本文介绍了使用Service Catalog和OC命令部署OpenShift应用、部署基本概念和流程、扩展存储、清理OpenShift对象等。以Angular 6集成Spring Boot 2,Spring Security,JWT和CORS中的Spring Boot和Angular项目为例,详细讲解了S2I和Pipeline两种部署方式。
OKD版本3.11,Spring Boot项目源码heroes-api,Angular项目源码heroes-web。
Service Catalog
OpenShift初始安装中含有一些样例APP供大家学习使用。其中有Apache HTTP Server和Apache HTTP Server(httpd),这两者有什么区别?分别点击进入可以发现:
Apache HTTP Server使用template(template名字为httpd-example)部署方式。
Apache HTTP Server(httpd)使用builder image(image stream名字为httpd)部署方式。
Service Catalog样例使用了template和builder image(image+source)两种部署方式。进入Application Console中的openshift项目可查看template和image。
查看template,点击Resources -> Other Resources -> Template:
查看Image Stream,点击Builds -> Images:
在Service Catalog中,除从Catalog直接选择Item外,还提供了其他三种方式:
Deploy Image可以直接从image或image stream部署应用:
Import YAML / JSON 用来从YAML或JSON创建资源,比如image stream、template:
Select from Project 从指定的Project中选择template来部署应用:
部署Apache HTTP Server
Apache HTTP Server的两种部署方式本质上是相同的,Build策略均为S2I(Source-to-Image),使用S2I构建的Docker镜像来部署应用。Source均使用Apache HTTP Server (httpd) S2I Sample Application,Docker基础镜像(builder image)均使用Apache HTTP Server Container Image。httpd-example template定义了整体部署流程并实现了参数化。
以下是httpd-example template中BuildConfig部分的定义:
- apiVersion: v1 kind: BuildConfig metadata: annotations: description: Defines how to build the application template.alpha.openshift.io/wait-for-ready: 'true' name: '${NAME}' spec: output: to: kind: ImageStreamTag name: '${NAME}:latest' source: contextDir: '${CONTEXT_DIR}' git: ref: '${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF}' uri: '${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}' type: Git strategy: sourceStrategy: from: kind: ImageStreamTag name: 'httpd:2.4' namespace: '${NAMESPACE}' type: Source triggers: - type: ImageChange - type: ConfigChange - github: secret: '${GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET}' type: GitHub - generic: secret: '${GENERIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET}' type: Generic
parameters: - description: The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template. displayName: Name name: NAME required: true value: httpd-example - description: The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides. displayName: Namespace name: NAMESPACE required: true value: openshift - description: Maximum amount of memory the container can use. displayName: Memory Limit name: MEMORY_LIMIT required: true value: 512Mi - description: The URL of the repository with your application source code. displayName: Git Repository URL name: SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL required: true value: 'https://github.com/openshift/httpd-ex.git' - description: >- Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch. displayName: Git Reference name: SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF - description: >- Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository. displayName: Context Directory name: CONTEXT_DIR - description: >- The exposed hostname that will route to the httpd service, if left blank a value will be defaulted. displayName: Application Hostname name: APPLICATION_DOMAIN...
我们先使用builder image方式部署Apache,来了解一下部署的整体流程:
点击"advanced options",可以设置git branch、context、secret,自定义Route、Build Configuration、Deployment Configuration、Resource Limits等。此处填完基本内容后直接点击Create,创建App,然后从成功页面进入Project Overview:
部署过程中自动创建Service、Route、Build、Deployment、Image。进入Application Console的Applications和Builds可以查看详细信息,其中会创建3个pod:httpd-1-build、http-1-deploy、httpd-1-xxxxx,部署完毕后http-1-deploy会自动删除。
部署成功后,测试访问Apache Server(Route定义的Hostname),页面如下:
Service(Kubernetes Service)
内部load balancer,用在OpenShift内部网络中,可使用Service ClusterIP或Hostname访问。
apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: annotations: openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftWebConsole creationTimestamp: '2019-03-26T02:12:50Z' labels: app: httpd name: httpd namespace: my-project resourceVersion: '3004428' selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/my-project/services/httpd uid: a81c759f-4f6c-11e9-9a7d-02fa2ffc40e6spec: clusterIP: ports: - name: 8080-tcp port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 selector: deploymentconfig: httpd sessionAffinity: None type: ClusterIPstatus: loadBalancer: {}
构建App Image,使用S2I时即从builder image和Source Code来构建App Image。默认builder image和build配置变化时会重新build。
查看Builds -> httpd -> #1 的YAML文本,可以了解Build流程为FetchInputs -> Assemble -> CommitContainer -> PushImage:
...status: completionTimestamp: '2019-03-26T02:13:30Z' config: kind: BuildConfig name: httpd namespace: my-project duration: 40000000000 output: to: imageDigest: 'sha256:5c1f20f20baaa796f4518d11ded13c6fac33e7a377774cfec77aa1e6e6a7cbb2' outputDockerImageReference: 'docker-registry.default.svc:5000/my-project/httpd:latest' phase: Complete stages: - durationMilliseconds: 3434 name: FetchInputs startTime: '2019-03-26T02:12:56Z' steps: - durationMilliseconds: 3434 name: FetchGitSource startTime: '2019-03-26T02:12:56Z' - durationMilliseconds: 2127 name: CommitContainer startTime: '2019-03-26T02:13:11Z' steps: - durationMilliseconds: 2127 name: CommitContainer startTime: '2019-03-26T02:13:11Z' - durationMilliseconds: 3426 name: Assemble startTime: '2019-03-26T02:13:10Z' steps: - durationMilliseconds: 3426 name: AssembleBuildScripts startTime: '2019-03-26T02:13:10Z' - durationMilliseconds: 16143 name: PushImage startTime: '2019-03-26T02:13:14Z' steps: - durationMilliseconds: 16143 name: PushImage startTime: '2019-03-26T02:13:14Z' startTimestamp: '2019-03-26T02:12:50Z'
Build Strategy
