
Oracle Study之-AIX6.1构建Oracle 11gR2 RAC(2)

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,Oracle Study之-AIX6.1构建Oracle 11gR2 RAC(2)一、修改系统内核参数[root@aix209 app]#chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=256sys0
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日Oracle Study之-AIX6.1构建Oracle 11gR2 RAC(2)

Oracle Study之-AIX6.1构建Oracle 11gR2 RAC(2)


[root@aix209 app]#chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=256
sys0 changed
[root@aix209 app]#lsattr -El sys0 -a ncargs
ncargs 256 ARG/ENV list size in 4K byte blocks True
[root@aix209 app]#vmo -p -o minperm%=3
Setting minperm% to 3 in nextboot file
Setting minperm% to 3
[root@aix209 app]#vmo -p -o maxperm%=90
Modification to restricted tunable maxperm%, confirmation required yes/no yes
Setting maxperm% to 90 in nextboot file
Setting maxperm% to 90
Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified
[root@aix209 app]#vmo -p -o maxclient%=90
Modification to restricted tunable maxclient%, confirmation required yes/no yes
Setting maxclient% to 90 in nextboot file
Setting maxclient% to 90
Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified
[root@aix209 app]#vmo -p -o lru_file_repage=0
Modification to restricted tunable lru_file_repage, confirmation required yes/no yes
Setting lru_file_repage to 0 in nextboot file
Setting lru_file_repage to 0
Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified
[root@aix209 app]#vmo -p -o strict_maxclient=1
Modification to restricted tunable strict_maxclient, confirmation required yes/no yes
Setting strict_maxclient to 1 in nextboot file
Setting strict_maxclient to 1
Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified
[root@aix209 app]#vmo -p -o strict_maxperm=0
Modification to restricted tunable strict_maxperm, confirmation required yes/no yes
Setting strict_maxperm to 0 in nextboot file
Setting strict_maxperm to 0
Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified


[root@aix209 /]#ioo -a |grep aio

                    aio_active = 0                   aio_maxreqs = 65536                aio_maxservers = 30                aio_minservers = 3         aio_server_inactivity = 300              posix_aio_active = 0             posix_aio_maxreqs = 65536          posix_aio_maxservers = 30          posix_aio_minservers = 3   posix_aio_server_inactivity = 300

----- 对于aix 6.1,异步I/O(AIO)系统在有异步I/O需求时自动激活,无需配置。


[root@aix209 /]#smit xntpd
[root@aix209 /]#mv /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.bak
---- 对于Oracle 11g RAC时钟通过通过grid的ctssd进程解决,可以关闭系统的ntp服务


[root@aix209 /]#lsattr -E -l sys0 -a pre520tune
pre520tune disable Pre-520 tuning compatibility mode True
对于disable compatibility,做以下配置:
[root@aix209 /]#cat mknet.sh

/usr/sbin/no -r -o ipqmaxlen=512 /usr/sbin/no -p -o rfc1323=1 /usr/sbin/no -p -o sb_max=4194304 /usr/sbin/no -p -o tcp_recvspace=65536 /usr/sbin/no -p -o tcp_sendspace=65536 /usr/sbin/no -p -o udp_recvspace=655360 /usr/sbin/no -p -o udp_sendspace=65536

[root@aix209 /]#sh mknet.sh

Setting ipqmaxlen to 512 in nextboot fileWarning: changes will take effect only at next rebootSetting rfc1323 to 1Setting rfc1323 to 1 in nextboot fileChange to tunable rfc1323, will only be effective for future connectionsSetting sb_max to 4194304Setting sb_max to 4194304 in nextboot fileSetting tcp_recvspace to 65536Setting tcp_recvspace to 65536 in nextboot fileChange to tunable tcp_recvspace, will only be effective for future connectionsSetting tcp_sendspace to 65536Setting tcp_sendspace to 65536 in nextboot fileChange to tunable tcp_sendspace, will only be effective for future connectionsSetting udp_recvspace to 655360Setting udp_recvspace to 655360 in nextboot fileChange to tunable udp_recvspace, will only be effective for future connectionsSetting udp_sendspace to 65536Setting udp_sendspace to 65536 in nextboot fileChange to tunable udp_sendspace, will only be effective for future connections


构建RAC,DataBase是存储在共享存储上(即阵列设备上),由于此次系统使用的是Sun T300的存储阵列,磁盘不支持并发访问,故此次的存储的共享需要配置hacmp加concurrent VG实现;如果阵列支持并发,可直接使用ASM和raw实现存储共享。

[root@aix210 /]#lsdev -c disk
hdisk0 Available 1S-08-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 1n-08-02 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive

[root@aix209 /]#lspv
hdisk0 00096b0dc9e3531f rootvg active
hdisk1 000f823ae67f2ef2 None
hdisk2 00096b0dbf3e15be None

[root@aix210 /]#lsattr -El hdisk1

clr_q         no                                                            Device CLEARS its Queue on error Truelocation                                                                     Location Label                   Truelun_id        0x0                                                          Logical Unit Number ID           Falsemax_transfer  0x40000                                             Maximum TRANSFER Size            Truenode_name     0x50020f2000004999                        FC Node Name                     Falsepvid          000f823ae67f2ef20000000000000000      Physical volume identifier       Falseq_err         yes                                                            Use QERR bit                     Trueq_type        simple                                                     Queuing TYPE                     Truequeue_depth   1                                                         Queue DEPTH                      Truereassign_to   120                                                        REASSIGN time out value          Truerw_timeout    30                                                            READ/WRITE time out value        Truescsi_id       0x10800                                                     SCSI ID                          Falsestart_timeout 60                                                             START unit time out value        Trueww_name       0x50020f2300004999                            FC World Wide Name               False

------- hdisk1为阵列共享磁盘,不具有reserve_polic 或reserve_lock属性


HACMP Install:http://blog.csdn.net/lqx0405/article/details/50883875






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