

发表于:2025-02-19 作者:千家信息网编辑
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月19日,本篇内容介绍了"PostgreSQL中的Rules有什么作用"的有关知识,在实际案例的操作过程中,不少人都会遇到这样的困境,接下来就让小编带领大家学习一下如何处理这些情况吧!希望大家仔细阅读,能够学有
千家信息网最后更新 2025年02月19日PostgreSQL中的​Rules有什么作用



%{Declarations%}Definitions%%Rules%%User subroutines


在Flex的模式文件中,%%和%%之间的内容被称为规则(rules),每一行表示一条规则,每条规则由匹配模式(pattern)和 动作(action)组成。其中模式在前面,用正则表达式表示,动作在后面,即C代码。每当一个模式被匹配到时,后面的C代码将被执行。
Flex会将规则翻译成名为yylex的函数,该函数扫描输入文件(默认标准输入),当扫描到一个完整的、最长的、可以和某条规则的正则表达式所匹配的输入时,函数会执行此规则后面的C代码。如果代码中没有return语句,则执行完毕后,yylex会继续运行,开始下一轮的扫描和匹配。注意:当有多条规则的模式被匹配到时, yylex会优先选择匹配长度最长的那条规则,如果有匹配长度相等的规则,则选择排在最前面的那条规则。


%%{whitespace}    {                    //--------- 空白字符                    //忽略,不作任何处理                    /* ignore */                }{xcstart}        {                    //--------- C风格注释                    /* Set location in case of syntax error in comment */                    //设置位置,以防注释中的语法错误                    SET_YYLLOC();                    //深度                    yyextra->xcdepth = 0;                    //进入xc状态                    BEGIN(xc);                    /* Put back any characters past slash-star; see above */                    //把斜杠星后的字符放回去                    // 注意:"/*"是2个字符,从位置2(偏移从0起算)开始把之后的字符放回去                    yyless(2);                }{xcstart}    {                    //遇到下一层的注释,深度+1                    (yyextra->xcdepth)++;                    /* Put back any characters past slash-star; see above */                    //类似的,把之后的字符放回去                    yyless(2);                }{xcstop}    {                    //层次≤0,回到INITIAL状态,否则层次减1                    if (yyextra->xcdepth <= 0)                        BEGIN(INITIAL);                    else                        (yyextra->xcdepth)--;                }{xcinside}    {                    //注释里面的内容,忽略                    /* ignore */                }{op_chars}    {                    //注释里面的内容,忽略                    /* ignore */                }\*+            {                    //注释里面的内容,忽略                    /* ignore */                }<>        { yyerror("unterminated /* comment"); }//遇到结束符,出错{xbstart}        {                    /* Binary bit type.                     * At some point we should simply pass the string                     * forward to the parser and label it there.                     * In the meantime, place a leading "b" on the string                     * to mark it for the input routine as a binary string.                     */                    //--------- 二进制位串                    //在某些点上,我们应该简单的把字符串向前传递给解析器并标记它                    //在此期间,设置一个打头的字符"b"以标记该输入为二进制串                    SET_YYLLOC();                    BEGIN(xb);                    startlit();                    addlitchar('b', yyscanner);                }{quotestop}    |{quotefail} {                    yyless(1);                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    yylval->str = litbufdup(yyscanner);                    return BCONST;                }{xhinside}    |{xbinside}    {                    addlit(yytext, yyleng, yyscanner);                }{quotecontinue}    |{quotecontinue}    {                    /* ignore */                }<>        { yyerror("unterminated bit string literal"); }{xhstart}        {                    //------------- 十六进制串                    /* Hexadecimal bit type.                     * At some point we should simply pass the string                     * forward to the parser and label it there.                     * In the meantime, place a leading "x" on the string                     * to mark it for the input routine as a hex string.                     */                    SET_YYLLOC();                    BEGIN(xh);                    startlit();                    addlitchar('x', yyscanner);                }{quotestop}    |{quotefail} {                    yyless(1);                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    yylval->str = litbufdup(yyscanner);                    return XCONST;                }<>        { yyerror("unterminated hexadecimal string literal"); }{xnstart}        {                    //------------- 国家字符                    /* National character.                     * We will pass this along as a normal character string,                     * but preceded with an internally-generated "NCHAR".                     */                    const ScanKeyword *keyword;                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yyless(1);    /* eat only 'n' this time */                    keyword = ScanKeywordLookup("nchar",                                                yyextra->keywords,                                                yyextra->num_keywords);                    if (keyword != NULL)                    {                        yylval->keyword = keyword->name;                        return keyword->value;                    }                    else                    {                        /* If NCHAR isn't a keyword, just return "n" */                        yylval->str = pstrdup("n");                        return IDENT;                    }                }{xqstart}        {                    yyextra->warn_on_first_escape = true;                    yyextra->saw_non_ascii = false;                    SET_YYLLOC();                    if (yyextra->standard_conforming_strings)                        BEGIN(xq);                    else                        BEGIN(xe);                    startlit();                }{xestart}        {                    yyextra->warn_on_first_escape = false;                    yyextra->saw_non_ascii = false;                    SET_YYLLOC();                    BEGIN(xe);                    startlit();                }{xusstart}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    if (!yyextra->standard_conforming_strings)                        ereport(ERROR,                                (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),                                 errmsg("unsafe use of string constant with Unicode escapes"),                                 errdetail("String constants with Unicode escapes cannot be used when standard_conforming_strings is off."),                                 lexer_errposition()));                    BEGIN(xus);                    startlit();                }{quotestop}    |{quotefail} {                    yyless(1);                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    /*                     * check that the data remains valid if it might have been                     * made invalid by unescaping any chars.                     */                    if (yyextra->saw_non_ascii)                        pg_verifymbstr(yyextra->literalbuf,                                       yyextra->literallen,                                       false);                    yylval->str = litbufdup(yyscanner);                    return SCONST;                }{quotestop} |{quotefail} {                    /* throw back all but the quote */                    yyless(1);                    /* xusend state looks for possible UESCAPE */                    BEGIN(xusend);                }{whitespace} {                    /* stay in xusend state over whitespace */                }<> |{other} |{xustop1} {                    /* no UESCAPE after the quote, throw back everything */                    yyless(0);                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    yylval->str = litbuf_udeescape('\\', yyscanner);                    return SCONST;                }{xustop2} {                    /* found UESCAPE after the end quote */                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    if (!check_uescapechar(yytext[yyleng - 2]))                    {                        SET_YYLLOC();                        ADVANCE_YYLLOC(yyleng - 2);                        yyerror("invalid Unicode escape character");                    }                    yylval->str = litbuf_udeescape(yytext[yyleng - 2],                                                   yyscanner);                    return SCONST;                }{xqdouble} {                    addlitchar('\'', yyscanner);                }{xqinside}  {                    addlit(yytext, yyleng, yyscanner);                }{xeinside}  {                    addlit(yytext, yyleng, yyscanner);                }{xeunicode} {                    pg_wchar    c = strtoul(yytext + 2, NULL, 16);                    check_escape_warning(yyscanner);                    if (is_utf16_surrogate_first(c))                    {                        yyextra->utf16_first_part = c;                        BEGIN(xeu);                    }                    else if (is_utf16_surrogate_second(c))                        yyerror("invalid Unicode surrogate pair");                    else                        addunicode(c, yyscanner);                }{xeunicode} {                    pg_wchar    c = strtoul(yytext + 2, NULL, 16);                    if (!is_utf16_surrogate_second(c))                        yyerror("invalid Unicode surrogate pair");                    c = surrogate_pair_to_codepoint(yyextra->utf16_first_part, c);                    addunicode(c, yyscanner);                    BEGIN(xe);                }.            { yyerror("invalid Unicode surrogate pair"); }\n            { yyerror("invalid Unicode surrogate pair"); }<>    { yyerror("invalid Unicode surrogate pair"); }{xeunicodefail}    {                    ereport(ERROR,                            (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE),                             errmsg("invalid Unicode escape"),                             errhint("Unicode escapes must be \\uXXXX or \\UXXXXXXXX."),                             lexer_errposition()));                }{xeescape}  {                    if (yytext[1] == '\'')                    {                        if (yyextra->backslash_quote == BACKSLASH_QUOTE_OFF ||                            (yyextra->backslash_quote == BACKSLASH_QUOTE_SAFE_ENCODING &&                             PG_ENCODING_IS_CLIENT_ONLY(pg_get_client_encoding())))                            ereport(ERROR,                                    (errcode(ERRCODE_NONSTANDARD_USE_OF_ESCAPE_CHARACTER),                                     errmsg("unsafe use of \\' in a string literal"),                                     errhint("Use '' to write quotes in strings. \\' is insecure in client-only encodings."),                                     lexer_errposition()));                    }                    check_string_escape_warning(yytext[1], yyscanner);                    addlitchar(unescape_single_char(yytext[1], yyscanner),                               yyscanner);                }{xeoctesc}  {                    unsigned char c = strtoul(yytext + 1, NULL, 8);                    check_escape_warning(yyscanner);                    addlitchar(c, yyscanner);                    if (c == '\0' || IS_HIGHBIT_SET(c))                        yyextra->saw_non_ascii = true;                }{xehexesc}  {                    unsigned char c = strtoul(yytext + 2, NULL, 16);                    check_escape_warning(yyscanner);                    addlitchar(c, yyscanner);                    if (c == '\0' || IS_HIGHBIT_SET(c))                        yyextra->saw_non_ascii = true;                }{quotecontinue} {                    /* ignore */                }.            {                    /* This is only needed for \ just before EOF */                    addlitchar(yytext[0], yyscanner);                }<>        { yyerror("unterminated quoted string"); }{dolqdelim}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yyextra->dolqstart = pstrdup(yytext);                    BEGIN(xdolq);                    startlit();                }{dolqfailed}    {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    /* throw back all but the initial "$" */                    yyless(1);                    /* and treat it as {other} */                    return yytext[0];                }{dolqdelim} {                    if (strcmp(yytext, yyextra->dolqstart) == 0)                    {                        pfree(yyextra->dolqstart);                        yyextra->dolqstart = NULL;                        BEGIN(INITIAL);                        yylval->str = litbufdup(yyscanner);                        return SCONST;                    }                    else                    {                        /*                         * When we fail to match $...$ to dolqstart, transfer                         * the $... part to the output, but put back the final                         * $ for rescanning.  