

发表于:2025-01-21 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日,本实验模拟把生产库当做测试库,对某张表做了大量DML操作,然后进行闪回的过程。脚本文件:mysqlbinlog_flashback此脚本为阿里DBA在mysqlbinlog基础上进行改进来的,网上可以
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月21日利用mysqlbinlog_flashback闪回误删除的表






mysql> show tables;+----------------+| Tables_in_test |+----------------+| kk             || t1             || t2             || t3             || t4             || t5             || t6             || t7             || t8             |+----------------+9 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from t8;+------+------+| id   | name |+------+------+|    1 | jack ||    2 | jack ||    3 | jack ||    4 | jack |+------+------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into t8 values(5,'steven');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)mysql> insert into t8 values(6,'steven');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)mysql> insert into t8 values(7,'steven');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)mysql>  insert  into  t8  values(8,'steven');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)mysql> update t8 set name='devid' where name='steven';Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.33 sec)Rows matched: 4  Changed: 4  Warnings: 0mysql> delete from t8 where name='jack';Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.04 sec)


二、查看binlog events


mysql> show master status;+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+| File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+| mysql-bin.000005 |     2195 |              |                  |                   |+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

查看binlog events

mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000005';+------------------+------+----------------+-----------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+| Log_name         | Pos  | Event_type     | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info                                             |+------------------+------+----------------+-----------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+| mysql-bin.000005 |    4 | Format_desc    |    330631 |         123 | Server ver: 5.7.23-log, Binlog ver: 4            || mysql-bin.000005 |  123 | Previous_gtids |    330631 |         154 |                                                  || mysql-bin.000005 |  154 | Anonymous_Gtid |    330631 |         219 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'             || mysql-bin.000005 |  219 | Query          |    330631 |         291 | BEGIN                                            || mysql-bin.000005 |  291 | Rows_query     |    330631 |         348 | # insert into t8 values(5,'steven')              || mysql-bin.000005 |  348 | Table_map      |    330631 |         396 | table_id: 116 (test.t8)                          || mysql-bin.000005 |  396 | Write_rows     |    330631 |         443 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F                  || mysql-bin.000005 |  443 | Xid            |    330631 |         474 | COMMIT /* xid=29 */                              || mysql-bin.000005 |  474 | Anonymous_Gtid |    330631 |         539 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'             || mysql-bin.000005 |  539 | Query          |    330631 |         611 | BEGIN                                            || mysql-bin.000005 |  611 | Rows_query     |    330631 |         668 | # insert into t8 values(6,'steven')              || mysql-bin.000005 |  668 | Table_map      |    330631 |         716 | table_id: 116 (test.t8)                          || mysql-bin.000005 |  716 | Write_rows     |    330631 |         763 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F                  || mysql-bin.000005 |  763 | Xid            |    330631 |         794 | COMMIT /* xid=30 */                              || mysql-bin.000005 |  794 | Anonymous_Gtid |    330631 |         859 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'             || mysql-bin.000005 |  859 | Query          |    330631 |         931 | BEGIN                                            || mysql-bin.000005 |  931 | Rows_query     |    330631 |         988 | # insert into t8 values(7,'steven')              || mysql-bin.000005 |  988 | Table_map      |    330631 |        1036 | table_id: 116 (test.t8)                          || mysql-bin.000005 | 1036 | Write_rows     |    330631 |        1083 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F                  || mysql-bin.000005 | 1083 | Xid            |    330631 |        1114 | COMMIT /* xid=31 */                              || mysql-bin.000005 | 1114 | Anonymous_Gtid |    330631 |        1179 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'             || mysql-bin.000005 | 1179 | Query          |    330631 |        1251 | BEGIN                                            || mysql-bin.000005 | 1251 | Rows_query     |    330631 |        1308 | # insert into t8 values(8,'steven')              || mysql-bin.000005 | 1308 | Table_map      |    330631 |        1356 | table_id: 116 (test.t8)                          || mysql-bin.000005 | 1356 | Write_rows     |    330631 |        1403 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F                  || mysql-bin.000005 | 1403 | Xid            |    330631 |        1434 | COMMIT /* xid=32 */                              || mysql-bin.000005 | 1434 | Anonymous_Gtid |    330631 |        1499 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'             || mysql-bin.000005 | 1499 | Query          |    330631 |        1571 | BEGIN                                            || mysql-bin.000005 | 1571 | Rows_query     |    330631 |        1641 | # update t8 set name='devid' where name='steven' || mysql-bin.000005 | 1641 | Table_map      |    330631 |        1689 | table_id: 116 (test.t8)                          || mysql-bin.000005 | 1689 | Update_rows    |    330631 |        1817 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F                  || mysql-bin.000005 | 1817 | Xid            |    330631 |        1848 | COMMIT /* xid=33 */                              || mysql-bin.000005 | 1848 | Anonymous_Gtid |    330631 |        1913 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'             || mysql-bin.000005 | 1913 | Query          |    330631 |        1985 | BEGIN                                            || mysql-bin.000005 | 1985 | Rows_query     |    330631 |        2041 | # delete from t8 where name='jack'               || mysql-bin.000005 | 2041 | Table_map      |    330631 |        2089 | table_id: 116 (test.t8)                          || mysql-bin.000005 | 2089 | Delete_rows    |    330631 |        2164 | table_id: 116 flags: STMT_END_F                  || mysql-bin.000005 | 2164 | Xid            |    330631 |        2195 | COMMIT /* xid=34 */                              |+------------------+------+----------------+-----------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+