OpenShift支持Source-to-Image、Docker、Pipeline、Custom四种Build Strategy。
strategy: sourceStrategy: from: kind: "ImageStreamTag" name: "builder-image:latest"
strategy: dockerStrategy: from: kind: "ImageStreamTag" name: "debian:latest"
spec: source: git: uri: "https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world" strategy: jenkinsPipelineStrategy: jenkinsfilePath: some/repo/dir/filename
strategy: customStrategy: from: kind: "DockerImage" name: "openshift/sti-image-builder"
部署App Image,Deployment包含三种对象:DeploymentConfig、ReplicationController、Pod。DeploymentConfig包含部署策略、image配置、环境变量等,ReplicationController包含复制相关信息。App Image和deployment配置变化时会自动重新Deploy。
进入Deployments -> httpd -> #1,编辑Replicas或调节pods数可以增删pod:
Deployment Strategy
- Rolling 默认策略,当新版本Pod状态变为Ready后才scale down老版本Pod,可能同时存在新老版本的Pod
- Recreate 先终止所有Pod(Scale down the previous deployment to zero)再部署新Pod
- Custom 自定义部署行为
OpenShift管理容器镜像的方式,其中定义了dockerImageReference,ImageStream tag定义了同docker image各版本的映射关系。Build成功后会自动创建ImageStream。
apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1kind: ImageStreammetadata: annotations: openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftWebConsole creationTimestamp: '2019-03-26T02:12:50Z' generation: 1 labels: app: httpd name: httpd namespace: my-project resourceVersion: '3004571' selfLink: /apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/my-project/imagestreams/httpd uid: a81b14bf-4f6c-11e9-9a7d-02fa2ffc40e6spec: lookupPolicy: local: falsestatus: dockerImageRepository: 'docker-registry.default.svc:5000/my-project/httpd' tags: - items: - created: '2019-03-26T02:13:30Z' dockerImageReference: >- docker-registry.default.svc:5000/my-project/httpd@sha256:5c1f20f20baaa796f4518d11ded13c6fac33e7a377774cfec77aa1e6e6a7cbb2 generation: 1 image: >- sha256:5c1f20f20baaa796f4518d11ded13c6fac33e7a377774cfec77aa1e6e6a7cbb2 tag: latest
了解了以上基本概念就很容易理解httpd-example template了,您可以自己部署测试,此处不再赘述。
OC Tool
使用oc new-app部署应用
$ oc delete project my-project$ oc new-project my-project
在Service Catalog一节我们提到了部署应用的三种方式:template、builder image(image+source)、image,对应的命令如下:
$ oc new-app httpd-example -p APPLICATION_DOMAIN=httpd-example.apps.itrunner.org$ oc new-app openshift/httpd:2.4~https://github.com/openshift/httpd-ex.git --name=httpd-ex$ oc new-app my-project/httpd-ex --name=httpd
- image+source的语法为[image]~[source]
- 第三种方式使用的image为第二种方式中生成的
- 后面两种方式不会自动创建Route,需要手工创建:
$ oc expose service httpd-ex --name httpd-ex --hostname=httpd-ex.apps.itrunner.org$ oc expose service httpd --name httpd --hostname=httpd.apps.itrunner.org
$ oc create -f -n
使用oc命令还可以直接从source code创建应用,可以使用本地或远程source code:
$ oc new-app /path/to/source/code$ oc new-app https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
$ oc new-app https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-ruby-container.git --context-dir=2.0/test/puma-test-app
$ oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world.git#beta4
OpenShift自动检测代码根目录或指定目录,如果存在Dockerfile则使用Docker build策略,如果存在Jenkinsfile则使用Pipeline build策略,否则使用Source build策略(S2I)。
下面的例子使用了Source build策略:
$ oc new-app https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
使用Source build策略时,new-app通过检测根目录或指定目录的文件来确定language builder:
Language | Files |
jee | pom.xml |
nodejs | app.json, package .json |
perl | cpanfile, index.pl |
php | composer.json, index.php |
python | requirements.txt, setup.py |
ruby | Gemfile, Rakefile, config.ru |
scala | build.sbt |
golang | Godeps, main.go |
然后根据语言,从OpenShift Server或Docker Hub Registry中查找与语言匹配的image。
$ oc new-app /home/user/code/myapp --strategy=docker
查看template和image stream
查看所有template和image stream:
$ oc new-app --list
单独查看template或image stream:
$ oc get templates -n openshift$ oc get imagestreams -n openshift
查看httpd-example template详细信息:
$ oc describe template httpd-example -n openshift
查看httpd image stream详细信息:
$ oc describe imagestream httpd -n openshift
查看httpd-example template的YAML定义:
$ oc new-app --search --template=httpd-example --output=yaml
从所有template、image stream、docker image中查找"httpd":
$ oc new-app --search httpd
使用Web Console时,编辑route启用Secure route即可:
TLS Termination有三种类型:edge、passthrough、reencrypt
- edge 访问route使用https协议,route到内部网络为非加密的,如未配置证书则使用默认证书。
- reencrypt 全部访问路径均是加密的
- passthrough 加密通信直接发送到目标,route不需提供TLS Termination。
$ oc create route edge httpd-ex --service httpd-ex --hostname httpd-ex.apps.itrunner.org --path / --insecure-policy Redirect -n my-project
Source-to-Image (S2I)是一个框架,可以容易地将应用程序源代码作为输入生成一个新的docker image。
使用S2I构建image,在装配过程中可以执行大量复杂的操作,所有操作仅创建一个新的layer,加速了处理过程。S2I使得软件开发工程师不必关心docker image的制作,仅负责编写assemble、run等脚本,也可以防止开发工程师在image构建过程中执行任意yum安装等不适宜的操作。S2I简化了docker image的制作。
- builder image S2I以此image为基础来构建新的image
- Sources
- S2I Scripts
在构建过程中,S2I先获取sources和scripts,将其打包为tar文件后放入builder image中。在执行assemble script前,S2I解压tar文件到io.openshift.s2i.destination指定的目录,默认目录为/tmp(分别解压到/tmp/src、/tmp/scripts目录)。
S2I Scripts
S2I Scripts可以位于以下位置,优先级从高到低:
- 在BuildConfig中指定位置
strategy: sourceStrategy: from: kind: "ImageStreamTag" name: "builder-image:latest" scripts: "http://somehost.com/scripts_directory"
- 应用程序源码的.s2i/bin目录
- 在builder image的Dockerfile中定义位置(在样例Apache HTTP Server中使用了这种方式 )
LABEL io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url="image:///usr/libexec/s2i"
- image:///path_to_scripts_dir - image的绝对路径
- file:///path_to_scripts_dir - host绝对或相对路径
- http(s)://path_to_scripts_dir - URL
S2I Scripts:
Script | Description |
assemble (required) | 获取源码、编译、打包。在增量编译时,如果定义了save-artifacts,先恢复artifact |
run (required) | 运行应用 |
save-artifacts (optional) | 收集依赖以便加速后续编译,比如.m2 |
