
Mysql pt工具pt-kill怎么用

发表于:2025-01-20 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日,Mysql pt工具pt-kill怎么用,很多新手对此不是很清楚,为了帮助大家解决这个难题,下面小编将为大家详细讲解,有这方面需求的人可以来学习下,希望你能有所收获。pt-kill概述从show pr
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月20日Mysql pt工具pt-kill怎么用

Mysql pt工具pt-kill怎么用,很多新手对此不是很清楚,为了帮助大家解决这个难题,下面小编将为大家详细讲解,有这方面需求的人可以来学习下,希望你能有所收获。



从show processlist 中获取满足条件的连接或者从包含show processlist的文件中读取满足条件的连接并打印或者杀掉或者执行其他操作,这个工具在工作中实用性很高,当服务器连接出现异常后第一想到的就是pt-kill,自己写一个脚本也可以,但是功能还是没有pt-kill强大;


  1. [root@hostnfsd :/root]$ pt-kill --defaults-file=/data/mydata/my_3307.cnf -uroot -p`cat /etc/sqlpass` --busy-time 60 --kill --victims all --interval 10 每隔10s 杀掉处于runnning状态超过60s的连接数;

  2. [root@hostnfsd :/root]$ pt-kill --defaults-file=/data/mydata/my_3307.cnf -uroot -p`cat /etc/sqlpass` --match-command Sleep --kill --victims all --interval 10 每隔10s 杀掉处于sleep状态的连接数;

  3. [root@hostnfsd :/root]$ pt-kill --defaults-file=/data/mydata/my_3307.cnf -uroot -p`cat /etc/sqlpass` --idle-time 60 --kill --victims all --interval 10 每隔10s 杀掉已经sleep达到60秒的连接数;

匹配状态stat处于sendind data的
[root@HaoDai_App_DB01 toolsqldir]# pt-kill --defaults-file=/data/mydata/my_3307.cnf -uroot -p`cat /etc/sqlpass` --match-state Sending --kill --victims all --interval 5

  1. 参数

  2. -busy-time

  3. 运行时间

  4. -idle-time

  5. 空闲时间

  6. -victims

  7. 所有匹配的连接,对应有最久的连接

  8. -interval

  9. 间隔时间,默认30s,有点长,可以根据实际情况来调节

  10. -print

  11. 打印出来kill掉的连接

  12. -match-command

  13. 匹配当前连接的命令

  14. Query

  15. Sleep

  16. Binlog Dump

  17. Connect

  18. Delayed insert

  19. Execute

  20. Fetch

  21. Init DB

  22. Kill

  23. Prepare

  24. Processlist

  25. Quit

  26. Reset stmt

  27. Table Dump

  1. -match-state

  1. 匹配当前连接的状态

  1. Locked

  2. login

  3. copy to tmp table

  4. Copying to tmp table

  5. Copying to tmp table on disk

  6. Creating tmp table

  7. executing

  8. Reading from net

  9. Sending data

  10. Sorting for order

  11. Sorting result

  12. Table lock

  13. Updating

  14. -match-info

  15. 使用正则表达式匹配符合的sql

  16. -match-db -match-user -match-host

  17. 见名知意

  18. 常用用法

  19. 杀掉空闲链接

  20. pt-kill -match-command Sleep -idle-time 5 -host -port -interval -print -kill -victims all

  21. 杀掉运行时间超过5s的链接

  22. pt-kill -match-command Query -busy-time 5 -host -port -interval -print -kill -victims all

  23. 杀掉匹配某个规则的正在运行的sql

  24. pt-kill -match-command Query -busy-time 5 -host -port -interval -print -kill -victims all -match-info

  25. 杀掉正在进行filesort的sql

  26. pt-kill -match-command Query -match-state "Sorting result" busy-time 5 -host -port -interval -print -kill -victims all

  27. 杀掉正在Copying to tmp table的sql

  28. pt-kill -match-command Query -match-state "Copying to tmp table" busy-time 5 -host -port -interval -print -kill -victims all


