

发表于:2025-02-19 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月19日,今天就跟大家聊聊有关如何从HGAME的pyc逆向来看手撸opcode,可能很多人都不太了解,为了让大家更加了解,小编给大家总结了以下内容,希望大家根据这篇文章可以有所收获。一次pyc文件恢复红日安全:
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月19日如何从HGAME的pyc逆向来看手撸opcode





Python Pyc的文件格式

[compile.h]/* Bytecode object */typedef struct {    PyObject_HEAD    int co_argcount;        /* #arguments, except *args */    int co_nlocals;     /* #local variables */    int co_stacksize;       /* #entries needed for evaluation stack */    int co_flags;       /* CO_..., see below */    PyObject *co_code;      /* instruction opcodes */    PyObject *co_consts;    /* list (constants used) */    PyObject *co_names;     /* list of strings (names used) */    PyObject *co_varnames;  /* tuple of strings (local variable names) */    PyObject *co_freevars;  /* tuple of strings (free variable names) */    PyObject *co_cellvars;      /* tuple of strings (cell variable names) */    /* The rest doesn't count for hash/cmp */    PyObject *co_filename;  /* string (where it was loaded from) */    PyObject *co_name;      /* string (name, for reference) */    int co_firstlineno;     /* first source line number */    PyObject *co_lnotab;    /* string (encoding addr<->lineno mapping) */} PyCodeObject;

加载pyc co_code

In [1]: import dis,marshalIn [2]: f=open('third.pyc')In [3]: f.read(4)Out[3]: '\x03\xf3\r\n'In [4]: f.read(4)Out[4]: '\xf1\xe1S\\'In [5]: code = marshal.load(f)In [6]: code.co_constsOut[6]: (-1, None, '+', '/', 'FcjTCgD1EffEm2rPC3bTyL5Wu2bKBI9KAZrwFgrUygHN', , "Welcome to Processor's Python Classroom Part 3&4!\n", 'qi shi wo jiu shi lan cai ba liang dao ti fang zai yi qi.', "Now let's start the origin of Python!\n", 'Plz Input Your Flag:\n', 2, 0, 1, '', "You're right! ", "You're Wrong! ")In [7]: code.co_varnamesOut[7]: ()In [8]: code.co_namesOut[8]: ('string', 'list', 'letters', 'digits', 'dec', 'encode', 'raw_input', 'enc', 'lst', 'reverse', 'len', 'llen', 'range', 'i', 'chr', 'ord', 'enc2', 'join', 'enc3')In [9]: code.co_codeOut[9]: 'q\x03\x00q\t\x00d\x0f\x00q\x0e\x00Gdd\x00\x00d\x01\x00l\x00\x00Z\x00\x00e\x01\x00e\x00\x00j\x02\x00\x83\x01\x00e\x01\x00e\x00\x00j\x03\x00\x83\x01\x00\x17d\x02\x00d\x03\x00g\x02\x00\x17Z\x02\x00d\x04\x00Z\x04\x00d\x05\x00\x84\x00\x00Z\x05\x00d\x06\x00GHd\x07\x00GHd\x08\x00GHd\t\x00GHe\x06\x00\x83\x00\x00Z\x07\x00e\x01\x00e\x07\x00\x83\x01\x00Z\x08\x00e\x08\x00j\t\x00\x83\x00\x00\x01e\n\x00e\x08\x00\x83\x01\x00Z\x0b\x00xc\x00e\x0c\x00e\x0b\x00\x83\x01\x00D]U\x00Z\r\x00e\r\x00d\n\x00\x16d\x0b\x00k\x02\x00r\xc4\x00e\x0e\x00e\x0f\x00e\x08\x00e\r\x00\x19\x83\x01\x00d\n\x00\x18\x83\x01\x00e\x08\x00e\r\x00


