
Windows10 安装kali linux子系统

发表于:2025-02-03 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日,先出结论:不建议win 10 子系统安装kali linux, 很多***测试工具会被windows defender直接作为***文件删除。打开windows开发人员模式 (搜索 developer
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月03日Windows10 安装kali linux子系统

先出结论:不建议win 10 子系统安装kali linux, 很多***测试工具会被windows defender直接作为***文件删除。

  1. 打开windows开发人员模式 (搜索 developer mode并选择打开)
  2. 打开windows子系统功能,并按照要求重启
  3. Windows应用商店搜索kali 并安装。这是一个漫长长长长长长长长长长的等待过程……
  4. 安装完成后设置用户名为kali,设置密码,至此命令行kali安装完成。
  5. 安装并启用桌面 apt-get install xrdp
    wget https://kali.sh/xfce4.sh #下载有问题的,请参考文章末尾的内容自行创建文件
    sudo sh xfce4.sh
    sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp start

  6. 编辑 /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini ,将3389更改为3390
  7. 打开win10自带的远程桌面软件,输入127.0.0.1:3390,用户名和密码,停止桌面 sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp stop
  8. 安装完整的***测试工具 1.apt-get update
    2.apt-get install kali-linux-full


#!/bin/bash# A quick BASH script that installs noVNC and sets up an Xfce4 session,# accessible through a browser on port 5901 TCP. Tested against Kali Linux Xfce4 "full" installations.# If running this on Azure or other virtual hosting, don't foret to allow ingress TCP 5901 .# Configure the following parameters if needed:###############################################resolution="1280x720x16"display_number=1web_vnc_port=5901###############################################clearecho -e "\n[*] Setting up \e[31mKali in a Browser\e[0m, generating ~/start.sh\n"sleep 2cat << EOF > ~/start.sh#!/bin/bashclearecho -e "\e[31m\n[*] Starting up noVNC.\e[0m"export DISPLAY=:$display_numberXvfb :$display_number -screen 0 $resolution &sleep 5# Start up Xfce is available, otherwise assume Gnomeif [ -f /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc ]; then    startxfce4 2>/dev/null &fix11vnc -display :$display_number -shared -nopw -listen localhost -xkb -bg -ncache_cr -foreverwebsockify --web /usr/share/novnc $web_vnc_port --cert=self.pem -Dip="\$(host -t a myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com|tail -1 |cut -d" " -f4)"echo -e "\e[31m\n[*] Kali in a Browser is set up, you can access https://\$ip:$web_vnc_port\e[0m"echo -e "[*] Don't forget to open up incoming port TCP $web_vnc_port if you have a firewalled host.".EOFchmod 755 ~/start.shclearecho -e "\n[+] Installing pre-requisites, enter sudo password if asked.\n"sleep 2sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get -y dist-upgradesudo apt-get -y install novnc websockify x11vnc xvfbsudo apt-get cleansudo ln -s /usr/share/novnc/vnc.html /usr/share/novnc/index.htmlclearecho -e "\n[+] Generating SSL cert. Please fill in details, then run \e[31m./start.sh\e[0m\n"sleep 2openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out self.pem -keyout self.pem