
GaussDB T 1.0.2单机环境TPC-C之BenchmarkSQL性能测试

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,原文链接: https://www.modb.pro/db/22513?03=摘要:GaussDB T 1.0.2单机环境TPC-C之BenchmarkSQL性能测试1、概述TPC是一系列事务处理和数
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日GaussDB T 1.0.2单机环境TPC-C之BenchmarkSQL性能测试

原文链接: https://www.modb.pro/db/22513?03=

摘要:GaussDB T 1.0.2单机环境TPC-C之BenchmarkSQL性能测试



本文介绍TPC-C之BenchmarkSQL对GaussDB T单机数据库进行性能压测。

对于分布式集群下的BenchmarkSQL测试,GaussDB T需要做适配,因为分布式下创建表必须要指定分片键的,默认的脚本是不指定的。

2、 BenchmarkSQL性能测试

2.1 安装JDK


# java -versionopenjdk version "1.8.0_181"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)#
2.2 安装依赖包
# yum -y install ant
2.3 上传BenchmarkSQL工具包并解压


# mkdir -p /software/benchmark/# cd /software/benchmark/# ls -l总用量 2212-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2263539 3月  10 13:48 benchmarksql-5.0.zip## unzip benchmarksql-5.0.zip Archive:  benchmarksql-5.0.zip…….…….# ls -l总用量 2212drwxr-xr-x 6 root root     124 5月  26 2016 benchmarksql-5.0-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2263539 3月  10 13:48 benchmarksql-5.0.zip# # cd benchmarksql-5.0/# ls -l总用量 24-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1130 5月  26 2016 build.xmldrwxr-xr-x 3 root root   17 5月  26 2016 doc-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6376 5月  26 2016 HOW-TO-RUN.txtdrwxr-xr-x 5 root root  129 5月  26 2016 lib-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5318 5月  26 2016 README.mddrwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 5月  26 2016 rundrwxr-xr-x 6 root root   67 5月  26 2016 src#
2.4 编译BenchmarkSQL


# cd /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/# antBuildfile: /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/build.xmlinit:    [mkdir] Created dir: /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/buildcompile:    [javac] Compiling 11 source files to /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/builddist:    [mkdir] Created dir: /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/dist      [jar] Building jar: /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/dist/BenchmarkSQL-5.0.jarBUILD SUCCESSFULTotal time: 4 seconds# ls -l总用量 28drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 3月  10 13:52 build-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1130 5月  26 2016 build.xmldrwxr-xr-x 2 root root   34 3月  10 13:52 distdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root   17 5月  26 2016 doc-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6376 5月  26 2016 HOW-TO-RUN.txtdrwxr-xr-x 5 root root  129 5月  26 2016 lib-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5318 5月  26 2016 README.mddrwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 5月  26 2016 rundrwxr-xr-x 6 root root   67 5月  26 2016 src#
2.5 拷贝GaussDB T的JDBC驱动到lib目录

拷贝GaussDB T的JDBC驱动到BenchmarkSQL的lib目录,jdbc驱动在安装包GaussDB_T_1.0.2-CLIENT-JDBC.tar.gz里。

# cd /software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/lib/# ls -l总用量 1256-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 346729 5月  26 2016 apache-log4j-extras-1.1.jar-r-x------ 1 root root 443090 3月  10 14:34 com.huawei.gauss.jdbc.ZenithDriver-GaussDB_T_1.0.2.B307.jardrwxr-xr-x 2 root root     60 5月  26 2016 firebird-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 489883 5月  26 2016 log4j-1.2.17.jardrwxr-xr-x 2 root root     42 5月  26 2016 oracledrwxr-xr-x 2 root root     44 5月  26 2016 postgres#
2.6 创建测试数据库用户并授权


$ zsql omm/yhadmin_123@ -qconnected.SQL> create user aps2 identified by aps2_123;Succeed.SQL> grant connect,resource to aps2;Succeed.SQL> exit$
2.7 创建benchmark配置文件


