

发表于:2025-01-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月23日,本篇内容主要讲解"mysql如何全量备份和增量备份",感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习"mysql如何全量备份和增量备份"吧!mysql 全量备份
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月23日mysql如何全量备份和增量备份


mysql 全量备份:

vim /root/mysql_bakup.sh

#!/bin/bash#Date:2017/5/2#Author:wangpengtai#Blog:http://wangpengtai.blog.51cto.com#At Sunday, we will backup the completed databases and the incresed binary log during Saturday to Sunday.#In other weekdays, we only backup the increaing binary log at that day!#################################the globle variables for MySQL#################################DB_USER='root'DB_PASSWORD='123456'DB_PORT='3306'BACKUPDIR='/tmp/mysqlbakup'BACKUPDIR_OLDER='/tmp/mysqlbakup_older'DB_PID='/data/mysql/log/mysqld.pid'DB_SOCK='/data/mysql/log/mysql.sock'LOG_DIR='/data/mysql/log'BACKUP_LOG='/tmp/mysqlbakup/backup.log'DB_BIN='/usr/local/mysql/bin'#time variables for completed backupFULL_BAKDAY='Sunday'TODAY=`date +%A`DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`############################time variables for binlog#############################liftcycle for saving binlogDELETE_OLDLOG_TIME=$(date "-d 14 day ago" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)#The start time point to backup binlog, the usage of mysqlbinlog is --start-datetime, --stop-datetime, time format is %Y%m%d%H%M%S, eg:20170502171054, time zones is [start-datetime, stop-datetime)#The date to start backup binlog is yesterday at this very moment!START_BACKUPBINLOG_TIMEPOINT=$(date "-d 1 day ago" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #BINLOG_LIST=`cat /data/mysql/log/mysql-bin.index`BINLOG_INDEX='/data/mysql/log/mysql-bin.index'###############################################Judge the mysql process is running or not. ##mysql stop return 1, mysql running return 0.###############################################function DB_RUN(){ if test -a $DB_PID && test -a $DB_SOCK;then return 0 else return 1 fi}####################################################################################################Judge the bacup directory is exsit not. ##If the mysqlbakup directory was exsited, there willed return 0. ## If there is no a mysqlbakup directory, the fuction will create the directory and return value 1.####################################################################################################function BACKDIR_EXSIT(){ if test -d $BACKUPDIR;then# echo "$BACKUPDIR was exist." return 0 else echo "$BACKUPDIR is not exist, now create it." mkdir -pv $BACKUPDIR return 1 fi}####################################################################################################Judge the binlog is configed or not. ##If the mysqlbakup directory was exsited, there willed return 0. ## If there is no a mysqlbakup directory, the fuction will create the directory and return value 1.####################################################################################################function BINLOG_EXSIT(){ if test -f $BINLOG_INDEX;then# echo "$BACKUPDIR was exist." return 0 fi}####################################################The full backup for all Databases ##This function is use to backup the all databases.####################################################function FULL_BAKUP(){ echo "At `date +%D\ %T`: Starting full backup the MySQL DB ... "# rm -fr $BACKUPDIR/db_fullbak_$DATE.sql #for test !! $DB_BIN/mysqldump --lock-all-tables --flush-logs --master-data=2 -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -P$DB_PORT -A |gzip > $BACKUPDIR/db_fullbak_$DATE.sql.gz FULL_HEALTH=`echo $?` if [[ $FULL_HEALTH == 0 ]];then echo "At `date +%D\ %T`: MySQL DB incresed backup successfully" else echo "MySQL DB full backup failed!" fi}#python# >>> with open('/data/mysql/log/mysql-bin.index','r') as obj:# ... for i in obj:# ... print os.path.basename(i)# ...# mysql-bin.000006# mysql-bin.000007# mysql-bin.000008# mysql-bin.000009function INCREASE_BAKUP(){ echo "At `date +%D\ %T`: Starting increased backup the MySQL DB ... " $DB_BIN/mysqladmin -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -P$DB_PORT flush-logs $DB_BIN/mysql -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -P$DB_PORT -e "purge master logs before ${DELETE_OLDLOG_TIME}" for i in `cat $BINLOG_INDEX` do $DB_BIN/mysqlbinlog -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -P$DB_PORT --start-datetime="$START_BACKUPBINLOG_TIMEPOINT" $i |gzip >> $BACKUPDIR/db_daily_$DATE.sql.gz done # $DB_BIN/mysqlbinlog -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD -P$DB_PORT --start-datetime="$START_BACKUPBINLOG_TIME" $LOG_DIR/mysql-bin.[0-9]* |gzip >> $BACKUPDIR/db_daily_$DATE.sql.gz INCREASE_HEALTH=`echo $?` if [[ $INCREASE_HEALTH == 0 ]];then echo "At `date +%D\ %T`: MySQL DB incresed backup successfully" else echo "MySQL DB incresed backup failed!" fi}function OLDER_BACKDIR_EXSIT(){ if test -d $BACKUPDIR_OLDER;then# echo "$BACKUPDIR_OLDER was exist." return 0 else echo "$BACKUPDIR_OLDER is not exist, now create it." mkdir -pv $BACKUPDIR_OLDER# return 1 fi}function BAKUP_CLEANER(){ #move the backuped file that created time out of 7 days to the BACKUPDIR_OLDER directory returnkey=`find $BACKUPDIR -name "*.sql.gz" -mtime +7 -exec ls -lh {} \;` returnkey_old=`find $BACKUPDIR_OLDER -name "*.sql.gz" -mtime +14 -exec ls -lh {} \;` if [[ $returnkey != '' ]];then echo "----------------------" echo "Moving the older backuped file out of 7 days to $BACKUPDIR_OLDER." echo "The moved file list is:" find $BACKUPDIR -name "*.sql.gz" -mtime +7 -exec mv {} $BACKUPDIR_OLDER \; echo "-----------------------" elif [[ $returnkey_old != '' ]];then #delete the backuped file that created time out of 14 days from BACKUPDIR_OLDER directory. echo "Delete the older backuped file out of 14 days from $BACKUPDIR_OLDER." echo "The deleted files list is:" find $BACKUPDIR_OLDER -name "*.sql.gz" -mtime +14 -exec rm -fr {} \; fi}#####################################--------------main----------------#####################################function MAIN(){ DB_RUN #Judge the process is run or not, if not run, the script will not bakup db Run_process=`echo $?` echo $? if [[ $Run_process == 0 ]];then BINLOG_EXSIT binlog_index=`echo $?` if [[ $binlog_index == 0 ]];then echo "**********START**********" echo $(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A") echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if [[ $TODAY == $FULL_BAKDAY ]];then echo "Start completed bakup ..." INCREASE_BAKUP FULL_BAKUP #full backup to all DB BAKUP_CLEANER else echo "Start increaing bakup ..." INCREASE_BAKUP fi echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo $(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A") echo "**********END**********" else echo "**********START**********" echo $(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A") echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "Sorry, MySQL binlog was not configed, please config the my.cnf firstly!" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo $(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A") echo "**********END**********" fi else echo "**********START**********" echo $(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A") echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "Sorry, MySQL was not running, the db could not be backuped!" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo $(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A") echo "**********END**********" fi}#starting runing BACKDIR_EXSIT $BACKUP_LOGOLDER_BACKDIR_EXSIT $BACKUP_LOG

