
Oracle GoldenGate学习之--AIX系统安装配置

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,Oracle GoldenGate学习之--AIX 系统安装配置系统环境操作系统:AIX5.3-09DB Soft: Oracle 10gR2如下图所示:系统环境实在AIX系统上构建单向OGG下载OG
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日Oracle GoldenGate学习之--AIX系统安装配置

Oracle GoldenGate学习之--AIX 系统安装配置



DB Soft: Oracle 10gR2










[root@aix211 ogg]#unzip ogg112101_ggs_AIX_ppc_ora10.2_64bit.zip

Archive:  ogg112101_ggs_AIX_ppc_ora10.2_64bit.zip  inflating: ggs_AIX_ppc_ora10.2_64bit.tar    inflating: OGG_WinUnix_Rel_Notes_11.    inflating: Oracle GoldenGate README.doc    inflating: Oracle GoldenGate README.txt

[root@aix211 ogg]#ls

OGG_WinUnix_Rel_Notes_11.     ggs_AIX_ppc_ora10.2_64bit.tarOracle GoldenGate README.doc  lost+foundOracle GoldenGate README.txt  ogg112101_ggs_AIX_ppc_ora10.2_64bit.zip

[root@aix211 ogg]#tar xvf ggs_AIX_ppc_ora10.2_64bit.tar

x .x ./mgr, 4421047 bytes, 8635 tape blocksx ./ggsci, 5779790 bytes, 11289 tape blocksx ./ggcmd, 2871133 bytes, 5608 tape blocksx ./ggMessage.dat, 1257280 bytes, 2456 tape blocksx ./help.txt, 169753 bytes, 332 tape blocksx ./tcperrs, 759 bytes, 2 tape blocksx ./bcrypt.txt, 1725 bytes, 4 tape blocksx ./libxml2.txt, 1668 bytes, 4 tape blocksx ./zlib.txt, 1476 bytes, 3 tape blocksx ./freeBSD.txt, 1968 bytes, 4 tape blocksx ./notices.txt, 213535 bytes, 418 tape blocksx ./libxerces-c.a, 9209080 bytes, 17987 tape blocksx ./libicui18n38.a, 9302329 bytes, 18169 tape blocksx ./libicuuc38.a, 6302602 bytes, 12310 tape blocksx ./libicudata38.a, 15580952 bytes, 30432 tape blocksx ./libantlr3c.so, 260012 bytes, 508 tape blocks......


[root@aix211 ogg]#./ggsci

Could not load program ./ggsci:

Dependent module libclntsh.so could not be loaded.

Could not load module libclntsh.so.

System error: No such file or directory


[root@aix211 /]#chown -R oracle:dba /ogg

[root@aix211 ogg]#su - oracle

[oracle@aix211 ~]$cd /ogg

[oracle@aix211 ogg]$./ggsci

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion OGGCORE_11. 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 07:27:46Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.GGSCI (aix211) 2> helpGGSCI Command Summary: Object:          Command: SUBDIRS          CREATE ER               INFO, KILL, LAG, SEND, STATUS, START, STATS, STOP EXTRACT          ADD, ALTER, CLEANUP, DELETE, INFO, KILL,                  LAG, REGISTER, SEND, START, STATS, STATUS, STOP                  UNREGISTER EXTTRAIL         ADD, ALTER, DELETE, INFO GGSEVT           VIEW MANAGER          INFO, SEND, START, STOP, STATUS MARKER           INFO PARAMS           EDIT, VIEW REPLICAT         ADD, ALTER, CLEANUP, DELETE, INFO, KILL, LAG, SEND,                  START, STATS, STATUS, STOP REPORT           VIEW RMTTRAIL         ADD, ALTER, DELETE, INFO TRACETABLE       ADD, DELETE, INFO TRANDATA         ADD, DELETE, INFO SCHEMATRANDATA   ADD, DELETE, INFO CHECKPOINTTABLE  ADD, DELETE, CLEANUP, INFO  Commands without an object: (Database)       DBLOGIN, LIST TABLES, ENCRYPT PASSWORD, FLUSH SEQUENCE                  MININGDBLOGIN (DDL)            DUMPDDL (Miscellaneous)  FC, HELP, HISTORY, INFO ALL, OBEY, SET EDITOR, SHELL,                   SHOW, VERSIONS, ! (note: you must type the word                  COMMAND after the ! to display the ! help topic.)                  i.e.: GGSCI (sys1)> help ! command               For help on a specific command, type HELP  .Example: HELP ADD REPLICATGGSCI (aix211) 3> create subdirsCreating subdirectories under current directory /oggParameter files                /ogg/dirprm: already existsReport files                   /ogg/dirrpt: createdCheckpoint files               /ogg/dirchk: createdProcess status files           /ogg/dirpcs: createdSQL script files               /ogg/dirsql: createdDatabase definitions files     /ogg/dirdef: createdExtract data files             /ogg/dirdat: createdTemporary files                /ogg/dirtmp: createdStdout files                   /ogg/dirout: created


