

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,本篇内容主要讲解"python用pygame实现坦克大战游戏代码分享",感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习"python用pygame实现坦克大战游
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日python用pygame实现坦克大战游戏代码分享


import pygameimport sysimport timefrom pygame.locals import *from random import randintMOVE_SLEEP = 0.01class MyTank: width = 600 heights = 500 speed = 10 screen = 0 myshells = [] enemylist = [] enemyshells = [] grade = 0 life = 3 cnt = 0 def startgame(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width,self.heights),0,32) pygame.display.set_caption("bit tank") self.tank = Tank(self.screen,275,450) for i in range(6):  self.enemylist.append(EnmeyTank(self.screen)) while True:  key = pygame.key.get_pressed()  self.screen.fill((0,0,0))  if key[K_LEFT]:  self.tank.move('L')  elif key[K_RIGHT]:  self.tank.move('R')  elif key[K_UP]:  self.tank.move('U')  elif key[K_DOWN]:  self.tank.move('D')  self.get_event()  for shell in self.myshells:  if shell.move() == True:   self.myshells.remove(shell)  shell.display()  a = shell.hitTank()  #子弹碰撞  if a == True:   if self.life >0:   self.myshells.remove(shell)   self.grade += 1  #mytank碰撞  if self.tank.live == True:  if self.tank.hitTank():   self.life -= 1   if self.life <=0:   self.tank.live =False   else:self.tank = Tank(self.screen,275,450)  #mytanke 碰撞子弹  if self.tank.live == True:  if self.tank.hitShell():   self.life -= 1   if self.life <=0:   self.tank.live = False   else:self.tank=Tank(self.screen,275,450)  #敌方子弹击中我方坦克  # 游戏结束  if self.life <=0:  self.gotGamePrint()  for enemy in self.enemylist:  enemy.move()  print('move')  enemy.display()  # 添加敌方子弹  self.cnt += 1  if self.cnt % 100 ==0:  for enemy in self.enemylist:   self.enemyshells.append(enemy.fire())  #判断敌方子弹碰撞  for enemyshell in self.enemyshells:  f = enemyshell.move()  enemyshell.display()  if f:   self.enemyshells.remove(enemyshell)  if len(self.enemylist)<6:  self.enemylist.append(EnmeyTank(self.screen))  self.screen.blit(self.getGrade(),(5,5))  self.tank.display()  pygame.display.update()  time.sleep(0.02) def get_event(self): for event in pygame.event.get():  if event.type == KEYDOWN:  if event.key == K_SPACE:   self.myshells.append(self.tank.fire())  if event.key == K_ESCAPE:   pass def getGrade(self): text = pygame.font.Font('./font/msyhbd.ttc',20).render("分数:{} 生命:{}".format(self.grade,self.life),True,(0,255,0)) return text def gotGamePrint(self): text = pygame.font.Font('./font/msyh.ttc',70).render('game over!',True,(0,255,0)) self.screen.blit(text,(100,200))class Shell: width = 48 height = 48 live = True speed = 3 def __init__(self,screen,tank): self.screen = screen self.image = pygame.image.load('./images/3.png') self.direction = tank.direction self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left = tank.rect.left + (tank.width-self.width)/2.0+18 # print(tank.rect.left,tank.width,self.width) self.rect.top = tank.rect.top + (tank.height - self.height)/2.0 self.live = True def move(self): tag = self.isObstacle() if self.live == True:  if self.direction == 'L' and self.direction not in tag:  self.rect.left -= self.speed  elif self.direction == 'R' and self.direction not in tag:  self.rect.left += self.speed  elif self.direction == 'U' and self.direction not in tag:  self.rect.top -= self.speed  elif self.direction == 'D' and self.direction not in tag:  self.rect.top += self.speed  else:  pass  if self.direction in tag:  return True  else:  return False else:  pass def display(self): # print(self.rect.left,self.rect.top) if self.live == True:  self.screen.blit(self.image,self.rect) def isObstacle(self): tag = [] if self.rect.left <=0:tag.append('L') if self.rect.left + self.width >= MyTank.width:tag.append('R') if self.rect.top <=0:tag.append('U') if self.rect.top + self.height >=MyTank.heights:tag.append('D') return tag def hitTank(self): hitList = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self,MyTank.enemylist,False) for e in hitList:  e.live = False  MyTank.enemylist.remove(e)  self.live = False  return True return False def hitMytank(self): hitList = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self,MyTank.tank,False) for e in hitList:  e.live = False  MyTank.life -= 1  return Trueclass BaseTank: width = 50 height = 50 direction = 'U' live = True time = 0 images = {} def __init__(self,screen,left,top): self.screen = screen self.images['L'] = pygame.image.load("images/04.jpg") self.images['R'] = pygame.image.load("images/02.jpg") self.images['U'] = pygame.image.load("images/01.jpg") self.images['D'] = pygame.image.load("images/03.jpg") self.image = self.images[self.direction] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left = left self.rect.top = top self.live = True # 坦克是否被消灭 def isObstacle(self): tag = [] if self.rect.left <= 0: tag.append('L') if self.rect.left + self.width >= MyTank.width: tag.append('R') if self.rect.top <= 0: tag.append('U') if self.rect.top + self.height >= MyTank.heights: tag.append('D') return tag def display(self): if self.live == True:  self.image = self.images[self.direction]  self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) def fire(self): m = Shell(self.screen,self) return mclass Tank(BaseTank): images = {} def __init__(self,screen,left,top): super().__init__(screen,275,450) self.screen = screen self.speed = 2 self.images['L'] = pygame.image.load('./images/4.jpg') self.images['R'] = pygame.image.load('./images/2.jpg') self.images['U'] = pygame.image.load('./images/1.jpg') self.images['D'] = pygame.image.load('./images/3.jpg') self.image = self.images[self.direction] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.top = top self.rect.left = left def move(self, direction): if self.live == True:  tag = self.isObstacle()  if direction == self.direction:  if self.direction == 'L' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.left -= self.speed  elif self.direction == 'R' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.left += self.speed  elif self.direction == 'U' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.top -= self.speed  elif self.direction == 'D' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.top += self.speed  else:   pass  else:  self.direction = direction def hitTank(self): hitList = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self,MyTank.enemylist,False) for e in hitList:  self.live = False  return True return False def hitShell(self): hitlist = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, MyTank.enemyshells, False) for e in hitlist:  self.live = False  return True return Falseclass EnmeyTank(BaseTank): speed = 1 def __init__(self,screen): super().__init__(screen,randint(1,5)*100,0) self.getdirection() self.step = 0 def getdirection(self): self.direction = ['L','R','U','D'][randint(0,3)] def move(self): if self.live == True:  if self.step == 0 or (self.direction in self.isObstacle()):  self.getdirection()  self.step = randint(0, 200)  else:  tag = self.isObstacle()  if self.direction == 'L' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.left -= self.speed  elif self.direction == 'R' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.left += self.speed  elif self.direction == 'U' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.top -= self.speed  elif self.direction == 'D' and self.direction not in tag:   self.rect.top += self.speed  else:   pass  self.step -= 1if __name__ == '__main__': main = MyTank() main.startgame()
