

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,这期内容当中小编将会给大家带来有关初学者必看的基础SQL查询语句分别有哪些,文章内容丰富且以专业的角度为大家分析和叙述,阅读完这篇文章希望大家可以有所收获。将分享15个初学者必看的基础SQL查询语句,
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日初学者必看的基础SQL查询语句分别有哪些






现在我们来创建几个餐厅订单管理的数据表,一共用到3张数据表,Item Master表、Order Master表和Order Detail表。


创建Item Master表:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ItemMasters]( [Item_Code] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Item_Name] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [Price] Int NOT NULL, [TAX1] Int NOT NULL, [Discount] Int NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [IN_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IN_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [UP_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UP_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ItemMasters] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Item_Code] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]

向Item Master表插入数据:

INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE]   ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Item001','Coke',55,1,0,'Coke which need to be cold',GETDATE(),'SHANU'   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE]   ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Item002','Coffee',40,0,2,'Coffe Might be Hot or Cold user choice',GETDATE(),'SHANU'   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE]   ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Item003','Chiken Burger',125,2,5,'Spicy',GETDATE(),'SHANU'   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE]   ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Item004','Potato Fry',15,0,0,'No Comments',GETDATE(),'SHANU'   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')

创建Order Master表:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderMasters]( [Order_No] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Table_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [IN_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IN_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [UP_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UP_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_OrderMasters] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Order_No] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]

向Order Master表插入数据:

INSERT INTO [OrderMasters]   ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Ord_001','T1','',GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [OrderMasters]   ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Ord_002','T2','',GETDATE(),'Mak' ,GETDATE(),'MAK')INSERT INTO [OrderMasters]   ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('Ord_003','T3','',GETDATE(),'RAJ' ,GETDATE(),'RAJ')

创建Order Detail表:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails]( [Order_Detail_No] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Order_No] [varchar](20) CONSTRAINT fk_OrderMasters FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderMasters(Order_No), [Item_Code] [varchar](20) CONSTRAINT fk_ItemMasters FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ItemMasters(Item_Code), [Notes] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [QTY] INT NOT NULL, [IN_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IN_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [UP_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UP_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_OrderDetails] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Order_Detail_No] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]--Now let’s insert the 3 items for the above Order No 'Ord_001'.INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]   ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY]   ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('OR_Dt_001','Ord_001','Item001','Need very Cold',3   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]   ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY]   ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('OR_Dt_002','Ord_001','Item004','very Hot ',2   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]   ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY]   ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('OR_Dt_003','Ord_001','Item003','Very Spicy',4   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')

向Order Detail表插入数据:

INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]   ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY]   ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('OR_Dt_004','Ord_002','Item002','Need very Hot',2   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]   ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY]   ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('OR_Dt_005','Ord_002','Item003','very Hot ',2   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]   ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY]   ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID])  VALUES   ('OR_Dt_006','Ord_003','Item003','Very Spicy',4   ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')


Select查询语句是SQL中最基本也是最重要的DML语句之一。那么什么是DML?DML全称Data Manipulation Language(数据操纵语言命令),它可以使用户能够查询数据库以及操作已有数据库中的数据。

下面我们在SQL Server中用select语句来查询我的姓名(Name):

SELECT 'My Name Is SYED SHANU'-- With Column Name using 'AS'SELECT 'My Name Is SYED SHANU' as 'MY NAME'-- With more then the one Column SELECT 'My Name' as 'Column1', 'Is' as 'Column2', 'SYED SHANU' as 'Column3'


-- To Display all the columns from the table we use * operator in select Statement.Select * from ItemMasters-- If we need to select only few fields from a table we can use the Column Name in Select Statement.Select Item_Code ,Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,In_DATE FROM ItemMasters


合计函数和标量函数都是SQL Server的内置函数,我们可以在select查询语句中使用它们,比如Count(), Max(), Sum(), Upper(), lower(), Round()等等。下面我们用SQL代码来解释这些函数的用法:

select * from ItemMasters-- Aggregate-- COUNT() -> returns the Total no of records from table , AVG() returns the Average Value from Colum,MAX() Returns MaX Value from Column-- ,MIN() returns Min Value from Column,SUM() sum of total from ColumnSelect Count(*) TotalRows,AVG(Price) AVGPrice ,MAX(Price) MAXPrice,MIN(Price) MinPrice,Sum(price) PriceTotal  FROM ItemMasters-- Scalar -- UCASE() -> Convert to Upper Case ,LCASE() -> Convert to Lower Case,-- SUBSTRING() ->Display selected char from column ->SUBSTRING(ColumnName,StartIndex,LenthofChartoDisplay)--,LEN() -> lenth of column date,-- ROUND() -> Which will round the valueSELECT UPPER(Item_NAME) Uppers,LOWER(Item_NAME) Lowers, SUBSTRING(Item_NAME,2,3) MidValue,LEN(Item_NAME) Lenths  ,SUBSTRING(Item_NAME,2,LEN(Item_NAME)) MidValuewithLenFunction,   ROUND(Price,0) as Rounded FROM ItemMasters