[root@aix212@ /]#chown oracle:dba /ogg[root@aix212@ /]#su - oracle[u@h@ W]$cd /ogg[u@h@ W]$bash[oracle@aix212@ ogg]$./ggsciOracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion OGGCORE_11. 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 07:27:46Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.GGSCI (aix212) 1> helpGGSCI Command Summary:  Object:          Command: SUBDIRS          CREATE ER               INFO, KILL, LAG, SEND, STATUS, START, STATS, STOP EXTRACT          ADD, ALTER, CLEANUP, DELETE, INFO, KILL,                  LAG, REGISTER, SEND, START, STATS, STATUS, STOP                  UNREGISTER EXTTRAIL         ADD, ALTER, DELETE, INFO GGSEVT           VIEW MANAGER          INFO, SEND, START, STOP, STATUS MARKER           INFO PARAMS           EDIT, VIEW REPLICAT         ADD, ALTER, CLEANUP, DELETE, INFO, KILL, LAG, SEND,                  START, STATS, STATUS, STOP REPORT           VIEW RMTTRAIL         ADD, ALTER, DELETE, INFO TRACETABLE       ADD, DELETE, INFO TRANDATA         ADD, DELETE, INFO SCHEMATRANDATA   ADD, DELETE, INFO CHECKPOINTTABLE  ADD, DELETE, CLEANUP, INFO  Commands without an object: (Database)       DBLOGIN, LIST TABLES, ENCRYPT PASSWORD, FLUSH SEQUENCE                  MININGDBLOGIN (DDL)            DUMPDDL (Miscellaneous)  FC, HELP, HISTORY, INFO ALL, OBEY, SET EDITOR, SHELL,                   SHOW, VERSIONS, ! (note: you must type the word                  COMMAND after the ! to display the ! help topic.)                  i.e.: GGSCI (sys1)> help ! command                For help on a specific command, type HELP  .Example: HELP ADD REPLICATGGSCI (aix212) 2>



1、建立数据的归档模式SQL> alter database archivelog;Database altered.SQL> alter database force logging;Database altered.SQL> archive log list;Database log mode              Archive ModeAutomatic archival             EnabledArchive destination            /u01/arch_orclOldest online log sequence     2Next log sequence to archive   4Current log sequence           42、创建ogg用户并授权[oracle@aix212@ ~]$sqlplus '/as sysdba'SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 23 14:46:43 2014Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.Connected to an idle instance.SQL> create tablespace oggtbs  2  datafile   3  '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/oggtbs1.dbf' size 100m;Tablespace created.SQL> create user ogg identified by ogg default tablespace oggtbs;User created.SQL> grant connect,resource to ogg;Grant succeeded.SQL> grant create session,alter session to ogg;Grant succeeded.SQL> grant select any dictionary,select any table to ogg;Grant succeeded.SQL> grant alter any table to ogg;Grant succeeded.SQL> grant flashback any table to ogg;Grant succeeded.SQL> grant execute on dbms_flashback to ogg;Grant succeeded.3、创建传输的对象(table)SQL> conn scott/tigerConnected.SQL> create table emp_ogg as select * from emp;Table created.SQL> alter table emp_ogg add constraint pk_ogg primary key (empno);Table altered.


