

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,本篇内容介绍了"怎么理解PostgreSQL的后台进程autovacuum"的有关知识,在实际案例的操作过程中,不少人都会遇到这样的困境,接下来就让小编带领大家学习一下如何处理这些情况吧!希望大家仔细
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日怎么理解PostgreSQL的后台进程autovacuum



主要的autovacuum共享内存结构体,存储在shared memory中,同时WorkerInfo也会存储在其中.

/*------------- * The main autovacuum shmem struct.  On shared memory we store this main * struct and the array of WorkerInfo structs.  This struct keeps: * 主要的autovacuum共享内存结构体,存储在shared memory中,同时WorkerInfo也会存储在其中. * 该结构体包括: * * av_signal        set by other processes to indicate various conditions * 其他进程设置用于提示不同的条件 * av_launcherpid   the PID of the autovacuum launcher * autovacuum launcher的PID * av_freeWorkers   the WorkerInfo freelist * WorkerInfo空闲链表 * av_runningWorkers the WorkerInfo non-free queue * WorkerInfo非空闲队列 * av_startingWorker pointer to WorkerInfo currently being started (cleared by *                  the worker itself as soon as it's up and running) * av_startingWorker指向当前正在启动的WorkerInfo * av_workItems     work item array * av_workItems 工作条目数组 * * This struct is protected by AutovacuumLock, except for av_signal and parts * of the worker list (see above). * 除了av_signal和worker list的一部分信息,该数据结构通过AutovacuumLock保护 *------------- */typedef struct{    sig_atomic_t av_signal[AutoVacNumSignals];    pid_t       av_launcherpid;    dlist_head  av_freeWorkers;    dlist_head  av_runningWorkers;    WorkerInfo  av_startingWorker;    AutoVacuumWorkItem av_workItems[NUM_WORKITEMS];} AutoVacuumShmemStruct;static AutoVacuumShmemStruct *AutoVacuumShmem;


/* struct to keep track of databases in worker *///用于跟踪worker中的数据库的结构体typedef struct avw_dbase{    Oid         adw_datid;    char       *adw_name;    TransactionId adw_frozenxid;    MultiXactId adw_minmulti;    PgStat_StatDBEntry *adw_entry;} avw_dbase;


比如autovacuum_naptime = 60s,有4个数据库db1->db4,那么每隔60s/4就会有启动一个autovacuum worker对相应的DB进行处理。

