

发表于:2025-01-22 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月22日,这期内容当中小编将会给大家带来有关如何进行Ruby线程相关知识点分析,文章内容丰富且以专业的角度为大家分析和叙述,阅读完这篇文章希望大家可以有所收获。Ruby语言一款完全面向对象的解释型脚本语言。对于
千家信息网最后更新 2025年01月22日如何进行Ruby线程相关知识点分析



今天看了Ruby线程部分。《Programming Ruby》***版的HTML版的线程和进程部分讲得很详细。看完后感觉就好像又把操作系统的这一部分重温了一遍。尤其是Spawning New Processes那一节,如果没有学过操作系统还真不知道他说什么。

IO.popen,其中的popen,我理解应该是应该是"piped open"的意思。其中这段Ruby线程代码,

  1. pipe = IO.popen("-","w+")

  2. if pipe

  3. pipe.puts "Get a job!"

  4. $stderr.puts "Child says

  5. else

  6. $stderr.puts "Dad says

  7. puts "OK"

  8. end

简直和Unix课里面的fork代码示例一样,父子进程共享同一段代码。《Programming Ruby》对这段代码的解释是"There's one more twist to popen. If the command you pass it is a single minus sign (``--''), popen will fork a new Ruby interpreter. Both this and the original interpreter will continue running by returning from the popen. The original process will receive an IO object back, while the child will receive nil. "。



  1. require 'thread'

  2. class Consumer

  3. def initialize(queue,

  4. @queuequeue = queue

  5. @stdout_mutexstdout_mutex
    = stdout_mutex

  6. end

  7. def consume

  8. product = @queue.pop

  9. @stdout_mutex.synchronize {

  10. puts "Product #{product}

  11. $stdout.flush

  12. }

  13. end

  14. end

  15. class Producer

  16. def initialize(queue, stdout_mutex)

  17. @queuequeue = queue

  18. end

  19. def produce

  20. product = rand(10)

  21. @queue.push(product)

  22. @stdout_mutex.synchronize {

  23. puts "Product #{product} produced."

  24. $stdout.flush

  25. }

  26. end

  27. end

  28. sized_queue = SizedQueue.new(10)

  29. stdout_mutex = Mutex.new

  30. consumer_threads = []

  31. 100.times {

  32. consumer_threads << Thread.new {

  33. consumer = Consumer.new(sized_
    queue, stdout_mutex)

  34. consumer.consume

  35. }

  36. Thread.new {

  37. producer = Producer.new(sized_
    queue, stdout_mutex)

  38. producer.produce

  39. }

  40. }

  41. consumer_threads.each {
    |thread| thread.join }