[root@node1 data]# mysqlbinlog_flashback --no-defaults --base64-output=decode-rows -v -v --start-position=291 --stop-position=2195 mysql-bin.000005/*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/;/*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;/*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/;DELIMITER /*!*/;# at 291#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 348 CRC32 0x1a594faa   Rows_query# insert into t8 values(5,'steven')# at 348#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 396 CRC32 0xa2c0344b   Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116# at 396#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 443 CRC32 0xd5578b59   Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */# at 443#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 474 CRC32 0x8bda2ab2   Xid = 29COMMIT/*!*/;# at 474#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 539 CRC32 0xb81e9c26   GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;# at 539#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 611 CRC32 0xa70c1ff5   Query   thread_id=2     exec_time=0     error_code=0SET TIMESTAMP=1543311509/*!*/;SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=2/*!*/;SET @@session.foreign_key_checks=1, @@session.sql_auto_is_null=0, @@session.unique_checks=1, @@session.autocommit=1/*!*/;SET @@session.sql_mode=1436549152/*!*/;SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=1, @@session.auto_increment_offset=1/*!*/;/*!\C utf8 *//*!*/;SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=33/*!*/;SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/;SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 611#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 668 CRC32 0xdfb1f79b   Rows_query# insert into t8 values(6,'steven')# at 668#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 716 CRC32 0x41d9c819   Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116# at 716#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 763 CRC32 0x3642add0   Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */# at 763#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 794 CRC32 0xc682eb4c   Xid = 30COMMIT/*!*/;# at 794#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 859 CRC32 0x2c4b77a1   GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;# at 859#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 931 CRC32 0x9b23208e   Ignorable       thread_id=2     exec_time=0     error_code=0SET TIMESTAMP=1543311513/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 931#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 988 CRC32 0x55fc6947   Rows_query# insert into t8 values(7,'steven')# at 988#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1036 CRC32 0xfb23efb6  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116# at 1036#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1083 CRC32 0xddddd8e4  Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */# at 1083#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1114 CRC32 0x9521a7b4  Xid = 31COMMIT/*!*/;# at 1114#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1179 CRC32 0xd43aee35  GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;# at 1179#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1251 CRC32 0x3d0df308  Ignorable       thread_id=2     exec_time=0     error_code=0SET TIMESTAMP=1543311517/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 1251#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1308 CRC32 0x35d260fd  Rows_query# insert into t8 values(8,'steven')# at 1308#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1356 CRC32 0x60fbd5f4  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116# at 1356#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1403 CRC32 0xf2dddee2  Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */# at 1403#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1434 CRC32 0xb7d14cb6  Xid = 32COMMIT/*!*/;# at 1434#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1499 CRC32 0x5300534c  GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;# at 1499#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1571 CRC32 0xb4c825b9  Ignorable       thread_id=2     exec_time=0     error_code=0SET TIMESTAMP=1543311607/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 1571#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1641 CRC32 0xea587e3d  Rows_query# update t8 set name='devid' where name='steven'# at 1641#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1689 CRC32 0xffe4ea33  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116# at 1689#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1817 CRC32 0x07fc2cec  Update_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */# at 1817#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1848 CRC32 0xb58eb743  Xid = 33COMMIT/*!*/;# at 1848#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1913 CRC32 0x6a90437e  GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;# at 1913#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1985 CRC32 0xb1f69058  Ignorable       thread_id=2     exec_time=0     error_code=0SET TIMESTAMP=1543311618/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 1985#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2041 CRC32 0x0c772517  Rows_query# delete from t8 where name='jack'# at 2041#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2089 CRC32 0xb258a5d1  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116# at 2089#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2164 CRC32 0x85f3157d  Delete_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=1 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=2 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=3 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=4 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */# at 2164#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2195 CRC32 0x2b861950  Xid = 34COMMIT/*!*/;DELIMITER ;SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'AUTOMATIC' /* added by mysqlbinlog */;DELIMITER ;# End of log fileROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;/*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/;/*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/;