usage (optional) | 显示image使用帮助信息 |
test/run (optional) | 检查image能否正常工作 |
Example assemble script
#!/bin/bash# restore build artifactsif [ "$(ls /tmp/artifacts/ 2>/dev/null)" ]; then mv /tmp/artifacts/* $HOME/.fi# move the application sourcemv /tmp/s2i/src $HOME/src# build application artifactspushd ${HOME}make all# install the artifactsmake installpopd
Example run script
#!/bin/bash# run the application/opt/application/run.sh
Example save-artifacts script
#!/bin/bash# Besides the tar command, all other output to standard out must # be surpressed. Otherwise, the tar stream will be corrupted.pushd ${HOME} >/dev/nullif [ -d deps ]; then # all deps contents to tar stream tar cf - depsfipopd >/dev/null
注意:save-artifacts只能有tar stream输出,不能含有其它任何输出。
Example usage script
#!/bin/bash# inform the user how to use the imagecat <
S2I Tool
仅为学习S2I的基本知识和S2I Tool的使用,部署OpenShift应用时是不必安装的。
安装S2I Tool
# tar -xvf release.tar.gz .# cp /path/to/s2i /usr/local/bin
create 创建生成builder image的基础目录结构build 构建新的imagerebuild 重建imageusage 显示image usage信息version 显示s2i versioncompletion Generate completion for the s2i command (bash or zsh)
- 使用s2i create创建目录结构
s2i create语法:
s2i create [flags]
$ s2i create ruby-centos7 ruby-centos7
ruby-centos7├── Dockerfile├── Makefile├── README.md├── s2i│ └── bin│ ├── assemble│ ├── run│ ├── save-artifacts│ └── usage└── test ├── run └── test-app └── index.html
- 构建builder image
$ cd ruby-centos7$ make build
- 构建App image
s2i build语法:
s2i build
# cd ruby-centos7# s2i build test/test-app/ ruby-centos7 ruby-app
- 运行image
# docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 --name ruby-app ruby-app
Maven、Angular等项目编译时需要下载其他依赖,为提高编译速度,避免重复下载,S2I支持增量build。增量build依赖以前构建的image,image名字必须相同,且image中必须含有save-artifacts script。
- S2I从以前构建的app image创建一个新的docker container
- S2I运行container中的save-artifacts将依赖打包为tar文件输出到stdout
- S2I下载source与artifacts一起打包作为新image的输入
- S2I启动新container、运行assemble ...
- 使用s2i命令时增加参数--incremental=true:
# s2i build test/test-app/ ruby-centos7 ruby-app --incremental=true
- 在OpenShift Web Console中修改BuildConfig,增加incremental: true,然后点击Start Build。
strategy: type: "Source" sourceStrategy: from: kind: "ImageStreamTag" name: "incremental-image:latest" incremental: true
部署Spring Boot App
Builder Image
# heroes-api-centos7FROM centos:latestRUN yum -y update && yum clean all# Set the labels that are used for OpenShift to describe the builder image.LABEL maintainer="Sun Jingchuan " \ io.k8s.description="Heroes API" \ io.k8s.display-name="Heroes API" \ io.openshift.expose-services="8080:http" \ io.openshift.tags="spring-boot,heroes-api" \ # this label tells s2i where to find its mandatory scripts(run, assemble, save-artifacts) # io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url="image:///usr/libexec/s2i" \ io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url="image:///tmp/scripts" \ io.openshift.s2i.destination="/tmp"ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.8.0_202 \ MAVEN_HOME=/usr/lib/apache-maven-3.6.0 \ APP_ROOT=/opt/heroesENV PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${MAVEN_HOME}/bin:${APP_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} HOME=${APP_ROOT}# Include jdk and maven in libCOPY lib /usr/libCOPY bin ${APP_ROOT}/bin# Copy the S2I scripts to /usr/libexec/s2i# COPY .s2i/bin /usr/libexec/s2iRUN chmod -R u+x ${APP_ROOT}/bin && \ chgrp -R 0 ${APP_ROOT} && \ chmod -R g=u ${APP_ROOT} /etc/passwdUSER 10001WORKDIR ${APP_ROOT}ENTRYPOINT [ "uid_entrypoint" ]EXPOSE 8080# Inform the user how to run this image.# CMD ["/usr/libexec/s2i/usage"]
- lib目录中存放了JDK和Maven
- 使用源码中的S2I Scripts,builder image中不提供,但需定义io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url
- 默认,为了安全,OpenShift中只能使用User ID,不能使用用户名,不能使用docker默认用户root,因此要授予目录适当权限。
- 源码bin目录中存放了用户创建脚本uid_entrypoint,内容如下:
#!/bin/bashif ! whoami &> /dev/null; then if [ -w /etc/passwd ]; then echo "${USER_NAME:-default}:x:$(id -u):0:${USER_NAME:-default} user:${HOME}:/sbin/nologin" >> /etc/passwd fifiexec "$@"
编译builder image并上传到Registry
# docker build -t heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0 .# docker tag heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0 registry.itrunner.org/heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0# docker push registry.itrunner.org/heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0
import image
$ oc import-image heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0 -n heroes --confirm --insecure --from='registry.itrunner.org/heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0'
导入命令中指定了参数-n heroes,image会导入heroes项目中。成功导入后可在项目的Builds -> Images中查看image,但在Service Catalog中仍不可见,需要修改Image Stream定义,增加annotations:
apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1kind: ImageStreammetadata: annotations: openshift.io/image.dockerRepositoryCheck: '2019-03-27T08:40:27Z' creationTimestamp: '2019-03-27T08:39:50Z' generation: 1 name: heroes-api-centos7 namespace: heroes resourceVersion: '3337267' selfLink: /apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/heroes/imagestreams/heroes-api-centos7 uid: e280929e-506b-11e9-a2ec-0288bf58ecc2spec: lookupPolicy: local: false tags: - annotations: description: build heroes-api on CentOS 7 iconClass: icon-spring openshift.io/display-name: Heroes API openshift.io/provider-display-name: itrunner sampleRepo: 'https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-api.git' supports: itrunner tags: 'builder,java' version: '1.0.0' from: kind: DockerImage name: 'registry.itrunner.org/heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0'...
