
Android Room数据库加密的示例分析

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,这篇"Android Room数据库加密的示例分析"除了程序员外大部分人都不太理解,今天小编为了让大家更加理解"Android Room数据库加密的示例分析",给大家总结了以下内容,具有一定借鉴价值,
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日Android Room数据库加密的示例分析

这篇"Android Room数据库加密的示例分析"除了程序员外大部分人都不太理解,今天小编为了让大家更加理解"Android Room数据库加密的示例分析",给大家总结了以下内容,具有一定借鉴价值,内容详细步骤清晰,细节处理妥当,希望大家通过这篇文章有所收获,下面让我们一起来看看具体内容吧。




1、在数据存储之前进行加密,在加载数据之后再进行解密,这种方法大概是最容易想的到,而且也不能说这种方式不好,就是有些比较繁琐。 如果项目有特殊需求的话,可能还需要对数据库的表明,列明也进行加密。


三、Hook Room实现方式



@Overridepublic long saveCache(final CacheTest cache) {  __db.assertNotSuspendingTransaction();  __db.beginTransaction();  try {  //核心代码,绑定数据    long _result = __insertionAdapterOfCacheTest.insertAndReturnId(cache);    __db.setTransactionSuccessful();    return _result;  } finally {    __db.endTransaction();  }}

__insertionAdapterOfCacheTest 是在CacheDaoTest_Impl 的构造方法里面创建的一个匿名内部类,这个匿名内部类实现了bind 方法

public CacheDaoTest_Impl(RoomDatabase __db) {  this.__db = __db;  this.__insertionAdapterOfCacheTest = new EntityInsertionAdapter(__db) {    @Override    public String createQuery() {      return "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO `table_cache` (`key`,`name`) VALUES (?,?)";    }    @Override    public void bind(SupportSQLiteStatement stmt, CacheTest value) {      if (value.getKey() == null) {        stmt.bindNull(1);      } else {        stmt.bindString(1, value.getKey());      }      if (value.getName() == null) {        stmt.bindNull(2);      } else {        stmt.bindString(2, value.getName());      }    }  };}

关于SQLiteStatement 不清楚的同学可以百度一下,简单说他就代表一句sql语句,bind 方法就是绑定sql语句所需要的参数,现在的问题是我们可否自定义一个SupportSQLiteStatement ,然后在bind的时候加密参数呢。

我们看一下SupportSQLiteStatement 的创建过程。

public SupportSQLiteStatement acquire() {     assertNotMainThread();     return getStmt(mLock.compareAndSet(false, true)); }  private SupportSQLiteStatement getStmt(boolean canUseCached) {     final SupportSQLiteStatement stmt;     //代码有删减        stmt = createNewStatement();     return stmt; }kotlin private SupportSQLiteStatement createNewStatement() {     String query = createQuery();     return mDatabase.compileStatement(query); }

可以看到SupportSQLiteStatement 最终来自RoomDataBase的compileStatement 方法,这就给我们hook 提供了接口,我们只要自定义一个SupportSQLiteStatement 类来代理原来的SupportSQLiteStatement 就可以了。

encoder 就是用来加密数据的。


我们知道数据库检索返回的数据一般都是通过Cursor 传递给用户,这里我们就可以通过代理数据库返回的这个Cursor 进而实现解密数据。

@Database(entities = [CacheTest::class], version = 3)abstract class TestDb : RoomDatabase() {    abstract fun testDao(): CacheDaoTest    companion object {        val MIGRATION_2_1: Migration = object : Migration(2, 1) {            override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {            }        }        val MIGRATION_2_3: Migration = object : Migration(2, 3) {            override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {            }        }        val MIGRATION_3_4: Migration = object : Migration(3,4) {            override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {            }        }        val MIGRATION_2_4: Migration = object : Migration(2, 4) {            override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {            }        }    }    privateval encoder: IEncode = TestEncoder()    override fun query(query: SupportSQLiteQuery): Cursor {        var cusrosr = super.query(query)        println("开始查询1")        return DencodeCursor(cusrosr, encoder)    }    override fun query(query: String, args: Array?): Cursor {        var cusrosr = super.query(query, args)        println("开始查询2")        return DencodeCursor(cusrosr, encoder)    }    override fun query(query: SupportSQLiteQuery, signal: CancellationSignal?): Cursor {        println("开始查询3")        return DencodeCursor(super.query(query, signal), encoder)    }}

