
自动收集burpsuite scanenr模块扫描后的结果

发表于:2025-02-01 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日,自动收集burpsuite scanenr模块扫描后的结果0x00需求在QA进行功能测试时,同时也进行安全测试,减少产品安全测试所花费的时间,将工具可以发现的安全问题,尽可能早的提出来。0x01思路找
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月01日自动收集burpsuite scanenr模块扫描后的结果

自动收集burpsuite scanenr模块扫描后的结果




  1. 找一台windows服务器,在该服务器上安装bp,bp的代理ip:本服务器ip,端口:8080
  2. QA测试时浏览器挂上代理(代理ip:windows服务器的ip,端口:8080)
  3. 编写burpsuite插件,将burpsuite scanner模块发现的漏洞存储到sqlite数据库
  4. QA在测试前,需要将测试的url添加到bp的scope中
  5. QA测试完,可以访问响应页面,查看安全测试结果

    0x02burpsuite 插件


package burp;


  • @(#)IScanIssue.java
  • Copyright PortSwigger Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • This code may be used to extend the functionality of Burp Suite Community Edition
  • and Burp Suite Professional, provided that this usage does not violate the
  • license terms for those products.
  • This interface is used to retrieve details of Scanner issues. Extensions can
  • obtain details of issues by registering an IScannerListener or
  • by calling IBurpExtenderCallbacks.getScanIssues(). Extensions
  • can also add custom Scanner issues by registering an
  • IScannerCheck or calling
  • IBurpExtenderCallbacks.addScanIssue(), and providing their own
  • implementations of this interface. Note that issue descriptions and other
  • text generated by extensions are subject to an HTML whitelist that allows
  • only formatting tags and simple hyperlinks.
    public interface IScanIssue


    • This method returns the URL for which the issue was generated.
    • @return The URL for which the issue was generated.
      java.net.URL getUrl();


    • This method returns the name of the issue type.
    • @return The name of the issue type (e.g. "SQL injection").
      String getIssueName();


    • This method returns a numeric identifier of the issue type. See the Burp
    • Scanner help documentation for a listing of all the issue types.
    • @return A numeric identifier of the issue type.
      int getIssueType();


    • This method returns the issue severity level.
    • @return The issue severity level. Expected values are "High", "Medium",
    • "Low", "Information" or "False positive".
    • */
      String getSeverity();


    • This method returns the issue confidence level.
    • @return The issue confidence level. Expected values are "Certain", "Firm"
    • or "Tentative".
      String getConfidence();


    • This method returns a background description for this type of issue.
    • @return A background description for this type of issue, or
    • null if none applies. A limited set of HTML tags may be
    • used.
      String getIssueBackground();


    • This method returns a background description of the remediation for this
    • type of issue.
    • @return A background description of the remediation for this type of
    • issue, or null if none applies. A limited set of HTML tags
    • may be used.
      String getRemediationBackground();


    • This method returns detailed information about this specific instance of
    • the issue.
    • @return Detailed information about this specific instance of the issue,
    • or null if none applies. A limited set of HTML tags may be
    • used.
      String getIssueDetail();


    • This method returns detailed information about the remediation for this
    • specific instance of the issue.
    • @return Detailed information about the remediation for this specific
    • instance of the issue, or null if none applies. A limited
    • set of HTML tags may be used.
      String getRemediationDetail();


    • This method returns the HTTP messages on the basis of which the issue was
    • generated.
    • @return The HTTP messages on the basis of which the issue was generated.
    • Note: The items in this array should be instances of
    • IHttpRequestResponseWithMarkers if applicable, so that
    • details of the relevant portions of the request and response messages are
    • available.
      IHttpRequestResponse[] getHttpMessages();


    • This method returns the HTTP service for which the issue was generated.
    • @return The HTTP service for which the issue was generated.
      IHttpService getHttpService();


1.java.net.URL getUrl(); 扫描的url
2.String getIssueName(); 问题类型: 如SQL injection(sql注入)
3.getSeverity(); 漏洞等级 "High", "Medium", "Low", "Information" or "False positive"
4.String getConfidence(); 确定程度 "Certain", "Firm" or "Tentative".