-- GETDATE() -> to Display the Current Date and Time-- Format() -> used to display our date in our requested formatSelect GETDATE() CurrentDateTime, FORMAT(GETDATE(),'yyyy-MM-dd') AS DateFormats, FORMAT(GETDATE(),'HH-mm-ss')TimeFormats, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),10) Converts1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),GETDATE(),113), CONVERT(NVARCHAR, getdate(), 106) Converts2 ,-- here we used Convert Function  REPLACE(convert(NVARCHAR, getdate(), 106), ' ', '/') Formats-- Here we used replace and --convert functions. --first we convert the date to nvarchar and then we replace the '' with '/' select * from ItemmastersSelect ITEM_NAME,IN_DATE CurrentDateTime, FORMAT(IN_DATE,'yyyy-MM-dd') AS DateFormats, FORMAT(IN_DATE,'HH-mm-ss')TimeFormats, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),IN_DATE,10) Converts1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),IN_DATE,113), convert(NVARCHAR, IN_DATE, 106) Converts2 ,-- here we used Convert Function  REPLACE(convert(NVARCHAR,IN_DATE, 106), ' ', '/') Formats FROM Itemmasters

DatePart -> 该函数可以获取年、月、日的信息。

DateADD -> 该函数可以对当前的日期进行加减。

DateDiff -> 该函数可以比较2个日期。

--Datepart DATEPART(dateparttype,yourDate)SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) AS YEARs ,DATEPART(mm,getdate()) AS MONTHS,DATEPART(dd,getdate()) AS Days,DATEPART(week,getdate()) AS weeks,DATEPART(hour,getdate()) AS hours--Days Add to add or subdtract date from a selected date.SELECT GetDate()CurrentDate,DATEADD(day,12,getdate()) AS AddDays , DATEADD(day,-4,getdate()) AS FourDaysBeforeDate  -- DATEDIFF() -> to display the Days between 2 dates select DATEDIFF(year,'2003-08-05',getdate()) yearDifferance ,  DATEDIFF(day,DATEADD(day,-24,getdate()),getdate()) daysDifferent, DATEDIFF(month,getdate(),DATEADD(Month,6,getdate())) MonthDifferance


Top -- 结合select语句,Top函数可以查询头几条和末几条的数据记录。

Order By -- 结合select语句,Order By可以让查询结果按某个字段正序和逆序输出数据记录。

--Top to Select Top first and last records using Select Statement.Select * FROM ItemMasters--> First Display top 2 RecordsSelect TOP 2 Item_Code ,Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,In_DATEFROM ItemMasters--> to Display the Last to Records we need to use the Order By Clause-- order By to display Records in assending or desending order by the columnsSelect TOP 2 Item_Code ,Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,In_DATEFROM ItemMastersORDER BY Item_Code DESC

Distinct -- distinct关键字可以过滤重复的数据记录。

Select * FROM ItemMasters--Distinct -> To avoid the Duplicate records we use the distinct in select statement-- for example in this table we can see here we have the duplicate record 'Chiken Burger'-- but with different Item_Code when i use the below select statement see what happenSelect Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description  ,IN_USR_ID  FROM ItemMasters-- here we can see the Row No 3 and 5 have the duplicate record to avoid this we use the distinct Keyword in select statement.select Distinct Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description  ,IN_USR_ID   FROM ItemMasters


Where子句在SQL Select查询语句中非常重要,为什么要使用where子句?什么时候使用where子句?where子句是利用一些条件来过滤数据结果集。


Select * from ItemMastersSelect * from OrderDetails--Where -> To display the data with certain conditions-- Now below example which will display all the records which has Item_Name='Coke'select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME='COKE'-- If we want display all the records Iten_Name which Starts with 'C' then we use Like in where clause.SELECT * FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME Like 'C%'--> here we display the ItemMasters where the price will be greater then or equal to 40.--> to use more then one condition we can Use And or Or operator.--If we want to check the data between to date range then we can use Between Operator in Where Clause.select Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description  ,IN_USR_ID  FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME Like 'C%'  AND  price >=40--> here we display the OrderDetails where the Qty will be greater 3Select * FROM OrderDetails WHERE qty>3

Where - In 子句

-- In clause -> used to display the data which is in the conditionselect * FROM ItemMasters WHERE Item_name IN ('Coffee','Chiken Burger')-- In clause with Order By - Here we display the in descending order.select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE Item_name IN ('Coffee','Chiken Burger') ORDER BY Item_Code Desc