我们这里重写了RoomDatabase 的是query 方法,代理了原先的Cursor 。

class DencodeCursor(val delete: Cursor, val encoder: IEncode) : Cursor {//代码有删减    override fun getString(columnIndex: Int): String {        return encoder.decodeString(delete.getString(columnIndex))    }}


加密解密的过程中不可以改变数据的类型,也就是整型在加密之后还必须是整型,整型在解密之后也必须是整型。同时有些字段可能不需要加密也不需要解密,例如自增长的整型的primary key。其实这种方式也比较好解决,可以规定key 为整数型,其余的数据一律是字符串。这样所有的树数字类型的数据都不需要参与加密解密的过程。

sql 与的参数必须是动态绑定的,而不是在sql语句中静态指定。

@Query("select * from table_cache where `key`=:primaryKey")fun getCache(primaryKey: String): LiveData
@Query("select * from table_cache where `key`= '123' ")fun getCache(): LiveData


SQLCipher 仿照官方的架构自己重写了一套代码,官方提供的各种数据库相关的类在SQLCipher 里面也是存在的而且名字都一样除了包名不同。

SQLCipher 与Room的结合方式同上面的情形是类似,也是通过代理的方式实现。由于Room需要的类跟SQLCipher 提供的类包名不一致,所以这里需要对SQLCipher 提供的类进行一下代理然后传递给Room架构使用就可以了。

fun init(context: Context) {  val  mDataBase1 = Room.databaseBuilder(        context.applicationContext,        TestDb::class.java,        "user_login_info_db"    ).openHelperFactory(SafeHelperFactory("".toByteArray()))      .build()}

这里主要需要自定义一个SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory也就是SafeHelperFactory 这个SafeHelperFactory 完全是仿照Room架构默认的Factory 也就是FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelperFactory 实现。主要是用户创建一个用于打开数据库的SQLiteOpenHelper,主要的区别是自定义的Facttory 需要一个用于加密与解密的密码。

public class SafeHelperFactory implements SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory {  public static final String POST_KEY_SQL_MIGRATE = "PRAGMA cipher_migrate;";  public static final String POST_KEY_SQL_V3 = "PRAGMA cipher_compatibility = 3;";  final private byte[] passphrase;  final private Options options;   public SafeHelperFactory(byte[] passphrase, Options options) {    this.passphrase = passphrase;    this.options = options;  }  /**   * {@inheritDoc}   */  @Override  public SupportSQLiteOpenHelper create(    SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Configuration configuration) {    return(create(configuration.context, configuration.name,      configuration.callback));  }  public SupportSQLiteOpenHelper create(Context context, String name,                                        SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Callback callback) {     //创建一个Helper    return(new Helper(context, name, callback, passphrase, options));  }  private void clearPassphrase(char[] passphrase) {    for (int i = 0; i < passphrase.length; i++) {      passphrase[i] = (byte) 0;    }  }

SafeHelperFactory 的create创建了一个Helper,这个Helper实现了Room框架的SupportSQLiteOpenHelper ,实际这个Helper 是个代理类被代理的类为OpenHelper ,OpenHelper 用于操作SQLCipher 提供的数据库类。

