

发表于:2025-01-18 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月18日,本篇内容介绍了"如何利用python/R语言绘制圣诞树"的有关知识,在实际案例的操作过程中,不少人都会遇到这样的困境,接下来就让小编带领大家学习一下如何处理这些情况吧!希望大家仔细阅读,能够学有所成!
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月18日如何利用python/R语言绘制圣诞树




import turtle screen = turtle.Screen()screen.setup(800,600) circle = turtle.Turtle()circle.shape('circle')circle.color('red')circle.speed('fastest')circle.up() square = turtle.Turtle()square.shape('square')square.color('green')square.speed('fastest')square.up() circle.goto(0,280)circle.stamp() k = 0for i in range(1, 17):    y = 30*i    for j in range(i-k):        x = 30*j        square.goto(x,-y+280)        square.stamp()        square.goto(-x,-y+280)        square.stamp()     if i % 4 == 0:        x =  30*(j+1)        circle.color('red')        circle.goto(-x,-y+280)        circle.stamp()        circle.goto(x,-y+280)        circle.stamp()                k += 2     if i % 4 == 3:        x =  30*(j+1)        circle.color('yellow')        circle.goto(-x,-y+280)        circle.stamp()        circle.goto(x,-y+280)        circle.stamp()  square.color('brown')for i in range(17,20):    y = 30*i    for j in range(3):            x = 30*j        square.goto(x,-y+280)        square.stamp()        square.goto(-x,-y+280)        square.stamp()                turtle.exitonclick()


import randomheight = 11for i in range(height):    print(' ' * (height - i), end='')    for j in range((2 * i) + 1):        if random.random() < 0.1:            color = random.choice(['\033[1;31m', '\033[33m', '\033[1;34m'])            print(color, end='')  #  the lights         else:            print('\033[32m', end='')  #  green         print('*', end='')    print()print((' ' * height) + '|')


n = 50from turtle import *speed("fastest")  #没有这一行,会very very慢left(90)forward(3*n)color("orange", "yellow")begin_fill()left(126)for i in range(5):    forward(n/5)    right(144)    forward(n/5)    left(72)end_fill()right(126)color("dark green")backward(n*4.8)def tree(d, s):    if d <= 0: return    forward(s)    tree(d-1, s*.8)    right(120)    tree(d-3, s*.5)    right(120)    tree(d-3, s*.5)    right(120)    backward(s)tree(15, n)backward(n/2)


def paintleaves(m):    for i in range(m):        if(i == 10):            print( ' '*(m-i) + '*'*( 2*i + 1-len( 'happy Christmas')) + 'happy Christmas'+ ' '*(m-i))            continue        if(i == 20):            print( ' '*(m-i) + '*'*( 2*i + 1-len( 'I Love You')) +'I Love You'+ ' '*(m-i))            continue        if(i == m-1):            print( ' '*(m-i) + 'liang yu'+ '*'*( 2*i + 1-len( 'liang yu')) + ' '*(m-i))            continue           print(' '*(m-i) + '*'*(2*i + 1) + ' '*(m-i))   def paintTrunk(n):    for j in range (8 ):        print(' '*(n - 5) + '*'*10 + ' '*(n - 5))paintleaves(25)paintTrunk(25)


