
cassandra-stress 压测使用介绍

发表于:2025-02-03 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日,Cassandra从很早的版本就自带了cassandra-stress压力测试工具,它的使用方法在cassandra-stress后添加命令和选项。其中常用的命令一般只用到:write、read、mi
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日cassandra-stress 压测使用介绍

命令command没有以-开头,而选项[options]有两种方式:-选项名称 选项值或者选项名称=选项值。


counter_read: 多个并发读,必须首先通过counter_write测试填充群集。counter_write:多个并发写。legacy:传统模式的支持。mixed:混合模式和可配置的读写比例和分布。集群必须先写测试数据填充。read: 多个并发读取。必须首先通过写入测试填充群集。write: 针对群集的多个并发写入。user:  交错用户提供具有可配置比率和分布的查询。version: 打印cassandra-stress版本。print: 打印定义输出 




用法:-col names =?[slice] [super =?] [comparator =?] [timestamp =?] [size = DIST(?)] 要么 -col [n = DIST(?)] [slice] [super =?] [comparator =?] [timestamp =?] [size = DIST(?)]


使用以下选项设置费率:-rate threads=N [throttle=N] [fixed=N]配置项:threads=N  并发运行的客户端数量。throttle=N 所有客户端的每秒操作达到最大速率,默认值为0。fixed=N    期望所有客户每秒的固定运行率。默认值为0。或者-rate [threads>=N] [threads<=N] [auto]参数:threads > = N :同时运行至少这么多客户端。默认值为4。threads <= N :最多同时运行这么多客户端。默认值为1000。auto 一旦吞吐量饱和,就停止增加线程。


用法:-errors [retries = N] [ignore] [skip-read-validation]retries=N 失败前尝试次数。ignore 忽略错误。skip-read-validation 跳过读取验证和消息输出。


用法:-graph file=? [revision=?] [title=?] [op=?]


用法:level=verboseor-log [level=?] [no-summary] [file=?] [hdrfile=?] [interval=?] [no-settings] [no-progress] [show-queries] [query-log-file=?]

Thrift or CQL 选项

用法:-mode thrift [smart] [user=?] [password=?]  or -mode native [unprepared] cql3 [compression=?] [port=?] [user=?] [password=?] [auth-provider=?] [maxPending=?] [connectionsPerHost=?] [protocolVersion=?]  or-mode simplenative [prepared] cql3 [port=?]


用法:-node [datacenter=?] [whitelist] [file=?] []


-port [native=?] [thrift=?] [jmx=?]


用法:-schema [replication(?)] [keyspace=?] [compaction(?)] [compression=?]




用法:-tokenrange [no-wrap] [split-factor =?] [savedata =?]


profile=?:指定YAML配置文件,需要自己编写DML,插入,查询;(只能作为user选项的子选项)ops(?):   指定操作类型和数量,比如ops(inserts=1),或者ops(queries=2),其中queries需要用指定的查询名称代替;(只能作为user选项的子选项)n=?:      指定操作数量,比如要写入1万条数据,n=10000; 要读取1000条数据,n=1000;err

选项名称,选项值必须放在 子选项选项值前面,比如正确的用法:truncate=one -node xxx


#插入(写入)一百万行cassandra-stress write n = 1000000 -rate threads = 50 -node -port native=9042#读二十万行。cassandra-stress读n = 200000 -rate threads = 50 -node -port native=9042#读取行持续3分钟。cassandra-stress read duration = 3m -rate threads = 50 -node -port native=9042#混合读写持续5分钟。cassandra-stress mixed duration = 5m -rate threads = 50 -node -port native=9042#首先读取200,000行而不预热50,000行。cassandra-stress read n = 200000 no-warmup -rate threads = 50 -node, -port native=9042#通过身份验证运行cassandra-stress以下示例显示使用-mode选项提供用户名和密码:cassandra-stress -mode native cql3 user = cassandra password = cassandra no-warmup cl = QUORUM



cassandra-stress write n=1000000 cl=LOCAL_QUORUM -rate threads=500 \    -col "size=fixed(2048)" "n=fixed(32)" -schema "replication(factor=3)" -node -port native=9042