/* * Build an updated DatabaseList.  It must only contain databases that appear * in pgstats, and must be sorted by next_worker from highest to lowest, * distributed regularly across the next autovacuum_naptime interval. * 构建出现变化后的DatabaseList,链表中的数据库应出现在pgstats中,通过next_worker从最高到最低排列, * 在autovacuum_naptime所设定的间隔范围内均匀分布。 * 比如autovacuum_naptime = 60s,有4个数据库db1->db4,那么每隔60s/4就会有启动一个autovacuum worker对相应的DB进行处理。 * 可能的一个处理时间序列是:db1->XX:XX:18,db4->XX:XX:33,db4->XX:XX:48,db4->XX:XX:03 * * Receives the Oid of the database that made this list be generated (we call * this the "new" database, because when the database was already present on * the list, we expect that this function is not called at all).  The * preexisting list, if any, will be used to preserve the order of the * databases in the autovacuum_naptime period.  The new database is put at the * end of the interval.  The actual values are not saved, which should not be * much of a problem. */static voidrebuild_database_list(Oid newdb){    List       *dblist;    ListCell   *cell;    MemoryContext newcxt;    MemoryContext oldcxt;    MemoryContext tmpcxt;    HASHCTL     hctl;    int         score;    int         nelems;    HTAB       *dbhash;    dlist_iter  iter;    /* use fresh stats */    autovac_refresh_stats();    newcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(AutovacMemCxt,                                   "AV dblist",                                   ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES);    tmpcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(newcxt,                                   "tmp AV dblist",                                   ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES);    oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcxt);    /*     * Implementing this is not as simple as it sounds, because we need to put     * the new database at the end of the list; next the databases that were     * already on the list, and finally (at the tail of the list) all the     * other databases that are not on the existing list.     * 这里的实现并没有看上去的那么简单,因为需要把新数据库放在链表的末尾;     * 接下来是处理已经在链表上的数据库,最后(在链表的末尾)是处理不在现有链表上的所有其他数据库。     *     * To do this, we build an empty hash table of scored databases.  We will     * start with the lowest score (zero) for the new database, then     * increasing scores for the databases in the existing list, in order, and     * lastly increasing scores for all databases gotten via     * get_database_list() that are not already on the hash.     * 为了实现这个目的,构建了一个空的哈希表用于存储数据库(已加权重值)。     * 从最低分值(0)开始,赋予新的数据库,然后为现存在链表中的数据库增加分值,     * 继续为不在链表中的数据库增加分值。     *     * Then we will put all the hash elements into an array, sort the array by     * score, and finally put the array elements into the new doubly linked     * list.     * 完成上述工作后,会把所有哈希表中的元素放到数组中,通过分值进行排序,最后把数组元素放到新的双向链接链表中。     */    hctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);    hctl.entrysize = sizeof(avl_dbase);    hctl.hcxt = tmpcxt;    dbhash = hash_create("db hash", 20, &hctl,  /* magic number here FIXME */                         HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS | HASH_CONTEXT);    /* start by inserting the new database */    score = 0;//分值从0开始    if (OidIsValid(newdb))    {        avl_dbase  *db;        PgStat_StatDBEntry *entry;        /* only consider this database if it has a pgstat entry */        //只关注存在pgstat条目的数据库        entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(newdb);        if (entry != NULL)        {            /* we assume it isn't found because the hash was just created */            db = hash_search(dbhash, &newdb, HASH_ENTER, NULL);            /* hash_search already filled in the key */            db->adl_score = score++;            /* next_worker is filled in later */        }    }    /* Now insert the databases from the existing list */    //从现存链表中插入到数据库中    dlist_foreach(iter, &DatabaseList)    {        avl_dbase  *avdb = dlist_container(avl_dbase, adl_node, iter.cur);        avl_dbase  *db;        bool        found;        PgStat_StatDBEntry *entry;        /*         * skip databases with no stat entries -- in particular, this gets rid         * of dropped databases         * 跳过没有统计信息的数据库         */        entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adl_datid);        if (entry == NULL)            continue;        db = hash_search(dbhash, &(avdb->adl_datid), HASH_ENTER, &found);        if (!found)        {            /* hash_search already filled in the key */            db->adl_score = score++;            /* next_worker is filled in later */        }    }    /* finally, insert all qualifying databases not previously inserted */    //插入先前没有处理过的数据库    dblist = get_database_list();    foreach(cell, dblist)    {        avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);        avl_dbase  *db;        bool        found;        PgStat_StatDBEntry *entry;        /* only consider databases with a pgstat entry */        //只考虑存在pgstat的数据库        entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);        if (entry == NULL)            continue;        db = hash_search(dbhash, &(avdb->adw_datid), HASH_ENTER, &found);        /* only update the score if the database was not already on the hash */        if (!found)        {            /* hash_search already filled in the key */            db->adl_score = score++;            /* next_worker is filled in later */        }    }    nelems = score;    /* from here on, the allocated memory belongs to the new list */    MemoryContextSwitchTo(newcxt);    dlist_init(&DatabaseList);    if (nelems > 0)    {        TimestampTz current_time;        int         millis_increment;        avl_dbase  *dbary;        avl_dbase  *db;        HASH_SEQ_STATUS seq;        int         i;        /* put all the hash elements into an array */        //放到数组中        dbary = palloc(nelems * sizeof(avl_dbase));        i = 0;        hash_seq_init(&seq, dbhash);        while ((db = hash_seq_search(&seq)) != NULL)            memcpy(&(dbary[i++]), db, sizeof(avl_dbase));        /* sort the array */        //排序        qsort(dbary, nelems, sizeof(avl_dbase), db_comparator);        /*         * Determine the time interval between databases in the schedule. If         * we see that the configured naptime would take us to sleep times         * lower than our min sleep time (which launcher_determine_sleep is         * coded not to allow), silently use a larger naptime (but don't touch         * the GUC variable).         */        //确定数据库之间的调度间隔:autovacuum_naptime/数据库个数        millis_increment = 1000.0 * autovacuum_naptime / nelems;        if (millis_increment <= MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME)            millis_increment = MIN_AUTOVAC_SLEEPTIME * 1.1;        current_time = GetCurrentTimestamp();        /*         * move the elements from the array into the dllist, setting the         * next_worker while walking the array         * 把数组中的元素移到dllist中,在遍历数组时设置next_worker         */        for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++)        {            avl_dbase  *db = &(dbary[i]);            current_time = TimestampTzPlusMilliseconds(current_time,                                                       millis_increment);            db->adl_next_worker = current_time;            /* later elements should go closer to the head of the list */            dlist_push_head(&DatabaseList, &db->adl_node);        }    }    /* all done, clean up memory */    if (DatabaseListCxt != NULL)        MemoryContextDelete(DatabaseListCxt);    MemoryContextDelete(tmpcxt);    DatabaseListCxt = newcxt;    MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);}



(gdb) b rebuild_database_listBreakpoint 1 at 0x82eb2a: file autovacuum.c, line 931.(gdb) handle SIGINT print nostop passSIGINT is used by the debugger.Are you sure you want to change it? (y or n) ySignal        Stop  Print   Pass to program DescriptionSIGINT        No    Yes Yes     Interrupt(gdb) cContinuing.^CProgram received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.