Where - Between子句

-- between -> Now if we want to display the data between to date range then we use betweeen keywordselect * FROM ItemMastersselect * FROM ItemMasters WHERE In_Date BETWEEN '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853' AND '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853'select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME Like 'C%'  AND In_Date BETWEEN '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853' AND '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853'


7、Group By 子句

Group By子句可以对查询的结果集按指定字段分组:

--Group By -> To display the data with group result.Here we can see we display all the AQggregate result by Item NameSelect ITEM_NAME,Count(*) TotalRows,AVG(Price) AVGPrice ,MAX(Price) MAXPrice,MIN(Price) MinPrice,Sum(price) PriceTotal  FROM ItemMasters GROUP BY ITEM_NAME-- Here this group by will combine all the same Order_No result and make the total or each order_NOSelect Order_NO,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY  FROM OrderDetails where qty>=2 GROUP BY Order_NO-- Here the Total will be created by order_No and Item_CodeSelect Order_NO,Item_Code,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY  FROM OrderDetails where qty>=2 GROUP BY Order_NO,Item_Code Order By Order_NO Desc,Item_Code

Group By & Having 子句

--Group By Clause -- here this will display all the Order_no Select Order_NO,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY  FROM OrderDetails GROUP BY Order_NO-- Having Clause-- This will avoid the the sum(qty) less then 4 Select Order_NO,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY  FROM OrderDetails GROUP BY Order_NO HAVING Sum(QTy) >4



--Sub Query -- Here we used the Sub query in where clause to get all the Item_Code where the price>40 now this sub --query reslut we used in our main query to filter all the records which Item_code from Subquery resultSELECT * FROM ItemMasters   WHERE Item_Code IN  (SELECT Item_Code FROM ItemMasters WHERE price > 40)-- Sub Query with Insert StatementINSERT INTO ItemMasters      ([Item_Code] ,[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE]      ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE] ,[UP_USR_ID])  Select 'Item006'      ,Item_Name,Price+4,TAX1,Discount,Description      ,GetDate(),'SHANU',GetDate(),'SHANU'      from ItemMasters      where Item_code='Item002'   --After insert we can see the result as     Select * from ItemMasters




--Now we have used the simple join with out any condition this will display all the-- records with duplicate data to avaoid this we see our next example with conditionSELECT * FROM Ordermasters,OrderDetails-- Simple Join with Condition now here we can see the duplicate records now has been avoided by using the where checing with both table primaryKey fieldSELECT *  FROM Ordermasters as M, OrderDetails as D where M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO and M.Order_NO='Ord_001'-- Now to make more better understanding we need to select the need fields from both --table insted of displaying all column.SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,Item_code,Notes,Qty  FROM   Ordermasters as M, OrderDetails as D   where M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO          -- Now lets Join 3 table SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,        I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice  FROM   Ordermasters as M, OrderDetails as D,ItemMasters as I   where   M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO AND D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code

Inner Join,Left Outer Join,Right Outer Join and Full outer Join


--INNER JOIN --This will display the records which in both table Satisfy here i have used Like in where class which display the SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM  Ordermasters as M Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D  ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I  ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%'--LEFT OUTER JOIN --This will display the records which Left side table Satisfy SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM  Ordermasters as M LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails as D  ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO LEFT OUTER JOIN ItemMasters as I  ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%'--RIGHT OUTER JOIN --This will display the records which Left side table Satisfy SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM  Ordermasters as M RIGHT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails as D  ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO RIGHT OUTER JOIN ItemMasters as I  ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%'--FULL OUTER JOIN --This will display the records which Left side table Satisfy SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM  Ordermasters as M FULL OUTER JOIN OrderDetails as D  ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO FULL OUTER JOIN ItemMasters as I  ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%'


Union查询可以把多张表的数据合并起来,Union只会把唯一的数据查询出来,而Union ALL则会把重复的数据也查询出来。

Select column1,Colum2 from Table1UnionSelect Column1,Column2 from Table2Select column1,Colum2 from Table1Union AllSelect Column1,Column2 from Table2


--Select with different where condition which display the result as 2 Table resultselect Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price <=44select Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price >44-- Union with same table but with different where condition now which result as one table which combine both the result.select Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price <=44UNIONselect Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price >44-- Union ALL with Join sample SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM  Ordermasters as M (NOLOCK)  Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D  ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I  ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE I.Price <=44 Union ALL SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM  Ordermasters as M (NOLOCK)  Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE I.Price>44



declare @sDate datetime,    @eDate datetime;select @sDate = getdate()-5,    @eDate = getdate()+16;--select @sDate StartDate,@eDate EndDate;with cte as  (   select @sDate StartDate,'W'+convert(varchar(2),      DATEPART( wk, @sDate))+'('+convert(varchar(2),@sDate,106)+')' as 'SDT'    union all    select dateadd(DAY, 1, StartDate) ,       'W'+convert(varchar(2),DATEPART( wk, StartDate))+'('+convert(varchar(2),        dateadd(DAY, 1, StartDate),106)+')' as 'SDT'   FROM cte WHERE dateadd(DAY, 1, StartDate)<= @eDate   )select * from cteoption (maxrecursion 0)