#!/usr/bin/env python# coding:utf-8import osimport sysimport platformimport randomimport time  class UI(object):    def __init__(self):        os_name = platform.uname()[0]        self.IS_WIN = os_name == 'Windows'        self.IS_MAC = os_name == 'Darwin'        print(os_name)        if self.IS_WIN:            self.RED = 0x0C            self.GREY = 0x07            self.BLUE = 0x09            self.CYAN = 0x0B            self.LINK = 0x30            self.BLACK = 0x0            self.GREEN = 0x0A            self.WHITE = 0x0F            self.PURPLE = 0x0D            self.YELLOW = 0x0E        else:            self.RED = '\033[1;31m'            self.GREY = '\033[38m'            self.BLUE = '\033[1;34m'            self.CYAN = '\033[36m'            self.LINK = '\033[0;36;4m'            self.BLACK = '\033[0m'            self.GREEN = '\033[32m'            self.WHITE = '\033[37m'            self.PURPLE = '\033[35m'            self.YELLOW = '\033[33m'        self.p = self.win_print if self.IS_WIN else self.os_print     def clear(self):        os.system('cls' if self.IS_WIN else 'clear')        return self     def win_reset(self, color):        from ctypes import windll        handler = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11)        return windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(handler, color)     def win_print(self, msg, color, enter=True):        color = color or self.BLACK        self.win_reset(color | color | color)        sys.stdout.write(('%s\n' if enter else '%s') % msg)        self.win_reset(self.RED | self.GREEN | self.BLUE)        return self     def os_print(self, msg, color, enter=True):        color = color or self.BLACK        sys.stdout.write(            ('%s%s%s\n' if enter else '%s%s%s') % (color, msg, self.BLACK))        return self  def tree(ui, level=3):    a = range(0, (level + 1) * 4, 2)    b = list(a[0:2])    print(b)    for i in range(2, len(a) - 2, 2):        b.append(a[i])        b.append(a[i + 1])        b.append(a[i])        b.append(a[i + 1])    b.append(a[-2])    b.append(a[-1])    light = True    while True:        ui.clear()        ui.p(u'\t圣诞节快乐!\n\t\t\tLiang Yu.Shi 2021', ui.RED)        print        light = not light        lamp(ui, b, light)        for i in range(2, len(b)):            ui.p(                '%s/' % (' ' * b[len(b) - i - 1]), ui.GREEN, enter=False)            neon(ui, 2 * b[i] + 1)            ui.p('\\', ui.GREEN, enter=True)        time.sleep(1.2)  def neon(ui, space_len):    colors = [ui.RED, ui.GREY, ui.BLUE, ui.CYAN, ui.YELLOW]    for i in range(space_len):        if random.randint(0, 16) == 5:            ui.p('o', colors[random.randint(0, len(colors) - 1)], enter=False)        else:            ui.p(' ', ui.RED, enter=False)  def lamp(ui, tree_arr, light):    colors = [ui.WHITE, ui.BLUE]    if not light:        colors.reverse()    ui.p(' ' * (tree_arr[-1] + 1), ui.BLACK, enter=False)    ui.p('|', colors[1])    ui.p(' ' * tree_arr[-1], ui.BLACK, enter=False)    ui.p('\\', colors[1], enter=False)    ui.p('|', colors[0], enter=False)    ui.p('/', colors[1])    ui.p(' ' * tree_arr[-2], ui.BLACK, enter=False)    ui.p('-', colors[0], enter=False)    ui.p('-', colors[1], enter=False)    ui.p('=', colors[0], enter=False)    ui.p('O', colors[1], enter=False)    ui.p('=', colors[0], enter=False)    ui.p('-', colors[1], enter=False)    ui.p('-', colors[0], enter=True)     ui.p(' ' * tree_arr[-1], ui.BLACK, enter=False)    ui.p('/', colors[1], enter=False)    ui.p('|', colors[0], enter=False)    ui.p('\\', colors[1])    ui.p(' ' * tree_arr[-2], ui.BLACK, enter=False)    ui.p('/  ', ui.GREEN, enter=False)    ui.p('|', colors[1], enter=False)    ui.p('  \\', ui.GREEN, enter=True)  def main():    ui = UI()    max_rows = 4    tree(ui, max_rows)  main()

