
SQL关联查询 直接join 和子查询的区别

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,运营组的同事最近提出一个需求,希望可以统计出用系统用户及订单情况,于是乎我们很想当然的写出了一个统计SQL,用户表user和行程表直接join,并且针对行程做了group,但SQL执行速度出奇的慢。e
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日SQL关联查询 直接join 和子查询的区别


explain select  users.`mobile_num`, concat(users.`lastName` ,users.`firstName`) as userName, users.`company`,  (case `users`.`idPhotoCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `idPhotoCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`driverLicenseCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `driverLicenseCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`companyCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `companyCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`unionCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `unionCheckStatus`,  count(passenger_trip.id) as ptrip_numfrom usersleft join passenger_trip on passenger_trip.userId = users.id  and passenger_trip.status != 'cancel'left join driver_trip on driver_trip.`userId`=users.`id` and driver_trip.`status` != 'cancel'where company != '本公司名' and company != '本公司昵称'



explain select  users.`mobile_num`, concat(users.`lastName` ,users.`firstName`) as userName, users.`company`,  (case `users`.`idPhotoCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `idPhotoCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`driverLicenseCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `driverLicenseCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`companyCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `companyCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`unionCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `unionCheckStatus`,  (select count(passenger_trip.id) from  passenger_trip where  passenger_trip.userId = users.id  and passenger_trip.status != 'cancel') as ptrip_num,  (select count(driver_trip.id) from  driver_trip where  driver_trip.userId = users.id  and driver_trip.status != 'cancel') as dtrip_numfrom userswhere company != '本公司名' and company != '公司昵称'



explain select  users.`mobile_num`, concat(users.`lastName` ,users.`firstName`) as userName, users.`company`,  (case `users`.`idPhotoCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `idPhotoCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`driverLicenseCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `driverLicenseCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`companyCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `companyCheckStatus`,  (case `users`.`unionCheckStatus` when '2' then '已认证' when '3' then '已驳回' else '待认证' end) as `unionCheckStatus`, ptrip_num, dtrip_numfrom users  left  join  (select count(passenger_trip.id)  as ptrip_num, passenger_trip.`userId` from  passenger_trip where  passenger_trip.status != 'cancel' group by passenger_trip.`userId` ) as ptrip on ptrip.userId = users.id left join  (select count(driver_trip.id)  as dtrip_num, driver_trip.`userId` from  driver_trip where  driver_trip.status != 'cancel' group by driver_trip.`userId` ) as dtrip on dtrip.userId = users.idwhere company != '本公司名' and company != '公司昵称'



  1. from 先选择一个表,构成一个结果集。
  2. where 对结果集进行筛选,筛选出需要的信息形成新的结果集。
  3. group by 对新的结果集分组。
  4. having 筛选出想要的分组。
  5. select 选择列。
  6. order by 当所有的条件都弄完了。最后排序。