1、创建ogg用户并授权SQL> create tablespace oggtbs  2  datafile   3  '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/prod/oggtbs1.dbf' size 100m;Tablespace created.SQL> create user ogg identified by ogg default tablespace oggtbs;User created.SQL> grant dba to ogg;Grant succeeded.创建测试对象SQL> conn scott/tigerConnected.SQL> create table emp_ogg as select * from emp where 1=2;Table created.




[oracle@ogg aix212]$ ./ggsciOracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion OGGCORE_11. 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 07:27:46Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 添加用于capture data change的tableGGSCI (aix212) 4> add trandata scott.emp_oggLogging of supplemental redo data enabled for table SCOTT.EMP_OGG. GGSCI (aix212) 8> delete trandata scott.emp_oggLogging of supplemental redo log data disabled for table SCOTT.EMP_OGG. GGSCI (aix212) 9> add trandata scott.emp_oggLogging of supplemental redo data enabled for table SCOTT.EMP_OGG. 查看在table上是否启用了supplemental logGGSCI (aix212) 11> info trandata scott.emp_oggLogging of supplemental redo log data is enabled for table SCOTT.EMP_OGG.Columns supplementally logged for table SCOTT.EMP_OGG: EMPNO. GGSCI (aix212) 13> edit params mgrport 7809dynamicportlist 7800-8000autorestart extract *,waitminutes 2,resetminutes 5编辑mgr参数文件,并写入以上信息! GGSCI (ogg) 14> start mgrManager started. GGSCI (ogg) 16> info allProgram     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since ChkptMANAGER     RUNNING

添加extract服务,并启动extract服务:GGSCI (aix212) 11> add extract eini_1,sourceistableEXTRACT added. 校验Extract processGGSCI (aix212) 14> info extract *,tasksEXTRACT    EINI_1    Initialized   2014-09-10 14:28   Status STOPPEDCheckpoint Lag       Not AvailableLog Read Checkpoint  Not Available                     First Record         Record 0Task                 SOURCEISTABLE 编辑extract参数文件GGSCI (aix212) 18>EDIT PARAMS EINI_1EXTRACT EINI_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)USERID ogg, PASSWORD oggRMTHOST,MGRPORT 7809RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP RINI_1TABLE scott.EMP_OGG; GGSCI (aix212) 15> start eini_1Sending START request to MANAGER ...EXTRACT EINI_1 startingGGSCI (ogg) 16> info eini_1EXTRACT    EINI_1    Initialized   2014-09-10 14:28   Status RUNNINGCheckpoint Lag       Not AvailableLog Read Checkpoint  Not Available                     First Record         Record 0Task                 SOURCEISTABLEGGSCI (aix212) 1> view report eini_12014-09-23 16:27:42  INFO    OGG-01017  Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.***********************************************************************                 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle      Version OGGCORE_11.  AIX 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 07:57:02Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.                    Starting at 2014-09-23 16:27:42***********************************************************************Operating System Version:AIXVersion 5, Release 3Node: aix212Machine: 0009746A4C00                         soft limit   hard limitAddress Space Size   :    unlimited    unlimitedHeap Size            :    unlimited    unlimitedFile Size            :    unlimited    unlimitedCPU Time             :    unlimited    unlimitedProcess id: 569430Description:*************************************************************************            Running with the following parameters                  *************************************************************************2014-09-23 16:27:42  INFO    OGG-03035  Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.EXTRACT EINI_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)Set environment variable (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)USERID ogg,PASSWORD ***RMTHOST,MGRPORT 7809RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP RINI_1TABLE scott.EMP_OGG;Using the following key columns for source table SCOTT.EMP_OGG: EMPNO.2014-09-23 16:27:42  INFO    OGG-01815  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap    target directories:    /ogg/dirtmp.CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)CACHESIZE:                               64GCACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal):                8MPROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):         128GCACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):     96GDatabase Version:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64biPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE      ProductionTNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - ProductioNLSRTL Version - ProductionDatabase Language and Character Set:NLS_LANG         = "AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK"NLS_LANGUAGE     = "AMERICAN"NLS_TERRITORY    = "AMERICA"NLS_CHARACTERSET = "ZHS16GBK"Processing table SCOTT.EMP_OGG************************************************************************                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         ************************************************************************Report at 2014-09-23 16:27:48 (activity since 2014-09-23 16:27:42)Output to RINI_1:From Table SCOTT.EMP_OGG:       #                   inserts:        14       #                   updates:         0       #                   deletes:         0       #                  discards:         0REDO Log Statistics  Bytes parsed                    0  Bytes output                 2616
配置pump进程GGSCI (aix212) 21>   add extract eora_1,tranlog,begin nowEXTRACT added.GGSCI (aix212) 22> add exttrail ./dirdat/aa,extract eora_1,megabytes 5EXTTRAIL added.GGSCI (aix212) 23> edit params eora_1EXTRACT EORA_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)USERID ogg,PASSWORD ogg EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/aaTABLE scott.emp_ogg;GGSCI (aix212) 24> start extract eora_1Sending START request to MANAGER ...EXTRACT EORA_1 startingGGSCI (aix212) 25> info allProgram     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since ChkptMANAGER     RUNNING                                           EXTRACT     RUNNING     EORA_1      00:04:51      00:00:00 GGSCI (aix212) 26> edit params pora_1EXTRACT PORA_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)PASSTHRURMTHOST,MGRPORT 7809RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/paTABLE scott.emp_ogg;GGSCI (aix212) 27> add extract pora_1,exttrailsource ./dirdat/paEXTRACT added.GGSCI (aix212) 28> add rmttrail ./dirdat/pa,extract pora_1,megabytes 5RMTTRAIL added.GGSCI (aix212) 29> start extract pora_1Sending START request to MANAGER ...EXTRACT PORA_1 startingGGSCI (aix212) 31> info allProgram     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since ChkptMANAGER     RUNNING                                           EXTRACT     RUNNING     EORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:06    EXTRACT     RUNNING     PORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:00