为了在Service Catalog中显示,tags中必须含有"builder"。只有导入openshift项目的image才是全局可见的,否则仅在本项目Catalog可见。如未显示请刷新页面。
S2I Scripts
- assemble
#!/bin/bash -e# restore build artifactsif [ -d /tmp/artifacts/.m2 ]; then echo "restore build artifacts" mv /tmp/artifacts/.m2 $HOME/.fi# move the application sourcemv /tmp/src $HOME/src# build the application artifactspushd $HOME/srcmvn clean package -Pdev -Dmaven.test.skip=truepopd# move the artifactsmv $HOME/src/target/heroes-api-1.0.0.jar $HOME/rm -rf $HOME/src
- run
#!/bin/bashjava -jar $HOME/heroes-api-1.0.0.jar
- save-artifacts
#!/bin/bash# Besides the tar command, all other output to standard out must be surpressed. Otherwise, the tar stream will be corrupted.pushd ${HOME} >/dev/nullif [ -d .m2 ]; then # all .m2 contents to tar stream tar cf - .m2fipopd >/dev/null
- usage
#!/bin/bash# inform the user how to use the imagecat <
$ oc new-app heroes/heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0~https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-api.git --name=heroes-api$ oc expose service heroes-api --name heroes-api --hostname heroes.apps.itrunner.org --path /api -n heroes或$ oc create route edge heroes-api --service heroes-api --hostname heroes.apps.itrunner.org --path /api --insecure-policy Redirect -n heroes
- 如果使用私有git仓库,new-app需要增加参数--source-secret=yoursecret。Secret可在Resources -> Secrets中配置。
- route的path配置为/api,不是根目录,这样可以防止外部用户访问api-docs、swagger-ui
- 为了内部用户可以访问api-docs、swagger-ui,给service增加externalIPs参数,指定一个或多个OpenShift Node地址,如下:
spec: clusterIP: externalIPs: - ports: - name: 8080-tcp port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080
部署Angular App
Builder Image
# heroes-web-centos7FROM centos/httpd:latestRUN yum -y update && \ curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - && yum -y install nodejs && \ yum clean all && npm install -g @angular/cli@latest# Set the labels that are used for OpenShift to describe the builder image.LABEL maintainer="Sun Jingchuan " \ io.k8s.description="Heroes Web" \ io.k8s.display-name="Heroes Web" \ io.openshift.expose-services="8080:http" \ io.openshift.tags="angular,heroes-web" \ # this label tells s2i where to find its mandatory scripts(run, assemble, save-artifacts) # io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url="image:///usr/libexec/s2i" \ io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url="image:///tmp/scripts" \ io.openshift.s2i.destination="/tmp"ENV APP_ROOT=/opt/heroesENV PATH=${APP_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} HOME=${APP_ROOT} HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH=/etc/httpd/confCOPY bin ${APP_ROOT}/bin# Copy the S2I scripts to /usr/libexec/s2i# COPY .s2i/bin /usr/libexec/s2iRUN chmod -R u+x ${APP_ROOT}/bin && \ chgrp -R 0 ${APP_ROOT} && \ chmod -R g=u ${APP_ROOT} /etc/passwd /var/www/html /run/httpd && \ chown -R root:root /run/httpd /etc/httpd && \ sed -i -e "s/^User apache/User default/" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.conf && \ sed -i -e "s/^Group apache/Group root/" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.conf && \ sed -i -e "s/^Listen 80/Listen 8080/" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.conf && \ sed -ri " s!^(\s*CustomLog)\s+\S+!\1 |/usr/bin/cat!g; s!^(\s*ErrorLog)\s+\S+!\1 |/usr/bin/cat!g;" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.confUSER 10001WORKDIR ${APP_ROOT}ENTRYPOINT [ "uid_entrypoint" ]EXPOSE 8080# Inform the user how to run this image.# CMD ["/usr/libexec/s2i/usage"]
- 需要安装nodejs、angular/cli
- httpd相关目录要授予适当权限,需要修改httpd用户、组、日志输出、监听端口
修改用户后,不能再使用80端口,否则会报错:permission denied: ah00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
编译builder image并上传到Registry
# docker build -t heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0 .# docker tag heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0 registry.itrunner.org/heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0# docker push registry.itrunner.org/heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0
import image
$ oc import-image heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0 -n heroes --confirm --insecure --from='registry.itrunner.org/heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0'
$ oc edit is/heroes-web-centos7
tags:- annotations: description: build heroes-web on CentOS 7 iconClass: icon-angularjs openshift.io/display-name: Heroes Web openshift.io/provider-display-name: itrunner sampleRepo: 'https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-web.git' supports: itrunner tags: builder,javascript version: 1.0.0 from: kind: DockerImage name: 'registry.itrunner.org/heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0'
S2I Scripts
- assemble
#!/bin/bash -e# move the application sourcemv /tmp/src $HOME/src# restore build artifactsif [ "$(ls /tmp/artifacts/ 2>/dev/null)" ]; then mv /tmp/artifacts/* $HOME/srcfi# build the application artifactspushd $HOME/srcnpm installng build --prod --base-href=/heroes/# Install the artifactsmv dist /var/www/html/heroesmv node_modules $HOME/node_modulespopdrm -rf $HOME/src
- run
#!/bin/bash# run the applicationexec httpd -D FOREGROUND $@
- save-artifacts
#!/bin/bash# Besides the tar command, all other output to standard out must be surpressed. Otherwise, the tar stream will be corrupted.pushd ${HOME} >/dev/nullif [ -d node_modules ]; then # all node_modules contents to tar stream tar cf - node_modulesfipopd >/dev/null
- usage
#!/bin/bash# inform the user how to use the imagecat <
$ oc new-app heroes/heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0~https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-web.git --name=heroes-web$ oc expose service heroes-web --name heroes-web --hostname heroes.apps.itrunner.org --path /heroes --port 8080-tcp -n heroes或$ oc create route edge heroes-web --service heroes-web --hostname heroes.apps.itrunner.org --path /heroes \ --insecure-policy Redirect --port 8080-tcp -n heroes
Internal Registry
前面的例子,我们使用了私有Docker Registry "registry.itrunner.org",先将base image上传到私有Registry,然后再导入到OpenShift中。我们也可以直接使用OpenShift内部的Registry(安装在default项目中),执行push、pull等操作。
