

发表于:2025-02-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日,本篇内容主要讲解"以太坊闪电网络实现原理是什么",感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习"以太坊闪电网络实现原理是什么"吧!以太坊闪电网络实现原理线上直
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日以太坊闪电网络实现原理是什么




  • 1:账单生成,同时提供机制往账单上存入保证金。

  • 2:交易发起人生成交易票据

  • 3:直接将票据发送给接收人

  • 4:接收人兑现票据,从合约转账(尽管某次兑现可能会失败,但是只要票据存在最终还是能够兑现).



.├── api.go                             //对外接口├── cheque.go                          //账单├── cheque_test.go├── contract       │   ├── chequebook.go                  //合约go语言接口│   ├── chequebook.sol                 //合约源码│   ├── code.go                        //合约byte码│   ├── mortal.sol                     //合约销毁│   └── owned.sol                      //hebe权限└── gencode.go                         //合约byte码生成



    pragma solidity ^0.4.18;    import "./mortal.sol";    /// @title Chequebook for Ethereum micropayments    /// @author Daniel A. Nagy     contract chequebook is mortal {        // Cumulative paid amount in wei to each beneficiary        //已经支付的 可以控制双花,防止多次兑换票据        mapping (address => uint256) public sent;        /// @notice Overdraft event        event Overdraft(address deadbeat);        // Allow sending ether to the chequebook.        function() public payable { }        /// @notice Cash cheque        ///        /// @param beneficiary beneficiary address        /// @param amount cumulative amount in wei        /// @param sig_v signature parameter v        /// @param sig_r signature parameter r        /// @param sig_s signature parameter s        /// The digital signature is calculated on the concatenated triplet of contract address, beneficiary address and cumulative amount        function cash(address beneficiary, uint256 amount, uint8 sig_v, bytes32 sig_r, bytes32 sig_s) public {            // Check if the cheque is old.            // Only cheques that are more recent than the last cashed one are considered.            require(amount > sent[beneficiary]);            // Check the digital signature of the cheque.            bytes32 hash = keccak256(address(this), beneficiary, amount);            require(owner == ecrecover(hash, sig_v, sig_r, sig_s));            // Attempt sending the difference between the cumulative amount on the cheque            // and the cumulative amount on the last cashed cheque to beneficiary.            uint256 diff = amount - sent[beneficiary];            if (diff <= this.balance) {                // update the cumulative amount before sending                sent[beneficiary] = amount;                beneficiary.transfer(diff);            } else {                // Upon failure, punish owner for writing a bounced cheque.                // owner.sendToDebtorsPrison();                Overdraft(owner);                // Compensate beneficiary.                selfdestruct(beneficiary);            }        }    }



    // Chequebook can create and sign cheques from a single contract to multiple beneficiaries.    // It is the outgoing payment handler for peer to peer micropayments.    type Chequebook struct {        path     string                      // path to chequebook file        prvKey   *ecdsa.PrivateKey           // private key to sign cheque with        lock     sync.Mutex                  //        backend  Backend                     // blockchain API        quit     chan bool                   // when closed causes autodeposit to stop        owner    common.Address              // owner address (derived from pubkey)        contract *contract.Chequebook        // abigen binding        session  *contract.ChequebookSession // abigen binding with Tx Opts        // persisted fields        balance      *big.Int                    // not synced with blockchain        contractAddr common.Address              // contract address        sent         map[common.Address]*big.Int //tallies for beneficiaries        txhash    string   // tx hash of last deposit tx        threshold *big.Int // threshold that triggers autodeposit if not nil        buffer    *big.Int // buffer to keep on top of balance for fork protection        log log.Logger // contextual logger with the contract address embedded    }


    type Cheque struct {        Contract    common.Address // address of chequebook, needed to avoid cross-contract submission        Beneficiary common.Address        Amount      *big.Int // cumulative amount of all funds sent        Sig         []byte   // signature Sign(Keccak256(contract, beneficiary, amount), prvKey)    }