配置MGRGGSCI (aix211) 4> edit params mgrport 7809dynamicportlist 7800-8000autorestart extract *,waitminutes 2,resetminutes 5~GGSCI (aix211) 5> start mgrManager started.GGSCI (aix211) 6> info mgrManager is running (IP port aix211.7809). 配置Replicate服务[oracle@rh7 ogg]$ ./ggsciOracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion OGGCORE_11., x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:09:25Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. GGSCI (aix211) 1> add replicat rini_1,specialrunREPLICAT added. GGSCI (aix211) 2> info replicat *,tasksREPLICAT   RINI_1    Initialized   2014-09-10 14:33   Status STOPPEDCheckpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:13 ago)Log Read Checkpoint  Not AvailableTask                 SPECIALRUN GGSCI (aix211) 3> edit params rini_1REPLICAT RINI_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)ASSUMETARGETDEFSUSERID ogg,PASSWOR oggDISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RINIaa.dsc,PURGEMAP scott.emp_ogg,TARGET scott.emp_ogg;注意:在源端启动eini_1 process,目标端rini_1 process将会被自动启动 添加replicate checkpoint tableGGSCI (aix211) 1> edit params ./GLOBALSCHECKPOINTTABLE ogg.oggchkpt~GGSCI (aix211) 2> exit必须退出ggsci,checkpoint table 才会生效[oracle@rh7 ogg]$ ./ggsciOracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion OGGCORE_11., x86, 32bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:09:25Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.GGSCI (aix211) 1> dblogin userid ogg,password oggSuccessfully logged into database. GGSCI (aix211) 2> add checkpointtableNo checkpoint table specified, using GLOBALS specification (ogg.oggchkpt)...Successfully created checkpoint table ogg.oggchkpt. 添加replicate groupGGSCI (aix211) 4> add replicat rora_1,exttrail ./dirdat/paREPLICAT added. 编辑replicate parameterfileGGSCI (aix211) 5> edit param rora_1REPLICAT RORA_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)USERID ogg,PASSWORD oggHANDLECOLLISIONSASSUMETARGETDEFSDISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RORA_aa.DSC,PURGEMAP scott.oem_ogg,TARGET scott.emp_ogg; 启动replicate processGGSCI (aix211) 7> start replicat rora_1Sending START request to MANAGER ...REPLICAT RORA_1 starting GGSCI (aix211) 10> info replicat rora_1REPLICAT   RORA_1    Last Started 2014-09-10 15:53   Status RUNNINGCheckpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:05 ago)Log Read Checkpoint  File ./dirdat/pa000000                     First Record  RBA 0                      GGSCI (aix211) 9> info allProgram     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since ChkptMANAGER     RUNNINGREPLICAT    RUNNING     RORA_1      00:00:00      00:00:00GGSCI (aix211) 2> view report rini_1***********************************************************************                 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle      Version OGGCORE_11.  AIX 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 08:13:30Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.                    Starting at 2014-09-23 16:27:43***********************************************************************Operating System Version:AIXVersion 5, Release 3Node: aix211Machine: 00040F8A4C00                         soft limit   hard limitAddress Space Size   :    unlimited    unlimitedHeap Size            :    unlimited    unlimitedFile Size            :    unlimited    unlimitedCPU Time             :    unlimited    unlimitedProcess id: 475264Description:*************************************************************************            Running with the following parameters                  *************************************************************************2014-09-23 16:27:48  INFO    OGG-03035  Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.REPLICAT RINI_1SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)Set environment variable (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)ASSUMETARGETDEFSUSERID ogg,PASSWORD ***DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RINIaa.dsc,PURGEMAP scott.emp_ogg, TARGET scott.emp_ogg;2014-09-23 16:27:48  INFO    OGG-01815  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap    target directories:    /ogg/dirtmp.CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)CACHESIZE:                                2GCACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal):                8MPROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):           4GCACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):   3.41GDatabase Version:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64biPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE      ProductionTNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - ProductioNLSRTL Version - ProductionDatabase Language and Character Set:NLS_LANG         = "AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK"NLS_LANGUAGE     = "AMERICAN"NLS_TERRITORY    = "AMERICA"NLS_CHARACTERSET = "ZHS16GBK"*************************************************************************                     Run Time Messages                             *************************************************************************MAP resolved (entry scott.emp_ogg):  MAP "SCOTT"."EMP_OGG", TARGET scott.emp_ogg;2014-09-23 16:27:48  WARNING OGG-00869  No unique key is defined for table 'EMP_OGG'. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness.  KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.Using following columns in default map by name:  EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNOUsing the following key columns for target table SCOTT.EMP_OGG: EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO.************************************************************************                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         ************************************************************************Report at 2014-09-23 16:27:53 (activity since 2014-09-23 16:27:48)From Table SCOTT.EMP_OGG to SCOTT.EMP_OGG:       #                   inserts:        14       #                   updates:         0       #                   deletes:         0       #                  discards:         0CACHE OBJECT MANAGER statisticsCACHE MANAGER VM USAGEvm current     =      0    vm anon queues =      0vm anon in use =      0    vm file        =      0vm used max    =      0    ==> CACHE BALANCEDCACHE CONFIGURATIONcache size       =   2G   cache force paging = 3.41Gbuffer min       =  64K   buffer highwater   =   8Mpageout eligible size =   8M================================================================================RUNTIME STATS FOR SUPERPOOLCACHE Transaction Statstrans active   =      0    max concurrent =      0non-zero total =      0    trans total    =      0CACHE File Cachingdisk current   =      0    disk total  =      0disk caching   =      0    file cached =      0file retrieves =      0CACHE MANAGEMENTbuffer links  =      0   anon gets   =      0forced unmaps =      0   cnnbl try   =      0cached out    =      0   force out   =      0Allocation Request Distribution< 128B:       0 128B:        0         0     | 512B:        0         0   