# pwd/software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/run# cp props.ora props.gaussdb# vi props.gaussdbdb=oracledriver=com.huawei.gauss.jdbc.ZenithDriverconn=jdbc:zenith:@ run specified transactions per terminal- runMins must equal zerorunTxnsPerTerminal=0//To run for specified minutes- runTxnsPerTerminal must equal zerorunMins=5//Number of total transactions per minutelimitTxnsPerMin=300//Set to true to run in 4.x compatible mode. Set to false to use the//entire configured database evenly.terminalWarehouseFixed=true//The following five values must add up to 100newOrderWeight=45paymentWeight=43orderStatusWeight=4deliveryWeight=4stockLevelWeight=4// Directory name to create for collecting detailed result data.// Comment this out to suppress.resultDirectory=my_result_%tY-%tm-%td_%tH%tM%tSosCollectorScript=./misc/os_collector_linux.pyosCollectorInterval=1//osCollectorSSHAddr=user@dbhostosCollectorDevices=net_eth0 blk_sda#



terminals 是指client的并发连接数,建议设置为服务器CPU总线程数的2-6倍。如果服务器为双核16线程(单核8线程),那么建议配置在32~96之间。


limitTxnsPerMin=300 是限制每分钟总共执行的事务数,0是无限制。

2.8 初始化测试数据

进入benchmarksql的run目录下,运行./runDatabaseBuild.sh props.gaussdb脚本,初始化测试数据。

# pwd/software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/run# ./runDatabaseBuild.sh props.gaussdb# ------------------------------------------------------------# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/tableCreates.sql# ------------------------------------------------------------create table bmsql_config (cfg_name    varchar(30) primary key,cfg_value   varchar(50));create table bmsql_warehouse (w_id        integer   not null,w_ytd       decimal(12,2),w_tax       decimal(4,4),w_name      varchar(10),w_street_1  varchar(20),w_street_2  varchar(20),w_city      varchar(20),w_state     char(2),w_zip       char(9));create table bmsql_district (d_w_id       integer       not null,d_id         integer       not null,d_ytd        decimal(12,2),d_tax        decimal(4,4),d_next_o_id  integer,d_name       varchar(10),d_street_1   varchar(20),d_street_2   varchar(20),d_city       varchar(20),d_state      char(2),d_zip        char(9));create table bmsql_customer (c_w_id         integer        not null,c_d_id         integer        not null,c_id           integer        not null,c_discount     decimal(4,4),c_credit       char(2),c_last         varchar(16),c_first        varchar(16),c_credit_lim   decimal(12,2),c_balance      decimal(12,2),c_ytd_payment  decimal(12,2),c_payment_cnt  integer,c_delivery_cnt integer,c_street_1     varchar(20),c_street_2     varchar(20),c_city         varchar(20),c_state        char(2),c_zip          char(9),c_phone        char(16),c_since        timestamp,c_middle       char(2),c_data         varchar(500));create sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq;create table bmsql_history (hist_id  integer,h_c_id   integer,h_c_d_id integer,h_c_w_id integer,h_d_id   integer,h_w_id   integer,h_date   timestamp,h_amount decimal(6,2),h_data   varchar(24));create table bmsql_new_order (no_w_id  integer   not null,no_d_id  integer   not null,no_o_id  integer   not null);create table bmsql_oorder (o_w_id       integer      not null,o_d_id       integer      not null,o_id         integer      not null,o_c_id       integer,o_carrier_id integer,o_ol_cnt     integer,o_all_local  integer,o_entry_d    timestamp);create table bmsql_order_line (ol_w_id         integer   not null,ol_d_id         integer   not null,ol_o_id         integer   not null,ol_number       integer   not null,ol_i_id         integer   not null,ol_delivery_d   timestamp,ol_amount       decimal(6,2),ol_supply_w_id  integer,ol_quantity     integer,ol_dist_info    char(24));create table bmsql_item (i_id     integer      not null,i_name   varchar(24),i_price  decimal(5,2),i_data   varchar(50),i_im_id  integer);create table bmsql_stock (s_w_id       integer       not null,s_i_id       integer       not null,s_quantity   integer,s_ytd        integer,s_order_cnt  integer,s_remote_cnt integer,s_data       varchar(50),s_dist_01    char(24),s_dist_02    char(24),s_dist_03    char(24),s_dist_04    char(24),s_dist_05    char(24),s_dist_06    char(24),s_dist_07    char(24),s_dist_08    char(24),s_dist_09    char(24),s_dist_10    char(24));Starting BenchmarkSQL LoadDatadriver=com.huawei.gauss.jdbc.ZenithDriverconn=jdbc:zenith:@***********warehouses=10loadWorkers=4fileLocation (not defined)csvNullValue (not defined - using default 'NULL')Worker 000: Loading ITEMWorker 001: Loading Warehouse      1Worker 002: Loading Warehouse      2Worker 003: Loading Warehouse      3Worker 000: Loading ITEM doneWorker 000: Loading Warehouse      4Worker 002: Loading Warehouse      2 doneWorker 002: Loading Warehouse      5Worker 001: Loading Warehouse      1 doneWorker 001: Loading Warehouse      6Worker 003: Loading Warehouse      3 doneWorker 003: Loading Warehouse      7Worker 000: Loading Warehouse      4 doneWorker 000: Loading