    // Issue creates a cheque signed by the chequebook owner's private key. The    // signer commits to a contract (one that they own), a beneficiary and amount.    func (self *Chequebook) Issue(beneficiary common.Address, amount *big.Int) (ch *Cheque, err error) {        defer self.lock.Unlock()        self.lock.Lock()        if amount.Sign() <= 0 {            return nil, fmt.Errorf("amount must be greater than zero (%v)", amount)        }        if self.balance.Cmp(amount) < 0 {            err = fmt.Errorf("insufficient funds to issue cheque for amount: %v. balance: %v", amount, self.balance)        } else {            var sig []byte            sent, found := self.sent[beneficiary]            if !found {                sent = new(big.Int)                self.sent[beneficiary] = sent            }            sum := new(big.Int).Set(sent)            sum.Add(sum, amount)            sig, err = crypto.Sign(sigHash(self.contractAddr, beneficiary, sum), self.prvKey)            if err == nil {                ch = &Cheque{                    Contract:    self.contractAddr,                    Beneficiary: beneficiary,                    Amount:      sum,                    Sig:         sig,                }                sent.Set(sum)                self.balance.Sub(self.balance, amount) // subtract amount from balance            }        }        // 账单余额少于阈值,自动补充.        if self.threshold != nil {            if self.balance.Cmp(self.threshold) < 0 {                send := new(big.Int).Sub(self.buffer, self.balance)                self.deposit(send)            }        }        return    }


    func (self *Chequebook) Deposit(amount *big.Int) (string, error) {        defer self.lock.Unlock()        self.lock.Lock()        return self.deposit(amount)    }    func (self *Chequebook) deposit(amount *big.Int) (string, error) {        // since the amount is variable here, we do not use sessions        depositTransactor := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(self.prvKey)        depositTransactor.Value = amount        chbookRaw := &contract.ChequebookRaw{Contract: self.contract}        //转入金额        tx, err := chbookRaw.Transfer(depositTransactor)        if err != nil {            self.log.Warn("Failed to fund chequebook", "amount", amount, "balance", self.balance, "target", self.buffer, "err", err)            return "", err        }        // assume that transaction is actually successful, we add the amount to balance right away        self.balance.Add(self.balance, amount)        self.log.Trace("Deposited funds to chequebook", "amount", amount, "balance", self.balance, "target", self.buffer)        return tx.Hash().Hex(), nil    }


// Cash is a convenience method to cash any cheque.func (self *Chequebook) Cash(ch *Cheque) (txhash string, err error) {        return ch.Cash(self.session)}// Cash cashes the cheque by sending an Ethereum transaction.func (self *Cheque) Cash(session *contract.ChequebookSession) (string, error) {        v, r, s := sig2vrs(self.Sig)    //调用合约的cash方法 提取代币        tx, err := session.Cash(self.Beneficiary, self.Amount, v, r, s)        if err != nil {                return "", err        }        return tx.Hash().Hex(), nil}



    type Outbox struct {        chequeBook  *Chequebook        beneficiary common.Address    }    // Issue creates cheque.    func (self *Outbox) Issue(amount *big.Int) (swap.Promise, error) {        return self.chequeBook.Issue(self.beneficiary, amount)    }    // AutoDeposit enables auto-deposits on the underlying chequebook.    func (self *Outbox) AutoDeposit(interval time.Duration, threshold, buffer *big.Int) {        self.chequeBook.AutoDeposit(interval, threshold, buffer)    }


    // Inbox can deposit, verify and cash cheques from a single contract to a single    // beneficiary. It is the incoming payment handler for peer to peer micropayments.    type Inbox struct {        lock        sync.Mutex        contract    common.Address              // peer's chequebook contract        beneficiary common.Address              // local peer's receiving address        sender      common.Address              // local peer's address to send cashing tx from        signer      *ecdsa.PublicKey            // peer's public key        txhash      string                      // tx hash of last cashing tx        session     *contract.ChequebookSession // abi contract backend with tx opts        quit        chan bool                   // when closed causes autocash to stop        maxUncashed *big.Int                    // threshold that triggers autocashing        cashed      *big.Int                    // cumulative amount cashed        cheque      *Cheque                     // last cheque, nil if none yet received        log         log.Logger                  // contextual logger with the contract address embedded    }    // Cash attempts to cash the current cheque.    func (self *Inbox) Cash() (txhash string, err error) {        if self.cheque != nil {            txhash, err = self.cheque.Cash(self.session)            self.log.Trace("Cashing in chequebook cheque", "amount", self.cheque.Amount, "beneficiary", self.beneficiary)            self.cashed = self.cheque.Amount        }        return    }
