
ORACLE 12C 三节点 RAC 无法找到候选磁盘

发表于:2025-01-19 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月19日,一、描述测试安装三节点Oracle 12C RAC,笔记本配置双核i5 16g内存,每台虚机分配4G 内存。在集群软件安装过程中,无法找到候选磁盘,如下图所示:二、处理过程观察磁盘头状态,发现问题的原
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月19日ORACLE 12C 三节点 RAC 无法找到候选磁盘


测试安装三节点Oracle 12C RAC,笔记本配置双核i5 16g内存,每台虚机分配4G 内存。



观察磁盘头状态,发现问题的原因。因为是测试环境,共享磁盘使用的是openfiler,之前11g rac 使用了原有磁盘,这里需要dd一下,清理一下元数据,然后重新扫一下磁盘。命令如下:

[root@rac01 rules.d]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde bs=4096 count=256
256+0 records in
256+0 records out
1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.00297706 s, 352 MB/s
[root@rac01 rules.d]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf bs=4096 count=256
256+0 records in
256+0 records out
1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.00189521 s, 553 MB/s




了解header_status 的含义

V$ASM_DISK displays one row for every disk discovered by the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance, including disks that are not part of any disk group.



Per-instance status of the disk as seen by discovery:

  • UNKNOWN - Oracle ASM disk header has not been read

  • CANDIDATE - Disk is not part of a disk group and may be added to a disk group with the ALTER DISKGROUP statement

  • INCOMPATIBLE - Version number in the disk header is not compatible with the Oracle ASM software version

  • PROVISIONED - Disk is not part of a disk group and may be added to a disk group with the ALTER DISKGROUP statement. The PROVISIONED header status is different from the CANDIDATE header status in that PROVISIONED implies that an additional platform-specific action has been taken by an administrator to make the disk available for Oracle ASM.

  • MEMBER - Disk is a member of an existing disk group. No attempt should be made to add the disk to a different disk group. The ALTER DISKGROUP statement will reject such an addition unless overridden with the FORCE option.

  • FORMER - Disk was once part of a disk group but has been dropped cleanly from the group. It may be added to a new disk group with the ALTER DISKGROUP statement.

  • CONFLICT - Oracle ASM disk was not mounted due to a conflict

  • FOREIGN - Disk contains data created by an Oracle product other than Oracle ASM. This includes data files, logfiles, and OCR disks.

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