Breakpoint 1, rebuild_database_list (newdb=0) at autovacuum.c:931931     autovac_refresh_stats();(gdb) n933     newcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(AutovacMemCxt,(gdb) 936     tmpcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(newcxt,(gdb) 939     oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcxt);(gdb) 957     hctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);(gdb) 958     hctl.entrysize = sizeof(avl_dbase);(gdb) 959     hctl.hcxt = tmpcxt;


(gdb) p  *pgstat_stat_filename$1 = 112 'p'(gdb) p  pgstat_stat_filename$2 = 0x203d7e0 "pg_stat_tmp/global.stat"(gdb) n960     dbhash = hash_create("db hash", 20, &hctl,  /* magic number here FIXME */(gdb) ###[pg12@localhost pg_stat_tmp]$ pwd/data/pgsql/pg121db/pg_stat_tmp[pg12@localhost pg_stat_tmp]$ lltotal 4-rw------- 1 pg12 pg12 237 Dec 11 16:40 global.stat[pg12@localhost pg_stat_tmp]$


964     score = 0;(gdb) 965     if (OidIsValid(newdb))(gdb) p *hctlStructure has no component named operator*.(gdb) p hctl$3 = {num_partitions = 140725872814104, ssize = 34131296, dsize = 32, max_dsize = 0, ffactor = 257, keysize = 4, entrysize = 40, hash = 0xc6afd3, match = 0x208cd60, keycopy = 0x0, alloc = 0x1, hcxt = 0x2090d80,   hctl = 0xfe3a00 }(gdb) n984     dlist_foreach(iter, &DatabaseList)(gdb) p *DatabaseListStructure has no component named operator*.(gdb) p DatabaseList$4 = {head = {prev = 0xfd9880 , next = 0xfd9880 }}(gdb) n1010        dblist = get_database_list();(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) p *dblist$5 = {type = T_List, length = 7, head = 0x2090ef8, tail = 0x2091240}(gdb) p *dblist->head$6 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x2090e98, int_value = 34147992, oid_value = 34147992}, next = 0x2090fb0}(gdb) p *(Node *)dblist->head->data.ptr_value$7 = {type = 13591}(gdb) p *dblist->head->data.ptr_valueAttempt to dereference a generic pointer.(gdb) n1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb)


1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) p *avdb$8 = {adw_datid = 13591, adw_name = 0x2090ed0 "postgres", adw_frozenxid = 479, adw_minmulti = 1, adw_entry = 0x0}(gdb) n1020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb) 1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) p *avdb$9 = {adw_datid = 16384, adw_name = 0x2090f90 "testdb", adw_frozenxid = 2921, adw_minmulti = 1, adw_entry = 0x0}(gdb) steppgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry (dbid=16384) at pgstat.c:24382438        backend_read_statsfile();(gdb) stepbackend_read_statsfile () at pgstat.c:56445644        TimestampTz min_ts = 0;(gdb) n5645        TimestampTz ref_ts = 0;(gdb) 5650        if (pgStatDBHash)(gdb) 5651            return;(gdb) 5766    }(gdb) pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry (dbid=16384) at pgstat.c:24432443        return (PgStat_StatDBEntry *) hash_search(pgStatDBHash,(gdb) 2446    }(gdb) rebuild_database_list (newdb=0) at autovacuum.c:10201020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) n1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb) 1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) 1020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb) 1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) 1020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb) 1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) 1020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb) 1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) 1020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1013            avw_dbase  *avdb = lfirst(cell);(gdb) 1019            entry = pgstat_fetch_stat_dbentry(avdb->adw_datid);(gdb) 1020            if (entry == NULL)(gdb) 1011        foreach(cell, dblist)(gdb) 1032        nelems = score;(gdb) 1035        MemoryContextSwitchTo(newcxt);(gdb) n1036        dlist_init(&DatabaseList);(gdb)


1038        if (nelems > 0)(gdb) p nelems$10 = 0(gdb) n1089        if (DatabaseListCxt != NULL)(gdb) 1091        MemoryContextDelete(tmpcxt);(gdb) 1092        DatabaseListCxt = newcxt;(gdb) 1093        MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);(gdb) 1094    }(gdb) AutoVacLauncherMain (argc=0, argv=0x0) at autovacuum.c:625625     while (!got_SIGTERM)(gdb)