使用user profile 配置yaml

## This is an example YAML profile for cassandra-stress## insert data# cassandra-stress user profile=/home/jake/stress1.yaml ops(insert=1)## read, using query simple1:# cassandra-stress profile=/home/jake/stress1.yaml ops(simple1=1)## mixed workload (90/10)# cassandra-stress user profile=/home/jake/stress1.yaml ops(insert=1,simple1=9)## Keyspace info#keyspace: load_test## The CQL for creating a keyspace (optional if it already exists)#keyspace_definition: |  CREATE KEYSPACE load_test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};## Table info#table: event2## The CQL for creating a table you wish to stress (optional if it already exists)#table_definition: |  CREATE TABLE event2 (        cookie_id int,        timestamp timestamp,        event_name text,        session_id uuid,        page text,        device text,        PRIMARY KEY(cookie_id, timestamp, event_name, session_id)  ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (timestamp DESC)## Optional meta information on the generated columns in the above table# The min and max only apply to text and blob types# The distribution field represents the total unique population# distribution of that column across rows.  Supported types are# #      EXP(min..max)                        An exponential distribution over the range [min..max]#      EXTREME(min..max,shape)              An extreme value (Weibull) distribution over the range [min..max]#      GAUSSIAN(min..max,stdvrng)           A gaussian/normal distribution, where mean=(min+max)/2, and stdev is (mean-min)/stdvrng#      GAUSSIAN(min..max,mean,stdev)        A gaussian/normal distribution, with explicitly defined mean and stdev#      UNIFORM(min..max)                    A uniform distribution over the range [min, max]#      FIXED(val)                           A fixed distribution, always returning the same value#      Aliases: extr, gauss, normal, norm, weibull##      If preceded by ~, the distribution is inverted## Defaults for all columns are size: uniform(4..8), population: uniform(1..100B), cluster: fixed(1)#columnspec:  - name: cookie_id    population: uniform(1..100M)   # the range of unique values to select for the field (default is 100Billion)  - name: timestamp    size: fixed(13)    population: uniform(1..100M)  - name: event_name    size: uniform(5..10)    population: uniform(1..100M)  - name: session_id    size: fixed(32)    population: uniform(1..100M)  - name: page    size: gaussian(16..64)    population: uniform(1..100M)  - name: device    size: fixed(4)    population: uniform(1..10)insert:  partitions: uniform(1..50)       # number of unique partitions to update in a single operation                                  # if batchcount > 1, multiple batches will be used but all partitions will                                  # occur in all batches (unless they finish early); only the row counts will vary  batchtype: UNLOGGED               # type of batch to use  select: fixed(10)/10       # uniform chance any single generated CQL row will be visited in a partition;                                  # generated for each partition independently, each time we visit it## A list of queries you wish to run against the schema#queries:   simple1:      cql: select * from event2 where cookie_id = ?      fields: samerow             # samerow or multirow (select arguments from the same row, or randomly from all rows in the partition)Collapse

user profile 测试案例-1

不要预热过程,冷启动任务,插入1000000万条数据,读写比例3比1 ,一致性级别设置为:QUORUM
cassandra-stress user profile=./pttest-cassandra.yaml n=1000000 ops(insert=3,simple1=1) no-warmup cl=QUORUM -node -port native=9042


Results:Op rate                   :    1,562 op/s  [insert: 1,164 op/s, simple1: 398 op/s]Partition rate            :   30,063 pk/s  [insert: 29,667 pk/s, simple1: 396 pk/s]Row rate                  :   30,063 row/s [insert: 29,667 row/s, simple1: 396 row/s]Latency mean              :   28.2 ms [insert: 37.0 ms, simple1: 2.7 ms]Latency median            :    4.3 ms [insert: 6.5 ms, simple1: 1.1 ms]Latency 95th percentile   :  126.2 ms [insert: 142.5 ms, simple1: 7.7 ms]Latency 99th percentile   :  230.4 ms [insert: 254.1 ms, simple1: 23.8 ms]Latency 99.9th percentile :  476.8 ms [insert: 554.2 ms, simple1: 96.6 ms]Latency max               : 2581.6 ms [insert: 2,581.6 ms, simple1: 2,264.9 ms]Total partitions          :    999,932 [insert: 986,756, simple1: 13,176]Total errors              :          0 [insert: 0, simple1: 0]Total GC count            : 43Total GC memory           : 12.565 GiBTotal GC time             :    3.0 secondsAvg GC time               :   69.4 msStdDev GC time            :   13.4 msTotal operation time      : 00:00:33Improvement over 181 threadCount: -7%

user profile 测试案例-2

不要预热过程,冷启动任务,500并发,插入1000000万条数据,读写比例3比1 ,一致性级别设置为:QUORUM
cassandra-stress user profile=./pttest-cassandra.yaml n=1000000 ops(insert=3,simple1=1) no-warmup cl=QUORUM -rate threads=500 -node -port native=9042

