

发表于:2025-02-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月20日,本篇内容介绍了"Python代码的使用方法"的有关知识,在实际案例的操作过程中,不少人都会遇到这样的困境,接下来就让小编带领大家学习一下如何处理这些情况吧!希望大家仔细阅读,能够学有所成!1. 反转字
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月20日Python代码的使用方法


1. 反转字符串


# Reversing a string using slicing  my_string = "ABCDE" reversed_string = my_string[::-1]  print(reversed_string)  # Output # EDCBA

2. 使用标题类(首字母大写)


my_string = "my name is chaitanya baweja"  # using the title() function of string class new_string = my_string.title()  print(new_string)  # Output # My Name Is Chaitanya Baweja

3. 查找字符串的唯一要素


my_string = "aavvccccddddeee"  # converting the string to a set temp_set = set(my_string)  # stitching set into a string using join new_string = .join(temp_set)  print(new_string)

4. 输出 n次字符串或列表


n = 3 # number of repetitions  my_string = "abcd" my_list = [1,2,3]  print(my_string*n) # abcdabcdabcd  print(my_list*n) # [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3] import streamlit as st


n = 4 my_list = [0]*n # n denotes the length of the required list # [0, 0, 0, 0]

5. 列表解析



# Multiplying each element in a list by 2  original_list = [1,2,3,4]  new_list = [2*x for x in original_list]  print(new_list) # [2,4,6,8]

6. 两个变量之间的交换值


a = 1 b = 2  a, b = b, a  print(a) # 2 print(b) # 1

7. 将字符串拆分成子字符串列表


string_1 = "My name is Chaitanya Baweja" string_2 = "sample/ string 2"  # default separator print(string_1.split()) # [ My , name , is , Chaitanya , Baweja ]  # defining separator as / print(string_2.split( / )) # [ sample , string 2 ]

8. 将字符串列表整合成单个字符串


list_of_strings = [ My , name , is , Chaitanya , Baweja ]  # Using join with the comma separator print( , .join(list_of_strings))  # Output # My,name,is,Chaitanya,Baweja

9. 检查给定字符串是否是回文(Palindrome)


my_string = "abcba"  if my_string == my_string[::-1]:     print("palindrome") else:     print("not palindrome")  # Output # palindrome

10. 列表的要素频率

有多种方式都可以完成这项任务,而我最喜欢用Python的Counter 类。Python计数器追踪每个要素的频率,Counter()反馈回一个字典,其中要素是键,频率是值。

也使用most_common()功能来获得列表中的most_frequent element。

# finding frequency of each element in a list from collections import Counter  my_list = [ a , a , b , b , b , c , d , d , d , d , d ] count = Counter(my_list) # defining a counter object  print(count) # Of all elements # Counter({ d : 5, b : 3, a : 2, c : 1})  print(count[ b ]) # of individual element # 3  print(count.most_common(1)) # most frequent element # [( d , 5)]

11. 查找两个字符串是否为anagrams




From collections import Counter  str_1, str_2, str_3 = "acbde", "abced", "abcda" cnt_1, cnt_2, cnt_3  = Counter(str_1), Counter(str_2), Counter(str_3)  if cnt_1 == cnt_2:     print( 1 and 2 anagram ) if cnt_1 == cnt_3:     print( 1 and 3 anagram )

12. 使用try-except-else块

通过使用try/except块,Python 中的错误处理得以轻松解决。在该块添加else语句可能会有用。当try块中无异常情况,则运行正常。

如果要运行某些程序,使用 finally,无需考虑异常情况。

a, b = 1,0  try:     print(a/b)     # exception raised when b is 0 except ZeroDivisionError:     print("division by zero") else:     print("no exceptions raised") finally:     print("Run this always")



my_list = [ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ,  e ]  for index, value in enumerate(my_list):     print( {0}: {1} .format(index, value))  # 0: a # 1: b # 2: c # 3: d # 4: e

14. 检查对象的内存使用


import sys  num = 21  print(sys.getsizeof(num))  # In Python 2, 24 # In Python 3, 28

15. 合并两个字典

在Python 2 中,使用update()方法合并两个字典,而Python3.5 使操作过程更简单。


dict_1 = { apple : 9,  banana : 6} dict_2 = { banana : 4, orange : 8}  combined_dict = {**dict_1, **dict_2}  print(combined_dict) # Output # { apple : 9, banana : 4, orange : 8}

16. 执行一段代码所需时间

下面的代码使用time 软件库计算执行一段代码所花费的时间。

import time  start_time = time.time() # Code to check follows a, b = 1,2 c = a+ b # Code to check ends end_time = time.time() time_taken_in_micro = (end_time- start_time)*(10**6)  print(" Time taken in micro_seconds: {0} ms").format(time_taken_in_micro)

17. 列表清单扁平化



from iteration_utilities import deepflatten  # if you only have one depth nested_list, use this def flatten(l):   return [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]  l = [[1,2,3],[3]] print(flatten(l)) # [1, 2, 3, 3]  # if you don t know how deep the list is nested l = [[1,2,3],[4,[5],[6,7]],[8,[9,[10]]]]  print(list(deepflatten(l, depth=3))) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]


18. 列表取样


import random  my_list = [ a , b , c , d , e ] num_samples = 2  samples = random.sample(my_list,num_samples) print(samples) # [ a , e ] this will have any 2 random values


以下代码仅限用于Python 3。

import secrets                              # imports secure module. secure_random = secrets.SystemRandom()      # creates a secure random object.  my_list = [ a , b , c , d , e ] num_samples = 2  samples = secure_random.sample(my_list, num_samples)  print(samples) # [ e , d ] this will have any 2 random values

19. 数字化


num = 123456  # using map list_of_digits = list(map(int, str(num)))  print(list_of_digits) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  # using list comprehension list_of_digits = [int(x) for x in str(num)]  print(list_of_digits) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

20. 检查唯一性


def unique(l):     if len(l)==len(set(l)):         print("All elements are unique")     else:         print("List has duplicates")  unique([1,2,3,4]) # All elements are unique  unique([1,1,2,3]) # List has duplicates