[root@node1 data]# mysqlbinlog_flashback --no-defaults --base64-output=decode-rows -B -v -v --start-position=291 --stop-position=2195 mysql-bin.000005/*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/;/*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;/*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/;DELIMITER /*!*/;#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 348 CRC32 0x1a594faa   Rows_query# insert into t8 values(5,'steven')#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 396 CRC32 0xa2c0344b   Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 474 CRC32 0x8bda2ab2   Xid = 29COMMIT/*!*/;#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 539 CRC32 0xb81e9c26   GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 668 CRC32 0xdfb1f79b   Rows_query# insert into t8 values(6,'steven')#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 716 CRC32 0x41d9c819   Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 794 CRC32 0xc682eb4c   Xid = 30COMMIT/*!*/;#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 859 CRC32 0x2c4b77a1   GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 988 CRC32 0x55fc6947   Rows_query# insert into t8 values(7,'steven')#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1036 CRC32 0xfb23efb6  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1114 CRC32 0x9521a7b4  Xid = 31COMMIT/*!*/;#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1179 CRC32 0xd43aee35  GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1308 CRC32 0x35d260fd  Rows_query# insert into t8 values(8,'steven')#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1356 CRC32 0x60fbd5f4  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1434 CRC32 0xb7d14cb6  Xid = 32COMMIT/*!*/;#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1499 CRC32 0x5300534c  GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1641 CRC32 0xea587e3d  Rows_query# update t8 set name='devid' where name='steven'#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1689 CRC32 0xffe4ea33  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1848 CRC32 0xb58eb743  Xid = 33COMMIT/*!*/;#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1913 CRC32 0x6a90437e  GTID [commit=no]SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'ANONYMOUS'/*!*/;#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2041 CRC32 0x0c772517  Rows_query# delete from t8 where name='jack'#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2089 CRC32 0xb258a5d1  Table_map: `test`.`t8` mapped to number 116#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2195 CRC32 0x2b861950  Xid = 34COMMIT/*!*/;#181127 17:40:18 server id 330631  end_log_pos 2164 CRC32 0x85f3157d  Delete_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=1 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=2 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=3 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### INSERT INTO `test`.`t8`### SET###   @1=4 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='jack' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */#181127 17:40:07 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1817 CRC32 0x07fc2cec  Update_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### UPDATE `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='devid' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */### SET###   @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */#181127 17:38:37 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1403 CRC32 0xf2dddee2  Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */#181127 17:38:33 server id 330631  end_log_pos 1083 CRC32 0xddddd8e4  Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */#181127 17:38:29 server id 330631  end_log_pos 763 CRC32 0x3642add0   Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */#181127 17:38:25 server id 330631  end_log_pos 443 CRC32 0xd5578b59   Write_rows: table id 116 flags: STMT_END_F### DELETE FROM `test`.`t8`### WHERE###   @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */###   @2='steven' /* VARSTRING(60) meta=60 nullable=1 is_null=0 */DELIMITER ;SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'AUTOMATIC' /* added by mysqlbinlog *//*!*/;DELIMITER ;# End of log fileROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;/*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/;/*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/;



mysqlbinlog_flashback --no-defaults --base64-output=decode-rows -B -v -v --start-position=291 --stop-position=2195 mysql-bin.000005 > flash_back_t8.sql



mysql -uroot -p test < flash_back_t8.sql

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