Consider $delim$...$junk$delim$                         */                        addlit(yytext, yyleng - 1, yyscanner);                        yyless(yyleng - 1);                    }                }{dolqinside} {                    addlit(yytext, yyleng, yyscanner);                }{dolqfailed} {                    addlit(yytext, yyleng, yyscanner);                }.        {                    /* This is only needed for $ inside the quoted text */                    addlitchar(yytext[0], yyscanner);                }<>    { yyerror("unterminated dollar-quoted string"); }{xdstart}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    BEGIN(xd);                    startlit();                }{xuistart}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    BEGIN(xui);                    startlit();                }{xdstop}    {                    char       *ident;                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    if (yyextra->literallen == 0)                        yyerror("zero-length delimited identifier");                    ident = litbufdup(yyscanner);                    if (yyextra->literallen >= NAMEDATALEN)                        truncate_identifier(ident, yyextra->literallen, true);                    yylval->str = ident;                    return IDENT;                }{dquote} {                    yyless(1);                    /* xuiend state looks for possible UESCAPE */                    BEGIN(xuiend);                }{whitespace} {                    /* stay in xuiend state over whitespace */                }<> |{other} |{xustop1} {                    /* no UESCAPE after the quote, throw back everything */                    char       *ident;                    int            identlen;                    yyless(0);                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    if (yyextra->literallen == 0)                        yyerror("zero-length delimited identifier");                    ident = litbuf_udeescape('\\', yyscanner);                    identlen = strlen(ident);                    if (identlen >= NAMEDATALEN)                        truncate_identifier(ident, identlen, true);                    yylval->str = ident;                    return IDENT;                }{xustop2}    {                    /* found UESCAPE after the end quote */                    char       *ident;                    int            identlen;                    BEGIN(INITIAL);                    if (yyextra->literallen == 0)                        yyerror("zero-length delimited identifier");                    if (!check_uescapechar(yytext[yyleng - 2]))                    {                        SET_YYLLOC();                        ADVANCE_YYLLOC(yyleng - 2);                        yyerror("invalid Unicode escape character");                    }                    ident = litbuf_udeescape(yytext[yyleng - 2], yyscanner);                    identlen = strlen(ident);                    if (identlen >= NAMEDATALEN)                        truncate_identifier(ident, identlen, true);                    yylval->str = ident;                    return IDENT;                }{xddouble}    {                    addlitchar('"', yyscanner);                }{xdinside}    {                    addlit(yytext, yyleng, yyscanner);                }<>        { yyerror("unterminated quoted identifier"); }{xufailed}    {                    char       *ident;                    SET_YYLLOC();                    /* throw back all but the initial u/U */                    yyless(1);                    /* and treat it as {identifier} */                    ident = downcase_truncate_identifier(yytext, yyleng, true);                    yylval->str = ident;                    return IDENT;                }{typecast}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return TYPECAST;                }{dot_dot}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return DOT_DOT;                }{colon_equals}    {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return COLON_EQUALS;                }{equals_greater} {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return EQUALS_GREATER;                }{less_equals}    {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return LESS_EQUALS;                }{greater_equals} {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return GREATER_EQUALS;                }{less_greater}    {                    /* We accept both "<>" and "!=" as meaning NOT_EQUALS */                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return NOT_EQUALS;                }{not_equals}    {                    /* We accept both "<>" and "!=" as meaning NOT_EQUALS */                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return NOT_EQUALS;                }{self}            {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return yytext[0];                }{operator}        {                    /*                     * Check for embedded slash-star or dash-dash; those                     * are comment starts, so operator must stop there.                     * Note that slash-star or dash-dash at the first                     * character will match a prior rule, not this one.                     */                    int            nchars = yyleng;                    char       *slashstar = strstr(yytext, "/*");                    char       *dashdash = strstr(yytext, "--");                    if (slashstar && dashdash)                    {                        /* if both appear, take the first one */                        if (slashstar > dashdash)                            slashstar = dashdash;                    }                    else if (!slashstar)                        slashstar = dashdash;                    if (slashstar)                        nchars = slashstar - yytext;                    /*                     * For SQL compatibility, '+' and '-' cannot be the                     * last char of a multi-char operator unless the operator                     * contains chars that are not in SQL operators.                     * The idea is to lex '=-' as two operators, but not                     * to forbid operator names like '?-' that could not be                     * sequences of SQL operators.                     */                    if (nchars > 1 &&                        (yytext[nchars - 1] == '+' ||                         yytext[nchars - 1] == '-'))                    {                        int            ic;                        for (ic = nchars - 2; ic >= 0; ic--)                        {                            char c = yytext[ic];                            if (c == '~' || c == '!' || c == '@' ||                                c == '#' || c == '^' || c == '&' ||                                c == '|' || c == '`' || c == '?' ||                                c == '%')                                break;                        }                        if (ic < 0)                        {                            /*                             * didn't find a qualifying character, so remove                             * all trailing [+-]                             */                            do {                                nchars--;                            } while (nchars > 1 &&                                 (yytext[nchars - 1] == '+' ||                                  yytext[nchars - 1] == '-'));                        }                    }                    SET_YYLLOC();                    if (nchars < yyleng)                    {                        /* Strip the unwanted chars from the token */                        yyless(nchars);                        /*                         * If what we have left is only one char, and it's                         * one of the characters matching "self", then                         * return it as a character token the same way                         * that the "self" rule would have.                         */                        if (nchars == 1 &&                            strchr(",()[].;:+-*/%^<>=", yytext[0]))                            return yytext[0];                        /*                         * Likewise, if what we have left is two chars, and                         * those match the tokens ">=", "<=", "=>", "<>" or                         * "!=", then we must return the appropriate token                         * rather than the generic Op.                         */                        if (nchars == 2)                        {                            if (yytext[0] == '=' && yytext[1] == '>')                                return EQUALS_GREATER;                            if (yytext[0] == '>' && yytext[1] == '=')                                return GREATER_EQUALS;                            if (yytext[0] == '<' && yytext[1] == '=')                                return LESS_EQUALS;                            if (yytext[0] == '<' && yytext[1] == '>')                                return NOT_EQUALS;                            if (yytext[0] == '!' && yytext[1] == '=')                                return NOT_EQUALS;                        }                    }                    /*                     * Complain if operator is too long.  Unlike the case                     * for identifiers, we make this an error not a notice-                     * and-truncate, because the odds are we are looking at                     * a syntactic mistake anyway.                     */                    if (nchars >= NAMEDATALEN)                        yyerror("operator too long");                    yylval->str = pstrdup(yytext);                    return Op;                }{param}            {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yylval->ival = atol(yytext + 1);                    return PARAM;                }{integer}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return process_integer_literal(yytext, yylval);                }{decimal}        {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yylval->str = pstrdup(yytext);                    return FCONST;                }{decimalfail}    {                    /* throw back the .., and treat as integer */                    yyless(yyleng - 2);                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return process_integer_literal(yytext, yylval);                }{real}            {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yylval->str = pstrdup(yytext);                    return FCONST;                }{realfail1}        {                    /*                     * throw back the [Ee], and treat as {decimal}.  Note                     * that it is possible the input is actually {integer},                     * but since this case will almost certainly lead to a                     * syntax error anyway, we don't bother to distinguish.                     */                    yyless(yyleng - 1);                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yylval->str = pstrdup(yytext);                    return FCONST;                }{realfail2}        {                    /* throw back the [Ee][+-], and proceed as above */                    yyless(yyleng - 2);                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yylval->str = pstrdup(yytext);                    return FCONST;                }{identifier}    {                    //---------- 标识符                    const ScanKeyword *keyword;                    char       *ident;                    SET_YYLLOC();                    /* Is it a keyword? */                    //是否关键字?                    keyword = ScanKeywordLookup(yytext,                                                yyextra->keywords,                                                yyextra->num_keywords);                    if (keyword != NULL)                    {                        //是,则返回关键字值                        yylval->keyword = keyword->name;                        return keyword->value;                    }                    /*                     * No.  Convert the identifier to lower case, and truncate                     * if necessary.                     */                    //如果不是关键字,则设置为小写字母,如需要则截断                    ident = downcase_truncate_identifier(yytext, yyleng, true);                    yylval->str = ident;                    return IDENT;                }{other}            {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    return yytext[0];                }<>            {                    SET_YYLLOC();                    yyterminate();                }%%