这个在使用python运行的时候,要用Python2,python3的话,颜色是不会变的。 嗯,最起码我是这样的。


import argparseimport osimport randomimport time BALL = '⏺'COLOR = {    'blue': '\033[94m',    'yellow': '\033[93m',    'cyan': '\033[96m',    'green': '\033[92m',    'magenta': '\033[95m',    'white': '\033[97m',    'red': '\033[91m'}STAR = '★'  def random_change_char(string, value):    indexes = random.sample(range(0, len(string)), value)    string = list(string)    for idx in indexes:        if string[idx] != ' ' and string[idx] == '_':            string[idx] = BALL    return ''.join(string)  def tree(height=13, screen_width=80):    star = (STAR, 3*STAR)    if height % 2 != 0:        height += 1    body = ['/_\\', '/_\_\\']    trunk = '[___]'    begin = '/'    end = '\\'    pattern = '_/'    j = 5    for i in range(7, height + 1, 2):        middle = pattern + (i - j) * pattern        line = ''.join([begin, middle[:-1], end])        body.append(line)        middle = middle.replace('/', '\\')        line = ''.join([begin, middle[:-1], end])        body.append(line)        j += 1     return [line.center(screen_width) for line in (*star, *body, trunk)]  def balls(tree):    for idx, _ in enumerate(tree[:-3], 2):        tree[idx] = random_change_char(tree[idx], len(tree[idx])//8)    return tree  def colored_stars_balls(tree):    for idx, _ in enumerate(tree):        string = list(tree[idx])        for pos, _ in enumerate(string):            if string[pos] == STAR:                string[pos] = ''.join([COLOR['yellow'], STAR, '\033[0m'])            elif string[pos] == BALL:                string[pos] = ''.join([random.choice(list(COLOR.values())), BALL, '\033[0m'])        tree[idx] = ''.join(string)    return tree  def cli():    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="Python Christmas Tree by Chico Lucio from Ciencia Programada",                                     epilog="Ctrl-C interrupts the Christmas :-(")    parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', default=13, type=int,                        help="Tree height. If even it will be subtracted 1. If less than 7, considered 5. Default: 13")    parser.add_argument('-w', '--width', default=80, type=int,                        help="Screen width. Used to center the tree. Default: 80")    parser.add_argument('-t', '--terminal', action='store_true',                        help="Uses the terminal size to center the tree. -s and -w will be ignored")    args = parser.parse_args()     if args.terminal:        screen_width, height = os.get_terminal_size()        height -= 2    else:        height = args.size        screen_width = args.width    while True:        try:            time.sleep(random.uniform(.1, 1))            os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')            print('\n'.join(colored_stars_balls(balls(tree(height, screen_width)))))        except KeyboardInterrupt:            os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')            print(f"\n{'Merry Christmas!!':^{screen_width}}", end='\n\n')            break  if __name__ == '__main__':    cli()

来源:A simple terminal Christmas tree made with Python | PythonRepo


import mathimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")def init():    k=300    Z = [i for i in range(k)]    X = [math.cos(i/5)*(k-i) for i in range(k)]    Y = [math.sin(i/5)*(k-i) for i in range(k)]    ax.scatter(X,Y,Z, c="green", marker="^")    step = 3    c = [(i/k,abs(0.5-i/k),i/k) for i in range(1,k,step)]    Z = [i for i in range(1,k,step)]    X = [math.cos(i/5+2)*(k-i+10) for i in range(1,k,step)]    Y = [math.sin(i/5+2)*(k-i+10) for i in range(1,k,step)]    ax.scatter(X,Y,Z, c=c, marker="o",s=40)    plt.xlim(-500,500)    plt.ylim(-500,500)    return fig,def animate(f):    fig.clear()    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")    k=300    Z = [i for i in range(k)]    X = [math.cos(i/5+f/10)*(k-i) for i in range(k)]    Y = [math.sin(i/5+f/10)*(k-i) for i in range(k)]    ax.scatter(X,Y,Z, c="green", marker="^")    step = 3    c = [(i/k,abs(0.5-i/k),i/k) for i in range(1,k,step)]    Z = [i for i in range(1,k,step)]    X = [math.cos(i/5+2+f/10)*(k-i+10) for i in range(1,k,step)]    Y = [math.sin(i/5+2+f/10)*(k-i+10) for i in range(1,k,step)]    ax.scatter(X,Y,Z, c=c, marker="o",s=40)    plt.xlim(-500,500)    plt.ylim(-500,500)    return fig,ani=animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,                               frames=90, interval=50, blit=True)ani.save("christmas_tree.mp4")




