
Fish Redux中的Dispatch如何实现

发表于:2025-02-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月21日,这篇文章主要为大家展示了"Fish Redux中的Dispatch如何实现",内容简而易懂,条理清晰,希望能够帮助大家解决疑惑,下面让小编带领大家一起研究并学习一下"Fish Redux中的Dispa
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月21日Fish Redux中的Dispatch如何实现

这篇文章主要为大家展示了"Fish Redux中的Dispatch如何实现",内容简而易懂,条理清晰,希望能够帮助大家解决疑惑,下面让小编带领大家一起研究并学习一下"Fish Redux中的Dispatch如何实现"这篇文章吧。


我们在使用fish-redux构建应用的时候,界面代码(view)和事件的处理逻辑(reducer,effect)是完全解耦的,界面需要处理事件的时候将action分发给对应的事件处理逻辑去进行处理,而这个分发的过程就是下面要讲的dispatch, 通过本篇的内容,你可以更深刻的理解一个action是如何一步步去进行分发的。



  1. 用户点击勾选框,GestureDetector的onTap会被回调

  2. 通过buildView传入的dispatch函数对doneAction进行分发,发现todo_component的effect中无法处理此doneAction,所以将其交给pageStore的dispatch继续进行分发

  3. pageStore的dispatch会将action交给reducer进行处理,故doneAction对应的_markDone会被执行,对state进行clone,并修改clone后的state的状态,然后将这个全新的state返回

  4. 然后pageStore的dispatch会通知所有的listeners,其中负责界面重绘的_viewUpdater发现state发生变化,通知界面进行重绘更新



typedef Dispatch = void Function(Action action);



0component->ComponentWidget->ComponentState->_mainCtx->_dispatch而 _mainCtx的初始化则是通过componet的createContext方法来创建的,顺着方法下去我们看到了dispatch的初始化

  1. // redux_component/context.dart DefaultContext初始化方法

  2. DefaultContext({

  3. @required this.factors,

  4. @required this.store,

  5. @required BuildContext buildContext,

  6. @required this.getState,

  7. }) : assert(factors != null),

  8. assert(store != null),

  9. assert(buildContext != null),

  10. assert(getState != null),

  11. _buildContext = buildContext {

  12. final OnAction onAction = factors.createHandlerOnAction(this);

  13. /// create Dispatch

  14. _dispatch = factors.createDispatch(onAction, this, store.dispatch);

  15. /// Register inter-component broadcast

  16. _onBroadcast =

  17. factors.createHandlerOnBroadcast(onAction, this, store.dispatch);

  18. registerOnDisposed(store.registerReceiver(_onBroadcast));

  19. }



  1. // redux_component/logic.dart

  2. @override

  3. Dispatch createDispatch(

  4. OnAction onAction, Context ctx, Dispatch parentDispatch) {

  5. Dispatch dispatch = (Action action) {

  6. throw Exception(

  7. 'Dispatching while appending your effect & onError to dispatch is not allowed.');

  8. };

  9. /// attach to store.dispatch

  10. dispatch = _applyOnAction(onAction, ctx)(

  11. dispatch: (Action action) => dispatch(action),

  12. getState: () => ctx.state,

  13. )(parentDispatch);

  14. return dispatch;

  15. }

  16. static Middleware _applyOnAction(OnAction onAction, Context ctx) {

  17. return ({Dispatch dispatch, Get getState}) {

  18. return (Dispatch next) {

  19. return (Action action) {

  20. final Object result = onAction?.call(action);

  21. if (result != null && result != false) {

  22. return;

  23. }

  24. //skip-lifecycle-actions

  25. if (action.type is Lifecycle) {

  26. return;

  27. }

  28. if (!shouldBeInterruptedBeforeReducer(action)) {

  29. ctx.pageBroadcast(action);

  30. }

  31. next(action);

  32. };

  33. };

  34. };

  35. }

  36. }


  1. 通过onAction将action交给component对应的effect进行处理

  2. 当effect无法处理此action,且此action非lifecycle-actions,且不需中断则广播给当前Page的其余所有effects

  3. 最后就是继续将action分发给store的dispatch(parentDispatch传入的其实就是store.dispatch)


  • // redux/create_store.dart

  • final Dispatch dispatch = (Action action) {

  • _throwIfNot(action != null, 'Expected the action to be non-null value.');

  • _throwIfNot(

  • action.type != null, 'Expected the action.type to be non-null value.');

  • _throwIfNot(!isDispatching, 'Reducers may not dispatch actions.');

  • try {

  • isDispatching = true;

  • state = reducer(state, action);

  • } finally {

  • isDispatching = false;

  • }

  • final List<_VoidCallback> _notifyListeners = listeners.toList(

  • growable: false,

  • );

  • for (_VoidCallback listener in _notifyListeners) {

  • listener();

  • }

  • notifyController.add(state);

  • };

  • store的dispatch过程比较简单,主要就是进行reducer的调用,处理完成后通知监听者。


  • // redux_component/component.dart

  • Widget buildPage(P param) {

  • return wrapper(_PageWidget(

  • component: this,

  • storeBuilder: () => createPageStore(

  • initState(param),

  • reducer,

  • applyMiddleware(buildMiddleware(middleware)),

  • ),

  • ));

  • }

  • // redux_component/page_store.dart

  • PageStore createPageStore(T preloadedState, Reducer reducer,

  • [StoreEnhancer enhancer]) =>

  • _PageStore(createStore(preloadedState, reducer, enhancer));

  • // redux/create_store.dart

  • Store createStore(T preloadedState, Reducer reducer,

  • [StoreEnhancer enhancer]) =>

  • enhancer != null

  • ? enhancer(_createStore)(preloadedState, reducer)

  • : _createStore(preloadedState, reducer);

  • 所以这里可以看到,当传入enhancer时,createStore的工作被enhancer代理了,会返回一个经过enhancer处理过的store。而PageStore创建的时候传入的是中间件的enhancer。

    1. // redux/apply_middleware.dart

    2. StoreEnhancer applyMiddleware(List> middleware) {

    3. return middleware == null || middleware.isEmpty

    4. ? null

    5. : (StoreCreator creator) => (T initState, Reducer reducer) {

    6. assert(middleware != null && middleware.isNotEmpty);

    7. final Store store = creator(initState, reducer);

    8. final Dispatch initialValue = store.dispatch;

    9. store.dispatch = (Action action) {

    10. throw Exception(

    11. 'Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed. '

    12. 'Other middleware would not be applied to this dispatch.');

    13. };

    14. store.dispatch = middleware

    15. .map((Middleware middleware) => middleware(

    16. dispatch: (Action action) => store.dispatch(action),

    17. getState: store.getState,

    18. ))

    19. .fold(

    20. initialValue,

    21. (Dispatch previousValue,

    22. Dispatch Function(Dispatch) element) =>

    23. element(previousValue),

    24. );

    25. return store;

    26. };

    27. }


    首先还是component中的dispatch D1 会被执行,然后传递给store的dispatch,而此时store的dispatch已经经过中间件的增强,所以会执行中间件的处理函数,最终store的原始dispatch函数D2会被执行。

以上是"Fish Redux中的Dispatch如何实现"这篇文章的所有内容,感谢各位的阅读!相信大家都有了一定的了解,希望分享的内容对大家有所帮助,如果还想学习更多知识,欢迎关注行业资讯频道!