Warehouse      8Worker 001: Loading Warehouse      6 doneWorker 001: Loading Warehouse      9Worker 002: Loading Warehouse      5 doneWorker 002: Loading Warehouse     10Worker 003: Loading Warehouse      7 doneWorker 000: Loading Warehouse      8 doneWorker 001: Loading Warehouse      9 doneWorker 002: Loading Warehouse     10 done# ------------------------------------------------------------# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/indexCreates.sql# ------------------------------------------------------------alter table bmsql_warehouse add constraint bmsql_warehouse_pkeyprimary key (w_id);alter table bmsql_district add constraint bmsql_district_pkeyprimary key (d_w_id, d_id);alter table bmsql_customer add constraint bmsql_customer_pkeyprimary key (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id);create index bmsql_customer_idx1on  bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last, c_first);alter table bmsql_oorder add constraint bmsql_oorder_pkeyprimary key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id);create unique index bmsql_oorder_idx1on  bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_carrier_id, o_id);alter table bmsql_new_order add constraint bmsql_new_order_pkeyprimary key (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id);alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint bmsql_order_line_pkeyprimary key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number);alter table bmsql_stock add constraint bmsql_stock_pkeyprimary key (s_w_id, s_i_id);alter table bmsql_item add constraint bmsql_item_pkeyprimary key (i_id);# ------------------------------------------------------------# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/foreignKeys.sql# ------------------------------------------------------------alter table bmsql_district add constraint d_warehouse_fkeyforeign key (d_w_id)references bmsql_warehouse (w_id);alter table bmsql_customer add constraint c_district_fkeyforeign key (c_w_id, c_d_id)references bmsql_district (d_w_id, d_id);alter table bmsql_history add constraint h_customer_fkeyforeign key (h_c_w_id, h_c_d_id, h_c_id)references bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id);alter table bmsql_history add constraint h_district_fkeyforeign key (h_w_id, h_d_id)references bmsql_district (d_w_id, d_id);alter table bmsql_new_order add constraint no_order_fkeyforeign key (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id)references bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id);alter table bmsql_oorder add constraint o_customer_fkeyforeign key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id)references bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id);alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint ol_order_fkeyforeign key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id)references bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id);alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint ol_stock_fkeyforeign key (ol_supply_w_id, ol_i_id)references bmsql_stock (s_w_id, s_i_id);alter table bmsql_stock add constraint s_warehouse_fkeyforeign key (s_w_id)references bmsql_warehouse (w_id);alter table bmsql_stock add constraint s_item_fkeyforeign key (s_i_id)references bmsql_item (i_id);# ------------------------------------------------------------# Loading SQL file ./sql.oracle/extraHistID.sql# -------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Extra Schema objects/definitions for history.hist_id in Oracle-- ------ ------   This is an extra column not present in the TPC-C-- specs. It is useful for replication systems like--   Bucardo and Slony-I, which like to have a primary--     key on a table. It is an auto-increment or serial--        column type. The definition below is compatible-- with Oracle 11g, using the sequence in a trigger.-- ------ Adjust the sequence above the current max(hist_id)alter sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq increment by 30000;declaren integer;i integer;dummy integer;beginselect max(hist_id) into n from bmsql_history;i := 0;while i <= n loopselect bmsql_hist_id_seq.nextval into dummy from dual;i := i + 30000;end loop;end;;alter sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq increment by 1;-- Create a trigger that forces hist_id to be hist_id_seq.nextvalcreate trigger bmsql_history_before_insertbefore insert on bmsql_historyfor each rowbeginif :new.hist_id is null thenselect bmsql_hist_id_seq.nextval into :new.hist_id from dual;end if;end;;-- Add a primary key history(hist_id)alter table bmsql_history add primary key (hist_id);# ------------------------------------------------------------# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/buildFinish.sql# -------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Extra commands to run after the tables are created, loaded,-- indexes built and extra's created.-- ----#
2.9 开始测试