为了访问Internal Registry必须先执行docker login登录Registry,需使用openshift用户名(或email),使用有效的openshift token作为密码。
- 登录openshift获取token
$ oc login https://openshift.itrunner.org:8443 -u jason --certificate-authority=/path/to/cert.crt$ oc whoami -t
- 登录Internal Registry
# docker login -u -e -p :
如在openshift节点内访问Internal Registry,registry_server可以使用service hostname "docker-registry.default.svc",port为5000;如在外部访问,registry_server则需使用route hostname,比如"docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org" ,docker-registry route的TLS Termination需配置为Re-encrypt。
# docker login -u jason -p xxxxxxxxxxx docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org
- Push Image
# docker tag heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0 docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/heroes-web-centos7:latest# docker push docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/heroes-web-centos7:latest
push成功后,openshift将自动创建image stream。
- Pull Image
# docker pull docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/heroes-web-centos7:latest
- 查看Repository
$ curl -u jason:xxxxxxxxxx -kv https://docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/v2/_catalog?n=100
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user registry-viewer user
- 查看image stream
$ oc get is -n heroesNAME DOCKER REPO TAGS UPDATEDheroes-api docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-api latest 7 days agoheroes-api-centos7 docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-api-centos7 v1.0.0 7 days agoheroes-web docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-web latest 7 days agoheroes-web-centos7 docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-web-centos7 latest,v1.0.0 19 hours ago
Image Stream
Image Stream是OpenShift管理容器镜像的方式,其中定义了dockerImageReference,利用tag定义了同docker image各版本的映射关系。Image Stream本身不包含image data,image stream元数据与其他集群信息一起存储在etcd实例中。
image stream更新后可以触发build或deployment,如docker image已更新,但未更新image stream则不会触发build或deployment。
image可以源自OpenShift Internal Registry、外部Registry(比如registry.redhat.io、docker.io、私有Registry)、OpenShift集群中的image stream。
apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1kind: ImageStreammetadata: annotations: openshift.io/image.dockerRepositoryCheck: '2019-04-09T05:59:17Z' creationTimestamp: '2019-04-01T08:02:37Z' generation: 2 name: heroes-web-centos7 namespace: heroes resourceVersion: '2145022' selfLink: >- /apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/heroes/imagestreams/heroes-web-centos7 uid: 83deac8c-5454-11e9-af2b-02f23e935364spec: lookupPolicy: local: false tags: - annotations: description: >- build heroes-web on CentOS 7. WARNING: By selecting this tag, your application will automatically update to use the latest version. iconClass: icon-angularjs openshift.io/display-name: Heroes Web (Latest) openshift.io/provider-display-name: itrunner sampleRepo: 'https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-web.git' supports: itrunner tags: 'builder,javascript' from: kind: DockerImage name: 'docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-web-centos7:latest' generation: 2 importPolicy: {} name: latest referencePolicy: type: Source - annotations: description: build heroes-web on CentOS 7 iconClass: icon-angularjs openshift.io/display-name: Heroes Web 1.0.0 openshift.io/provider-display-name: itrunner sampleRepo: 'https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-web.git' supports: itrunner tags: 'builder,javascript' version: 1.0.0 from: kind: DockerImage name: 'registry.itrunner.org/heroes-web-centos7:v1.0.0' generation: 1 importPolicy: insecure: true name: v1.0.0 referencePolicy: type: Sourcestatus: dockerImageRepository: 'docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-web-centos7' tags: - items: - created: '2019-04-08T07:37:11Z' dockerImageReference: >- docker-registry.default.svc:5000/heroes/heroes-web-centos7@sha256:7e4126ec9ec0d4158d962936a38f255806731d33d6fe03b29d95d82759823fcd generation: 2 image: >- sha256:7e4126ec9ec0d4158d962936a38f255806731d33d6fe03b29d95d82759823fcd tag: latest - items: - created: '2019-04-01T08:02:37Z' dockerImageReference: >- registry.itrunner.org/heroes-web-centos7@sha256:7e4126ec9ec0d4158d962936a38f255806731d33d6fe03b29d95d82759823fcd generation: 1 image: >- sha256:7e4126ec9ec0d4158d962936a38f255806731d33d6fe03b29d95d82759823fcd tag: v1.0.0
Reference Policy
当使用从外部Registry导入的image时,"引用策略" 允许指定从何处提取image。有两个选项:Local和Source:
- Local 从OpenShift Internal Registry提取image
- Source 直接从外部Registry提取image
查询Image Stream信息
$ oc describe is/heroes-web-centos7$ oc describe istag/heroes-web-centos7:latest
$ oc tag docker.io/openshift/base-centos7:latest base-centos7:latest
为Image Stream附加tag
$ oc tag heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0 heroes-api-centos7:latest
$ oc tag heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.1 heroes-api-centos7:latest
$ oc tag -d heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0
$ oc delete istag/heroes-api-centos7:v1.0.0
删除Image Stream
$ oc delete is base-centos7
$ oc tag docker.io/python:3.6.0 python:3.6 --scheduled
apiVersion: v1kind: ImageStreammetadata: name: pythonspec: tags: - from: kind: DockerImage name: docker.io/python:3.6.0 name: latest importPolicy: scheduled: true
Binary Build
Binary Build主要应用于测试和Jenkins pipeline场景。开发人员提交源码前如果想先测试一下,可使用本地源码来构建App Image。Binary Build不能自动触发,只能手动执行。
Binary Build使用oc start-build命令,需要提供BuildConfig或存在的build,支持从几种以下source来构建App Image:
- --from-file 比如Dockerfile
- --from-dir 本地目录,start-build打包此目录并上传到openshift
- --from-archive tar、tar.gz、zip等
- --from-repo 本地源码目录,start-build打包最近commit的代码并上传到openshift
From a directory
$ oc start-build heroes-web --from-dir="." --follow或$ oc start-build --from-build=heroes-web-1 --from-dir="." --follow
From a Git repository
$ git commit -m "My changes"$ oc start-build heroes-web --from-repo="." --follow
Jenkins Pipeline
...stage("Build Image") { steps { dir('heroes-web/dist') { sh 'oc start-build heroes-web --from-dir . --follow' } }}...
