

发表于:2025-01-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月23日,这篇文章主要为大家展示了"如何使用Bash脚本列出文件、目录、可执行文件和链接",内容简而易懂,条理清晰,希望能够帮助大家解决疑惑,下面让小编带领大家一起研究并学习一下"如何使用Bash脚本列出文件、
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月23日如何使用Bash脚本列出文件、目录、可执行文件和链接



你是否曾经想列出目录中的所有文件,但仅列出文件,而不列出其它的。仅列出目录呢?如果有这种需求的话,那么下面的脚本可能正是你一直在寻找的,它在 GPLv3 下开源。

当然,你可以使用 find 命令:

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print

但这键入起来很麻烦,输出也不友好,并且缺少 ls 命令拥有的一些改进。你还可以结合使用 lsgrep 来达到相同的结果:

ls -F . | grep -v /



该脚本提供了四个主要功能,具体取决于你调用它的名称:lsf 列出文件,lsd 列出目录,lsx 列出可执行文件以及 lsl 列出链接。


该脚本通过使用 find 命令进行搜索,然后在找到的每个项目上运行 ls。这样做的好处是,任何给脚本的参数都将传递给 ls 命令。因此,例如,这可以列出所有文件,甚至包括以点开头的文件:

lsf -a

要以长格式列出目录,请使用 lsd 命令:

lsd -l


下面提供了当前目录的父目录和 /usr/bin 目录中所有文件的长分类列表:

lsf -F -l .. /usr/bin


lsf -R



该脚本采用自上而下的方式编写,其初始化功能位于脚本的开头,而工作主体则接近结尾。脚本中只有两个真正重要的功能。函数 parse_args() 会仔细分析命令行,将选项与路径名分开,并处理脚本中的 ls 命令行选项中的特定选项。

list_things_in_dir() 函数以目录名作为参数并在其上运行 find 命令。找到的每个项目都传递给 ls 命令进行显示。




#!/bin/bash # Script to list:#      directories (if called "lsd")#      files       (if called "lsf")#      links       (if called "lsl")#  or  executables (if called "lsx")# but not any other type of filesystem object.# FIXME: add lsp   (list pipes)## Usage:#    [switches valid for ls command] [dirname...]## Works with names that includes spaces and that start with a hyphen.## Created by Nick Clifton.# Version 1.4# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Red Hat.## This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your# option) any later version. # It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the# GNU General Public License for more details. # ToDo:#  Handle recursion, eg:  lsl -R#  Handle switches that take arguments, eg --block-size#  Handle --almost-all, --ignore-backups, --format and --ignore main (){  init   parse_args ${1+"$@"}   list_objects   exit 0} report (){  echo $prog": " ${1+"$@"}} fail (){  report " Internal error: " ${1+"$@"}  exit 1} # Initialise global variables.init (){  # Default to listing things in the current directory.  dirs[0]=".";   # num_dirs is the number of directories to be listed minus one.  # This is because we are indexing the dirs[] array from zero.  num_dirs=0;   # Default to ignoring things that start with a period.  no_dots=1   # Note - the global variables 'type' and 'opts' are initialised in  # parse_args function.} # Parse our command lineparse_args (){  local no_more_args   no_more_args=0 ;   prog=`basename $0` ;   # Decide if we are listing files or directories.  case $prog in    lsf | lsf.sh)      type=f      opts="";      ;;    lsd | lsd.sh)      type=d      # The -d switch to "ls" is presumed when listing directories.      opts="-d";      ;;    lsl | lsl.sh)      type=l      # Use -d to prevent the listed links from being followed.      opts="-d";      ;;    lsx | lsx.sh)      type=f      find_extras="-perm /111"      ;;        *)      fail "Unrecognised program name: '$prog', expected either 'lsd', 'lsf', 'lsl' or 'lsx'"      ;;  esac   # Locate any additional command line switches for ls and accumulate them.  # Likewise accumulate non-switches to the directories list.  while [ $# -gt 0 ]  do    case "$1" in      # FIXME: Handle switches that take arguments, eg --block-size      # FIXME: Properly handle --almost-all, --ignore-backups, --format      # FIXME:   and --ignore      # FIXME: Properly handle --recursive      -a | -A | --all | --almost-all)        no_dots=0;        ;;      --version)        report "version 1.2"        exit 0        ;;      --help)        case $type in          d) report "a version of 'ls' that lists only directories" ;;          l) report "a version of 'ls' that lists only links" ;;          f) if [ "x$find_extras" = "x" ] ; then               report "a version of 'ls' that lists only files" ;             else              report "a version of 'ls' that lists only executables";             fi ;;        esac        exit 0        ;;      --)        # A switch to say that all further items on the command line are        # arguments and not switches.        no_more_args=1 ;        ;;      -*)        if [ "x$no_more_args" = "x1" ] ;        then          dirs[$num_dirs]="$1";          let "num_dirs++"        else          # Check for a switch that just uses a single dash, not a double          # dash.  This could actually be multiple switches combined into          # one word, eg "lsd -alF".  In this case, scan for the -a switch.          # XXX: FIXME: The use of =~ requires bash v3.0+.          if [[ "x${1:1:1}" != "x-" && "x$1" =~ "x-.*a.*" ]] ;          then            no_dots=0;          fi          opts="$opts $1";        fi        ;;      *)        dirs[$num_dirs]="$1";        let "num_dirs++"        ;;    esac    shift  done   # Remember that we are counting from zero not one.  if [ $num_dirs -gt 0 ] ;  then    let "num_dirs--"  fi} list_things_in_dir (){  local dir   # Paranoia checks - the user should never encounter these.  if test "x$1" = "x" ;  then    fail "list_things_in_dir called without an argument"  fi   if test "x$2" != "x" ;  then    fail "list_things_in_dir called with too many arguments"  fi   # Use quotes when accessing $dir in order to preserve  # any spaces that might be in the directory name.  dir="${dirs[$1]}";   # Catch directory names that start with a dash - they  # confuse pushd.  if test "x${dir:0:1}" = "x-" ;  then    dir="./$dir"  fi   if [ -d "$dir" ]  then    if [ $num_dirs -gt 0 ]    then      echo "  $dir:"    fi     # Use pushd rather passing the directory name to find so that the    # names that find passes on to xargs do not have any paths prepended.    pushd "$dir" > /dev/null    if [ $no_dots -ne 0 ] ; then      find . -maxdepth 1 -type $type $find_extras -not -name ".*" -printf "%f\000" \        | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty ls $opts -- ;    else      find . -maxdepth 1 -type $type $find_extras -printf "%f\000" \        | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty ls $opts -- ;    fi    popd > /dev/null  else    report "directory '$dir' could not be found"  fi} list_objects (){  local i   i=0;  while [ $i -le $num_dirs ]  do    list_things_in_dir i    let "i++"  done} # Invoke mainmain ${1+"$@"}


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