L <-  matrix(c(0.03,0,0,0.1,0.85,0.00,0.00,0.85,0.8,0.00,0.00,0.8,0.2,-0.08,0.15, 0.22, -0.2,0.08,0.15, 0.22,0.25, -0.1,0.12, 0.25,-0.2,0.1,0.12, 0.2),nrow=4)  B <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1.5,0,1.5,0,0.85,0,0.85,0,0.3,0, 0.4),nrow=2) prob = c(0.02, 0.6,.08, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07) N = 1e5 x = matrix(NA,nrow=2,ncol=N)x[,1] = c(0,2)   k <- sample(1:7,N,prob,replace=TRUE) for(i in 2:N){   x[,i] = crossprod(matrix(L[,k[i]],nrow=2),x[,i-1]) + B[,k[i]]}par(bg='black',mar=rep(0,4))    plot(x=x[1,],y=x[2,],col=grep('green',colors(),value=TRUE),axes=FALSE,cex=.1, xlab='', ylab='',pch='.')bals <- sample(N,20) points(x=x[1,bals],y=x[2,bals]-.1,col=c('red','blue','yellow','orange'),cex=1.5,pch=19) text(x=-.7,y=8, labels='liangYuShi', adj=c(.5,.5), srt=35,vfont=c('script','plain'),cex=3,col='gold' ) text(x=0.7,y=8,labels='Merry Christmas',adj=c(.5,.5),srt=-35,vfont=c('script','plain'),cex=3, col='gold' )  text(x=-0.6,y=0,cex=0.8,labels="By Jimmy Wu", col="white")


par(bg='black',mar=rep(0,4))plot(1:10,1:10,xlim=c(-5,5),ylim=c(0,10),type="n",xlab="",ylab="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n")rect(-1,0,1,2,col="tan3",border="tan4",lwd=3)polygon(c(-5,0,5),c(2,4,2),col="palegreen3",border="palegreen4",lwd=3)polygon(c(-4,0,4),c(3.5,5.5,3.5),col="palegreen4",border="palegreen3",lwd=3)polygon(c(-3,0,3),c(5,6.5,5),col="palegreen3",border="palegreen4",lwd=3)polygon(c(-2,0,2),c(6.25,7.5,6.25),col="palegreen4",border="palegreen3",lwd=3)points(x=runif(4,-5,5),y=rep(2,4),col=sample(c("blue","red"),size=4,replace=T),cex=3,pch=19)points(x=runif(4,-4,4),y=rep(3.5,4),col=sample(c("blue","red"),size=4,replace=T),cex=3,pch=19)points(x=runif(4,-3,3),y=rep(5,4),col=sample(c("blue","red"),size=4,replace=T),cex=3,pch=19)points(x=runif(4,-2,2),y=rep(6.25,4),col=sample(c("blue","red"),size=4,replace=T),cex=3,pch=19)points(0,7.5,pch=8,cex=5,col="gold",lwd=3)xPres = runif(10,-4.5,4.5)xWidth = runif(10,0.1,0.5)xHeight=runif(10,0,1)for(i in 1:10){  rect(xPres[i]-xWidth[i],0,xPres[i]+xWidth[i],xHeight[i],col=sample(c("blue","red"),size=1))  rect(xPres[i]-0.2*xWidth[i],0,xPres[i]+0.2*xWidth[i],xHeight[i],col=sample(c("gold","grey87"),size=1))}
