

发表于:2025-02-23 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日,本文小编为大家详细介绍"python怎么实现五子棋双人对弈",内容详细,步骤清晰,细节处理妥当,希望这篇"python怎么实现五子棋双人对弈"文章能帮助大家解决疑惑,下面跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月23日python怎么实现五子棋双人对弈




# 1、引入pygame 和 pygame.localsimport pygamefrom pygame.locals import *import timeimport sys initChessList = []initRole = 2 # 代表白子下 2:代表当前是黑子下resultFlag  = 0userFlag = True class StornPoint():    def __init__(self, x, y, value = 0):        '''        :param x: 代表x轴坐标        :param y: 代表y轴坐标        :param value: 当前坐标点的棋子:0:没有棋子 1:白子 2:黑子        '''        self.x = x        self.y = y        self.value = value        pass  def initChessSquare(x, y):    '''    初始化棋盘的坐标    :param x:    :param y:    :return:    '''    # 使用二维列表保存了棋盘是的坐标系,和每个落子点的数值    for i in range(15):      # 每一行的交叉点坐标        rowList = []        for j in range(15):  # 每一列的交叉点坐标            pointX = x + j*40            pointY = y + i*40            # value  = 0            sp = StornPoint(pointX, pointY, 0)            rowList.append(sp)            pass        initChessList.append(rowList)    pass # 处理事件def eventHandler():    global userFlag    '''    监听各种事件    :return:    '''    for event in pygame.event.get():         global  initRole        # 监听点积退出按钮事件        if event.type == QUIT:            pygame.quit()            sys.exit()            pass        # 监听鼠标点积事件        if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:            x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #            print((x, y))            i = j = 0            for temp in initChessList:                for point in temp:                    if   x >= point.x - 15 and x <= point.x + 15 \                        and y >= point.y - 15 and y <= point.y + 15:                        # 当前区域没有棋子,并且是白子下                        if point.value == 0 and initRole == 1 and userFlag:                            point.value = 1                            judgeResult(i, j, 1)                            initRole = 2    # 切换棋子颜色                            pass                        elif point.value == 0 and initRole == 2 and userFlag:                            point.value = 2                            judgeResult(i, j, 2)                            initRole = 1    # 切换棋子颜色                            pass                        break                        pass                    j += 1                    pass                i += 1                j = 0            pass        pass     pass # 判断输赢函数def judgeResult(i, j, value):    global resultFlag     flag = False  # 用于判断是否已经判决出输赢    for  x in  range(j - 4, j + 5):  # 水平方向有没有出现5连        if x >= 0 and x + 4 < 15 :            if initChessList[i][x].value == value and \                initChessList[i][x + 1].value == value and \                initChessList[i][x + 2].value == value and \                initChessList[i][x + 3].value == value and \                initChessList[i][x + 4].value == value :                flag = True                break                pass    for x in range(i - 4, i + 5):  # 垂直方向有没有出现5连        if x >= 0 and x + 4 < 15:            if initChessList[x][j].value == value and \                    initChessList[x + 1][j].value == value and \                    initChessList[x + 2][j].value == value and \                    initChessList[x + 3][j].value == value and \                    initChessList[x + 4][j].value == value:                flag = True                break                pass     # 判断东北方向的对角线是否出现了5连    for x, y in zip(range(j + 4, j - 5, -1), range(i - 4, i + 5)):        if x >= 0 and x+4  < 15 and y + 4 >= 0 and y < 15:            if initChessList[y][x].value == value and \                    initChessList[y - 1][x + 1].value == value and \                    initChessList[y - 2][x + 2].value == value and \                    initChessList[y - 3][x + 3].value == value and \                    initChessList[y - 4][x + 4].value == value:                flag = True                break                pass            pass        pass     # 判断西北方向的对角是否出现了五连    for x, y in zip(range(j - 4, j + 5), range(i - 4, i + 5)):        if x >= 0 and x + 4 < 15 and y >= 0 and y + 4 < 15:            if initChessList[y][x].value == value and \                    initChessList[y + 1][x + 1].value == value and \                    initChessList[y + 2][x + 2].value == value and \                    initChessList[y + 3][x + 3].value == value and \                    initChessList[y + 4][x + 4].value == value:                flag = True                break                pass            pass        pass     if flag:        resultFlag = value        pass    pass # 加载素材def main():    initRole = 2  # 代表白子下 2:代表当前是黑子下    global resultFlag, initChessList    initChessSquare(27, 27)  # 初始化棋牌    pygame.init()            # 初始化游戏环境    # 创建游戏窗口    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620,620), 0, 0) # 第一个参数是元组:窗口的长和宽    # 添加游戏标题    pygame.display.set_caption("五子棋小游戏")    # 图片的加载    background = pygame.image.load('images/bg.png')    blackStorn = pygame.image.load('images/storn_black.png')    whiteStorn = pygame.image.load('images/storn_white.png')    winStornW = pygame.image.load('images/white.png')    winStornB = pygame.image.load('images/black.png')    rect = blackStorn.get_rect()     while True:        screen.blit(background, (0, 0))        # 更新棋盘棋子        for temp in initChessList:            for point in temp:                if point.value == 1:                    screen.blit(whiteStorn, (point.x - 18, point.y - 18))                    pass                elif point.value == 2:                    screen.blit(blackStorn, (point.x - 18, point.y - 18))                    pass                pass            pass        # 如果已经判决出输赢        if resultFlag > 0:            initChessList = []      # 清空棋盘            initChessSquare(27, 27) # 重新初始化棋盘            if resultFlag == 1:                screen.blit(winStornW, (50,100))            else:                screen.blit(winStornB, (50,100))            pass        pygame.display.update()         if resultFlag >0:            time.sleep(3)            resultFlag = 0            pass        eventHandler()        pass     pass if __name__ == "__main__":    main()    pass






