 10 total task(s) on 2 node(s)Command line used: mdtest -d /mnt/beegfs -I 10 -z 5 -b 2 -LPath: /mntFS: 122.3 GiB   Used FS: 64.1%   Inodes: 61.2 Mi   Used Inodes: 2.5 tasks, 6300 files/directoriesSUMMARY: (of 1 iterations)   Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev   ---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------   Directory creation:       2778.114       2778.114       2778.114          0.000   Directory stat    :       4538.071       4538.071       4538.071          0.000   Directory removal :       3858.621       3858.621       3858.621          0.000   File creation     :       2146.615       2146.615       2146.615          0.000   File stat         :       4305.599       4305.599       4305.599          0.000   File read         :       3106.186       3106.186       3106.186          0.000   File removal      :       3695.281       3695.281       3695.281          0.000   Tree creation     :        670.204        670.204        670.204          0.000   Tree removal      :        748.542        748.542        748.542          0.000-- finished at 05/08/2019 17:25:27 --$ mpirun -np 10 -f servers mdtest -d /mnt/beegfs -i 2 -I 100 -b 10 -u -L -F-- started at 05/08/2019 17:26:11 --mdtest-1.9.3 was launched with 10 total task(s) on 2 node(s)Command line used: mdtest -d /mnt/beegfs -i 2 -I 100 -b 10 -u -L -FPath: /mntFS: 122.3 GiB   Used FS: 64.1%   Inodes: 61.2 Mi   Used Inodes: 2.5 tasks, 1000 filesSUMMARY: (of 2 iterations)   Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev   ---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------   File creation     :       2150.731       1990.272       2070.502         80.229   File stat         :       4334.598       4025.630       4180.114        154.484   File read         :       2337.454       2256.293       2296.873         40.581   File removal      :       4273.461       3998.520       4135.991        137.470   Tree creation     :        243.232         55.898        149.567         93.666   Tree removal      :        296.417        265.496        280.957         15.461-- finished at 05/08/2019 17:26:13 --
  • 查看命令帮助:

$ mdtest --helpUsage: mdtest [-b branching_factor] [-B] [-c] [-C] [-d testdir] [-D] [-e number_of_bytes_to_read]              [-E] [-f first] [-F] [-h] [-i iterations] [-I items_per_dir] [-l last] [-L]              [-n number_of_items] [-N stride_length] [-p seconds] [-r]              [-R[seed]] [-s stride] [-S] [-t] [-T] [-u] [-v]              [-V verbosity_value] [-w number_of_bytes_to_write] [-y] [-z depth]        -b: branching factor of hierarchical directory structure        -B: no barriers between phases        -c: collective creates: task 0 does all creates        -C: only create files/dirs        -d: the directory in which the tests will run        -D: perform test on directories only (no files)        -e: bytes to read from each file        -E: only read files/dir        -f: first number of tasks on which the test will run        -F: perform test on files only (no directories)        -h: prints this help message        -i: number of iterations the test will run        -I: number of items per directory in tree        -l: last number of tasks on which the test will run        -L: files only at leaf level of tree        -n: every process will creat/stat/read/remove # directories and files        -N: stride # between neighbor tasks for file/dir operation (local=0)        -p: pre-iteration delay (in seconds)        -r: only remove files or directories left behind by previous runs        -R: randomly stat files (optional argument for random seed)        -s: stride between the number of tasks for each test        -S: shared file access (file only, no directories)        -t: time unique working directory overhead        -T: only stat files/dirs        -u: unique working directory for each task        -v: verbosity (each instance of option increments by one)        -V: verbosity value        -w: bytes to write to each file after it is created        -y: sync file after writing        -z: depth of hierarchical directory structure