--daemonize  放在后台以守护进程的形式运行;--interval  多久运行一次,单位可以是s,m,h,d等默认是s--victims 默认是oldest,只杀最古老的查询。这是防止被查杀是不是真的长时间运行的查询,他们只是长期等待。这种种匹配按时间查询,杀死一个时间最高值。 all 杀掉所有满足的线程 杀死所有,但最长的保留不杀 action--kill                 杀掉连接并且退出--kill-query           只杀掉连接执行的语句,但是线程不会被终止--print                打印满足条件的语句
     QUERY MATCHES--busy-time 批次查询已运行的时间超过这个时间的线程; --idle-time 杀掉sleep 了多少时间的连接线程,必须在--match-command sleep时才有效opition查看参数吧                 Usage: pt-kill [OPTIONS] [DSN]Options:  --ask-pass             Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL  --charset=s        -A  Default character set  --config=A             Read this comma-separated list of config files; if                         specified, this must be the first option on the                         command line  --create-log-table     Create the --log-dsn table if it does not exist  --daemonize            Fork to the background and detach from the shell  --database=s       -D  The database to use for the connection  --defaults-file=s  -F  Only read mysql options from the given file  --filter=s             Discard events for which this Perl code doesn't return                         true  --group-by=s           Apply matches to each class of queries grouped by this                         SHOW PROCESSLIST column  --help                 Show help and exit  --host=s           -h  Connect to host (default localhost)  --interval=m           How often to check for queries to kill.  Optional                         suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no                         suffix, s is used.  --log=s                Print all output to this file when daemonized  --log-dsn=d            Store each query killed in this DSN  --password=s       -p  Password to use when connecting  --pid=s                Create the given PID file  --port=i           -P  Port number to use for connection  --query-id             Prints an ID of the query that was just killed  --rds                  Denotes the instance in question is on Amazon RDS  --run-time=m           How long to run before exiting.  Optional suffix s=                         seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no suffix, s                         is used.  --sentinel=s           Exit if this file exists (default /tmp/pt-kill-                         sentinel)  --set-vars=A           Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list                         of variable=value pairs  --socket=s         -S  Socket file to use for connection  --stop                 Stop running instances by creating the --sentinel file  --[no]strip-comments   Remove SQL comments from queries in the Info column of                         the PROCESSLIST (default yes)  --user=s           -u  User for login if not current user  --verbose          -v  Print information to STDOUT about what is being done  --version              Show version and exit  --[no]version-check    Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit,                         MySQL, and other programs (default yes)  --victims=s            Which of the matching queries in each class will be                         killed (default oldest)  --wait-after-kill=m    Wait after killing a query, before looking for more to                         kill.  Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours,                         d=days; if no suffix, s is used.  --wait-before-kill=m   Wait before killing a query.  Optional suffix s=                         seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no suffix, s                         is used.Actions:  --execute-command=s    Execute this command when a query matches  --kill                 Kill the connection for matching queries  --kill-query           Kill matching queries  --print                Print a KILL statement for matching queries; does not                         actually kill queriesClass Matches:  --any-busy-time=m      Match query class if any query has been running for                         longer than this time. "Longer than" means that if you                         specify 10, for example, the class will only match if                         there's at least one query that has been running for                         greater than 10 seconds.  Optional suffix s=seconds, m=                         minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no suffix, s is used.  --each-busy-time=m     Match query class if each query has been running for                         longer than this time. "Longer than" means that if you                         specify 10, for example, the class will only match if                         each and every query has been running for greater than                         10 seconds.  Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=                         hours, d=days; if no suffix, s is used.  --query-count=i        Match query class if it has at least this many queriesQuery Matches:  --busy-time=m          Match queries that have been running for longer than                         this time.  Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=                         hours, d=days; if no suffix, s is used.  --idle-time=m          Match queries that have been idle/sleeping for longer                         than this time.  Optional suffix s=seconds, m=minutes,                         h=hours, d=days; if no suffix, s is used.  --ignore-command=s     Ignore queries whose Command matches this Perl regex  --ignore-db=s          Ignore queries whose db (database) matches this Perl                         regex  --ignore-host=s        Ignore queries whose Host matches this Perl regex  --ignore-info=s        Ignore queries whose Info (query) matches this Perl                         regex  --[no]ignore-self      Don't kill pt-kill's own connection (default yes)  --ignore-state=s       Ignore queries whose State matches this Perl regex (                         default Locked)  --ignore-user=s        Ignore queries whose user matches this Perl regex  --match-all            Match all queries that are not ignored  --match-command=s      Match only queries whose Command matches this Perl                         regex  --match-db=s           Match only queries whose db (database) matches this                         Perl regex  --match-host=s         Match only queries whose Host matches this Perl regex  --match-info=s         Match only queries whose Info (query) matches this                         Perl regex  --match-state=s        Match only queries whose State matches this Perl regex  --match-user=s         Match only queries whose User matches this Perl regex  --replication-threads  Allow matching and killing replication threads  --test-matching=a      Files with processlist snapshots to test matching                         options against            