2K:        0         0     |   8K:        0         0  32K:        0         0     | 128K:        0         0 512K:        0         0     |   2M:        0         0   8M:        0         0     |  32M:        0         0 128M:        0         0     | 512M:        0         0   2G:        0         0     |   8G:        0Cached Transaction Size Distribution    0:        0 < 4K:        0   4K:        0         0     |  16K:        0         0  64K:        0         0     | 256K:        0         0   1M:        0         0     |   4M:        0         0  16M:        0         0     |  64M:        0         0 256M:        0         0     |   1G:        0         0   4G:        0         0     |  16G:        0         0  64G:        0         0     | 256G:        0         0   1T:        0         0     |   4T:        0         0  16T:        0         0     |  64T:        0         0 256T:        0         0     |1024T:        0         0================================================================================CUMULATIVE STATS FOR SUPERPOOLCACHE Transaction Statstrans active   =      0    max concurrent =      0non-zero total =      0    trans total    =      0CACHE File Cachingdisk current   =      0    disk total  =      0disk caching   =      0    file cached =      0file retrieves =      0CACHE MANAGEMENTbuffer links  =      0   anon gets   =      0forced unmaps =      0   cnnbl try   =      0cached out    =      0   force out   =      0Allocation Request Distribution< 128B:       0 128B:        0         0     | 512B:        0         0   2K:        0         0     |   8K:        0         0  32K:        0         0     | 128K:        0         0 512K:        0         0     |   2M:        0         0   8M:        0         0     |  32M:        0         0 128M:        0         0     | 512M:        0         0   2G:        0         0     |   8G:        0Cached Transaction Size Distribution    0:        0 < 4K:        0   4K:        0         0     |  16K:        0         0  64K:        0         0     | 256K:        0         0   1M:        0         0     |   4M:        0         0  16M:        0         0     |  64M:        0         0 256M:        0         0     |   1G:        0         0   4G:        0         0     |  16G:        0         0  64G:        0         0     | 256G:        0         0   1T:        0         0     |   4T:        0         0  16T:        0         0     |  64T:        0         0 256T:        0         0     |1024T:        0         0QUEUE Statistics:num queues    =     15     default index =      0cur len       =      0     max len       =      0q vm current  =      0     vm max        =      0q hits        =      0     q misses      =      0queue size  q hits  curlen  maxlen     cannibalized  0   64K      0       0       0       0  1  128K      0       0       0       0  2  256K      0       0       0       0  3  512K      0       0       0       0  4    1M      0       0       0       0  5    2M      0       0       0       0  6    4M      0       0       0       0  7    8M      0       0       0       0  8   16M      0       0       0       0  9   32M      0       0       0       0 10   64M      0       0       0       0 11  128M      0       0       0       0 12  256M      0       0       0       0 13  512M      0       0       0       0 14    1G      0       0       0       0================================================================================RUNTIME STATS FOR CACHE POOL #0POOL INFO   group: rini_1  id: p475264_BLOBtrans active  =       0   trans concurrent (max) =     0trans total   =       0   (0 )flag          = 0x00000030last error    = (0=)Allocation Request Distribution< 128B:       0 128B:        0         0     | 512B:        0         0   2K:        0         0     |   8K:        0         0  32K:        0         0     | 128K:        0         0 512K:        0         0     |   2M:        0         0   8M:        0         0     |  32M:        0         0 128M:        0         0     | 512M:        0         0   2G:        0         0     |   8G:        0================================================================================CUMULATIVE STATS FOR CACHE POOL #0POOL INFO   group: rini_1  id: p475264_BLOBtrans active  =       0   trans concurrent (max) =     0trans total   =       0   (0 )flag          = 0x00000030last error    = (0=)Allocation Request Distribution< 128B:       0 128B:        0         0     | 512B:        0         0   2K:        0         0     |   8K:        0         0  32K:        0         0     | 128K:        0         0 512K:        0         0     |   2M:        0         0   8M:        0         0     |  32M:        0         0 128M:        0         0     | 512M:        0         0   2G:        0         0     |   8G:        0QUEUE Statistics:num queues    =     15     default index =      0cur len       =      0     max len       =      0q vm current  =      0     vm max        =      0q hits        =      0     q misses      =      0queue size  q hits  curlen  maxlen     cannibalized  0   64K      0       0       0       0  1  128K      0       0       0       0  2  256K      0       0       0       0  3  512K      0       0       0       0  4    1M      0       0       0       0  5    2M      0       0       0       0  6    4M      0       0       0       0  7    8M      0       0       0       0  8   16M      0       0       0       0  9   32M      0       0       0       0 10   64M      0       0       0       0 11  128M      0       0       0       0 12  256M      0       0       0       0 13  512M      0       0       0       0 14    1G      0       0       0       0================================================================================RUNTIME STATS FOR CACHE POOL #0POOL INFO   group: rini_1  id: p475264_BLOBtrans active  =       0   trans concurrent (max) =     0trans total   =       0   (0 )flag          = 0x00000030last error    = (0=)Allocation Request Distribution< 128B:       0 128B:        0         0     | 512B:        0         0   2K:        0         0     |   8K:        0         0  32K:        0         0     | 128K:        0         0 512K:        0         0     |   2M:        0         0   8M:        0         0     |  32M:        0         0 128M:        0         0     | 512M:        0         0   2G:        0         0     |   8G:        0================================================================================CUMULATIVE STATS FOR CACHE POOL #0POOL INFO   group: rini_1  id: p475264_BLOBtrans active  =       0   trans concurrent (max) =     0trans total   =       0   (0 )flag          = 0x00000030last error    = (0=)Allocation Request Distribution< 128B:       0 128B:        0         0     | 512B:        0         0   2K:        0         0     |   8K:        0         0  32K:        0         0     | 128K:        0         0 512K:        0         0     |   2M:        0         0   8M:        0         0     |  32M:        0         0 128M:        0         0     | 512M:        0         0   2G:        0         0     |   8G:        0GGSCI (aix211) 3>