进入benchmarksql的run目录下,运行./runBenchmark.sh props.gaussdb脚本,开始性能测试。

# pwd/software/benchmark/benchmarksql-5.0/run # ./runBenchmark.sh props.gaussdb15:55:35,431 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 15:55:35,443 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, +-------------------------------------------------+15:55:35,443 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,      BenchmarkSQL v5.015:55:35,444 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, +-------------------------------------------------+15:55:35,444 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,  (c) 2003, Raul Barbosa15:55:35,444 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,  (c) 2004-2016, Denis Lussier15:55:35,448 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,  (c) 2016, Jan Wieck15:55:35,448 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, +-------------------------------------------------+15:55:35,448 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 15:55:35,448 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, db=oracle15:55:35,449 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, driver=com.huawei.gauss.jdbc.ZenithDriver15:55:35,449 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, conn=jdbc:zenith:@,449 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, user=aps215:55:35,449 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 15:55:35,449 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, warehouses=1015:55:35,450 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, terminals=1015:55:35,452 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, runMins=515:55:35,452 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, limitTxnsPerMin=30015:55:35,452 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, terminalWarehouseFixed=true15:55:35,452 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 15:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, newOrderWeight=4515:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, paymentWeight=4315:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, orderStatusWeight=415:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, deliveryWeight=415:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, stockLevelWeight=415:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 15:55:35,453 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, resultDirectory=my_result_%tY-%tm-%td_%tH%tM%tS15:55:35,454 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, osCollectorScript=./misc/os_collector_linux.py15:55:35,454 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 15:55:35,552 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, copied props.gaussdb to my_result_2020-03-10_155535/run.properties15:55:35,552 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, created my_result_2020-03-10_155535/data/runInfo.csv for runID 215:55:35,552 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, writing per transaction results to my_result_2020-03-10_155535/data/result.csv15:55:35,554 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, osCollectorScript=./misc/os_collector_linux.py15:55:35,554 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, osCollectorInterval=115:55:35,554 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, osCollectorSSHAddr=null15:55:35,554 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, osCollectorDevices=net_eth0 blk_sda15:55:35,679 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,15:55:36,214 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, C value for C_LAST during load: 15615:55:36,215 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, C value for C_LAST this run:    59
2.10 测试结果


16:00:38,727 [Thread-3] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 16:00:38,727 [Thread-3] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmC (NewOrders) = 132.8116:00:38,727 [Thread-3] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmTOTAL = 299.9716:00:38,728 [Thread-3] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Session Start     = 2020-03-10 15:55:3616:00:38,728 [Thread-3] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Session End       = 2020-03-10 16:00:3816:00:38,728 [Thread-3] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Transaction Count = 1510


# tree my_result_2020-03-10_155535my_result_2020-03-10_155535├── data│   ├── blk_sda.csv│   ├── net_eth0.csv│   ├── result.csv│   ├── runInfo.csv│   └── sys_info.csv└── run.properties1 directory, 6 files#
2.11 清理数据
# ./runDatabaseDestroy.sh props.gaussdb # ------------------------------------------------------------# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/tableDrops.sql# ------------------------------------------------------------drop table bmsql_config;drop table bmsql_new_order;drop table bmsql_order_line;drop table bmsql_oorder;drop table bmsql_history;drop table bmsql_customer;drop table bmsql_stock;drop table bmsql_item;drop table bmsql_district;drop table bmsql_warehouse;drop sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq;#
数据 测试 数据库 配置 目录 性能 用量 事务 大小 建议 文件 服务器 用户 服务 运行 驱动 参数 工具 线程 结果 数据库的安全要保护哪些东西 数据库安全各自的含义是什么 生产安全数据库录入 数据库的安全性及管理 数据库安全策略包含哪些 海淀数据库安全审计系统 建立农村房屋安全信息数据库 易用的数据库客户端支持安全管理 连接数据库失败ssl安全错误 数据库的锁怎样保障安全 甘肃订做存储服务器机箱上哪找 数据库结果为假是什么意思 mysql用户启动数据库 个人网络安全个人自查报告 删除或锁定数据库测试用户 争做网络安全小卫士评选 保靖县网络安全检查 哪里有云服务器加盟平台 航空产业数据库 服务器必学红石 徐州企业软件开发管理 共建网络安全共享文明网络黑板报 服务器nic无法管理 网络安全招聘昆明 关心网络安全的视频 数据库建立账号只能读取视图 工业网络技术基础课件 湖南服务器电源售价 远程桌面开启服务器配置 诛仙手游服务器等级有什么作用 邯郸软件开发销售公司 智慧树数据库原理及应用章节答案 艾迪康做的核酸上传国家数据库吗 服务器加硬盘需要重启 上海游玩网络技术有限公司 郑州商起网络技术有限公司 互联网企业网络安全承诺书 软件开发效率曲线 数据库fill和 多边共治共享网络技术