  1. String getIssueBackground(); 漏洞背景
  2. String getIssueDetail(); 漏洞详情
  3. IHttpRequestResponse[] getHttpMessages(); 漏洞证明的请求、响应包

from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IScannerListener
from java.io import PrintWriter
from threading import Thread
from java.lang import Class
from java.sql import DriverManager, SQLException
import time
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IScannerListener):

def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):    # keep a reference to our callbacks object    self._callbacks = callbacks    # set our extension name    callbacks.setExtensionName("scann_test")    # obtain our output stream    self._stdout = PrintWriter(callbacks.getStdout(), True)    self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()    # register ourselves as an    callbacks.registerScannerListener(self)def newScanIssue(self,issue):    #self._stdout.println(issue.getConfidence())  Certain", "Firm" * or "Tentative"    #CREATE TABLE `scanner` (`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,`time` varchar(100),ip varchar(50),`url` varchar(30) ,`degree` varchar(30) ,`level` varchar(100) ,`detail` text ,`issueType` varchar(200) ,`issueBackground` text,`remediationBackground` text,`remediationDetail` text,`requests` text,`response` text ,issueName varcahr(50))    if(issue.getConfidence()):        Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC").newInstance()        JDBC_URL = "jdbc:sqlite:%s" % ("d:/scanner.db")        dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(JDBC_URL)        sql="insert into `scanner` (time,ip,url,degree,level,detail,issueType,issueBackground,remediationBackground,remediationDetail,requests,response,issueName) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"        preStmt=dbConn.prepareStatement(sql)        current_time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())        requests=""        response=""        for message in issue.getHttpMessages():            for i in range(len(message.getRequest())):                if(message.getRequest()[i]<255 and message.getRequest()[i]>0):                    requests=requests+chr(message.getRequest()[i])            requests+="\n--------------------------\n"             if(len(message.getResponse())!=0):                for i in range(len(message.getResponse())):                    if(message.getResponse()[i]<255 and message.getResponse()[i]>0):                        response=response+chr(message.getResponse()[i])            response+="\n--------------------------\n"        ip=issue.getHttpService().getHost()        if(issue.getIssueDetail()):            detail=issue.getIssueDetail()        else:            detail="none"        if(issue.getIssueBackground()):            issueBackground=issue.getIssueBackground()        else:            issueBackground="none"        if(issue.getRemediationBackground()):            remediationBackground=issue.getRemediationBackground()        else:            remediationBackground="none"        if(issue.getRemediationDetail()):            remediationDetail=issue.getRemediationDetail()        else:            remediationDetail="none"        preStmt.setString(1, str(current_time))        preStmt.setString(2, str(ip))        preStmt.setString(3, str(issue.getUrl()))        preStmt.setString(4,str(issue.getConfidence()))        preStmt.setString(5,str(issue.getSeverity()))        preStmt.setString(6,str(detail))        preStmt.setString(7,str(issue.getIssueType()))        preStmt.setString(8,str(issueBackground))        preStmt.setString(9,str(remediationBackground))        preStmt.setString(10,str(remediationDetail))        preStmt.setString(11,str(requests))        preStmt.setString(12,str(response))        preStmt.setString(13,str(issue.getIssueName()))        preStmt.addBatch()        dbConn.setAutoCommit(False)        preStmt.executeBatch()        dbConn.setAutoCommit(True)        dbConn.close()        self._stdout.println("time:")        self._stdout.println(current_time)        self._stdout.print("ip")        self._stdout.println(ip)        self._stdout.println("qudingchengdu:"+issue.getConfidence())        self._stdout.print("url:")        self._stdout.println(issue.getUrl())        self._stdout.println(issue.getIssueName())        self._stdout.println("level:"+issue.getSeverity())        self._stdout.print("detail:")        if(issue.getIssueDetail()):            self._stdout.println(issue.getIssueDetail())        else:            self._stdout.println("none")        self._stdout.println("getIssueType():")        self._stdout.println(issue.getIssueType())        self._stdout.print("getIssueBackground")        if(issue.getIssueBackground()):            self._stdout.println(issue.getIssueBackground())        else:            self._stdout.println("none")        self._stdout.print("getRemediationBackground():")        if(issue.getRemediationBackground()):            self._stdout.println(issue.getRemediationBackground())        else:            self._stdout.println("none")        self._stdout.print("getRemediationDetail():")        if(issue.getRemediationDetail()):            self._stdout.println(issue.getRemediationDetail())        else:            self._stdout.println("none")        self._stdout.println("---------------------------")

0x03 burpsuite 扫描结果(在数据库中展示)

0x04 待存问题

scanner 扫描过程中过滤js,jpg等文件