In [10]: dis.dis(code.co_code)          0 JUMP_ABSOLUTE       3    >>    3 JUMP_ABSOLUTE       9          6 LOAD_CONST         15 (15)    >>    9 JUMP_ABSOLUTE      14         12 PRINT_ITEM              13 LOAD_CONST        100 (100)         16 STOP_CODE               17 LOAD_CONST          1 (1)         20 IMPORT_NAME         0 (0)         23 STORE_NAME          0 (0)         26 LOAD_NAME           1 (1)         29 LOAD_NAME           0 (0)         32 LOAD_ATTR           2 (2)         35 CALL_FUNCTION       1         38 LOAD_NAME           1 (1)         41 LOAD_NAME           0 (0)         44 LOAD_ATTR           3 (3)         47 CALL_FUNCTION       1         50 BINARY_ADD              51 LOAD_CONST          2 (2)         54 LOAD_CONST          3 (3)         57 BUILD_LIST          2         60 BINARY_ADD              61 STORE_NAME          2 (2)         64 LOAD_CONST          4 (4)         67 STORE_NAME          4 (4)         70 LOAD_CONST          5 (5)         73 MAKE_FUNCTION       0         76 STORE_NAME          5 (5)         79 LOAD_CONST          6 (6)         82 PRINT_ITEM              83 PRINT_NEWLINE           84 LOAD_CONST          7 (7)         87 PRINT_ITEM              88 PRINT_NEWLINE           89 LOAD_CONST          8 (8)         92 PRINT_ITEM              93 PRINT_NEWLINE           94 LOAD_CONST          9 (9)         97 PRINT_ITEM              98 PRINT_NEWLINE           99 LOAD_NAME           6 (6)        102 CALL_FUNCTION       0        105 STORE_NAME          7 (7)        108 LOAD_NAME           1 (1)        111 LOAD_NAME           7 (7)        114 CALL_FUNCTION       1        117 STORE_NAME          8 (8)        120 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        123 LOAD_ATTR           9 (9)        126 CALL_FUNCTION       0        129 POP_TOP                130 LOAD_NAME          10 (10)        133 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        136 CALL_FUNCTION       1        139 STORE_NAME         11 (11)        142 SETUP_LOOP         99 (to 244)        145 LOAD_NAME          12 (12)        148 LOAD_NAME          11 (11)        151 CALL_FUNCTION       1        154 GET_ITER               155 FOR_ITER           85 (to 243)        158 STORE_NAME         13 (13)        161 LOAD_NAME          13 (13)        164 LOAD_CONST         10 (10)        167 BINARY_MODULO          168 LOAD_CONST         11 (11)        171 COMPARE_OP          2 (==)        174 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE   196        177 LOAD_NAME          14 (14)        180 LOAD_NAME          15 (15)        183 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        186 LOAD_NAME          13 (13)        189 BINARY_SUBSCR          190 CALL_FUNCTION       1        193 LOAD_CONST         10 (10)    >>  196 BINARY_SUBTRACT        197 CALL_FUNCTION       1        200 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        203 LOAD_NAME          13 (13)        206 STORE_SUBSCR           207 JUMP_FORWARD        0 (to 210)    >>  210 LOAD_NAME          14 (14)        213 LOAD_NAME          15 (15)        216 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        219 LOAD_NAME          13 (13)        222 BINARY_SUBSCR          223 CALL_FUNCTION       1        226 LOAD_CONST         12 (12)        229 BINARY_ADD             230 CALL_FUNCTION       1        233 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        236 LOAD_NAME          13 (13)        239 STORE_SUBSCR           240 JUMP_ABSOLUTE     141    >>  243 POP_BLOCK          >>  244 LOAD_CONST         13 (13)        247 STORE_NAME         16 (16)        250 LOAD_NAME          16 (16)        253 LOAD_ATTR          17 (17)        256 LOAD_NAME           8 (8)        259 CALL_FUNCTION       1        262 STORE_NAME         16 (16)        265 LOAD_NAME           5 (5)        268 LOAD_NAME          16 (16)        271 CALL_FUNCTION       1        274 STORE_NAME         18 (18)        277 LOAD_NAME          18 (18)        280 LOAD_NAME           4 (4)    >>  283 COMPARE_OP          2 (==)        286 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE   283        289 LOAD_CONST         14 (14)        292 PRINT_ITEM             293 PRINT_NEWLINE          294 JUMP_FORWARD        5 (to 302)        297 LOAD_CONST         15 (15)        300 PRINT_ITEM             301 PRINT_NEWLINE      >>  302 LOAD_CONST          1 (1)        305 RETURN_VALUE