[oracle@aix212@ ~]$tail -f /ogg/ggserr.log 2014-09-23 15:25:24  INFO    OGG-03035  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, pora_1.prm:  Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.2014-09-23 15:25:24  INFO    OGG-01815  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, pora_1.prm:  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap    target directories:    /ogg/dirtmp.2014-09-23 15:25:24  INFO    OGG-00993  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, pora_1.prm:  EXTRACT PORA_1 started.2014-09-23 15:25:30  INFO    OGG-01226  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, pora_1.prm:  Socket buffer size set to 27985 (flush size 27985).2014-09-23 15:25:30  INFO    OGG-01052  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, pora_1.prm:  No recovery is required for target file ./dirdat/pa000000, at RBA 0 (file not opened).2014-09-23 15:25:30  INFO    OGG-01478  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, pora_1.prm:  Output file ./dirdat/pa is using format RELEASE 11.2.2014-09-23 15:47:44  INFO    OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle:  GGSCI command (oracle): start eini-1.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle:  GGSCI command (oracle): start eini_1.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-00963  Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm:  Command received from GGSCI on host aix212 (START EXTRACT EINI_1 ).2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-00975  Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm:  EXTRACT EINI_1 starting.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-01017  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eini_1.prm:  Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-00992  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eini_1.prm:  EXTRACT EINI_1 starting.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-03035  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eini_1.prm:  Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-01815  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eini_1.prm:  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap    target directories:    /ogg/dirtmp.2014-09-23 15:47:51  INFO    OGG-00993  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eini_1.prm:  EXTRACT EINI_1 started.


