

发表于:2025-02-02 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日,这篇文章给大家分享的是有关mysql中如何查询前50%的数据的内容。小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家做个参考,一起跟随小编过来看看吧。实验环境:create table t (c int);inser
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月02日mysql中如何查询前50%的数据



create table t (c int);
insert into t values

c 等于10,7,9的数量有 11个,超过了半数。
超过半数的 item信息。


  1. select t5.*,t6.*,ifnull(round(t5.sumtotal/t6.total,2),0) result from (

  2. select t3.rn,t3.total,t3.c,sum(ifnull(t4.total,0)) sumtotal from (

  3. select

  4. t1.*,

  5. (

  6. select count(case when t2.total>t1.total then 1 when t2.total=t1.total and t2.c

  7. select c,count(*) total from t group by c

  8. ) t2

  9. ) rn

  10. from(

  11. select c,count(*) total from t group by c order by total desc ,c

  12. ) t1

  13. ) t3

  14. left join(

  15. select

  16. t1.*,

  17. (

  18. select count(case when t2.total>t1.total then 1 when t2.total=t1.total and t2.c

  19. select c,count(*) total from t group by c

  20. ) t2

  21. ) rn

  22. from(

  23. select c,count(*) total from t group by c order by total desc ,c

  24. ) t1

  25. ) t4 on (t3.rn> t4.rn)

  26. group by t3.rn,t3.total,t3.c

  27. ) t5

  28. left join(

  29. select count(*) total from t

  30. ) t6 on(1=1)

  31. where ifnull(round(t5.sumtotal/t6.total,2),0)<=0.5;



  1. select * from (

  2. select t3.*,case when result<=0.5 then 1 when result>0.5 and @b=-1 then @b:=1 else null end r from (

  3. select t1.*,round((@a:=@a+t1.total)/t2.total,2) result from (

  4. select c,count(*) total from t,(select @a:=0,@b:=-1) vars group by c order by 2 desc

  5. ) t1

  6. left join(

  7. select count(*) total from t

  8. ) t2 on(1=1)

  9. ) t3 order by result

  10. ) t4 where r=1;



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