Results:Op rate                   :    1,496 op/s  [insert: 1,145 op/s, simple1: 396 op/s]Partition rate            :   28,763 pk/s  [insert: 29,221 pk/s, simple1: 394 pk/s]Row rate                  :   28,763 row/s [insert: 29,221 row/s, simple1: 394 row/s]Latency mean              :   49.5 ms [insert: 64.0 ms, simple1: 7.5 ms]Latency median            :    4.9 ms [insert: 7.0 ms, simple1: 1.3 ms]Latency 95th percentile   :  251.3 ms [insert: 286.0 ms, simple1: 29.7 ms]Latency 99th percentile   :  513.0 ms [insert: 561.0 ms, simple1: 118.3 ms]Latency 99.9th percentile :  909.1 ms [insert: 940.0 ms, simple1: 477.1 ms]Latency max               : 1416.6 ms [insert: 1,416.6 ms, simple1: 820.0 ms]Total partitions          :    999,847 [insert: 986,542, simple1: 13,305]Total errors              :          0 [insert: 0, simple1: 0]Total GC count            : 41Total GC memory           : 12.277 GiBTotal GC time             :    3.0 secondsAvg GC time               :   72.3 msStdDev GC time            :   25.0 msTotal operation time      : 00:00:34


user profile 测试案例-3

不要预热过程,冷启动任务,插入1000000万条数据,读写比例3比1 ,一致性级别设置为:QUORUM

cassandra-stress user profile=./pttest-cassandra.yaml n=1000000 ops(insert=3,simple1=1) no-warmup cl=QUORUM -node,, -port native=9042


Results:Op rate                   :    1,570 op/s  [insert: 1,181 op/s, simple1: 389 op/s]Partition rate            :   30,638 pk/s  [insert: 30,250 pk/s, simple1: 389 pk/s]Row rate                  :   30,638 row/s [insert: 30,250 row/s, simple1: 389 row/s]Latency mean              :   32.6 ms [insert: 42.4 ms, simple1: 2.6 ms]Latency median            :    4.4 ms [insert: 6.6 ms, simple1: 1.3 ms]Latency 95th percentile   :  128.6 ms [insert: 146.9 ms, simple1: 7.7 ms]Latency 99th percentile   :  283.4 ms [insert: 336.3 ms, simple1: 21.6 ms]Latency 99.9th percentile : 2334.1 ms [insert: 2,344.6 ms, simple1: 78.0 ms]Latency max               : 2730.5 ms [insert: 2,730.5 ms, simple1: 414.7 ms]Total partitions          :    999,987 [insert: 987,306, simple1: 12,681]Total errors              :          0 [insert: 0, simple1: 0]Total GC count            : 43Total GC memory           : 12.817 GiBTotal GC time             :    3.1 secondsAvg GC time               :   72.1 msStdDev GC time            :   14.9 msTotal operation time      : 00:00:32

user profile 测试案例-4

连接多节点,不要预热过程,冷启动任务,插入1000000万条数据,读写比例3比1 ,一致性级别设置为:QUORUM

cassandra-stress user profile=./pttest-cassandra.yaml n=1000000 ops(insert=3,simple1=1) no-warmup cl=QUORUM -graph file=test.html title=test revision=test1 -node,, -port native=9042

 Results:Op rate                   :    1,602 op/s  [insert: 1,204 op/s, simple1: 398 op/s]Partition rate            :   30,941 pk/s  [insert: 30,543 pk/s, simple1: 398 pk/s]Row rate                  :   30,941 row/s [insert: 30,543 row/s, simple1: 398 row/s]Latency mean              :   15.6 ms [insert: 20.1 ms, simple1: 2.1 ms]Latency median            :    4.1 ms [insert: 5.9 ms, simple1: 1.2 ms]Latency 95th percentile   :   67.2 ms [insert: 74.7 ms, simple1: 5.4 ms]Latency 99th percentile   :  111.9 ms [insert: 118.9 ms, simple1: 11.7 ms]Latency 99.9th percentile :  274.2 ms [insert: 289.4 ms, simple1: 71.3 ms]Latency max               : 2231.4 ms [insert: 2,231.4 ms, simple1: 271.1 ms]Total partitions          :    999,996 [insert: 987,127, simple1: 12,869]Total errors              :          0 [insert: 0, simple1: 0]Total GC count            : 41Total GC memory           : 12.276 GiBTotal GC time             :    2.7 secondsAvg GC time               :   66.9 msStdDev GC time            :   15.4 msTotal operation time      : 00:00:32Improvement over 81 threadCount: -8%