Jenkins是广泛应用的CI工具,大多数工程师都有使用经验,更习惯使用Jenkins部署应用。使用Jenkins Pipeline部署OpenShift应用,不影响原有流程,可以正常执行测试、代码质量检查、编译打包等操作,只需在部署时调用oc start-build。
OpenShift提供了两个Jenkins Template:jenkins-ephemeral、jenkins-persistent,一种使用瞬时存储,一种使用持久存储,两者均使用jenkins image stream(docker.io/openshift/jenkins-2-centos7:v3.11)。jenkins image安装了OpenShift Client、OpenShift Login、OpenShift Sync、Kubernetes、Kubernetes Credentialst等插件。安装后既可以在OpenShift中运行Job,也可以在Jenkins中运行Job。
- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}' spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: '${VOLUME_CAPACITY}' storageClassName: glusterfs-storage-block- apiVersion: v1 kind: DeploymentConfig metadata: annotations: template.alpha.openshift.io/wait-for-ready: 'true' name: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}' spec: ... template: metadata: labels: name: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}' spec: containers: - capabilities: {} ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/jenkins name: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}-data' ... volumes: - name: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}-data' persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}'
- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: '${JENKINS_SERVICE_NAME}' spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: '${VOLUME_CAPACITY}' storageClassName: glusterfs-storage-block
$ oc project heroes$ oc new-app jenkins-persistent -p VOLUME_CAPACITY=2Gi -p MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi--> Deploying template "openshift/jenkins-persistent" to project heroes Jenkins --------- Jenkins service, with persistent storage. NOTE: You must have persistent volumes available in your cluster to use this template. A Jenkins service has been created in your project. Log into Jenkins with your OpenShift account. The tutorial at https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/examples/jenkins/README.md contains more information about using this template. * With parameters: * Jenkins Service Name=jenkins * Jenkins JNLP Service Name=jenkins-jnlp * Enable OAuth in Jenkins=true * Memory Limit=2Gi * Volume Capacity=2Gi * Jenkins ImageStream Namespace=openshift * Disable memory intensive administrative monitors=false * Jenkins ImageStreamTag=jenkins:2 * Fatal Error Log File=false--> Creating resources ... route.route.openshift.io "jenkins" created persistentvolumeclaim "jenkins" created deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "jenkins" created serviceaccount "jenkins" created rolebinding.authorization.openshift.io "jenkins_edit" created service "jenkins-jnlp" created service "jenkins" created--> Success Access your application via route 'jenkins-heroes.apps.itrunner.org' Run 'oc status' to view your app.
注意:如MEMORY_LIMIT配置低,则Jenkins Master节点架构为Linux (i386)。
$ oc get pods -o wideNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODEjenkins-1-hw5q5 1/1 Running 0 5m app2.itrunner.org $ oc get pvcNAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGEjenkins Bound pvc-bf3ff63d-6f1c-11e9-9dd9-02ef509f23d0 2Gi RWO glusterfs-storage 5m
# mount | grep pvc-bf3ff63d-6f1c-11e9-9dd9-02ef509f23d010.188.12.116:vol_0e157791c95b65a94011aed789d2037b on /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/pods/c12d7625-6f1c-11e9-ad9d-02499a450338/volumes/kubernetes.io~glusterfs/63d-6f1c-11e9-9dd9-02ef509f23d0 type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)# cd /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/pods/c12d7625-6f1c-11e9-ad9d-02499a450338/volumes/kubernetes.io~glusterfs/63d-6f1c-11e9-9dd9-02ef509f23d0
- StorageClass的属性allowVolumeExpansion必须设为true
$ oc edit sc/glusterfs-storage# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be# reopened with the relevant failures.#allowVolumeExpansion: trueapiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1kind: StorageClassmetadata: creationTimestamp: 2019-04-28T02:58:06Z name: glusterfs-storage resourceVersion: "1903911" selfLink: /apis/storage.k8s.io/v1/storageclasses/glusterfs-storage uid: 723320e6-6961-11e9-b13d-02947d98b66eparameters: resturl: http://heketi-storage.app-storage.svc:8080 restuser: admin secretName: heketi-storage-admin-secret secretNamespace: app-storageprovisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfsreclaimPolicy: DeletevolumeBindingMode: Immediate
$ oc describe sc glusterfs-storageName: glusterfs-storageIsDefaultClass: NoAnnotations: Provisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfsParameters: resturl=http://heketi-storage.app-storage.svc:8080,restuser=admin,secretName=heketi-storage-admin-secret,secretNamespace=app-storageAllowVolumeExpansion: TrueMountOptions: ReclaimPolicy: DeleteVolumeBindingMode: ImmediateEvents:
- 更新PVC spec.resources.requests.storage
$ oc edit pvc/jenkins# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be# reopened with the relevant failures.#apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata: annotations: openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftNewApp pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: "yes" pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: "yes" volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: kubernetes.io/glusterfs creationTimestamp: 2019-05-05T10:01:26Z finalizers: - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection labels: app: jenkins-persistent template: jenkins-persistent-template name: jenkins namespace: heroes resourceVersion: "1904277" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/heroes/persistentvolumeclaims/jenkins uid: bf3ff63d-6f1c-11e9-9dd9-02ef509f23d0spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 3Gi storageClassName: glusterfs-storage volumeName: pvc-bf3ff63d-6f1c-11e9-9dd9-02ef509f23d0...