class Helper implements SupportSQLiteOpenHelper {  private final OpenHelper delegate;  private final byte[] passphrase;  private final boolean clearPassphrase;  Helper(Context context, String name, Callback callback, byte[] passphrase,         SafeHelperFactory.Options options) {    SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(context);    clearPassphrase=options.clearPassphrase;    delegate=createDelegate(context, name, callback, options);    this.passphrase=passphrase;  }  private OpenHelper createDelegate(Context context, String name,                                    final Callback callback, SafeHelperFactory.Options options) {    final Database[] dbRef = new Database[1];    return(new OpenHelper(context, name, dbRef, callback, options));  }  /**   * {@inheritDoc}   */  @Override  synchronized public String getDatabaseName() {    return delegate.getDatabaseName();  }  /**   * {@inheritDoc}   */  @Override  @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)  synchronized public void setWriteAheadLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled) {    delegate.setWriteAheadLoggingEnabled(enabled);  }  @Override  synchronized public SupportSQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() {    SupportSQLiteDatabase result;    try {      result = delegate.getWritableSupportDatabase(passphrase);    }    catch (SQLiteException e) {      if (passphrase != null) {        boolean isCleared = true;        for (byte b : passphrase) {          isCleared = isCleared && (b == (byte) 0);        }        if (isCleared) {          throw new IllegalStateException("The passphrase appears to be cleared. This happens by" +              "default the first time you use the factory to open a database, so we can remove the" +              "cleartext passphrase from memory. If you close the database yourself, please use a" +              "fresh SafeHelperFactory to reopen it. If something else (e.g., Room) closed the" +              "database, and you cannot control that, use SafeHelperFactory.Options to opt out of" +              "the automatic password clearing step. See the project README for more information.");        }      }      throw e;    }    if (clearPassphrase && passphrase != null) {      for (int i = 0; i < passphrase.length; i++) {        passphrase[i] = (byte) 0;      }    }    return(result);  }  /**   * {@inheritDoc}   *   * NOTE: this implementation delegates to getWritableDatabase(), to ensure   * that we only need the passphrase once   */  @Override  public SupportSQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase() {    return(getWritableDatabase());  }  /**   * {@inheritDoc}   */  @Override  synchronized public void close() {    delegate.close();  }  static class OpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {    private final Database[] dbRef;    private volatile Callback callback;    private volatile boolean migrated;}

真正操作数据库的类OpenHelper,OpenHelper 继承的SQLiteOpenHelper 是net.sqlcipher.database 包下的

static class OpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {    private final Database[] dbRef;    private volatile Callback callback;    private volatile boolean migrated; OpenHelper(Context context, String name, final Database[] dbRef, final Callback callback,               final SafeHelperFactory.Options options) {      super(context, name, null, callback.version, new SQLiteDatabaseHook() {        @Override        public void preKey(SQLiteDatabase database) {          if (options!=null && options.preKeySql!=null) {            database.rawExecSQL(options.preKeySql);          }        }        @Override        public void postKey(SQLiteDatabase database) {          if (options!=null && options.postKeySql!=null) {            database.rawExecSQL(options.postKeySql);          }        }      }, new DatabaseErrorHandler() {        @Override        public void onCorruption(SQLiteDatabase dbObj) {          Database db = dbRef[0];          if (db != null) {            callback.onCorruption(db);          }        }      });      this.dbRef = dbRef;      this.callback=callback;    }    synchronized SupportSQLiteDatabase getWritableSupportDatabase(byte[] passphrase) {      migrated = false;      SQLiteDatabase db=super.getWritableDatabase(passphrase);      if (migrated) {        close();        return getWritableSupportDatabase(passphrase);      }      return getWrappedDb(db);    }    synchronized Database getWrappedDb(SQLiteDatabase db) {      Database wrappedDb = dbRef[0];      if (wrappedDb == null) {        wrappedDb = new Database(db);        dbRef[0] = wrappedDb;      }      return(dbRef[0]);    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase) {      callback.onCreate(getWrappedDb(sqLiteDatabase));    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {      migrated = true;      callback.onUpgrade(getWrappedDb(sqLiteDatabase), oldVersion, newVersion);    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onConfigure(SQLiteDatabase db) {      callback.onConfigure(getWrappedDb(db));    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {      migrated = true;      callback.onDowngrade(getWrappedDb(db), oldVersion, newVersion);    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {      if (!migrated) {        // from Google: "if we've migrated, we'll re-open the db so we  should not call the callback."        callback.onOpen(getWrappedDb(db));      }    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public synchronized void close() {      super.close();      dbRef[0] = null;    }  }

这里的OpenHelper 完全是仿照Room 框架下的OpenHelper 实现的。



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