[oracle@aix211 ogg]$tail -f ggserr.log 2014-09-23 15:26:58  INFO    OGG-00963  Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm:  Command received from GGSCI on host aix211 (START REPLICAT RORA_1 ).2014-09-23 15:26:58  INFO    OGG-00975  Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm:  REPLICAT RORA_1 starting.2014-09-23 15:26:59  INFO    OGG-00995  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm:  REPLICAT RORA_1 starting.2014-09-23 15:26:59  INFO    OGG-03035  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm:  Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.2014-09-23 15:27:00  INFO    OGG-01815  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm:  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap    target directories:    /ogg/dirtmp.2014-09-23 15:27:01  INFO    OGG-00996  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm:  REPLICAT RORA_1 started.


 16:27:33 SCOTT@ orcl>select * from emp_ogg;     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------      7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20      7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30      7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30      7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20      7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30      7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10      7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20      7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10      7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30      7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20      7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30      7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20      7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    1014 rows selected. 16:27:41 SCOTT@ orcl >update emp_ogg set deptno=40 where empno=7788;1 row updated. 16:28:06 SCOTT@ orcl >commit;Commit complete.
16:26:31 SCOTT@ prod >truncate table emp_ogg;Table truncated. 16:26:44 SCOTT@ prod >select * from emp_ogg;no rows selected 16:28:23 SCOTT@ prod >/     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------      7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20      7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30      7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30      7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20      7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30      7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10      7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    40      7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10      7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30      7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20      7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30      7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20      7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    1014 rows selected.