0 LOAD_CONST 0(0)1 LOAD_CONST 1(1)...


0x64 操作为LOAD_CONST,用法举例:LOAD_CONST 1 HEX: 640100

0x71 操作为JUMP_ABSOLUTE,用法举例:JUMP_ABSOLUTE 14 HEX: 710e00

0x65 操作为LOAD_NAME,用法举例:LOAD_NAME 1 HEX: 650100



通过opcodehexdump可以确定,当前co_code长度为0x132(此处为小端显示,0x1a1b位置),0x1e0x2c(左闭右开)这部分为混淆代码,直接从16进制数据中删除,然后修改co_code长度为0x132-(0x2c-0x1e),即改为24 01,保存代码

In [1]: with open('third.pyc','r') as f:   ...:     dt = f.read()   ...:     In [2]: dt = dt[:0x1a]+'\x24'+dt[0x1b:0x1e]+dt[0x2c:]In [3]: with open('third_test2.pyc', 'w') as f:   ...:     f.write(dt)   ...:

然后使用uncompyle2 third_test2.pyc > third_source.py进行反编译


# 2019.02.16 14:17:20 CST#Embedded file name: third.pyimport stringletters = list(string.letters) + list(string.digits) + ['+', '/']dec = 'FcjTCgD1EffEm2rPC3bTyL5Wu2bKBI9KAZrwFgrUygHN'def encode(input_str):    str_ascii_list = [ '{:0>8}'.format(str(bin(ord(i))).replace('0b', '')) for i in input_str ]    output_str = ''    equal_num = 0    while str_ascii_list:        temp_list = str_ascii_list[:3]        if len(temp_list) != 3:            while len(temp_list) < 3:                equal_num += 1                temp_list += ['00000000']        temp_str = ''.join(temp_list)        temp_str_list = [ temp_str[x:x + 6] for x in [0,         6,         12,         18] ]        temp_str_list = [ int(x, 2) for x in temp_str_list ]        if equal_num:            temp_str_list = temp_str_list[0:4 - equal_num]        output_str += ''.join([ letters[x] for x in temp_str_list ])        str_ascii_list = str_ascii_list[3:]    output_str = output_str + '=' * equal_num    return output_strprint "Welcome to Processor's Python Classroom Part 3&4!\n"print 'qi shi wo jiu shi lan cai ba liang dao ti fang zai yi qi.'print "Now let's start the origin of Python!\n"print 'Plz Input Your Flag:\n'enc = raw_input()lst = list(enc)lst.reverse()llen = len(lst)for i in range(llen):    if i % 2 == 0:        lst[i] = chr(ord(lst[i]) - 2)    lst[i] = chr(ord(lst[i]) + 1)enc2 = ''enc2 = enc2.join(lst)enc3 = encode(enc2)if enc3 == dec:    print "You're right! "else:    print "You're Wrong! "# +++ okay decompyling third_test2.pyc # decompiled 1 files: 1 okay, 0 failed, 0 verify failed# 2019.02.16 14:17:21 CST





#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-def decode(input_str):    output_str = ''    for i in input_str:        if ord(i)>57 and ord(i)<91:            output_str += i.lower()        elif ord(i)>91:            output_str += i.upper()        else:            output_str += i    lst = list(output_str.decode('base64'))    llen = len(lst)    for i in range(llen):        lst[i] = chr(ord(lst[i]) - 1)        if i % 2 == 0:            lst[i] = chr(ord(lst[i]) + 2)    lst.reverse()    return ''.join(lst)if __name__ == '__main__':dec = 'FcjTCgD1EffEm2rPC3bTyL5Wu2bKBI9KAZrwFgrUygHN'print decode(dec)