进入系统管理 -> 插件管理,安装/更新插件。为了编译Angular需要安装NodeJS插件(另一种选择,可以使用node agent)。
- Maven
- NodeJS
tools { jdk 'jdk8' maven 'maven-3.6'}
tools { nodejs 'nodejs-10.15'}
下面仍以部署Spring Boot和Angular工程为例介绍Pipeline的使用,开始之前请重建heroes project。
部署Spring Boot App
- 构建Builder Image
Jenkins负责编译、打包,因此Builder Image不再需要Maven,修改如下:
# jdk8-centos7FROM centos:latestRUN yum -y update && yum clean all# Set the labels that are used for OpenShift to describe the builder image.LABEL maintainer="Sun Jingchuan " \ io.k8s.description="Oracle JDK 1.8.0_202 based on CentOS 7" \ io.k8s.display-name="Oracle JDK 1.8.0_202" \ io.openshift.expose-services="8080:http" \ io.openshift.tags="jdk8"ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.8.0_202 \ APP_ROOT=/opt/app-rootENV PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${APP_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} HOME=${APP_ROOT}COPY lib/jdk1.8.0_202 ${JAVA_HOME}COPY bin ${APP_ROOT}/binRUN chmod -R u+x ${APP_ROOT}/bin && \ chgrp -R 0 ${APP_ROOT} && \ chmod -R g=u ${APP_ROOT} /etc/passwdUSER 10001WORKDIR ${APP_ROOT}ENTRYPOINT [ "uid_entrypoint" ]EXPOSE 8080
编译、上传builder image
这次我们上传到OpenShift Docker Registry,注意push前要先执行docker login。
# docker build -t jdk8-centos7 .# docker tag jdk8-centos7:latest docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/jdk8-centos7:latest# docker push docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/jdk8-centos7:latest
- 创建App Image Dockerfile
App Image以builder image为基础,仅需拷贝Jenkins编译好的jar,内容如下:
# heroes-apiFROM heroes/jdk8-centos7:latestCOPY heroes-api-1.0.0.jar $HOMECMD java -jar $HOME/heroes-api-1.0.0.jar
- 从Dockerfile创建BuildConfig
$ cat Dockerfile.app | oc new-build -D - --name heroes-api
spec: failedBuildsHistoryLimit: 5 nodeSelector: null output: to: kind: ImageStreamTag name: 'heroes-api:latest' postCommit: {} resources: {} runPolicy: Serial source: dockerfile: "FROM heroes/jdk8-centos7:latest\r\n\r\nCOPY heroes-api-1.0.0.jar $HOME\r\n\r\nCMD java -jar $HOME/heroes-api-1.0.0.jar" type: Dockerfile strategy: dockerStrategy: from: kind: ImageStreamTag name: 'jdk8-centos7:latest' type: Docker
- 创建Pipeline BuildConfig
apiVersion: v1kind: BuildConfigmetadata: name: heroes-api-pipelinespec: strategy: jenkinsPipelineStrategy: jenkinsfile: |- pipeline { agent any tools { jdk 'jdk8' maven 'maven-3.6' } stages { stage("Clone Source") { steps { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'heroes-api'] ], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-api.git']] ]) } } stage("Build Backend") { steps { dir('heroes-api') { sh 'mvn clean package -Pdev -Dmaven.test.skip=true' } } } stage("Build Image") { steps { dir('heroes-api/target') { sh 'oc start-build heroes-api --from-dir . --follow' } } } } } type: JenkinsPipeline
apiVersion: v1kind: BuildConfigmetadata: name: heroes-api-pipelinespec: source: git: uri: "https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-api" strategy: jenkinsPipelineStrategy: jenkinsfilePath: Jenkinsfile type: JenkinsPipeline
$ oc create -f ./pipeline.yml
- 启动pipeline
$ oc start-build heroes-api-pipeline
也可以在jenkins或Application Console -> Builds -> Pipelines中启动。
- 部署App
$ oc new-app heroes-api$ oc create route edge heroes-api --service heroes-api --hostname heroes.apps.itrunner.org --path /api --insecure-policy Redirect
部署Angular App
- 构建Builder Image
# httpd-centos7FROM centos/httpd:latestRUN yum -y update && yum clean allLABEL maintainer="Sun Jingchuan " \ io.k8s.description="Apache Httpd 2.4" \ io.k8s.display-name="Apache Httpd 2.4" \ io.openshift.expose-services="8080:http" \ io.openshift.tags="httpd"ENV APP_ROOT=/opt/app-rootENV PATH=${APP_ROOT}/bin:${PATH} HOME=${APP_ROOT} HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH=/etc/httpd/confCOPY bin ${APP_ROOT}/binCOPY .s2i/bin/run ${APP_ROOT}/bin/runRUN chmod -R u+x ${APP_ROOT}/bin && \ chgrp -R 0 ${APP_ROOT} && \ chmod -R g=u ${APP_ROOT} /etc/passwd /var/www/html /run/httpd && \ chown -R root:root /run/httpd /etc/httpd && \ sed -i -e "s/^User apache/User default/" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.conf && \ sed -i -e "s/^Group apache/Group root/" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.conf && \ sed -i -e "s/^Listen 80/Listen 8080/" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.conf && \ sed -ri " s!^(\s*CustomLog)\s+\S+!\1 |/usr/bin/cat!g; s!^(\s*ErrorLog)\s+\S+!\1 |/usr/bin/cat!g;" ${HTTPD_MAIN_CONF_PATH}/httpd.confUSER 10001WORKDIR ${APP_ROOT}ENTRYPOINT [ "uid_entrypoint" ]EXPOSE 8080
编译、上传Builder Image
# docker build -t httpd-centos7 .# docker tag httpd-centos7:latest docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/httpd-centos7:latest# docker push docker-registry-default.apps.itrunner.org/heroes/httpd-centos7:latest
- 创建App Image Dockerfile
# heroes-webFROM heroes/httpd-centos7:latestCOPY heroes /var/www/html/heroesCMD $HOME/bin/run
- 从Dockerfile创建BuildConfig
$ cat Dockerfile.app | oc new-build -D - --name heroes-web
- 创建Pipeline BuildConfig
apiVersion: v1kind: BuildConfigmetadata: name: heroes-web-pipelinespec: source: git: uri: "https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-web" strategy: jenkinsPipelineStrategy: jenkinsfilePath: Jenkinsfile type: JenkinsPipeline
pipeline { agent any tools { nodejs 'nodejs-10.15' } stages { stage("Clone Source") { steps { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'heroes-web'] ], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/sunjc/heroes-web']] ]) } } stage("Build Angular") { steps { dir('heroes-web') { sh 'npm install' sh 'ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false' sh 'ng build --prod --base-href=/heroes/' } } } stage("Build Image") { steps { dir('heroes-web/dist') { sh 'oc start-build heroes-web --from-dir . --follow' } } } }}
$ oc create -f ./pipeline.yml
- 启动pipeline
$ oc start-build heroes-web-pipeline
- 部署App
$ oc new-app heroes-web$ oc create route edge heroes-web --service heroes-web --hostname heroes.apps.itrunner.org --path /heroes \ --insecure-policy Redirect --port 8080-tcp -n heroes
OpenShift DSL
OpenShift Jenkins image安装了OpenShift Jenkins Client插件,支持使用OpenShift Domain Specific Language(DSL)定义pipeline。