一定程度上提高查询速度 可以对一些字段根据不同的权限进行屏蔽,因此提高了安全性 对多表的连接查询会非常方便


CREATE VIEW viewnameASSelect ColumNames from yourTableExample : -- Here we create view for our Union ALL exampleCreate VIEW myUnionVIEWAS SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,    I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice   FROM   Ordermasters as M Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D   ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I   ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE I.Price <=44 Union ALL SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,    I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice   FROM   Ordermasters as M Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D   ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I   ON  D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE I.Price>44-- View Select querySelect * from myUnionVIEW-- We can also use the View to display with where condition and with selected fields Select order_Detail_NO,Table_ID,Item_Name,Price from myUnionVIEW where price >40



-- Simple Pivot Example SELECT * FROM ItemMasters PIVOT(SUM(Price)     FOR ITEM_NAME IN ([Chiken Burger], Coffee,Coke)) AS PVTTable-- Pivot with detail exampleSELECT *FROM (  SELECT     ITEM_NAME,     price as TotAmount   FROM ItemMasters) as sPIVOT(  SUM(TotAmount)  FOR [ITEM_NAME] IN ([Chiken Burger], [Coffee],[Coke]))AS MyPivot


我经常看到有人提问如何在SQL Server中编写多条查询的SQL语句,然后将它们使用到C#程序中去。存储过程就可以完成这样的功能,存储过程可以将多个SQL查询聚集在一起,创建存储过程的基本结构是这样的:

CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcedureName]                       AS                                BEGIN-- Select or Update or Insert query.ENDTo execute SP we useexec ProcedureName


-- =============================================                                -- Author   : Shanu                                -- Create date : 2014-09-15                                -- Description : To Display Pivot Data                            -- Latest                                -- Modifier  : Shanu                                -- Modify date : 2014-09-15                                 -- =============================================                                -- exec USP_SelectPivot                 -- =============================================                              Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_SelectPivot]   AS                                BEGIN                           DECLARE @MyColumns AS NVARCHAR(MAX),  @SQLquery AS NVARCHAR(MAX)-- here first we get all the ItemName which should be display in Columns we use this in our necxt pivot queryselect @MyColumns = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(Item_NAME)           FROM ItemMasters          GROUP BY Item_NAME          ORDER BY Item_NAME      FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE      ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')     ,1,1,'')-- here we use the above all Item name to disoplay its price as column and row displayset @SQLquery = N'SELECT ' + @MyColumns + N' from        (         SELECT     ITEM_NAME,     price as TotAmount   FROM ItemMasters      ) x      pivot       (         SUM(TotAmount)        for ITEM_NAME in (' + @MyColumns + N')      ) p 'exec sp_executesql @SQLquery;       RETURN                         END


之前我们介绍了MAX(),SUM(), GetDate()等最基本的SQL函数,现在我们来看看如何创建自定义SQL函数。创建函数的格式如下:

Create Function functionNameAsBeginEND


Alter FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnSelectitemMaster]()RETURNS int AS -- Returns total Row count of Item Master.BEGIN DECLARE @RowsCount AS int;Select @RowsCount= count(*)+1 from ItemMasters RETURN @RowsCount;END-- to View Function we use select and fucntion Nameselect [dbo].[ufnSelectitemMaster]()




查询 数据 语句 函数 子句 日期 数据表 视图 重要 过程 存储 基础 字段 结果 初学者 代码 例子 数据库 条件 项目 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 我的世界正版最多的服务器 富士康软件开发压力 四会网络安全宣传 舟山计算机网络技术咨询服务 网络安全团日相关图片 河北人工智能软件开发哪家可靠 网络技术三维虚拟仿真软件 网络安全班讨论个人发言 国内公共dns服务器 中国服务器为什么都在美国 数据库关系的作用 为什么总账号总是弹出不了服务器 广电家庭服务器发红光 网络安全监测柜 北京知行合元网络技术有限公司 为支持软件开发维护管理 湖州计算机网络技术常见问题 网络安全反诈骗主题绘画 网络安全运维 项 目 上海个人软件开发管理制度 网络安全中兴 描述软件开发成本 四方厂站网络安全监测 用户访问数据库可以有哪些认证 嘉兴机器人rpa软件开发 1亿以上网络安全事件 数据库课程基本认知 网络安全评估职业技能认证 智慧云服务器管理面板 北京知行合元网络技术有限公司