def templatePath = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/nodejs-ex/master/openshift/templates/nodejs-mongodb.json' def templateName = 'nodejs-mongodb-example' pipeline { agent { node { label 'nodejs' } } options { timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') } stages { stage('preamble') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { openshift.withProject() { echo "Using project: ${openshift.project()}" } } } } } stage('cleanup') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { openshift.withProject() { openshift.selector("all", [ template : templateName ]).delete() if (openshift.selector("secrets", templateName).exists()) { openshift.selector("secrets", templateName).delete() } } } } } } stage('create') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { openshift.withProject() { openshift.newApp(templatePath) } } } } } stage('build') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { openshift.withProject() { def builds = openshift.selector("bc", templateName).related('builds') timeout(5) { builds.untilEach(1) { return (it.object().status.phase == "Complete") } } } } } } } stage('deploy') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { openshift.withProject() { def rm = openshift.selector("dc", templateName).rollout().latest() timeout(5) { openshift.selector("dc", templateName).related('pods').untilEach(1) { return (it.object().status.phase == "Running") } } } } } } } stage('tag') { steps { script { openshift.withCluster() { openshift.withProject() { openshift.tag("${templateName}:latest", "${templateName}-staging:latest") } } } } } }}
具体请参考OpenShift Pipeline Builds
OpenShift提供了oc adm prune命令来清理对象,支持auth、groups、builds、deployments、images等类型。
$ oc adm prune
Pruning builds
$ oc adm prune builds []
Option | Description |
--confirm | Indicate that pruning should occur, instead of performing a dry-run |
--orphans | Prune all builds whose build config no longer exists, status is complete, failed, error, or canceled |
--keep-complete=N | Per build config, keep the last N builds whose status is complete. (default 5) |
--keep-failed=N | Per build config, keep the last N builds whose status is failed, error, or canceled (default 1) |
--keep-younger-than=duration | Do not prune any object that is younger than duration relative to the current time. (default 60m) |
$ oc adm prune builds --orphans --keep-complete=5 --keep-failed=1 --keep-younger-than=60m --confirm
Pruning deployments
$ oc adm prune deployments []
Option | Description |
--confirm | Indicate that pruning should occur, instead of performing a dry-run |
--orphans | Prune all deployments whose deployment config no longer exists, status is complete or failed, and replica count is zero |
--keep-complete=N | Per deployment config, keep the last N deployments whose status is complete and replica count is zero. (default 5) |
--keep-failed=N | Per deployment config, keep the last N deployments whose status is failed and replica count is zero. (default 1) |
--keep-younger-than=duration | Do not prune any object that is younger than duration relative to the current time. (default 60m) Valid units of measurement include nanoseconds (ns), microseconds (us), milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), and hours (h) |
$ oc adm prune deployments --orphans --keep-complete=5 --keep-failed=1 --keep-younger-than=60m --confirm
Pruning images
$ oc adm prune images []
$ oc login https://openshift.itrunner.org:8443 --token=xxxx
Option | Description |
--all | Include images that were not pushed to the registry, but have been mirrored by pullthrough. This is on by default. To limit the pruning to images that were pushed to the integrated registry, pass --all=false |
--certificate-authority | The path to a certificate authority file to use when communicating with the OKD-managed registries. Defaults to the certificate authority data from the current user's configuration file. If provided, secure connection will be initiated |
--confirm | Indicate that pruning should occur, instead of performing a dry-run. This requires a valid route to the integrated container image registry. If this command is run outside of the cluster network, the route needs to be provided using --registry-url |
--force-insecure | Use caution with this option. Allow an insecure connection to the Docker registry that is hosted via HTTP or has an invalid HTTPS certificate |
--keep-tag-revisions=N | For each image stream, keep up to at most N image revisions per tag. (default 3) |
--keep-younger-than=duration | Do not prune any image that is younger than duration relative to the current time. Do not prune any image that is referenced by any other object that is younger than duration relative to the current time. (default 60m) |
--prune-over-size-limit | Prune each image that exceeds the smallest limit defined in the same project. This flag cannot be combined with --keep-tag-revisions nor --keep-younger-than |
--registry-url | The address to use when contacting the registry. The command will attempt to use a cluster-internal URL determined from managed images and image streams. In case it fails (the registry cannot be resolved or reached), an alternative route that works needs to be provided using this flag. The registry host name may be prefixed by https:// or http:// which will enforce particular connection protocol |
--prune-registry | In conjunction with the conditions stipulated by the other options, this option controls whether the data in the registry corresponding to the OKD Image API Objects is pruned. By default, image pruning processes both the Image API Objects and corresponding data in the registry. This options is useful when you are only concerned with removing etcd content, possibly to reduce the number of image objects, but are not concerned with cleaning up registry storage; or intend to do that separately by Hard Pruning the Registry, possibly during an appropriate maintenance window for the registry |
- 创建时间在--keep-younger-than内的所有Pod
- 创建时间在--keep-younger-than内的所有ImageStream
- 正在运行的Pod
- 状态为pending的Pod
- 所有replication controllers
- 所有deployment configurations
- 所有build configurations
- 所有builds
- 正在运行的Pod
- 状态为pending的Pod
- 所有replication controllers
- 所有deployment configurations
- 所有build configurations
- 所有builds
$ oc adm prune images --keep-tag-revisions=3 --keep-younger-than=60m --confirm$ oc adm prune images --prune-over-size-limit --confirm
清理image后不会更新registry cache,为了清理cache可以重新部署registry:
$ oc rollout latest dc/docker-registry -n default
docker prune
# docker container prune# docker image prune# docker volume prune
潘晓华Michael - OpenShift
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